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Advice / Conseils
For navigation use only updated regulatory documents /
Pour la navigation n'utiliser que des documents réglementaires à jour.
GPS is more accurate than nautical charts /
Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine
Web Servers / Serveurs Web
You can use the nearest or faster server / Vous pouvez utiliser le serveur le plus proche ou le plus rapide :
Caption / Légende
I - List by Countries and Organizations / Liste par pays et organismes
III - Miscellaneous Maritime Informations / Informations maritimes diverses
Este catálogo contiene la información básica sobre las Cartas y Publicaciones que edita el Servicio de Hidrografía Naval. También:
View online charts (ENC) / Cartes marines consultables en ligne (CEN)
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Geoportal para Agentina con Cartas de Navegación Electrónicas (CNE-ENC) y también Ayudas a la Navegación, Faros, Boyas y Balizas, Estaciones AIS AtoN, Zonas NAVTEX, Límites Láminas ENC, Límites Cartas Papel, Radioavisos vigentes (Navarea VI, Navtex, Rio de la Plata, Rios)...
Índice : Antecedentes históricos - Principios generales del sistema - Reglas - Mapa de las regiones A y B. Se podrá bajar gratuitamente en formato PDF completando un formulario.
Según la definición del Diccionario del Bureau Hidrográfico Internacional, faro es "una estructura distintiva sobre una costa o alejada de la misma que presenta una luz principal destinada a servir de ayuda a la navegación". Más precisamente, una construcción costera que posee una señal luminosa característica cuya función es orientar al navegante. En este sitio se actualizan las características nocturna y diurna de los faros permanentemente ya que afectan la Seguridad Náutica. No obstante, los navegantes deberán consultar las publicaciones reglamentarias Faros y Señales Marítimas, los Avisos a los Navegantes y Radioavisos Náuticos respecto a este tema.
En estas Tablas de Marea (datos en PDF) se publican las horas y alturas de las pleamares y bajamares para los puertos de la República Argentina y algunos puertos de la República Oriental del Uruguay para el corriente año. Asimismo, se incluyen predicciones horarias para algunos puertos patrones argentinos cuyas características de marea así lo requieren. Para su mejor utilización esta publicación se divide en cuatro partes: Primera parte contiene las predicciones diarias de las horas y alturas de la marea para 3 puertos de Uruguay y 59 de Argentina. Segunda parte incluye las correcciones que deben aplicarse a los puertos patrones para obtener la predicción de 84 puertos secundarios argentinos. Tercera parte se describe un método para calcular la altura de la marea en un instante prefijado y para resolver el problema inverso. Se brindan tablas de conversión entre metros, pies y brazas, pasos de la Luna por el primer meridiano, fases y declinación de la Luna, instantes de perigeo, apogeo, equinoccio y solsticio. También se agregan un cuadro y dos gráficos vinculados a la emisión de señales horarias generadas por el Observatorio Naval Buenos Aires. Cuarta parte contiene un glosario de términos utilizados en esta publicación, un listado de los Agentes de Venta y una Tabla de Interpolación.
En el formulario de tablas de marea (datos en HTML) se publican las horas y alturas de pleamares y bajamares para los puertos de la República Argentina y algunos de Uruguay. Además se incluyen predicciones horarias para algunos puertos donde la característica de la marea así lo requiere. Predicciones diarias de las horas y alturas de las pleamares y bajamares.
La información brindada corresponde a los instantes predichos de estoas y de máximas corrientes de marea. Para la máxima corriente se da la intensidad en nudos (1 nudo = 1 milla náutica/hora) y el rumbo en grados (dirección respecto al Norte geográfico y con sentido hacia el Este). Los valores predichos no incluyen al efecto del viento sobre la corriente.
En este Suplemento de Tablas de Marea se publican las alturas horarias para algunos puertos de la Antártida, comprendidos entre las latitudes 60°44´S y 68°12´S y longitudes 67°03´W y 27°19´W. Aquí se presentan alturas horarias para 20 puertos de la Antártida. Las horas están referidas al huso horario +3. Se utiliza la convención que asigna valores positivos a los husos horarios ubicados al Oeste del meridiano de Greenwich y negativos al Este. Las alturas están expresadas en metros y referidas a la bajamar astronómica más baja en cada localidad (LAT). Datos 2022 en PDF.
Se presentan alturas horarias para 20 puertos de la Antártida. Las horas están referidas al huso horario +3. Se utiliza la convención que asigna valores positivos a los husos horarios ubicados al Oeste del meridiano de Greenwich y negativos al Este. Las alturas están expresadas en metros y referidas a la bajamar astronómica más baja en cada localidad (LAT). Datos HTML.
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Nomenclatura de la OMM del Hielo Marino: Terminología del hielo ordenada alfabéticamente y Terminología del hielo ordenada por conceptos - Código del óvalo (Huevo): Sistema de la simbología del hielo marino de la OMM - Hielo flotante en el mar: mural con compendio de identificación, nomencaltura y códigos en uso - Gruñones (growlers): trozos de hielo pequeños y duros más peligrosos para los buques.
Parte Glaciológico - Seguimiento de Témpanos mayores a 10 MN - Borde de Hielo Marino - Cartas de Hielo (Pasaje Drake, Islas Orcadas del Sur y adyacencias, Mar de la Flota e islas Shetland del Sur, Canales hasta Isla Belgrano, Bellingshausen y Bahía Margarita, Estrecho Antarctic y Golfo Erebus y Terror, Weddell general, Weddell NW, Weddell Sur) - Observaciones Glaciológicas (Ice observations in Spanish and English).
Se ha desarrollado el presente Manual a fin de servir como fuente de consulta y guía al momento de realizar las observaciones glaciológicas, tanto desde un buque como desde una base antártica. El correcto uso de la terminología, así como las explicaciones que encontrarán en este Manual, le permitirán al usuario realizar las observaciones según estándares internacionales con la posibilidad de generar los mensajes codificados IILL e IISS, que contienen el detalle de la información registrada. Así mismo, la transmisión de estos mensajes con información glaciológica permitirá a la División Glaciología del Departamento Meteorología del SERVICIO DE HIDROGRAFÍA NAVAL, el control de calidad de la información, la verificación del procesamiento de imágenes satelitales de alta resolución y la generación de más y mejores productos que sirvan para el asesoramiento glaciológico y de apoyo en la toma de decisión a los Comandantes y Autoridades en el planeamiento y/o ejecución de las actividades antárticas.
La presente publicación tiene por objeto proveer a los navegantes los elementos astronómicos esenciales para el posicionamiento en el mar. También contiene datos útiles a la navegación. La precisión de estas efemérides está en el orden de la que posee el instrumental de a bordo. Cada dos páginas diarias consecutivas de este volumen se encuentran los datos correspondientes a tres días del año, expresados en Tiempo Universal (UT). El Almanaque provee los elementos de Aries, Sol, Luna y tres de los planetas principales: Venus, Marte y Júpiter. Esta publicación se ha estructurado en cuatro partes. La primera ofrece información sobre el calendario, fases de la Luna y eclipses. La segunda, cuerpo principal, lo constituyen las páginas diarias con los datos de astros observables del Sistema Solar, Aries y la posición para el día 15 de cada mes de 54 estrellas brillantes. En la tercera parte se completan los datos de las estrellas brillantes. Esta publicación cuenta además con un glosario, en el que se definen los términos más utilizados en la navegación astronómica, y con la descripción de las señales horarias y frecuencias patrones generadas por el Observatorio Naval Buenos Aires. Finalmente se incluye un conjunto de tablas para facilitar la interpolación y reducción de las observacione. Instruccciones paginas 251-259 y índice página 327.
Sol, planetas y estrellas. Publicación que contiene datos sobre las posiciones aparentes de 324 estrellas fundamentales brillantes cada diez días, las efemérides del Sol, la Luna y cuatro planetas, el tiempo sidéreo a 0h TU y la ecuación del tiempo, junto a tablas que corrigen las observaciones y factores de conversión que agilizan los cálculos, contiene los datos necesarios para determinar la posiciȯn geográfica mediante observaciones astronómicas. Se complementa con un calendario, eclipses de Sol y de Luna, fases lunares, equinoccios y solsticios.
Programa interactivo que calcula para cualquier latitud terrestre que no supere los 80°, salidas, tránsito y puestas del Sol, la Luna y cuatro planetas para varios días, asimismo las coordenadas horizontales y ecuatoriales de dichos objetos celestes en un instante dado, las fases de la Luna y los instantes de comienzo y fin de los crepúsculos civil, náutico y astronómico. También permite calcular el tiempo sidéreo y la ecuación del tiempo. Este programa permite calcular hasta 365 datos, guardarlos en un archivo e imprimirlos (Windows).
Información sobre las señales horarias: Señales horarias generadas por el ONBA. Cuadro de señales horarias. Hora oficial por radiotelefonía. Servicio de frecuencia patrones y hora. Husos horarios adoptados en la República Argentina. Hora oficial en diferentes lugares del mundo.
La altura significativa se infiere en el modelo a partir de la energía total de las olas. Se asemeja a la altura característica que un observador experimentado estima visualmente en un campo de olas y es la medida representativa del campo más utilizada. Sin embargo, se debe destacar que las olas individuales pueden exceder la altura significativa (idealmente algo más del 13 % de las olas) y aun en condiciones normales, alguna ola individual podría duplicar esta altura. La dirección del pico es la dirección media en las frecuencias que contienen la máxima energía y es cercana, en general, a la dirección del máximo. El período del pico de energía o período dominante es el correspondiente a las frecuencias que contienen la máxima energía. Todas las alturas se expresan en metros. Oceanos Australes: Altura significativa - Oceano Atlántico: Altura significativa y también Altura de olas de mar de viento
Descargar publicaciones náuticas y programas: Almanaque Náutico y Aeronáutico - Efemérides - Límite Exterior de la Zona Económica Exclusiva de la República Argentina - Sistema de Información Glaciológica SIGLAC-C V1.1.0 - Sistema de Balizamiento Marítimo - Tablas de Marea...
Geoportal con los avisos vigentes para Argentina: NAVAREA VI - NAVTEX Ushuaia - NAVTEX Rio Gallegos - NAVTEX Comodoro Rivadavia - NAVTEX Bahia Blanca - NAVTEX Mar del Plata - NAVTEX Buenos Aires - Riopla - Rios. Este geoportal no reemplaza los canales oficiales de comunicacion navtex y safetynet. Limites internacionales y espacios maritimos aproximados. No apta para navegar.
Este Sitio se actualiza permanentemente con los acontecimientos que afectan a la seguridad náutica, no obstante se recomienda a los navegantes utilizar la difusión de los radioavisos náuticos a través de los diferentes canales de comunicación radial o satelital. Índice :
El Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (SHN) presta el Servicio Público de Seguridad Náutica, entre otras actividades, editando desde 1918, la Publicación H-216 "Folleto de Avisos a los Navegantes". En la Sección I contiene los avisos a los navegantes con las modificaciones a ser incorporadas por los mismos en todas las versiones (soportes) de las Cartas Náuticas (Papel, Raster - BSB y Electrónicas de Navegación ENC / S-57), Croquis de los Ríos, Derroteros Náuticos, Listas de Faros y Señales Marítimas, Radioayudas para la Navegación y demás publicaciones náuticas editadas por este servicio. Desde el 1° de enero de 2008 su frecuencia es mensual (Más informaciónes).
The Mariner’s Handbook for Australian Waters (AHP20) is an official nautical publication. This publication provides mariners with important regulatory, procedural and environmental information affecting the planning and conduct of a voyage to, or from, Australian ports, or within Australian waters. It includes a summary of all relevant information from various Australian government agencies under the cover of one combined reference, with links to further information if required. The publication includes: Major Australian maritime legislation and regulations - Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Pilotage arrangements - Torres Strait and Great Barrier Reef shipping routes, accident and incident reporting - Maritime Safety Information, meteorological broadcasts, Warnings, search and rescue - Ship Reporting Systems: AUSREP and REEFVTS - Maritime security - Pilots, boarding arrangements, arrival and departure notification requirements, VHF Channels and port contact details - Mariners guide to interpreting the accuracy of depth information in Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) - Important information relating to the accuracy of charts, Zones of Confidence (ZOCs) - Effects of over-scaling in Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)... More information).
AHO Fact Sheets provide answers to the AHO’s most frequently asked questions. They provide a ready reference for mariners, provide links to sources of more information, and are a starting point for those providing instruction to mariners. Fact sheets: AusENC Frequently Asked Questions - Official and Unofficial Electronic Charts - GPS Receivers and Chart Datums - Tides: Calculating HW and LW at Secondary Ports - Accuracy and Reliability of Paper Nautical Charts - Understanding Paper Nautical Chart Symbology - Updating Paper Nautical Charts...
The Australian Chart and Publication Maintenance Handbook providesinformation to assist mariners to keep paper and electronic nautical charts and publications up to date, as well as to keep appropriate maintenance records. By using this book, mariners should be able to meet their obligations under both national and international maritime legislation and the more specific inspection requirements imposed by safety and regulatory authorities.
How accurate are nautical charts? How much faith can be placed in them? Unfortunately, the answer is quite complex – far more complex than simply saying one chart is accurate whilst another is not. However, having the necessary skills should be essential for any mariner venturing into unfamiliar waters. All charts, whether paper or electronic, contain data which varies in quality due to the age and accuracy of individual surveys. In general, remote areas away from shipping routes tend to be less well surveyed, and less frequently, while areas of high commercial traffic are re-surveyed frequently to very high levels of accuracy, particularly where under-keel clearances are small. It is quite accurate to consider a chart as a jigsaw of individual surveys pieced together to form a single image.
Written in an easy to read “question and answer” style, this publication answers over twenty of the most commonly asked questions about electronic charts (ENCs and RNCs) and their use in ECDIS and ECS. Its main emphasis is on what types of chart data and types of equipment can be used to satisfy the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) carriage requirements for charts (IHO, S-66, 2018).
At first glance, a chart looks simple to interpret. However, what exactly do all those different symbols mean? Before your next day on the water, have a look at the symbols taken from a few Australian Paper Nautical Charts.
Paper Charting Information. Frequently asked questions about paper charts in Autralia.
The electronic chart carriage rules and regulations in Australian waters. For a comprehensive overview about electronic charts (ENC and RNC), electronic charting systems (ECDIS and ECS) and electronic chart carriage requirements under the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), we recommend you read this page.
View online Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) / Cartes marines vectorielles consulable en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The AHO has released a new web service to facilitate the discovery of our charting products (paper charts and ENC) in an easy to use graphical interface that has the option to display our ENC content around Austrlia as background. For ENC click on the four windows icon and then click on "AHO ENC Series Basemap" icon. The data contained in this service is provided for information and product discovery purposes only and must not be used for navigation and decisions for this purpose must not be made using the data presented in this service.
Electronic Navigational Charts for upload (ENC) / Cartes marines vectorielles téléchargables
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
A free unprotected ENC data cell, covering an area of the Torres Strait including Varzin Passage is available below for download and evaluation. This ENC cell is for evaluation purposes only and is not to be used for naviation.
![]() Australia: Current Tropical Cyclones (BOM) |
There are many words, phrases, acronyms and abbreviations used in hydrographic applications. On this glossary you can find a concise list of these as well as links to other related glossaries of Hydrographic terms.
Terms that are often used in Tidal Science.
Definitions for common astronomical terms (Geoscience Australia).
The transit time of a celestial body refers to the instant that its center crosses an imaginary line in the sky - the observer's meridian. It's represents the time at which the body is highest in the sky on any given day: the transit of the Sun is local solar (sundial) noon. At the twilight time in the absence of moonlight, artificial lighting or adverse atmospheric conditions, the illumination is such that large objects may be seen but no detail is discernible. The brightest stars and planets can be seen and for navigation purposes at sea, the sea horizon is clearly defined (Geoscience Australia).
The Maritime Gazetteer of Australia (MGA) is a searchable database containing all the place names used in Australia's official navigational charts.
Australian Notices to Mariners are produced fortnightly to inform mariners of amendments of navigational significance to their chart portfolios. Notices to Mariners, tracings, blocks and other supplements are available in PDF format (More informations).
An EPIRB is a critical piece of safety equipment for crew and passengers on sinking or capsized vessels, in a fire, collision or vessel grounding. From 1 January 2021, new laws covering the carriage of emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) will apply to certain types of domestic commercial vessels (DCV). The type of EPIRB you need depends on vessel class, length, flotation and operating area.
This Pilot Advisory Note (2/2020) informs about circumstances where the information depicted on an ENC may differ to the information on a paper chart for the same location. Note that in all cases where a difference may be noted: 1) The ENC depiction will more closely resemble real-world features due to scale limitations inherent in paper charts; 2) ENC are used as the source for updating paper charts – updates to paper charts will therefore either be released in parallel with the ENC, or lag behind, but will never precede an ENC update.
This marine notice (8/2021) draws attention to important information regarding the proper operation of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), including the importance of adequate and up to date Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs), for ships visiting Australian ports.
Vessel traffic services (VTS) assist domestic and international vessels to avoid dangerous situations in our region. There are currently 15 authorised vessel traffic services in Australia including REEFVTS (Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Services). Here is a list of VTS areas in Autralia with specific information.
The environmental and cultural significance of the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait regions are internationally recognised. In 1990 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) named these regions Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA). The Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service (Reef VTS) was established in 2004 as a mechanism to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel movements and to help protect the marine environment. The purpose of the Reef VTS user guide is to assist masters of ships transiting the Reef VTS area on the services provided by Reef VTS (2021).
Knowledge of regulations and duties will help you navigate safely on the seas. The safety of shipping depends on you having detailed knowledge of, and complying with, regulatory and other obligations and duties we set out according to our legislation. This quick guide highlights your key obligations when transiting through the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait.
The Queensland coastal passage plan (QCPP) seeks to improve pre-pilotage communications between coastal pilotage providers, the vessels they service, and the appointed coastal pilots. The QCPP improves the readiness of ships transiting coastal pilotage areas within the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait by ensuring voyage plans, waypoints and other planning considerations have been completed in a standardised manner. See also: Passage Plan uniform waypoints.
The Modernised Australian Ship Tracking and Reporting System (MASTREP) is a ship reporting system designed to contribute to safety of life at sea. Participation in MASTREP is mandatory for certain vessels and others are encouraged to participate.
The AIS is a maritime communications device that improves navigation safety and environmental protection by assisting in the effective navigation of ships. See also: LRIT.
Why you need a maritime mobile service identity (MMSI), and how to apply for one. We allocate maritime mobile service identity numbers (MMSI’s) to people who own a vessel or unit that has either: digital selective calling (DSC) capable equipment - automatic identification system (AIS) units.
Frequently asked questions about distress beacon (EPIRB, PLB & ELT) and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI).
The Australian GMDSS Training and Operations Manual. This Handbook has been produced by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), and is intended or use on ships that are: 1) Compulsorily equipped with GMDSS radiocommunication installations in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea Convention 1974 (SOLAS) and Commonwealth or State Government marine legislation; or 2) Voluntarily equipped with GMDSS radiocommunication installations. It is the recommended textbook for candidates wishing to qualify for the Australian GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency.
Marine Order 27 requires a radio log-book to be carried on board vessels subject to the Navigation Act 2012. The GMDSS Radio Log Book (the radio log) should be kept in a location close to the radio station. Pages from this form should be printed as required and kept as a hard-copy. The radio log, and associated records, must be kept onboard for at least 2 years. The radio log must contain a summary of communications relating to distress, urgency and safety messages. Details of commercial communications exchanged via GMDSS communications equipment may also be recorded in the radio log. The radio log should contain a record of important incidents connected with the radio service.
You need a maritime ship licence to use radio equipment on board a ship and you must be qualified to operate a maritime ship station.
Search for a registered ship on the Australian General and International Shipping Registers. You can search for a vessel using basic details about the ship. You can search either by the ship’s name, or the ship's official number for a more accurate search. The official number is the six digit number issued by the Shipping Registration Office to Australian registered ships. Other details such as the type of ship, overall length, or principal material of construction may be useful for searching purposes to check for matches in the register. See also: Search for Australian MMSI number.
The National Search and Rescue Manual is the standard reference document for use by all search and rescue authorities and other organisations that provide search and rescue services in Australia. It outlines the agreed methods of coordination through which search and rescue operations are conducted within Australia. The manual is consistent with the relevant International Conventions to which Australia is party. The National SAR Manual includes material covering: a) Abbreviations, terminology and definitions relevant to SAR practitioners; b) The elements and functions of the Australian SAR system; c) Details of communications, assets and procedures for coordination; d) SAR planning and techniques including worksheets. The National Search and Rescue Manual acts as a set of procedures and guidelines in providing a search and rescue response within Australia.
Seafarers are much more likely to die from injury at work.This brochure provides ideas about simple methods for managing the welfare of your crew.
The National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) sets standards for vessel design, construction, equipment, operation and crew competencies for domestic commercial vessels. We maintain a list of current and superseded versions of the NSCV for your information.
Marine orders are regulations made under Commonwealth legislation. Marine orders contain the detailed requirements and processes ensuring legislation keeps up to date with technical and operational advances in maritime safety and environment protection. They also put international and national maritime standards into effect.
Pilot advisory notes provide guidance specific to coastal pilotage. These resources will provide you with details about under keel clearance requirements, shallow water alerts, incident reporting and reporting procedures, carriage of electronic charting systems, and more.
Marine notices provide important safety related information, general guidance and details about forthcoming changes to legislation to the shipping and maritime community. While marine notices have no legal standing, they provide important safety related information, general guidance, or details about forthcoming changes to legislation.
Navigational maritime safety information (MSI) for NAVAREA X and Australian coastal areas is issued by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Australia. Navigational warnings are current for the time indicated and can be updated by refreshing the webpage. You can search our maritime safety information by selecting the search filter boxes and by sclicking on the search button to display the results. Type of messages: Safety Messages - NAVAREA X warnings - AUSCOAST Coastal warnings - Summary of Mobile Drilling Rigs - Special Purpose Vessels.
![]() VHF marine radio channels |
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The Marine Weather Knowledge Centre provides information about the services the Bureau provides for mariners. These services include forecasts, warnings and observations for the coastal waters and high seas around Australia. See also in PDF : Marine Services Ready Reckoner.
To begin with the tide predictions, choose a location from the map or locations list. Tidal predictions are available in html and pdf. Also tidal streams predictions for Oom Shoal-Mackay (QLD), Hammond Rock (QLD) Tand The Rip (VIC). For some locations tidal predictions are based on limited observations and therefore expected to be less accurate.
The Australian Tides Manual (SP9) brings together in a single, user-friendly form, a large number of existing sources of information on the measurement of tides and tidal currents (By the PCTMLS). Table of Contents: Basic Theory, Tidal Terminology, Analysis and Prediction, Tidal analysis, Tidal classification, Analysis of tidal currents, Long term sea level variability, Environmental Effects on Sea Level, Weather-related effects, Shallow water effects, Tidal Datum Epoch for LAT and HAT, Tidal Planes and Levels, Harmonics-based definitions, Observations-based definitions, The Australian Height Datum (pages 1 to 19).
The Interactive Weather and Wave Forecast Map Viewer is used to display images of computer-generated forecast data for up to the next 7 days. The computer model generated maps contain no input from weather forecasters. The link of the map shows Day+0 data.
A range of services provide current weather information for mariners at sea. VHF radio is accessible from in-shore waters, HF radio for much greater distances off-shore, and the satellite 'Inmarsat C SafetyNET' services provide global access (More information about Marine Weather Services).
Current analysis and forecast fax charts. This is black & white files for radio fax broadcast with FTP and WEB access.
This page provides a summary of the valid weather warnings issued in each State.
Sea-ice satellite imagery for Antarctic and Southern Ocean with visible and infrared images. Regions: Casey, Davis Prydz Bay, Dumont D'Urville - Mertz Glacier, Mawson, Shackleton Ice-Shelf, Terra Nova Bay, West Ice-Shelf, Princess Ragnhild Coast, Enderby Land, Cape Adare Area, Sabrina Coast, Wilkes Coast.
This volume presents a comprehensive account of the theory and practice of weather forecasting in the Antarctic. It is designed to be of practical use to forecasters on the Antarctic stations and on research/supply vessels, but will also be of value to those concerned with research into Antarctic meteorology and climatology. It splits broadly into two parts. In the first, the climatology of the Antarctic is reviewed and there are discussions on the nature of the weather systems found over the continent and Southern Ocean. The means used to forecast all the main meteorological elements are discussed as well as the use of satellite data and the output of numerical weather prediction models. In the second part, the meteorological conditions found at various locations around the Antarctic are considered and guidance provided on the forecasting rules and techniques used at specific locations (British Antarctic Survey).
Space Weather broadly describes the impact of solar activity on technological systems and human well-being here on earth. Dynamic variations on the surface of the sun can release large amounts of energy in various forms including electromagnetic radiation, charged particles and eruptions of huge clouds of ionised gas. These phenomena can significantly affect the earth’s upper atmosphere (ionosphere) and surrounding space environment with impacts felt all the way down to technological systems on the ground. Space weather events that modify the density and/or structure of the ionosphere can significantly impact the performance of HF communications, satellite communication and global navigation satellite systems (e.g. GPS).
This information sheet is designed to assist owners and operators of critical infrastructure better understand the effects of space weather events. These may include disruptions to telecommunication and radio communications systems, satellite navigation systems, energy supply and power grids. Space weather could also lead to damage or loss of critical infrastructure.
The ionosphere is a significant source of error in satellite navigation systems, such as GPS. In ordinary operation the position of a GPS receiver is estimated by measuring the time delay between a radio signal transmitted from each satellite and the reception of that signal at the receiver. Assuming a constant speed of light, this time delay can be converted to a receiver-satellite distance. By comparing the distance to multiple satellites a GPS receiver can determine its three dimensional position. The ionosphere disrupts this approach since the GPS radio signal is slowed by the presence of free electrons, causing an additional time delay and hence an error in the distance to each satellite. The greater the total number of electrons (Total Electron Count, or TEC) on the signal path, the greater the time delay.
This near-real-time map shows the estimated GPS positioning error, in metres of L1, resulting from the difference between the GPS broadcast Klobuchar model of ionospheric delay and the best current estimate of 'true' ionosheric delay, as observed by SWS. It is therefore representative of the ionospheric contribution to GPS position error for single-frequency GPS, which at mid-latitudes typically ranges between 1 and 5m. Both enhancements and depressions of the ionosphere can result in reduced GPS positioning accuracy. The map shows colour contours of position error at GPS L1 (ie single frequency), in units of metres.
Space weather can be described as the solar activity on the surface of the sun creating certain atmospheric events that can affect us here on earth. These environmental conditions are important for us to monitor as they can affect the performance and reliability of our satellites, navigation systems and radio communications. The space weather advisory service targets three broad space weather impact areas for ships: HF Communications (HF COM), GNSS-based navigation and surveillance (GNSS like GPS) and satellite communication (SATCOM). However advisories for SATCOM will not be issued by any space weather centres until further work is undertaken to develop and validate operationally relevant advisory thresholds for this impact area. Further information can be found in the companion Space Weather Hazard brochure. Advisories are issued at either of two intensity thresholds: Moderate (MOD) and Severe (SEV). More information.
There can be many reasons why an HF signal may not reach the intended recipient, including solar flares, ionospheric storms, geomagnetic storms, equipment faults and the choice of frequency. Summary: 1. The ionosphere - 2. HF communications - 3. Effects of solar events on HF communications. Also in HTML.
These pages provide general propagation advice for HF communicators. Information available includes inferred global propagation conditions, real time HF fadeout coverage charts, regional ionospheric vertical MUF maps and Hourly Area Prediction charts. With an animation on the effects of space weather on HF communications (More information about HF Communications Problem).
Tool for HF Prediction: HAP, Min-Max HAP, URSL, GRAFEX, Air Route, LAMP and Frequency selection. Digital HF Prediction: Reliability and other features of digital HF radio. Also VHF/UHF Area Prediction: Calculates and displays RF signal loss for VHF/UHF (30MHz-3GHz).
This handbook "MRO Handbook 2017" is intended for the guidance of radio operators: (a) on Australian vessels which are compulsorily fitted with marine radiotelephony, marine radiotelephony with digital selective calling capability, and/or Inmarsat satellite communications, in accordance with State or Territory government legislation; or (b) on Australian vessels which are voluntarily fitted with marine radiotelephony, marine radiotelep ony with digital selective calling capability, and/or Inmarsat satellite communications; or (c) at limited coast stations, particularly those operated by marine rescue organisations. It is the recommended textbook for candidates undertaking examination for the Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP), the Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Proficiency (MROVCP), and the Marine Satellite Communications Endorsement, year 2017 (Also view online).
This handbook "VHF Handbook 2018" is intended for the guidance of radio operators: (a) On Australian vessels which are voluntarily fitted with marine VHF radiotelephony and marine VHF radiotelephony with D igital Selective Calling (DSC) capability. (b) On Australian vessels which are compulsorily fitted with marine VHF radiotelephony and marine VHF radiotelephony with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability. It is the recommended textbook for candidates undertaking the Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Proficiency (MROVCP) examination, view online (Also 2008 pdf version. s
This text "MCSSE Handbook 2019" is recommended as the study guide for candidates undertaking the examination for the Marine Satellite Communications Certificate of Endorsement (MCSSE also known as Satcom). Contents: Examinations - Inmarsat system - Inmarsat-C ship earth stations - Inmarsat Enhanced Group Calling receivers - Inmarsat Fleet F77 equipement (Also view online).
There are three certificates in regards to marine radio operator qualification: Marine Satellite Communications Endorsement (MSCE), Long Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (LROCP), Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (SROCP). The examination consists of a multi-choice question paper (duration 1 hour with a 70% pass mark) and a practical component.
By the Australasian Legal Information Institute, online free-access resource for Maritime & Law of the Sea:
Bekijk de beschikbare nautische publicaties. Inhoud: Kaarten - Hydrografische publicaties - Verkooppunten (PDF).
Navigatiekaarten bevatten alle informatie die van belang is voor een veilige navigatie op zee en andere wateren. Het team Vlaamse Hydrografie maakt zowel papieren als elektronische kaarten (ENC's). Ook voor de binnenvaart bieden we elektronische kaarten aan (HTML).
INT1 is based on the 'Chart Specifications of the IHO (International Hydrographic Organization)', which came into effect at the XII Hydrographic Conference in Monaco in 1982. The publication includes the complete set of symbols and abbreviations used on international and national charts produced by the Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy and the Flemish Hydrography. Symbols and abbreviations displayed in navigation systems that use electronic charts may differ from those described in INT1.
INT1 is gebaseerd op de 'Chart Specifications of the IHO (International Hydrographic Organization)', die van kracht werden op de XII Hydrographic Conference te Monaco in 1982. De publicatie bevat de complete set symbolen en afkortingen die op internationale en nationale kaarten van de Nederlandse Dienst der Hydrografie en de Vlaamse Hydrografie voorkomen. Symbolen en afkortingen die afgebeeld worden in navigatiesystemen die gebruik maken van elektronische kaarten kunnen afwijken van hetgeen beschreven staat in INT1.
View online ENC charts / Cartes de type ENC consultables en ligne
Belgian Coast / côte de la Belgique
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Online simplified ENC maps for the Belgian Coast (littoral belge/Vlaamse kust), from De Panne to Knokke-Heist and with also Gent and Antwerpen.
Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (IENC) / Carte électronique destinée pour la navigation intérieure
River Scheldt Region (Belgium and Netherlands) / Région de l'Escaut (Belgique et Pays-Bas)
Inland Electronic Navigational Charts are electronic navigational charts for rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waters which are navigable.
Covered area : Harbour Zeebrugge and the 5-miles zone for estuarian navigation between Zeebrugge and de Belgian-Dutch border -
Canal Boudewijn between Zeebrugge and Brugge - Sea Scheldt up to Wintam and channel to the Antwerp port docks - Gent-Terneuzen Canal on Belgian territory and channel to the Gent port docks. Charts also on River Information Services (RIS) for Flanders.
Lichten & mistseinen van België en aangrenzend gebied. De lichtenlijst geeft een opsomming en beschrijving van de lichten en mistseinen op zee, op de Schelde en op het kanaal Gent-Terneuzen. Correcties en aanvullingen op de lichtenlijst worden in de BaZ gepubliceerd (Verbetering).
Elk jaar geven wij zowel toeristische getijboekjes als professionele getijtafels uit waarin de voorspellingen worden gepubliceerd. Getijboekje voor de kust is een publicatie voor de niet-professionele gebruiker, waarin de getijwaarden staan voor de locaties Nieuwpoort, Oostende, Blankenberge en Zeebrugge. Het boekje is bestemd voor de gebruiker aan de wal. De waterstanden zijn opgegeven met als referentievlak TAW (Tweede Algemene Waterpassing). De professionele getijtafels bevatten alle waterstanden voor het lopende jaar in Nieuwpoort, Oostende, Blankenberge, Zeebrugge, Vlissingen, Prosperpolder, Antwerpen en Wintam. Deze gegevens zijn zowel in TAW (Tweede Algemene Waterpassing) als in LAT (Lowest Astronomical Tide) opgenomen. De LAT getijdendata worden door de scheepvaart gebruikt.
In 2008 is de Vlaamse Hydrografie veranderd van reductievlak van GLLWS naar LAT, en dit om te voldoen aan de internationale beslissing om het reductievlak te standaardiseren naar LAT. Meer uitleg over deze verandering is te vinden in de brochure.
Deze publicatie geeft een overzicht van het maritieme betonningssysteem van de International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) dat in 1976 ingevoerd werd voor het maritiem gebied. Er werden op wereldvlak 2 navigatieregio’s gedefinieerd nl. Regio A en Regio B. Op de vaarwateren van Europa, Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland, Afrika, de Golfstaten en sommige Aziatische landen wordt het IALA-Regio A markeringssysteem gehanteerd. Het IALA-B-systeem wordt gebruikt in de gebieden van Noord-, Centraal-en Zuid-Amerika, Japan, Korea en de Filippijnen.
Omvat BaZ Nr 1 van elke jaargang algemene informatie van belang voor de scheepvaart. Inhoud: Belgisch kuststation: Oostende radio - Uitzendingen van maritieme veiligheids- informatie (MSI): weer- en stormberichten, loodsberichten, dringende berichten aan zeevarenden (NX) - Loodsdienst in de Scheldemonden en op de Belgische kusthavens - Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)-scheldegebied...
The first number of Notices to Mariners BaZ Nr 1 (Berichten aan Zeevarenden) contains general information for the good of shipping. Including: Belgian coast station Ostend Radio - Maritime Safety Information (MSI): weather forecasts and gale warnings, urgent notices to mariners - Pilotage service at the Scheldt-estuaries and at the Belgian coastal ports - Vessel Traffic Services Scheldt area...
Om de 2 weken publiceren wij een nieuwe editie van de Berichten aan Zeevarenden, ook wel BaZ genoemd. In de publicatie verschijnt recente nautische informatie, die voor de scheepvaart van belang is, met aanvullingen en correcties op de zeekaart. Deze nautische informatie is vrij uiteenlopend. Ze kan gaan over verandering van boeien, gevaarlijke situaties, gewijzigde wetgeving en/of richtlijnen, recente wrakkensites of obstakels en zo veel meer. Deze gegevens moeten gebruikt worden om de zeekaarten bij te werken. Dankzij de bijwerkingen hebben zeelui steeds de meest recente informatie van hun zeekaart.
A new issue of Notices to Mariners (NtM) is published every fortnight (also known as BaZ). he publication features recent nautical information of importance to the navigation sector, together with supplements and corrections to the nautical charts. This nautical information is extremely diverse. It can include changing buoys, dangerous situations, changed laws and/or guidelines, recent wrecks and/or obstacles, and so much more. This information must be applied directly on the nautical charts. These updates guarantee seafarers that their nautical charts always show the most recent information.
Venez-vous d'acheter un voilier? Voulez-vous savoir quels documents sont obligés d'avoir à bord de votre bateau de plaisance? Ne savez vous pas ce qui est permis et ce qui est interdit à la mer et aux voies intérieures? Nous vous éclairons tout cela avec une brochure: "Guide du plaisancier responsable". Cette brochure est destinée à servir de guide pour les activités nautiques. Elle cible tout ce qui touche à la navigation, sans toutefois exclure d’autres activités.
Page de la Garde côtière avec une liste de publication : Vade-mecum de la navigation de plaisance, Règles de navigation en images, Brochure mobilophone maritime, autocollant MRCC...
Heb je net een zeilboot gekocht? Wil je weten welke documenten je verplicht aan boord van jouw pleziervaartuig moet hebben? Weet je niet precies wat wel en wat niet mag op zee en op de binnenwateren? Dan maakt deze brochure je wijzer op het water. Deze brochure is bedoeld als een wijzer voor activiteiten op, aan en in het water. De focus ligt bij alles wat met varen te maken heeft, maar andere activiteiten hebben ook een plaats in deze wijzer.
Publicaties: Vademecum pleziervaart, Vaarregels in beeld, Marifoonblokindeling, Sticker MRCC...
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Have you just bought a sailing boat? Do you want to know which documents are obligatory to have on board? Are you trying to figure out what is allowed and what is not at sea and on inland waters? Look no further, we are here to help you out with a new brochure: "Guide on the water". This brochure is meant as a guide for water activities. The focus is on everything to do with sailing, but other activities as well are discussed in this guide.
Coast Guard publications page with : Guide on the water, VHF Channels - sector division, Sticker MRCC...
Inland Electronic Navigational Chart / Carte électronique de navigation intérieure
River Scheldt Region (Belgium and Netherlands) / Région de l'Escaut (Belgique et Pays-Bas)
Inland Electronic Navigational Charts are electronic navigational charts for rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waters which are navigable. Due to the specific requirements of inland navigation IENC are not just a copy of ENC. Bridges and locks, for example, are indicated only very briefly on ENC, while inland navigation obviously requires much more detail on the larger system of buoys, signs and other indications in force on inland waters. Need a free account. Charts also on River Information Services (RIS) for Flanders.
![]() Limits of the inland electronic charts for the River Scheldt Region |
For safe and smooth shippingin the Scheldt area. Port channel, lock channel, working channel seagoning vessels. VHF sectors in VTS Scheldt
For safe and smooth shipping in the Scheldt area. These VHF procedures are for the guidance of traffic participants, for VTS operators and for pilots participating in the River Scheldt VTS area, to create clarity in the use of VHF procedures in order to optimize efficiency and enhancing safety of Shipping Traffic and the protection of the environment. Applying correct procedures will set a good example to other traffic participants which will contribute to safety. This document should be read with the brochure VHF Sectors in VTS Scheldt Area.
Voor veilig en vlot scheepvaartverkeer in het Scheldegebied. Marifoonblokindeling VTS-Scheldegebied. Havenkanalen, sluiskanalen, werkkanalen zevaart.
Voor veilig en vlot scheepvaartverkeer in het Scheldegebied. Deze marifoon(werk)procedures zijn de leidraad voor verkeersdeelnemers, voor de verkeersleiders en voor de loodsen als deelnemer aan het verkeer in het VTSScheldegebied, om duidelijkheid te scheppen in het gebruik van de marifoonprocedures ten behoeve van een veilig en vlot scheepvaartverkeer. Door een juiste toepassing van de procedures zullen andere verkeersdeelnemers het goede voorbeeld volgen wat de veiligheid ten goede zal komen.
Het toelatingsbeleid: voor een veilige en vlotte scheepvaart in het Scheldegebied. Sommige schepen moeten soms wachten om het Scheldegebied te mogen op- of afvaren. Deze brochure geeft weer dat deze wachttijden niets met willekeur te maken hebben, maar hoe men op het Scheldecoördinatiecentrum in Vlissingen de tijpoort opstelt. Wat voor rol de zon, de maan, het getij, de bodem van het Scheldegebied en de kielspeling spelen bij het toelatingsbeleid vindt u op de volgende bladzijden terug.
Bestelprocedure Loodsen - Formulieren - Infobrochures (Langue véhiculaire dans la région de l’Escaut, Ship waves at Vlissingen Beach, Pilot order Procedure)...
Notices to Skippers zijn de internationale standaard voor de verspreiding van berichten aan de scheepvaart op vaarwegen, zoals vastgesteld door de Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart (CCR) en door de Verordening (EG) nr. 416/2007 van de Commissie van 22 maart 2007 betreffende de technische specificaties voor Berichten aan de Scheepvaart als bedoeld in artikel 5 van Richtlijn 2005/44/EG van het Europees Parlement en de Raad betreffende geharmoniseerde River Information Services (RIS) op de binnenwateren in de Gemeenschap.
Notices to Skippers are the international standard for the distribution of notices to skippers on waterways, as established by the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) and by Commission Regulation (EC) No 416/2007 of 22 March 2007 on the technical specifications for Notices to Skippers as referred to in Article 5 of Directive 2005/44 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Harmonized River Information Services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community.
Vous trouverez d'amples informations sur le gilet de sauvetage dans cette FAQ.
Info over het reddingsvest vindt u in onze FAQ.
Dépliant sur les règles de la navigation : Règles de route. Règlement général de Police pour la Navigation.
Folder Vaarregels: Vaarregels. Algemeen Politiereglement voor de scheepvaart op de binnenwateren (APSB).
Cette brochure "Règles de navigation en images" donne un aperçu sous forme de tableaux et schémas, des nouvelles règles de navigation basées sur le Code européen des voies de navigation intérieure (Plus d'info).
Deze brochure "vaarregels in beeld" geeft in tabellen en schema's een overzicht van deze nieuwe op "Europees Reglement voor binnenlandse waterwegen" gebaseerde vaarregels (Meer info).
Le LRIT est une initiative de l'Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) visant à améliorer la sécurité maritime. LRIT signifie Long Range Identification and Tracking (identification et suivi à distance). En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’un système d’identification et de suivi des navires de mer dans le monde entier. Le système LRIT peut être utilisé pour localiser les navires qui se trouvent à proximité d’un navire en détresse. Cela améliore considérablement la coordination des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage. La législation LRIT s’applique : aux navires cargos de plus de 300 tonnes - aux navires à passagers - aux plateformes mobiles de forage en mer.
LRIT is een initiatief van de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie (IMO) om de maritieme beveiliging te verbeteren. LRIT staat voor Long Range Identification and Tracking. Het is met andere woorden een systeem om zeeschepen wereldwijd te identificeren en te traceren. Met het LRIT-systeem kunnen schepen gelokaliseerd worden die zich in de buurt van een schip in nood bevinden. Dat verbetert de coördinatie van opsporings- en reddingsoperaties aanzienlijk. De LRIT-wetgeving geldt voor: vrachtschepen met een tonnage boven de 300 ton - passagiersschepen - mobiele boorplatformen op zee.
Amendments to IMO conventions - resolutions for: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW), International Convention on Load Lines (LL), International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ships (TONNAGE), International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). International Code: International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code), International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code).
Liste officielle des navires de mer belges et de la flotte de la marine
Officiële lijst van de Belgische zeeschepen en van de vloot van de marine.
Manuel VHF Maritime. Cette brochure contient la matière de l'examen pour l'obtention du certificat restreint pour le maniement d‟une station radio VHF en mer et sur les voies de navigation intérieure. Ce manuel sert de fil conducteur pour les procédures de radiocommunication lors de l'utilisation d'émetteurs-récepteurs en mer et sur les voies de navigation intérieure, qui fonctionnent dans la bande VHF (156,025-162,025 MHz) ou la bande de 2 m.
Règlement des examens pour l’obtention des certificats d’opérateur pour les stations de radiocommunications fonctionnant sur les fréquences réservées à la navigation maritime et à la navigation intérieure. L’utilisation de stations de radiocommunication fonctionnant sur les fréquences réservées à la navigation maritime et à la navigation intérieure implique la possession d’un certificat d’opérateur adéquat. Le présent règlement fixe les conditions d’obtention desdits certificats d’opérateur conformément aux dispositions internationales applicables en la matière.
Handboek VHF Maritiem. Deze brochure bevat de examenstof om het beperkt certificaat te behalen voor de bediening van een VHF-radiostation op zee en op de binnenwateren. Deze handleiding dient als leidraad voor de radiocommunicatieprocedures bij het gebruik van zendontvangtoestellen op zee en op de binnenwateren, die in de VHF-band werken (156,025-162,025 MHz) of de 2-m band.
Examenreglement voor het verkrijgen van bedieningscertificaten voor radiostations die werken op de frequenties die voorbehouden zijn voor de zeevaart en de binnenvaart. Het gebruik van een radiostation dat werkt op de frequenties die voorbehouden zijn voor de zeevaart en voor de binnenvaart impliceert het bezit van een gepast bedieningscertificaat.Stelt dit reglement de voorwaarden vast voor het verkrijgen van de voornoemde bedieningscertificaten overeenkomstig de internationale bepalingen die ter zake van toepassing zijn vastgesteld.
O Catálogo de Cartas e Publicações tem o propósito de apresentar ao navegante todas as cartas náuticas, publicações e impressos em geral editados pela Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN).
Além das Cartas Náuticas, que constituem, sem dúvida, o mais importante documento de auxílio à navegação, os navegantes utilizam, também, diversas outras Publicações Náuticas ou Publicações de Auxílio à Navegação, cujas informações complementam ou ampliam os elementos fornecidos pelas Cartas Náuticas. A consulta às Publicações de Auxílio à Navegação é indispensável, tanto na fase de planejamento da derrota (estudo da viagem), como na fase de execução da derrota. Tal como no caso das Cartas Náuticas, as Publicações de Auxílio à Navegação também devem ser sempre mantidas atualizadas.
Folhas de correções que afetam a publicação. O Roteiro tem como propósito complementar as cartas náuticas brasileiras - nunca descrevê-las - dando aos navegantes subsídios que lhes permitam melhor avaliar as informações das cartas, ao navegar ao longo da costa ou dos canais e nas aterragens, assim como conhecer os regulamentos, recursos e facilidades dos portos e terminais. Roteiros: Roteiro Costa Norte (DH1-I), Da Baía do Oiapoque ao Cabo Calcanhar. Rios Amazonas, Jari e Trombetas. Rio Pará - Roteiro Costa Leste Roteiro, Do Cabo Calcanhar ao Cabo Frio. Ilhas Oceânicas - Roteiro Costa Sul (DH1-III) , Do Cabo Frio ao Arroio Chuí. Lagoas dos Patos e Mirim.
A Lista de Faróis contém todas as informações sobre faróis, aerofaróis, barcas-faróis, faroletes, balizas, boias luminosas e luzes particulares ou de obstáculos aéreos que interessam aos navegantes, existentes na costa, nos rios, nas lagoas e nas ilhas do Brasil, assim como nas costas e ilhas dos países estrangeiros que possuam suas terras representadas nas cartas náuticas brasileiras.
A Lista de Sinais Cegos é uma publicação de auxílio à navegação que contém informações referentes a todos os sinais cegos existentes na costa e nos rios, lagoas e ilhas do Brasil, exceto os situados nas hidrovias Paraguai-Paraná e Tietê-Paraná.
Horários (diários), canais e frequências nas páginas 6 a 8 para Avisos-Rádio Náuticos, Avisos SAR e Informações Meteorológicas (HF, VHF, satellite e Internet). MSI para a NAVAREA/METAREA V e regiões costeiras do Brasil.
Schedules (daily), channels and frequencies on page 3 to 5 for the radio navigational warnings, SAR and meteorological information (HF, VHF, satellite and Internet). MSI for NAVAREA/METAREA V and coastal regions of Brazil.
A Lista de Auxílios-Rádio tem por finalidade reunir em uma única publicação as informações de maior relevância sobre os auxílios radioelétricos à navegação marítima existentes na costa do Brasil e sobre serviços-rádio (incluindo transmissões via satélite) úteis ao navegante que estiver no oceano Atlântico Sul.
Previsões de marés on-line. Existem 53 portos cadastrados. Máximas e míninas diárias para cada mês do ano.
Apesar da denominação, as Cartas de Correntes de Maré são, na realidade, publicações, preparadas especificamente para determinados portos. Suas características são semelhantes. Normalmente, são iniciadas por uma página com as instruções para uso, seguida de um exemplo e de uma coletânea de pequenas cartas do porto, onde aparecem setas indicadoras das direções e números que representam as velocidades das correntes de maré, referidas à hora da preamar (PM).
As Cartas Piloto apresentam informações meteorológicas e oceanográficas de fundamental importância para o navegante, tanto na fase de planejamento, como na de execução da derrota. A DHN publica um Atlas de Cartas Piloto para o Oceano Atlântico, abrangendo, no sentido N–S, o trecho de Trinidad ao Rio da Prata e, no sentido E–W, o trecho desde o litoral da América do Sul até o meridiano de 020ºW. O Atlas de Cartas Piloto é constituído por 12 cartas, na Projeção de Mercator, escala 1:10.000.000, sendo uma para cada mês do ano. Para a navegação, as principais informações das Cartas Piloto referem–se a ventos e correntes marítimas. Entretanto, as cartas apresentam, ainda, informações sobre declinação magnética (mostrando linhas isogônicas e linhas de mesma variação anual da declinação), temperatura do ar e temperatura da água do mar. Ademais, no verso das Cartas Piloto constam, também, informações sobre nevoeiro, visibilidade, temperatura, vento médio e ocorrência de ventos fortes nos principais portos e ilhas do Brasil.
Carta DHN-5114 : Brasil - Serviço de Busca a Salvamento (SAR). Escala 1:20 000 000. RNC and TIFF files
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables (RNC/BSB/KAP and GeoTIFF)
As informações contidas nas cartas raster são apresentadas em uma imagem tipo BITMAP, idêntica à carta em papel. Apesar da carta raster permitir a navegação em tempo real e possuir alguns recursos inexistentes na carta em papel, a sua utilização não dispensa o uso da última. A DHN já dispõe de grande parte de seu catálogo de cartas no formato KAP/BSB, que podem ser adquiridas, gratuitamente.
Glossário de feições da neve e do gelo em português é proposto para atender a comunidade antártica e glaciológica brasileira. Duzentos termos são definidos e verbetes equivalentes são apresentados em alemão, espanhol, francês e inglês. Palavras-chave: Termos técnicos, Glaciologia, língua portuguesa, geleiras.
The first glossary of snow and ice features in Portuguese is proposed to attend increasing needs of the Brazilian Antarctic and glaciological communities. Two hundred terms are defined and equivalents are given in English, French, German and Spanish.
Radio Navigational Warnings are messages transmitted to vessels for the purpose to provide "urgent information" important to the safe navigation, according to Rule 4 Chapter V of SOLAS (1974). SAR Warnings are "distress alert relays" and other urgent SAR messages transmitted to vessels that are in certain region, according to Rule 7 Chapter V of SOLAS (1974). Radio Navigational Warnings and SAR Warning, together with Meteorological Information, are called "Maritime Safety Information" (MSI).
Os Avisos-Rádio Náuticos são mensagens transmitidas aos navios com o propósito de fornecer "informações urgentes" relevantes à navegação segura, em atendimento ao estabelecido na Regra 4 do Capítulo V da SOLAS (1974). Os Avisos-Rádio SAR são mensagens de "alerta de emergência SAR" ou de "coordenação de busca e salvamento" transmitidas aos navios que se encontram em uma determinada área, em atendimento ao estabelecido na Regra 7 do Capítulo V da SOLAS (1974). Os Avisos-Rádio Náuticos e Aviso-Rádio SAR, em conjunto com as Informações Meteorológicas, compreendem o que se denomina de "Informações de Segurança Marítima" (Maritime Safety Information – MSI).
Os "Avisos aos Navegantes" são publicações periódicas, editadas sob a forma de folhetos, com o propósito principal de fornecer aos navegantes e usuários em geral, informações destinadas à atualização de cartas e publicações náuticas brasileiras. Regularmente, são publicados três "Avisos aos Navegantes": Área Marítima e Hidrovias em Geral (publicação DH21, com periodicidade quinzenal) - Hidrovia Paraguai-Paraná (publicação DH22, com periodicidade mensal) - Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná (publicação DH23, com periodicidade trimestral). Também: Relação das Cartas e Publicações Náuticas com Respectivas Correções - Formulário de correções das Cartas Náuticas.
“Brazilian Notices to Mariners” is a fortnightly publication prepared by the Navy Hydrography Center, assigned by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation. Its main purpose is to provide mariners and users in general with information destined to update Brazilian nautical charts and publications that affect the maritime area and national inland waters (fluvial and lacustrine areas). Additionally some Radio Navigational Warnings in force are presented as well as other general information important to mariners, except the information that affects nautical charts and publications of the Paraguai, Paraná and Tietê rivers and their tributaries, which is treated in “Avisos aos Navegantes Hidrovia Paraguai-Paraná” and “Avisos aos Navegantes Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná”, both in Portuguese only. Content: Notice To Mariners for Maritime Area and Inland Waters in General - List of Nautical Charts and Publications with Respective Corrections - Corrections Form for Nautical Charts.
As informações destacadas abaixo visam faciliatar o acesso aos procedimentos que atendam a demandas específicas dos interessados, porém, a leitura completa das "Normas da Autoridade Marítima para Amadores, Embarcações de Esporte e/ou Recreio e para Cadastramento e Funcionamento das Marinas, Clubes e Entidades Desportivas Náuticas (NORMAM-03)" é indispensável para que você conheça todos os conceitos e aspectos envolvidos na navegação amadora, sob a ótica da Autoridade Marítima Brasileira.
Qual é o objetivo geral desta publicação? Proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos sobre os procedimentos preconizados para as comunicações radiotelefônicas do Serviço Móvel Marítimo, e o uso dos equipamentos que compõem o GMDSS a bordo de embarcações mercantes (DPC).
A presente Lista de Auxílios-Rádio contém extratos do Regulamento Rádio da UIT, que, nos seus textos, podem aparecer referências a outros documentos não reproduzidos (Rádio emergência, AQUASEG/UFSC).
Há muito que a nossa Marinha ressente-se da falta de um Manual de Navegação, para uso a bordo dos nossos navios, nos órgãos de ensino e adestramento e, também, para atender ao público externo, isto é, aos navegantes da nossa Marinha Mercante, de Longo Curso, Cabotagem e de Apoio Marítimo, e aos navegantes de pesca, esporte e recreio, que, cada vez mais, buscam na MB fontes de consulta sobre navegação (Altineu Pires Miguens).
Normas da Autoridade Marítima - NORMAM e atos administrativos relacionados às atribuições e atividades da Diretoria de Portos e Costas (Circulares da DPC, Circulares da IMO, Decisão Normativa, Instrução Normativa, ISPS Code, NORMAM, NPCP/NPCF, Port State Control, Portarias, Resolução). Conjunto de leis, decretos e convenções relacionados às competências legais da Autoridade Marítima, destacando-se as atividades nas áreas da Segurança da Navegação e Salvaguarda da Vida Humana no Mar; Prevenção da Poluição Ambiental e o Ensino Profissional Marítimo.
A Diretoria de Portos e Costas (DPC), em conjunto com a Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN), concluiu recentemente um projeto de reorganização das Normas da Autoridade Marítima, conhecidas como NORMAM. Normas da Autoridade Marítima: NORMAM 201 - Embarcações Empregadas na Navegação em Mar Aberto, NORMAM 202 - Embarcações Empregadas na Navegação Interior, NORMAM 211 - Atividades de Esporte e/ou Recreio, NORMAM 321 - Homologação de Material e Certificação de Laboratórios e Sistemas de Embarque, NORMAM 701 - Atividades de Meteorologia Marítima...
Convenções, protocolos, códigos e outros instruementos, incluindo manuais e respectivas emendas (CCA-IMO).
Modelo de Ondas, prévisons por 3 dias, áreas : METAREA V - Sul/Sudeste - Antártica.
By the Marine Meteorological Service (MMS). Combined sea and swell describes the combined height of the sea and the swell that mariners experience on open waters. The height of the Combined sea and swell refers to the average wave height of the highest one third of the waves. Combined sea and swell is also known as total wave height, or significant wave height. Some waves will be higher and some lower than the significant wave height. The probable maximum wave height can be up to twice the significant wave height (SMM).
Red ligne: height = 2.5m - White color: height < 3m |
Transmissões: Áreas marítimas de previsão do tempo sob responsabilidade do Brasil - Transmissões de meteoromarinhas e avisos de mau tempo (VHF/HF/satélite)- Transmissões de produtos gráficos por radiofacsímile (HF).
Referências meteorológicas: Atlas de Nuvens - Escala Beaufort - Estado do Mar - Glossário meteorologia marinha - Simbologia - Tabela de Abreviaturas - Tabela de Visibilidade.
A presente publicação tem, por finalidade, habilitar o pessoal, que guarnece as estações costeiras ou navios, a observar corretamente os elementos meteorológicos, registrar os resultados obtidos, organizar as mensagens SHIP e SYNOP e encaminhá-las à repartição central competente. Ela divide-se em sete partes: I Instrumentos Meteorológicos e Métodos de Observação. Estações Meteorológicas - II Nebulosidade e Observação das Condições do Tempo - III Observação do Estado do Mar e do Gelo Marinho - IV Observações Meteorológicas de Superfície - V Códigos Meteorológicos de Superfície de Estações Terrestres e Marítimas (WMO/OMM) - VI Tabelas Meteorológicas - VII Instruções (DHN/CHM, 2015).
Publicações SAR: Convenção Internacional sobre Busca e Salvamento Marítimo, SAR 1979 - Convenção Internacional sobre a Salvaguarda da Vida Humana no qsMar, SOLAS 1974/1988 - Convenção Sobre o Regulamento Internacional para Evitar Abalroamentos no Mar, COLREG 1972 (Salvamar).
Contato SAR: Marinha do Brasil, Força Aérea Brasileira e Embratel (Salvamar).
Ces produits connexes des cartes marines sont indispensables pour assurer votre sécurité en mer. Également la liste de prix des publications nautiques.
La Carte n° 1 comprend la liste des signes conventionnels, abréviations et termes utilisés dans les cartes marines publiées par le Service hydrographique du Canada (SHC), conformément au Règlement de l’OHI pour les cartes internationales (INT) et spécifications de l’OHI pour les cartes marines. Matières : Introduction et disposition schématique, Général, Topographie, Hydrographie, Aides et services, Index alphabétiques.
Le Service hydrographique du Canada offre 2 cartes marines destinées à la formation à la navigation. Ces cartes marines représentent un amalgame du contenu cartographique canadien et sont utilisées dans le cadre de programmes de formation maritime, pour les cours et les examens. Ces cartes de formation contiennent des « données fictives » qui ont été insérées dans un but de formation et ne devraient pas être utilisées pour la navigation. Ces cartes de formation sont les suivante : 1) Chart 9996IC, Canadian Power Squadrons - Training Chart A/escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance - carte de formation (CPS-A). 2) Chart 9997IC, Cape Hurd to/à Lonely Island.
Les Instructions nautiques sont les compagnons indispensables des cartes, de même que d'excellents outils de planification et d'aide à la navigation. Elles fournissent des renseignements qui ne peuvent pas être illustrés sur les cartes. Il incombe aux navigateurs de tenir à jour leur fichier numérique des Instructions nautiques en s'assurant que la dernière version est toujours téléchargée. Si le navigateur choisit d'imprimer son propre livret des Instructions nautiques, il doit absolument y appliquer les mises à jour actuelles des Avis aux navigateurs. Zones couvertes : Côte atlantique - Centre du Canada - Nord du Canada.
Compilation de données et de services destinés aux navigateurs se déplaçant dans la région arctique du Canada. Le but du Guide de planification de navigation en Arctique (GPNA) est d’offrir un outil de planification stratégique aux bâtiments nationaux et internationaux qui naviguent dans l'Arctique canadien. Le but du GPNA est d’offrir un outil numérique complet aux navigateurs qui prévoient d’appareiller pour l’Arctique. L’information offerte dans ce guide devrait être utilisée conjointement avec toute autre information pertinente, conformément aux lois, normes et bons usages maritimes. Le GPNA ne se substitue en aucun cas aux informations ou produits soumis à l’obligation d’emport et fournis par des sources canadiennes.
Les tables des marées comprennent les heures et les hauteurs prévues des marées hautes et basses associées au mouvement vertical de la marée. Elles sont disponibles sous forme de tableaux, de graphiques ou de textes pour plus de 700 localités au Canada. Ces tables sont nécessaires pour déterminer la profondeur de l'eau sous la quille des bateaux ou sur les hauts-fonds, pour le mouillage et pour établir l’heure à laquelle il convient de tirer une embarcation sur la berge. Les tables des courants donnent les temps d'étale prévue et les temps et vitesses maximaux des courants reliés au mouvement horizontal de la marée.
Le site Web des Marées, courants et niveaux d'eau donne les prédictions des heures et des hauteurs des pleines et des basses mers ainsi que les niveaux d'eau horaires pour plus de sept cents stations au Canada. Il est également possible d'obtenir sur le site Web les observations des niveaux d'eau. Les données disponibles sur ce site Web peuvent différer légèrement de celles contenues dans les documents officiels publiés par le ministère canadien des Pêches et des Océans et intitulés : Tables des marées et courants du Canada. Si ces données ne concordent pas, celles des publications officielles prévaudront.
Cette application pour les niveaux d’eau est un site web optimisé pour appareils mobiles. Cela permet d’afficher l’information à la façon d’une application mobile installée sur un appareil mobile (téléphone, tablette). On y retrouve les données sur les niveaux d’eau (incluant les marées) de toutes les stations du Canada. Les données offertes sont les prédictions de niveaux d’eau (tables des marées), les observations des niveaux d’eau en temps réel pour les stations munies d’appareil de mesure et les prévisions des niveaux d’eau. On retrouve également l’information sur les dégagements verticaux dynamiques de certains ponts. Les prédictions pour le mascaret sont disponibles pour les stations désignées ainsi que la renverse de courants pour les chutes réversibles du fleuve Saint-Jean (Nouveau-Brunswick).
Le Manuel canadien des marées a été conçu pour fournir le contexte théorique et les instructions techniques nécessaires à un travail efficace en ce qui concerne la collecte et l'utilisation des données sur les marées, les courants et les niveaux de l'eau, lors des recherches hydrographiques menées sur le terrain (Warren D. Forrester, 1983).
Le présent ouvrage traite des aspects physiques de la mer en utilisant comme exemples l'océan Pacifique et les eaux adjacentes à la côte de la Colombie-Britannique. Il porte particulièrement sur les vagues, les courants et les marées, et aborde également divers sujets qui vont de la météorologie et de la biologie marine à la géologie marine passée et présente. Il tente d'expliquer les mouvements de la mer et de les relier à l'expérience de tous les jours; il peut donc intéresser tant le profane sque le marin, le scientifique ou l'ingénieur (Bibliothèque du MPO).
Trouvez des annonces et messages importants touchant la section de notre site Web qui traite des cartes et des services marins. Ceux-ci comprennent l’entretien programmé, le signalement de problèmes avec les tables des marées et courants, et des changements dans la façon de communiquer de l’information nautique.
De nombreux navigateurs sont conscients de l’importance d’avoir des cartes à bord, mais il est tout aussi important d’assurer de leur mise à jour. Si une bouée a changé ou s’il y a un nouvel obstacle, vous devez en être informé avant de tomber dessus, pas après. Comment effectuer la mise à jour de vos cartes marines, cartes numériques et cartes papier.
CHS offers a wide range of nautical publications that are indispensable companions to charts, enhancing safety at sea. Canadian Hydrographic Service and Canadian Coast Guard publications.
CHART NO. 1 contains the symbols, abbreviations and terms used on navigation charts published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, which are based upon the Chart Specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization. Contents: Introduction and Schematic Layout, General, Topography, Hydrography, Aids and Services, Alphabetical Indexes.
The Canadian Hydrographic Service offers two charts for instructional purposes. These charts represent a cross-section of content found on Canadian charts and are used by marine training programs as part of their course and examination materials. These instructional charts contain "fictitious data" that has been included for training purposes and should not be used for navigation. These two charts are: 1) Chart 9996IC, Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons - Training Chart A/escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance - carte de formation (CPS-A). 2) Chart 9997IC, Cape Hurd to/à Lonely Island.
The Sailing Directions booklets are an indispensable companion to nautical charts. They are a great tool for planning and assisting in navigation because they provide information that cannot be shown on a chart. It is the mariners' responsibility to maintain their digital Sailing Directions file by ensuring that the latest version is always downloaded. If the mariner chooses to print their own Sailing Directions booklet, it is imperative that the current Notices to Mariners updates are applied. Areas: Atlantic Coast - Central Canada - Pacific Coast - Northern Canada.
A compilation of data and services relevant to mariners travelling in the Arctic region of Canada. The Arctic Voyage Planning Guide (AVPG) is intended as a strategic planning tool for national and international vessels traveling in the Canadian Arctic. The intent of the AVPG is to provide a comprehensive digital planning tool for mariners considering an Arctic voyage. The information provided in this guide should be used together with all other relevant information, as required by law, standards and good seamanship practices. The AVPG is not intended to replace official carriage information or products provided from Canadian sources
Tide tables include predicted times and heights of the high and low waters associated with the vertical movement of the tide. They're available in table, graphic and text formats for over 700 stations in Canada. These tables are necessary for obtaining the depth of water under the keel or over a shoal, for anchoring and for establishing the appropriate times for beaching a boat. Current tables provide predicted slack water times and maximum current times and velocities associated with the horizontal movement of the tide.
The Tides, Currents, and Water Levels Web Site provides predicted times and heights of high and low waters, and the hourly water levels for over seven hundred stations in Canada. The printed version is published yearly and is available through the authorized chart dealers. It is also possible to obtain water level observations. The information available on this Web site may vary slightly from the information in the official documents published annually by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and entitled Canadian Tide and Current Tables. In case of disparity, the information contained in the official publications will prevail.
This application for water levels is a website optimized for mobile devices. This displays the information in the same way as a mobile application installed on a mobile device (phone, tablet). It contains data on water levels (including tides) for all stations in Canada. The data offered are water level predictions (tide tables), real-time water level observations for stations equipped with monitoring gauges and water level forecasts. There is also information on the dynamic vertical clearances of certain bridges. Predictions for tidal bore are available for designated stations as well as time of slack waters for the Reversible falls on the Saint John River(New Brunswick).
The Canadian Tidal Manual is designed to provide the theoretical background and the technical instruction necessary for the effective performance of the tasks involved in gathering and using tide, current, and water level information on hydrographic field surveys (Warren D. Forrester, 1983). Also the Manual by chapter on PSMSL.
This book deals with the physical aspects of the sea as exemplified by the Pacific Ocean and the contiguous waters of the British Columbia coast. Although principally devoted to waves, currents, and tides, the book spans a broad spectrum of topics ranging from meteorology and marine biology to past and present marine geology. It attempts to elucidate the nature of oceanic motions and to relate them to everyday experience for the general interest of the casual reader and for the practical benefit of the professional mariner, scientist, or engineer (DFO Library).
Find announcements and important messages concerning the nautical charts and services section of our website. This includes scheduled maintenance, reported issues with tide and current tables, and changes to how nautical information is communicated.
Many mariners understand the importance of having charts onboard but it is just as important to ensure that your charts are up to date. If a buoy has changed or there is a new obstruction, you need to know about it before you encounter it, not after. How to update your chart, digital charts and paper charts.
Trouvez de l’information et des publications sur nos programmes et services : Déglaçage, Épaves et navires abandonnés ou dangereux, Flotte, Information organisationnelle, Intervention environnementale, Navigation, Gestion des voies navigables, Recherche et sauvetage, Services de communications et de trafic maritimes (SCTM), Sûreté maritime.
Avertissements de navigation (AVNAVs), incluant les avis aux navigateurs (NOTMAR), les hauts-fonds et l'état des aides à la navigation. Les Avertissements de navigation (AVNAVs) sont des renseignements sur les changements apportés aux aides à la navigation et sur les activités ou les dangers maritimes actuels. Les Avis aux navigateurs (NOTMAR) sont des informations nécessaire sur les mises à jour des cartes et les publications nautiques.
Accèdez aux données et services électroniques officiels requis pour la planification d'un voyage au Canada, incluant la météo maritime, les marées, les courants, les avis à la navigation, les conditions de glace, les cartes marines et les instructions nautiques.
Ce document a pour but de présenter des renseignements sur les services de radiocommunications et d'aides radio à la navigation assurés au Canada par la Garde côtière canadienne ainsi que sur les installations radio des autres organismes du gouvernement qui contribuent à assurer la sécurité des navires dans les eaux canadiennes. Publication en un seul volume qui couvre : Atlantique, Saint-Laurent, Grands Lacs, Lac Winnipeg, Arctique et Pacifique.
Vous y trouverez des informations importantes sur les feux, bouées et signaux de brume approuvés et gérés par la Garde côtière canadienne, notamment leur position, caractéristiques et hauteur ainsi que les cartes marines de référence. Le document se comopose de 4 volumes : Terre-Neuve - Côte de l'Atlantique - Eaux Intérieures - Côte du Pacifique.
Les aides à la navigation sont des dispositifs et des systèmes qui aident à assurer la sécurité des navigateurs et à les prévenir des dangers. Cette publication présente en détail les caractéristiques du système de balisage canadien, y compris les feux, bouées, phares, signaux de brume, etc. Elle comprend également une affiche en couleurs qui indique comment utiliser ces aides à la navigation.
La norme de diffusion du système mondial de localisation différentiel (DGPS) de la Garde côtière canadienne est un document de référence qui spécifie le format, le contenu d'information, les paramètres de modulation, la zone de couverture et l'utilisation du signal qui est diffusé par un réseau de radiophares maritimes qu'exploite la Garde côtière canadienne. Ce réseau dessert les régions côtières canadiennes, les grandes voies navigables, les zones des services de gestion du trafic maritime et les ports. Sa couverture chevauche aussi celle du DGPS des états-Unis dans les eaux contiguës.
La Garde côtière canadienne fournit des services de déglaçage aux navires commerciaux, aux traversiers et aux bateaux de pêche dans les eaux canadiennes prises par des glaces. Elle offre entre autres les services suivants : escorte, dégagement des ports, entretien des voies de navigation et fournit de l’information sur les glaces. Ces services contribuent à garantir une navigation sécuritaire, empêcher la formation d’embâcles et les inondations et maintenir les routes de transport maritime commercial.
En hiver, les conditions climatiques rigoureuses de l'Atlantique posent de rudes défis aux navires sur la côte est du Canada. Des glaces de deux mètres et des crêtes de six mètres sont très fréquentes dans les eaux du nord-est de la côte de Terre-Neuve et dans le Golfe Saint-Laurent. Le présent manuel a pour objectif d'aider les navires à affronter les conditions glacielles dans toutes les eaux canadiennes, y compris celles de l'Arctique. Les capitaines et le personnel de quart des navires traversant des eaux couvertes de glaces au Canada y trouveront l'information nécessaire pour bien comprendre les dangers, les techniques de navigation et les réactions des bâtiments.
Renseignements sur la sécurité des petits navires de pêche profesionnelle. La pêche peut être une activité extrêmement dangereuse. Bien que les pêcheurs professionnels canadiens soient encouragés à assurer la sécurité en prenant des mesures préventives, parfois des mesures supplémentaires sont nécessaires. Lorsqu’un accident survient, le système de recherche et de sauvetage (SAR) devient rapidement un filet de sécurité de premier ordre. En cas d’urgence, les pêcheurs professionnels doivent connaître trois éléments importants du système SAR : alerte, détection et intervention.
Messages d'avertissements en français diffusés pour les NAVAREA XVII et NAVAREA XVIII : zone de l'océan Arctique circonscrite entre l'ouest de l'Alaska, l'est du Groenland et le pôle Nord, figure.
Nouveau service, migration de janvier à mai 2019. Les Services de Communication et de Traffic Maritimes (SCTM) de la Garde côtière canadienne (GCC) ont mis en œuvre un service national d’émission d’Avertissements de Navigation (AVNAV) pour remplacer les services domestiques existants d’avis à la navigation. Le nouveau Système d’Émission des AVNAVs permettra une plus grande harmonisation à la fois du format et du contenu des avertissements de navigation. Les visiteurs sont en mesure de consulter et de rechercher des AVNAVs ou bien de s’abonner pour recevoir des AVNAVs par courriel.
Cette édition annuelle offre des renseignements sur le système de balisage utilisé au Canada, les services de pilotage, les services de communications marines et de trafic maritime, la recherche et sauvetage, les phénomènes marins et la pollution, les zones de protection marine, les activités de pêche, les avis liés à la défense nationale et une foule de renseignements d'ordre plus général concernant la sécurité de la navigation en mer.
Ces avis publiés mensuellement sont disponibles auprès de la Garde côtière canadienne, en ligne ou par abonnement à un service d’envoi gratuit sous format papier. Ces publications indispensables offrent les renseignements les plus récents sur les modifications au système de balisage canadien, ainsi que les mises à jour des cartes marines et publications nautiques du SHC.
Vous trouverez sur le site Web des Avis à la navigations (NOTMAR) de la Garde côtière canadienne (GCC) toutes les informations nécessaires pour mettre à jour vos cartes et publications nautiques. Il vous informera des nouvelles initiatives, services et aussi des annonces importantes concernant la communauté maritime.
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Find corporate information and publications from our programs and services: Corporate information, Environmental response, Fleet, Icebreaking, Marine communications and traffic services (MCTS), Maritime security, Navigation, Wrecked, abandoned or hazardous vessels, Search and rescue.
Current navigational warnings (NAVWARNs), including notices to shipping, notices to mariners (NOTMAR), shoals and status of aids to navigation. Navigational Warnings (NAVWARNs) contain information about changes to navigational aids and current marine activities or hazards. Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) provide the necessary information to update charts and nautical publications.
Access all the official electronic data and services needed to plan a voyage in Canada, including marine weather, tides, currents, hazards, notices, ice conditions, charts and sailing directions.
Aids to navigation are devices and systems to help vessel operators navigate safely, and to warn of hazards. This publication describes, in detail, the characteristics of the aids to navigation system in Canada, including lights, buoys, lightstations, fog signals and more. It also includes a full-colour poster that describes how to use the system.
Providing key information about Canadian Coast Guard approved and managed lights, buoys and fog signals, including position, characteristics, height and reference charts. In 4 volumes: Newfoundland - Atlantic Coast - Inland Waters - Pacific Coast
The main purpose of RAMN is to present information on radio communications and radio navigational aids services provided in Canada by the Canadian Coast Guard. Radio facilities of other government agencies that contribute to the safety of ships in Canadian waters are also included. Publication in one volume for: Atlantic, St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg, Arctic and Pacific.
Find Rescue Coordination Centres Worldwide. SAR contacts is a database of international search and rescue agencies and rescue coordination centres The worldwide Search and Rescue Contacts website is managed by the Canadian Coast Guard in JRCC Halifax location.
The Canadian Coast Guard Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Broadcast Standard is a reference document that specifies the format; information content, modulation parameters, coverage area, and use of the signal that is broadcast from a network of Canadian Coast Guard operated marine radio beacons. This network provides coverage to Canadian coastal areas, major waterways, Vessel Traffic Services zones and ports. It also overlaps US DGPS coverage of contiguous waters.
The bitter Atlantic winter weather can bring harsh challenges for ships navigating on the east coast of Canada. Two metre thick ice and six metre high ridges are common off the north-east coast of Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This manual aims to assist ships operating in ice in all Canadian waters, including the Arctic. This document will provide Masters and watchkeeping crew of vessels transiting Canadian ice-covered waters with the necessary information to achieve an understanding of the hazards, navigation techniques, and response of the vessel.
The Canadian Coast Guard provides icebreaking services for commercial ships, ferries and fishing vessels in ice-covered Canadian waters, including vessel escorts, harbour breakouts, maintaining shipping routes and providing ice information services. These services ensure safe navigation, prevent the formation of ice jams and flooding and maintain open routes for maritime commerce.
Safety information for small vessel fish harvesters. Fishing can be a dangerous activity that involves an extremely high level of risk. While Canadian fish harvesters are encouraged to achieve safety through preventative actions, there are times when additional measures are necessary. When an accident occurs, the Search and Rescue (SAR) system quickly becomes the primary safety net. When dealing with emergencies, fish harvesters should understand three important components of the SAR system: alerting, detection and response.
Broadcast warning messages in english for NAVAREA XVII and NAVAREA XVIII: area of the Arctic Ocean delimited between western Alaska, eastern Greenland and the North Pole, figure.
New service, migration from January to May 2019. The Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) program has launched a national navigational warning (NAVWARN) issuing service to replace the existing domestic Notice to Shipping (NOTSHIP) services. The new NAVWARN Issuing System will provide greater harmonization in both the format and content of navigational warnings. Visitors will be able to search NAVWARNs or subscribe to receive NAVWARNs by email.
This annual edition provides information on the aids to navigation system in Canada, pilotage services, marine communications and traffic services, search and rescue, marine occurrences and pollution, marine protected areas, fishing activity, national defence notices and a variety of general information regarding marine navigation safety.
Published monthly and available from the Canadian Coast Guard both online or through a free hardcopy subscription service. This essential publication provides the latest information on changes to the aids to navigation system, as well as updates from CHS regarding CHS charts and publications.
The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) Web site provides you with the necessary information to update all of your charts and nautical publications. It will advise you of our new initiatives, services and also of some important announcements concerning the maritime community.
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada |
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Environment and Climate Change Canada |
Environnement Canada (EC) fournit un service de prévisions maritimes aux navigateurs. EC émet trois principaux types de bulletins de prévisions maritimes, qui sont accompagnés d’une description de la situation maritime générale : Prévisions maritimes régulières - Prévisions maritimes à long terme - Prévisions de la hauteur des vagues. Ils sont accompagnés d’une description de la situation maritime générale.
Le Guide de météo marine national vise à fournir aux navigateurs, quel que soit leur niveau de compétence, des renseignements et des conseils pratiques en matière de navigation sécuritaire pour le large éventail de conditions météorologiques qu'ils peuvent rencontrer lorsqu'ils croisent en eaux canadiennes. Table des matières : Introduction - Notions élémentaires de météorologie marine - Le vent - L’état de la mer - Le brouillard - La glace - Autres conditions météorologiques dangereuses - Glossaire. Également le guide météo au format PDF.
Les guides de météo marine régional complètent le guide national et contiennent des renseignements sur les effets des conditions météorologiques locales particulières. Les guides sont au format HTML mais sont également disponibles en PDF : cliquer sur le titre du guide situé dans le paragraphe sous la carte.
Ce type de guide donne rapidement un aperçu des services de prévisions météorologiques maritimes disponibles pour toutes les régions maritimes qui reçoivent une prévision d'Environnement et Changement climatique Canada. Information régionale pour les régions maritimes suivantes : Côte du Pacifique - Baie d'Hudson, Fleuve Mackenzie et les eaux arctiques - Lacs du Manitoba - Grands Lacs - Fleuve Saint-Laurent - Côte Atlantique.
Le Manuel d’observations météorologiques maritimes (MANMAR) contient les renseignements requis au fil du temps en ce qui concerne les procédures, l’équipement et les formats de codage utilisés pour l’observation de phénomènes météorologiques maritimes et la préparation de rapports d’observations météorologiques maritimes. Le MANMAR est la norme qui régit le programme d’observation volontaire des navires (OVN) fournissant auparavant des observations manuelles. Toutefois, ce programme a été abandonné à l’intérieur du territoire canadien. Le MANMAR est le document de référence actuellement en usage au sein du Service météorologique du Canada pour tout ce qui a trait à la présentation des données météorologiques maritimes (SHIP) et aux procédures d’observation de l’ancien programme OVN.
Carte où figurent les trajectoires actuelles et prévues des tempêtes en cours sur l'océan Atlantique Nord. En cas d’ouragan ou de tout autre phénomène météorologique violent: « n’ayez pas peur, ayez un plan ».
Cette publication est conçue pour qui navigue sur le Saint-Laurent. Elle a été préparée par les météorologues québécois d'Environnement Canada, avec la collaboration de marins, de pêcheurs et de plaisanciers expérimentés. On y présente : Tout sur le comportement du vent et de la mer - La personnalité topographique du Saint-Laurent - Un répertoire de quelque 150 lieux où le vent et la mer créent des conditions particulières, parfois risquées - Les principaux signes annonciateurs du changement du temps - Les prévisions météorologiques maritimes - La façon d'avoir accès directement et rapidement aux prévisions (1992).
Accédez à des informations à deux jours sur la modélisation des vagues. Cartes pour les zones suivantes : Atlantique (Golfe du Saint-Laurent - Atlantique nord-ouest) - Arctique est (Arctique est - Baie de Baffin - Bassin Kane - Baie d'Hudson) - Arctique ouest (Arctique ouest - Mer de Beaufort) - Pacifique nord-est - Grands Lacs (Lac Érié - Lac Huron - Lac Ontario - Lac Supérieur). Hauteur en mètre. Les vagues maximales peuvent atteindre 2 fois la hauteur significative.
MANICE est le Manuel des normes d'observation des glaces. C'est le document de référence pour l'observation de toutes les formes de glace de mer, de lac et de rivière, ainsi que des glaces d'origine terrestre. L'on y décrit les méthodes standard appliquées par le Service canadien des glaces (SCG) pour l'observation, l'enregistrement et la signalisation des conditions glaciales. Également disponible au format PDF. La version la plus récente du MANICE à été révisée en 2005.
Les couleurs sont utilisées pour améliorer l'apparence et la compréhension des cartes de glace. Ces codes de couleur permettent aux utilisateurs de juger rapidement des conditions globales et de suivre facilement l'évolution de celles-ci. Il est important de souligner que pour prendre des décisions relatives à la navigation, l'utilisation d'un tel code de couleur est insuffisant et que des informations beaucoup plus détaillées sont communiquées à l'aide du code de l'oeuf
Guide des produits des glaces. Le Service canadien des glaces (SCG) fournit une variété de produits donnant une information exacte et ponctuelle sur l'état des glaces et des icebergs dans les eaux canadiennes.
Dans cette section, vous trouverez de l'information générales au sujet des publications suivantes : MANICE - Atlas annuels des glaces de l'Arctique - Atlas climatiques des glaces sur 30 ans - Aperçus saisonniers - Résumés saisonniers.
Carte avec les avis, veilles et avertissements. Le programme de veilles et d’avertissements maritimes fournit des avis aux navigateurs pour les informer des conditions météorologiques maritimes qui peuvent présenter des risques pour leur sécurité ou leurs activités. Les avis (gris) sont émis pour les phénomènes météorologiques spécifiques qui sont plutôt sévères et pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur les Canadiens. Les veilles (jaune) annoncent des conditions météorologiques propices à une tempête ou à du temps violent pouvant compromettre la sécurité de la population. Lorsqu'on connaît avec certitude la trajectoire et la puissance d'un système de tempête, une veille peut se transformer en avertissement (rouge), qui est un message urgent indiquant la présence de temps violent ou son imminence.
![]() Météo : Avertissements maritimes pour le Canada (en rouge) |
Environment and Climate Change Canada (EC) provides a marine forecasting service to mariners and marine interests. There are three main marine forecast bulletins issued by EC: Regular Marine Forecast - Extended Marine Forecast - Wave Height Forecast. In addition to this, descriptive marine synopses are also issued.
The National Marine Weather Guide is intended to provide mariners of all levels of ability with practical information and advice on safe navigation on the wide range of weather conditions they may encounter while travelling in Canadian waters. Table of Contents: Introduction - Marine Meteorology Primer - Wind - Sea State - Fog - Ice - Other Hazardous Weather - Glossary. Also the weather guide in PDF format.
The regional marine weather guides complete the National Guide and contains information on specific local weather effects. Guides are in HTML format are also available in PDF format: click on the title of the guide in the paragraph under the map.
These quick reference guides outline the marine weather forecast services available for all marine areas that receive an Environment Canada forecast. Regional Marine Information for the following marine areas: Pacific Coast - Hudson, Mackenzie & Arctic Waters - Manitoba Lakes - Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River - Atlantic Coast.
The Manual of Marine Weather Observations (MANMAR) prescribes the legacy information on the procedures, equipment and coding formats used in the observation of marine weather phenomenon and the preparation of marine weather reports. MANMAR is the standard for the legacy manually observed Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program. The VOS program has been discontinued within Canada. MANMAR is currently used as a reference for the SHIP data format and historical VOS program observing procedure.
Altantic map of the storms tracked by the Canadian Hurricane Centre. Hurricane season runs from June through November when the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are warm enough to produce a tropical cyclone. When it comes to hurricanes or any type of severe weather, remember: "Don’t be scared. Just be prepared".
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This guide is designed especially for mariners on the St Lawrence. The guide was prepared by Environment Canada meteorologists in Québec, with the assistance of many seasoned mariners, fishermen and recreational sailors. The guide contains: Full details on wind and sea conditions - A description of the geography of the St Lawrence - A listing of some 150 locations in which wind and sea combine to create special, and sometimes dangerous, situations - The main warning signs indicating a change in weather - Information on marine weather forecasts - Details on how to obtain forecasts directly and quickly (1992).
Access information for two days on wave modelling. Maps for the following areas : Atlantic (Gulf of St. Lawrence - Northwest Atlantic) - Arctic-East (Arctic-East- Baffin Bay - Kane Basin - Hudson Bay) - Arctic-West (Arctic West - Beaufort Sea) - Northeast Pacific - Great Lakes ( Lake Erie - Lake Huron - Lake Ontario - Lake Superior). Height in meters. Maximum waves may be up to twice the significant height.
MANICE is the Manual of Standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice Conditions. This is the authoritative document for observing all forms of Sea, Lake and River Ice, as well as Ice of Land Origin. It describes the standard procedures of the Canadian Ice Service (CIS) for observing, recording and reporting ice conditions. Also available in PDF file. The most recent version of MANICE was revised in 2005.
Colours are used to enhance ice charts for presentations and briefings. The colour codes allow users to make a quick assessment of the general ice conditions and to visually follow trends. It is important to remember that the colours alone cannot be used for navigation decisions and that more detailed ice information is contained within the Egg Code.
The Ice Products Guide: the Canadian Ice Service (CIS) provides a variety of products, representing accurate and timely information about ice and iceberg conditions in Canadian waters.
In this section, you will find background information regarding the following publications: MANICE - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas - 30-year Climatic Ice Atlases - Seasonal Outlooks - Seasonal Summaries.
Map with advisories, watches and warnings. The Marine Warning and Watches Program provides advisories to mariners or marine interests to inform them of marine weather conditions that may pose a hazard to their safety, security, or operation. Advisories are issued for specific weather events that are quite severe and could significantly impact Canadians. Watches alert you about weather conditions that are favourable for a storm or severe weather, which could cause safety concerns. As certainty increases about the path and strength of a storm system, a watch may be upgraded to a warning, which is an urgent message that severe weather is either occurring or will occur.
Exigences applicables aux plaisanciers étrangers en eaux canadiennes. On s'attend des plaisanciers, qu'ils soient canadiens ou étrangers, à ce qu'ils connaissent les règles de sécurité nautique du Canada. Pour naviguer sur les eaux du Canada, vous devez observer les règles relatives à l'équipement de sécurité, à l'exploitation sécuritaire de votre embarcation et à la protection de l'environnement.
Transports Canada le publie pour que vous connaissiez bien la réglementation sur la navigation et en appreniez davantage sur les pratiques de navigation sûres et responsables. La navigation de plaisance est censée être une activité agréable. Pourtant, environ 100 personnes perdent la vie et de nombreuses autres sont gravement blessées chaque année dans des incidents nautiques. Or, la plupart de ces décès et de ces blessures peuvent être évités. Si ce guide offre un aperçu de base de la sécurité nautique, il ne devrait pas être votre seule source d’information. Table des matières : Introduction, Pour commencer, Avant de partir, Sur l'eau, En cas d'urgence, Coordonnées et références.
Tout marin connaît les risques du travail en mer. Chaque année, on signale à l'administration canadienne du transport maritime de Transports Canada plus de 1000 incidents maritimes. Bien que le travail à bord d'un navire puisse s'avérer dangereux, de nombreux incidents pourraient être évités si on observait les règles de sécurité appropriées telles que décrites dans le “Règlement sur les mesures de sécurité au travail”. La Garde côtière canadienne a préparé la présente brochure dans le but d'expliquer ces règles. Document également disponible en format pdf (1984).
Procédure de transmission des messages de détresse. Signaux de détresse, d’urgence et de sécurité. Image et description texte de l'image.
Conformément à la Loi sur la marine marchande du Canada et aux dispositions de l'article 41 du Règlement technique de 1999 sur les stations de navires (radio), tout navire doté d’équipement de radiocommunication maritime doit avoir à bord un livret de radio. Le livret de radio est conservé au poste principal de la station de navire durant le séjour du navire en mer. Il doit être accessible a des fins d'inspection à toute personne autorisée du Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada, et de Transports Canada, à un inspecteur radio ou tout représentant autorisé d'une administration étrangère.
Vocabulaire normalisé de la navigation maritime comprenant toutes les modifications adoptées par le comité de la sécurité maritime, jusqu’à la cinquante et unième session y compris (1985). Le présent Vocabulaire a été établi : 1) en vue de contribuer à l’amélioration de la sécurité de la navigation et de la conduite des navires; 2) en vue de normaliser le vocabulaire utilisé lors des communications concernant la navigation en mer, aux abords des ports, dans les voies de navigation et dans les ports (CUBIQ).
Cette publication est un manuel de sécurité. Elle discute les sujets suivants : sécurité de la navigation, la stabilité, les urgences, équipement et installation, informations météorologiques, équipements de sauvetage et signaux de détresse maritime. Ce manuel donne des renseignements sur la sécurité à bord des bateaux de pêche de moins de 24 mètres et il est surtout destiné aux bateaux dont le capitaine ou l'exploitant n'est pas titulaire d'un certificat de capacité ou n'a reçu qu'une formation professionnelle limitée. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Le règlement sur la sécurité des bâtiments de pêche est entré en vigueur le 13 juillet 2017. Le règlement contient des nouvelles exigences en matière de stabilité pour les petits bâtiments de pêche. Les bâtiments qui ne sont pas tenus de subir une évaluation de la stabilité doivent avoir une stabilité adéquate. les lignes directrices sont un outil pour les propriétaires et exploitants de bâtiments de pêche qui les aidera à prendre des mesures préventives destinées à maintenir la stabilité de leurs bâtiments ainsi que leur donner des conseils portant sur les meilleures pratiques opérationnelles pour éviter l'envahissement ou le chavirement d'un bâtiment de pêche. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Ce guide s'adresse à vous, propriétaires et exploitants de petits bâtiments commerciaux, car selon la loi, vous avez la responsabilité de connaître votre bâtiment, de savoir comment le manœuvrer et de vous protéger contre les risques liés à son utilisation. Ce guide vous informe de ces responsabilités, vous fait connaître les exigences relatives à la sécurité qui s'appliquent à l'exploitation de votre bâtiment et vous indique comment vous y conformer pour éviter les accidents. Ce guide s'applique aux bâtiments suivants: les bâtiments à passagers commerciaux d'une jauge brute d'au plus 15, qui ne transportent pas plus de 12 passagers; les bateaux de travail (les bâtiments commerciaux qui ne transportent pas de passagers) d'une jauge brute d'au plus 15. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Règlement sur les abordage avec modifications canadiennes (C.R.C., chapitre 1416). Table des matières : 1) Définitions et interprétation; 2) Interdiction; 3) Application; 4) Conformité; 5) Preuve de conformité — feux, marques, appareils de signalisation sonore et réflecteurs radar; 6) Normes — feux, marques, appareils de signalisation sonore et réflecteurs radar; 7) Avis à la navigation et avis aux navigateurs; Annexe) Règlement international de 1972 pour prévenir les abordages en mer, avec modifications canadiennes. Document également disponible en format PDF avec le texte en français et en anglais côte à côte.
Au Canada, la navigation dans l’Arctique est régie par plusieurs textes de loi. Ces lois concernent les exigences de rapports sur la navigation, la prévention de la pollution, les navires de croisière, les exigences pour navires de classe polaire, les exigences d'armement en équipage.
Ce document indique la méthodologie qui doit être utilisée pour évaluer les capacités et les limites d'exploitation des navires dans les glaces, telle que les conditions décrites par le paragraphe 8(2) du Règlement sur la sécurité de la navigation et la prévention de la pollution dans les eaux arctiques (RSNPPEA), avec aussi la forme selon laquelle le message prescrit par l'article 9 du RSNPPEA sera transmis. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Les présentes Lignes directrices visent à donner de l’information sur les exigences formulées par les organismes gouvernementaux fédéraux et territoriaux à l’égard de la phase de planification des croisières et des voyages subséquents dans l’Arctique. Elles visent à aider les exploitants de navires de croisière à réaliser des voyages réussis et à favoriser les bonnes relations avec l’ensemble des cultures du Nord. Le lecteur doit savoir que la présente publication n’est pas un document juridique. Ces Lignes directrices portent sur l’exploitation sécuritaire et la navigation sans pollution des navires de croisière dans les eaux arctiques canadiennes. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Cette brochure se veut un guide de référence pour le Système des régimes de glaces pour la navigation dans l'Arctique (SRGNA). Il s'agit d'un guide illustré indiquant les quatre étapes à suivre pour appliquer le système des régimes de glaces. En première étape, l'utilisateur caractérise le régime de glaces. En deuxième étape, il établit les multiplicateurs glaciels selon la catégorie de navire. Ensuite, il combine les renseignements sur le régime de glaces et les multiplicateurs glaciels pour établir le numéral glaciel. Enfin, le numéral glaciel sert à décider si le navire peut emprunter l'itinéraire choisi ou en prendre un autre. Document également disponible en format PDF
Guide pratique à l’intention des officiers de pont et des officiers mécaniciens de navires. Les marins qui ne sont pas familiers avec les navires opérant dans les glaces peuvent ne pas apprécier pleinement les risques qui y sont associés et, par le fait même, peuvent ne pas y être adéquatement préparés. Le but de cette publication est de permettre une meilleure compréhension des dangers que l’on peut rencontrer lorsque l’on traverse en hiver les eaux de l’est du Canada. La but est également d’identifier les précautions qui peuvent être prises et les problèmes récurrents rencontrés chaque hiver dans les différents secteurs du navire dans une tentative d’apporter des solutions pratiques.
Le présent rapport a été commandé par la Direction de la sécurité marine de Transports Canada pour traiter du problème de la survie en eau froide. Le rapport se subdivise en six chapitres : 1) Brève introduction au problème; 2) Physiologie de l'immersion en eau froide; 3) Recherche menée sur la protection des personnes contre des dangers d'une immersion soudaine en eau froide; 4) Conception et mise au point des actuelles combinaisons d'immersion; 5) Compatibilité entre la combinaison d'immersion et le gilet de sauvetage; 6) Examen des différents groupes de personnes qui travaillent ou pratiquent des activités de loisir sur l'eau ou qui la survolent et du type de protection dont ces groupes ont besoin. Document également disponible en format PDF.
Transports Canada est fier de présenter une série de vidéos sur l’exploitation sécuritaire et responsable de votre bateau. Suivez-nous d’un bout à l’autre du Canada et explorez avec nous les questions de sécurité et les solutions s’offrant aux propriétaires de bateaux comme vous : Mon bateau. Mon entreprise. Ma reponsablité.
Pour trouver des renseignements à jour sur l’immatriculation d’un bâtiment, que vous en soyez le propriétaire ou non, vous pouvez utiliser le Système de recherche d'informations sur l'immatriculation des bâtiments. Vous pouvez effectuer une recherche en utilisant le numéro matricule ou le nom du bâtiment, ou utiliser la page de recherche plus étendue qui permet d'effectuer une recherche avec un plus grand nombre de caractéristiques.
Transports Canada administre un certain nombre de lois liées au secteur des transports. Il participe aussi à l'administration d'un grand nombre d'autres lois. L'accès au texte complet des Lois et des règlements est fourni par le ministère de la Justice du Canada, qui a la responsabilité de tenir à jour les Lois codifiées du Canada.
Publications de Transports Canada relatives à la sécurité et à la sûreté maritime : Normes, pratiques sécuritaires, lignes directrices, formulaires, guides, guides d’examen, descriptions de programmes, matériel de formation, avis. La liste est classée par numéro de publication de transport (TP). Des publications sur la sécurité maritime sont également disponibles sur le site des publications du gouvernement du Canada.
Les Bulletins de la sécurité des navires sont destinés aux propriétaires, représentants autorisés et exploitants de navires commerciaux. Les bulletins sont une source de renseignements exacts et à jour portant sur la sécurité des navires et l'un des mécanismes importants de communication de renseignements opportuns concernant les mesures de protection contre des risques connus et/ou des directives destinées à l'industrie.
Requirements for foreign recreational boaters in Canadian waters. All recreational boaters, both foreign and domestic, are expected to know the rules that govern their safe enjoyment in Canadian waters. Once in Canadian waters, you must follow the rules that govern safety equipment, the safe operation of your pleasure craft, and protection of the environment that apply in Canada.
Transport Canada publishes this resource to make sure that you know the regulations that apply to boating and that you learn more about safe and responsible boating practices. Boating is fun, but about 100 people die and many more get seriously injured every year in boating incidents. Most boating deaths and injuries can be avoided. While this guide offers a basic overview of boating safety, it should not be your only source of information. Table of contents: Introduction, Geting started, Before you go, On the water, In an emergency, Contact information and reference cards.
All mariners know the hazards of working at sea. Every year more than 1000 marine incidents are reported to the Canadian Marine Administration of Transport Canada. Although work on board ship can be dangerous, many incidents could be avoided if proper safety procedures, as laid down in Canada's “Safe Working Practices Regulations”, were followed. This booklet has been prepared by the Canadian Coast Guard to explain those regulations. References to specific sections of the official regulations are included so you can find more detailed information if you need it (1984).
Distress procedures. Distress, urgency ans safety signals. Figure and text description of figure.
In accordance with the Canada Shipping Act and the provisions of Section 41 of the Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999, a Radio Log shall be carried on board vessels with marine radio installations. The Log shall be located at the main operating position of the ship radio station while the ship is at sea. It must be available for inspection by any person authorized by Transportation Safety Board of Canada, Transport Canada, a Radio Inspector or a authorized representative of another Administration.
Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary incorporating all amendments adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee up to and including its fifty-first session (1985). This vocabulary has been compiled: 1) to assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the conduct of ships; 2) to standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in port-approaches, in waterways and harbours (ČTÚ).
This publication is a Safety Manual for small fishing vessels and discusses topics such as: stability, emergencies, navigating safely, life saving equipment, weather information, distress signals, safety on the job and equipment and installation. This handbook provides information on safety on small fishing vessels (under 24 metres), and is intended primarily for vessels where the Master or Operator does not hold a certificate of competency or has limited vocational training. Document also available in PDF format.
This guide is for owners and operators of small commercial vessels because you are responsible, by law, for knowing, controlling and defending against the risks related to your vessel and its use. The purpose of this guide is to inform you of these responsibilities, and to let you know the safety requirements that apply to your operation and how to comply with them to avoid accidents. The information in this guide relates to: assenger-carrying commercial vessels that are not more than 15 gross tonnage and that carry no more than 12 passengers; and workboats (commercial vessels that do not carry passengers) that are not more than 15 gross tonnage. Document also available in PDF format.
Collision regulations with Canadian modifications. Table of Contents: 1) Interpretation; 2) Prohibition; 3) Application; 4) Compliance; 5) Proof of compliance — lights, shapes, sound-signalling appliances and radar reflectors; 6) Standards — lights, shapes, sound-signalling appliances and radar reflectors; 7) Notices to mariners and notices to shipping; Schedule) International regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972 with Canadian modifications. Document also available in PDF format with text in French and English side by side.
Arctic shipping in Canada is governed by several pieces of legislation. These laws relate to voyage reporting requirements, pollution prevention rules, cruise ships, polar class vessel requirements, crewing requirements.
This document is an overview of the methodology to be used to assess vessel operations capabilities and limitations in ice when navigating in the in circumstances described in section 8(2) of the Arctic Shipping Safety and Pollution Prevention Regulations (ASSPPR), along with the message that is to be sent, as required by section 9 of the ASSPPR. Document also available in PDF format.
These Guidelines are intended to provide information on the requirements of Federal and Territorial government agencies during the planning phase of cruises and during the subsequent Arctic voyages. The Guidelines are intended to assist cruise operators in achieving successful voyages and promoting good relations with all the cultures of the North. The reader should note that this publication is not a legal document.The focus of these Guidelines is the safe and pollution-free operation of cruise ships in Canadian Arctic waters. Document also available in PDF format.
This book was developed as a reference guide for the Arctic Ice Regime Shipping System (AIRSS). It is a pictorial guide that outlines the four steps that are needed to apply the Ice Regime System. First, the user characterizes the Ice Regime. Second, the Classdependent Ice Multipliers are obtained. Third, information about the Ice Regime and the Ice Multipliers is combined to determine the Ice Numeral. Finally, the Ice Numeral is used to decide whether the vessel should proceed or take an alternate route. Document also available in PDF format
Practical Notebook for Marine Engineers and Deck Officers. Seafarers that are not familiar with vessels operating in ice conditions may not fully appreciate the risks involved and in consequence may not be adequately prepared. The goal of this publication is to to provide a better understanding of hazards which may be encountered when transiting Eastern Canadian ice covered waters during the winter navigation season. The goal is also to identify precautions that can be taken and recurring problems encountered every winter season in various locations of a vessel in an attempt to bring practical solutions.
This report was requested by the Marine Safety Directorate of Transport Canada to address the problem of survival in cold waters. It is divided into six specific chapters: 1) A brief introduction to the problem; 2) The physiology of cold water immersion; 3) The research that has been conducted to protect the human from the dangers of sudden cold water immersion; 4) The design and development of current immersion suits; 5) The inter-relationship between the immersion suit and the lifejacket; 6) A review of the different groups of people who fly over, work on or play on the water and what protection these groups need. Document also available in format PDF.
Transport Canada is proud to present a series of videos on operating your small vessel safely and responsibly. Follow us across Canada as we explore safety issues and solutions with vessel owners like you: My Vessel. My Business. My Responsibility.
To search for current information on the registration of your own vessel or another vessel, use the Vessel Registration Query System. You can search for a ship's official number or by name, or use the advanced search page which permits searching on a wider variety of attributes.
Transport Canada administers a number of Acts (laws) related to transportation. It also assists with the administration of many others. Access to the full text of federal Acts and Regulations is provided by the Department of Justice Canada, which is responsible for maintaining the Consolidated Statutes of Canada.
Marine safety and security publications by Transport Canada: Standards, safe practices, guidelines, forms, guides, examination guides, program descriptions, training materials, notices. The list is sorted by Transport Publication number (TP). Marine safety publications are also available on the Government of Canada publications site.
Ship Safety Bulletins are aimed at owners, authorized representatives and operators of commercial vessels, including other interested marine industry stakeholders. The bulletins are a source of accurate and up-to-date ship safety information, paramount to the safety of life at sea and one of the important mechanisms for conveying timely information pertaining to safeguards against identified risks and/or direction to industry.
Le glossaire fournit une définition des termes marins utilisés dans les cours de navigation des Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance (ECP). Ce glossaire est aussi un lexique des termes équivalents en anglais. Vous pouvez consulter la version anglaise afin d’obtenir la traduction française d’un terme anglais de navigation.
Documents à téléchargez : Guide de sécurité nautique, Glossaire, Échelle Beaufort, Sécurité nautique, 5 bonnes actions pour une saison de navigation agréable et sécuritaire, Journal de board, Signaux à bras pour le ski nautique, Plan de route.
The CPS Glossary: a compilation of the glossaries from all of our course material.
Documents to download: Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide, Spring pre-launch, Simulator for charting/GPS, Glossary, Deck Log, Trip Plan, Beaufort Scale, Hand Signals for Watersports, Tips for boaters.
El SHOA entrega una nueva edición de su Catálogo de Cartas y Publicaciones Náuticas, el cual contiene toda la producción cartográfica y de publicaciones vigente; y contempla y finaliza el cambio de numeración de la Cubierta Cartográfica Nacional, iniciado el año 2001.
This publication contains symbols, abbreviations and terms used in nautical charts published by the Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA), whether or not they belong to the international series. All new edition charts by SHOA are in accordance with this publication.
Esta nueva edición del "Glosario de Marea y Corrientes" tiene como objetivos dar a conocer, uniformar y oficializar los términos y definiciones que emplea el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile en todo lo relacionado con marea y corrientes.
Conocer la marea en una fecha determinada: predicciones de marea durante un mes con un elección entre 2 meses. Localidades: Arica, Iquique, Mejillones Del Sur, Antofagasta, Caldera, Hanga Piko (Isla De Pascua), Coquimbo, Quintero, Valparaiso, San Antonio, Bahía Cumberland (Isla Robinson Crusoe), Talcahuano, Coronel, Valdivia (Rio Calle Calle), Corral, Puerto Chacao, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Puerto Chacabuco, Angostura Inglesa (Canal Messier), Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas, Caleta Percy (Bahia Gente Grande), Punta Delgada (Estrecho De Magallanes), Puerto Williams (Canal Beagle), Bahía Orange (Península Hardy), Puerto Soberania (Isla Greenwich), Rada Covadonga (Tierra De O'Higgins). Mas informacion sobre las horas de las predicciones entregadas.
To know the tide at a certain date: tidal predictions for the month with a choice between 2 months. Location: Arica, Iquique, Mejillones Del Sur, Antofagasta, Caldera, Hanga Piko (Isla De Pascua), Coquimbo, Quintero, Valparaiso, San Antonio, Bahía Cumberland (Isla Robinson Crusoe), Talcahuano, Coronel, Valdivia (Rio Calle Calle), Corral, Puerto Chacao, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Puerto Chacabuco, Angostura Inglesa (Canal Messier), Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas, Caleta Percy (Bahia Gente Grande), Punta Delgada (Estrecho De Magallanes), Puerto Williams (Canal Beagle), Bahía Orange (Península Hardy), Puerto Soberania (Isla Greenwich), Rada Covadonga (Tierra De O'Higgins). More about the time of the forecast on all the information is conveyed.
Esta edición, entrega toda la información sobre distancias en millas náuticas entre los principales puertos de la costa de Chile y del mundo - actualizada de acuerdo a los recientes cambios geopolíticos del orbe - ; constituyéndose en un valioso material de consulta para el navegante a la hora de planificar el trazado de la derrota, pues tiene como propósito dar a conocer con antelación la cantidad de millas que su buque deberá navegar desde su punto de salida hasta su punto de destino.
Publicaciones: Publicaciones oceanográficas, publicaciones hidrográficas, otras publicaciones.
Publications: Oceanographic publications, hydrographic publications and others.
Cell updates are made known through the Bulletin of Notices to Mariners and are available on SHOA webpage for free download by users.
Noticias Urgentes a los Navegantes (Nurnav). Radio avisos a la navegación para la área costera (Navtex) y la área alta mar (Inmarsat C). La disponibilidad de los radio avisos a la navegación en el sitio Web del SHOA, no exime a los Comandantes y Capitanes, de su obligación de recibir la Información de Seguridad Marítima (ISM), en la mar o en puerto, a través de los sistemas de radiodifusión NAVTEX y SafetyNet.
Radio navigational warnings for the costal area (Navtex) and the high sea (Inmarsat C). The availability of the radio navigational warnings on the SHOA web site does not exempt Master and Captains from their obligations to receive Maritime Safety Information (MSI), at sea or port, through NAVTEX and SafetyNet systems.
Este Boletín que se edita mensualmente contiene todas las informaciones y novedades hidrográficas acaecidas durante ese período, y sirve para corregir las cartas y publicaciones náuticas usadas a bordo de los buques y que son afectadas por tales noticias. Esto es muy importante para la seguridad de la navegación, ya que las cartas y publicaciones náuticas son corregidas al momento de su distribución, pero muchos cambios, necesarios de considerar, pueden ocurrir posteriormente, tales como: boyas fuera de sitio, faros apagados, inaugurados o retirados, nuevas sondas, cambio en las características de los puertos, etc.
Esta calculadora cuenta con las herramientas para convertir los valores obtenidos en las distintas escalas de unidades, junto con proporcionar la ayuda necesaria para el manejo de algunos parámetros meteorológicos. Conversiónes y cálculos: Conversión de Temperatura - Conversión de Velocidad del Viento - Cálculo de Humedad Relativa del Aire - Cálculo de Sensación Térmica - Conversión de Presión Atmosférica - Cálculo Reducción Presión Atmosférica Nivel Medio del Mar - Cálculo de Viento Geostrófico.
En la sección 6 (Modelamiento) cartas con previsión de altura de ola significativa para el Pacífico Sureste en color o en B/N de H+12 to H+120. Cartas en colores con olas de 5 metros y mas. Cartas en colores con pronóstico de olas para le Paso Drake. También animación y diapositivas. Se recomienda descargar este archivo y trabajar desde su PC. Versión sencilla, diseñada para navegantes y usuarios con acceso restringido a internet. Altura en metros.
In section 6 (Models) maps with significant waves forecast for the Eastern South Pacific in colour or in B/W from H+12 to H+120. Color maps with waves of 5 meters or more. Color maps with wave forecast for the Drake Passage. Also loop file and slideshow loop. Save this file as a simple version designed for mariners and internet users with low bandwidth access. Height in meters.
En la sección 5 (Hielos) de la página información glaciológica y cartas con concentración de hielo con código oval.
In section 5 (Sea Ice) of the page ice reports, satellite images and concentration ice charts with egg code.
El presente Manual tiene por objeto: a) determinar las obligaciones de los Miembros en lo que respecta a la ejecución de los servicios meteorológicos marinos; facilitar la cooperación en materia de coordinación internacional de los servicios meteorológicos marinos, en concreto el suministro del Servicio mundial de información y avisos meteorológicos y oceanográficos de la OMI y la OMM; facilitar la cooperación entre la Vigilancia Meteorológica Mundial y los servicios meteorológicos marinos; velar adecuadamente por la uniformidad y la normalización de las prácticas y los procedimientos empleados para conseguir los objetivos enunciados en a), b) y c).
La presente Guía responde al propósito de completar le Manual de Servicios Meteorológicos Marinos como sigue: a) describir las necesidades requeridas para los distintos tipos de servicios; b) explicar las razones a que responden los métodos convenidos para la prestación de servicios;c) orientar sobre la manera de constituir y mantener servicios meteorológicos marinos.
Información sobre seguridad marítima (ISM) : radioavisos náuticos y meteorológicos, pronósticos meteorológicos y otros mensajes urgentes relacionados con la seguridad que se transmiten a los buques. El presente Manual es una guía práctica para todas las personas interesadas en elaborar o en transmitir ISM en el marco del sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad marítima (SMSSM).
Situatión portuaria: Bahías con Restricción Temporal, Aviso de Marejadas, Aviso de Mal tiempo, Avisos Especiales, Pronóstico Meteorológico, Naves Recalando, Naves en Puerto, Naves que Zarparon. También: Estado de Puertos Cerrados.
Derroteros con rutas, regulaciones y direcciones de pilotaje para le Estrecho de Magallanes, canales y fiordos chilenos. Resumen: A - Disposiciones e informaciones generales de pilotaje; B - Navegación por el Estrecho de Magallanes o el Paso de Drake; C - Rutas de navegación en canales, estrechos y fiordos chilenos (Canal Chacao al Cabo de Hornos) (de Norte a Sur).
Sailing directions with routes, regulations and information for piloting for the Strait of Magellan, Chilean channels and fiords. Summary: A - General piloting regulations and information; B - Sailing along strait of Magellan or Drake Passage; C - Sailing routes throughout Chilean straits, channels and fiords (from Chacao Channel to Cape Horn, Southbound).
El Servicio de Telecomunicaciones Marítimas administra una Red Nacional de Radioestaciones Marítimas encargada de proveer a las naves de un servicio de difusión coordinada de información sobre seguridad marítima, escucha de seguridad de las frecuencias de socorro y tramitación de la correspondencia pública y privada, dando cumplimiento a los acuerdos internacionales adoptados por el Estado y teniendo presente las recomendaciones sugeridas por la Organización Marítima Mundial (OMI). Temas: Listado de radioestaciones marítimas - Horarios de difusión radiotelefónica de información meteorológica - Zonas meteorológicas.
Manual IAMSAR volumen II: Coordinación de las Misiones (2007). También: Guía sobre las técnicas de rescate (MSC.1/Circ.1182/Rev.1).
Su papel en el rescate el el mar. Como navegante, es posible que usted tenga que rescatar a personas en peligro en el mar. Puede tratarse de alguien que haya caído por la borda de su propio buque o puede que su buque haya acudido al lugar en el que se ha producido un suceso. Es posible que le avisen con poco tiempo y que haya vidas que dependan de usted. En muchas zonas del mundo, particularmente en zonas que están fuera del alcance de los medios de búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) en tierra, puede que su buque sea la primera unidad de salvamento, o incluso la única, que llegue a tiempo. El proceso de rescate es a menudo difícil. La guía se centra en el rescate y en lo que usted puede tener que hacer para lograrlo. Está destinada a ser utilizada como documento de referencia. Debe usted leerla ahora y remitirse a ella mientras se dirija al lugar del suceso a fin de prepararse para las operaciones de rescate. En ella se sugieren técnicas de rescate prácticas que han sido utilizadas con éxito para rescatar a personas en peligro en el mar (OMI, MSC.1/Circ.1182/Rev.1, 2014).
COLREG: Reglamento Internacional Para Prevenir los Abordajes, 1972 (Enmiendas).
El Comité de Seguridad Marítima es el más alto órgano técnico de la Organización. Está integrado por todos los miembros. Entre las funciones del Comité de seguridad marítima se incluye "examinar todas las cuestiones que sean competencia de la organización en relación con ayudas a la navegación, construcción y equipo de buques, dotación desde un punto de vista de seguridad, reglas destinadas a prevenir abordajes, manipulación de cargas peligrosas, procedimientos y prescripciones relativos a la seguridad marítima, información hidrográfica, diarios y registros de navegación, investigación de siniestros marítimos, salvamento de bienes y personas, y toda otra cuestión que afecte directamente a la seguridad marítima".
El Comité de protección del medio marino, que se compone de todos los Estados Miembros, está facultado para examinar toda cuestión que sea competencia de la organización en relación con la prevención y contención de la contaminación del mar, ocasionada por los buques. Especialmente se ocupa de la aprobación y enmienda de convenios y otras reglas y medidas para garantizar su observancia.
El Código internacional para los buques que operen en aguas polares se ha elaborado como complemento de los instrumentos actuales de la OMI con objeto de incrementar la seguridad de las operaciones de los buques y reducir sus repercusiones en las personas y el medio ambiente en las aguas polares, remotas, vulnerables y posiblemente inhóspitas. Texto refundido del Código polar que figura en los anexos de las resoluciones MSC.385(94) y MEPC.264(68), 2019.
El CHILREP es un sistema voluntario "positivo", es decir, si se pierde contacto con el buque y no se recibe una notificación de la situación o final (arribo a puerto o salida del área SAR nacional), el Centro o Subcentro Coordinador de Búsqueda y Salvamento Marítimo iniciará las indagaciones y adoptará los procedimientos para determinar si el buque se encuentra o no seguro. Sin perjuicio que el CHILREP es voluntario, la reglamentación nacional dispone que todo buque extranjero que se dirija a un puerto chileno debe comunicar su arribo con un mínimo de 24 horas de anticipación. Cuando los buques extranjeros se desplacen por aguas interiores de la República deberán comunicar su posición a las 12:00Z y 24:00Z. En las demás situaciones, el sistema considera un informe diario entre las 12:00Z y 16:00Z. Los buques de bandera chilena deben notificar su posición a las 12:00Z y 24:00Z diariamente (También archivo PDF descargable).
CHILREP is a “positive” voluntary system that is, if contact with a vessel is lost and no report is received (arrival in port or departure from the national SAR area), the Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre or Sub-Centre shall initiate inquiries and adopt procedures to determine whether the vessel is safe or not. Notwithstanding that participation in the system is voluntary, domestic regulations provide that all foreign vessel bound to a Chilean port must report her arrival at least 24 hours in advance. When foreign vessels navigate inland waters of the Chilean Republic they must report their position at 12:00 Z and 24:00 Z. Under other conditions, the system considers a daily report between 12:00 Z and 16:00 Z. Chilean flagged vessels must report their position at 12:00 Z and 24:00 Z daily.
La misión del Servicio de Búsqueda y Salvamento Marítimo es organizar y efectuar la búsqueda de las naves, artefactos navales u otros vehículos de transporte en el área marítima de responsabilidad nacional, con el propósito de salvar a su dotación y pasajeros que se hallen en peligro, a consecuencias de un accidente en el mar.
El boletín informativo marítimo (bim) es un completo compilado de las resoluciones emitidas por la directemar y sus direcciones técnicas marítimas dependientes. su edición es mensual y el trabajo es realizado por la división reglamentos y publicaciones
Situatión portuaria: Bahías con Restricción Temporal, Aviso de Marejadas, Aviso de Mal tiempo, Avisos Especiales, Pronóstico Meteorológico, Naves Recalando, Naves en Puerto, Naves que Zarparon. También: Estado general capitanías de puerto.
航海通告由索引、永久性通告、预告、航行警告、航标改正、贴图改正、航路指南和其它航海信息、海区情况报告表及其使用说明等内容组成。主要通报了助航设备的设置与更改,水中危险物和障碍物的发现和清除,水下建筑物的变化,港区、航道和锚地水深的更正,特殊海区的变化,航海图书的出版信息和其它与航行有关的内容。 若浏览通告,如果您还没有下载浏览器或浏览不正常,请下载: 中文版: ReaderSetup3.2 本网站公布的航海通告资料供参考使用!详见我部出版的纸质《航海通告》!
The weekly edition of Notices to Mariners is to promulgate changes in the sea areas and publishing of nautical charts and publications. It is not only for users to update their nautical charts and publications, but also for mariners to assist their navigation. To view the Notices, you need to download: ReaderSetup. The Notices to Mariners offered on this website are for reference only. For details, please see the paper edition of Chinese Notices to Mariners.
This catalogue (CNP203, 2016) is worked out specially for the purpose of providing mariners and relevant users with accurate charts of Chinese coastal ports and fairways in time. In order to keep navigation safety and prevent sea pollution, all vessels which navigate in the Chinese coastal ports and fairways must fit out the updated charts and other relative navigation publications, which are published by China MSA, the official publishing office of the Chinese coastal port and fairway charts.
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables
Medium resolution scan / Scan de résolution moyenne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Select a chart on the list. Click on the right blue button 缩略图. With the right mouse button chose "View image". Click on the image.
Online Chinese coastal and fairway charts with medium definition scan.
List of coastal radio stations for China: VHF, MF and HF. File in doc format.
These guides are published in order to provide the users with a brief introduction to the vessel traffic services (hereinafter referred to as VTS) and the requirement of the vessel traffic services center concerning traffic management and service and the navigation information which may be necessary for the vessels, thus to promote the understanding and cooperation between VTS center and users, and to ensure the safety of navigation, promote the traffic efficiency and protect the environment. VTS: Wuhan, Beichangshan, Jiangsu, Fujian, Zhanjiang, Yingkou, Yangshan, Yantai, Xiamen, Wuhu, Wusong, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Qinhuangdao, Ningbo, Lianyungang, Jingtang, Huanghua, Guangzhou, Chengshanjiao, Caofeidian.
Ship’s routeing system for these areas: Laotieshan Channel, Changjiangkou, Caofeidian Waters, Anhui Section of Yangtze River, Jiangsu Section of Yangtze River, Changshan Channel, Chengshanjiao Promontory, Shanghai Section of Yangtze River, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Pearl River Estuary, Qingdao Waters.
Ship’s reporting system for these areas: deep water route of Ningbo-Zhoushan port, Changshan channel, Changjiangkou, waters of the Pearl River estuary, Laotie Shan channel, Chengshan Jiao promontory.
1972 年国际海上避碰规则。目录:第一章 总则, 第二章 驾驶和航行规则, 第三章 号灯和号型, 第四章 声响和灯光信号, 第五章 豁免, 附录一 号灯和号型的位置和技术细节, 附录二 在相互邻近处捕鱼的渔船额外信号, 附录三 声号器具的技术细节, 附录四 遇险信号 (2003)。
The Search and Rescue Center is responsible for organizing, coordinating and directing major search and rescue operations and responses to ship pollution accidents and other sudden emergencies at sea and in inland waters.
Navigational warnings in English.
本通告刊登的中国沿海海区航行要素变化信息以及海上施工作业信息,主要用以改正 中华人民共和国海事局出版的中国沿海港口航道图,并为广大航海用户提供有关航行安全的 服务信息。
The Notices to Mariners which publish the information about essential changing feature of Chinese coastal sea area and works at sea, is mainly used to correct the Chinese coastal port and fairway Charts and offer navigation safety information for mariners. The English version notices include the Notices to Mariners and Temporary Notices.
The Notices (NtM) which publish the information about essential changing feature ofChinese coastal sea area and works at sea, is mainly used to correct the Chinese coastal port and fairway Charts and offer navigation safety information for mariners. The English version notices includes the Notices to Mariners and Temporary Notices.
Beidou satellites with status: Operational, Experiment, Testing...
BeiDou satellites health status for 24 hours: Healthy (green), Unhealthy (red), Testing (yellow) or Unknown (blue). The data was collected and integrated by iGMAS global tracking stations. The definition of satellite health status refers to the D1 navigation message in "Satellite Autonomous Health Identification (SatH1)" on the 22nd page of "BDS Spatial Signal Interface Control Document (ICD) Service Publicity Signal B1I (Version 2.1) ".
World map with the values of position geometry factor PDOP for BeiDou on the Earth surface (elevation ≥ 5°, time BDT/UTC). PDOP reflects the amplification effect to the user ranging error which is caused by spatial geometry of visible satellites and the receiver. The smaller the PDOP, the higher the positioning accuracy.
GLONASS satellites with status: Operational, Testing...
GLONASS satellites health status: Healthy (green), Unhealthy (red) or Unknown (blue). The data was collected and integrated by global tracking stations. The definition of satellite health status refers to the navigation message in "Satellite Health Identification Bn(ln)" on the 22nd page of "GLONASS Interface Control Document (ICD) 2008 (Edition5.1)".
World map with the values of position geometry factor PDOP for GLONASS on the Earth surface (elevation ≥ 5°, time BDT/UTC). PDOP reflects the amplification effect to the user ranging error which is caused by spatial geometry of visible satellites and the receiver. Under a fixed user error range, the smaller the PDOP, the higher the positioning accuracy.
GPS satellites with status: Operational, Experiment, Testing...
GPS satellites health status for 24 hours: Healthy (green), Unhealthy (red) or Unknown (blue). The data was collected and integrated by iGMAS global tracking stations. The definition of satellite health status refers to the subframe 1 of navigation message in "SV Health" on the 94nd page of "IS-GPS-200J".
World map with the values of position geometry factor PDOP for GPS on the Earth surface (elevation ≥ 5°, time BDT/UTC). The Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) is used to characterize the relative positioning relationship between navigation satellite and user. The user's positioning accuracy can be simplified as PDOP*UERE. Under a fixed user error range, the smaller the PDOP, the higher the positioning accuracy.
害预警:台风海浪筈报 (Typhoon)。
风暴潮预报:台风路径图例。台风路径 - 增水场 - 站点。最大增水场預报 - 增水概率預报 (Typhoon map)。
潮汐预报:地点 - 潮位基准面 - 潮汐 - 时间 - 天文潮位(cm)- 潮汐- 时间 - 天文潮位(cm) - 未来三十天预报 (World tides)。
逐时海潮预报:近岸预报 - 浴场预报 - 旅游海岛预报 - 旅游海岛预报 - 国内港口预报 (Chinese tides)。
海浪实况。西北太平洋海浪实况图。说明:该产品仅供用户参考使用,对因使用该产品而引起的任何直接、间接、特殊、偶然或结果性损失均不承担责任。本产品版 (Wave analysis)。
波浪预报从 +0 小时到 +168 小时。海浪实况分析 - 全球 - 印度洋 - 西北太 - 中国海 - 渤黄海 - 东海 - 南海。 说明:阁中有效波商用色斑阁农示。箭头方向农示平均波向,大小农示埘期。说明:该产品仅供用户参考使用,对因使用该产品而引起的任何直接、间接、特殊、偶然或结果性损失均不承担责任。本产品版 (Wave forecast)。
The ice silk road Sea : Arctic sea ice Status (Ice concentration) - Arctic sea ice forecast (Ice concentration, ice thickness, ice drift)...
冰上丝绸之路:北极区域海冰实况 (海冰密集度) - 北极区域海冰预报 (海冰密集度 - 海冰厚度 - 海冰漂移速度) (Polar ice products)。
海冰综合预报:海冰年预报 - 海冰月预报 - 海冰旬预报 - 海冰周预报 (Ice products)。
北海 - 大连(老虎滩) - 高 雄 - 广 州 - 海口(秀英) - 连云港 - 青 岛 - 秦皇岛 - 塘 沽 - 吴淞 - 厦 门 - 镇 海。
Tide Tables for China: Beihai - Dalian (Laohutan) - Gaoxiong - Guangzhou - Haikou (Xiuying) - Lianyungang - Qingdao - Qinhuangdao - Tanggu - Wusong - Xiamen - Zhenhai (HTML).
收录港口: 484 一 亚洲 北美洲 南美洲 大洋洲 南极洲 非洲 欧洲。
热门港口: 大连港 连云港 秦皇岛港 吴淞 汕头 防城港 锦州港 宁波 香港 钓鱼岛 黄岩岛。
收录港口: 484 一 亚洲 北美洲 南美洲 大洋洲 南极洲 非洲 欧洲
热门港口: 大连港 连云港 秦皇岛港 吴淞 汕头 防城港 锦州港 宁波 香港 钓鱼岛 黄岩岛。
Speed in meters per second, for knots multiply by 2 |
Speed in meters per second, for knots multiply by 2 |
The cone contains the probable path of the storm center but does not show the size of the storm. Hazardous conditions can occur outside of the cone.
Dynamic map with risk assessment for passenger/roro ferry, small bulk carrier, easy fluidized solid bulk carrier and fishing boat. The evaluation results obtained by using this system are for reference only. The user shall make a decision according to the specific ship condition, cargo, loading state and the actual weather conditions at that time.The system development and release units do not assume any legal responsibility.
Bilingual (Chinese and English) paper nautical charts are produced in accordance with the specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The positions on the chart are referred to the WGS84 Datum. The depths are in metres and reduced to the Chart Datum, which is approximately the Lowest Astronomical Tide. The buoyage system in Hong Kong follows the IALA Maritime Buoyage System (Region A), i.e. Red to Port, Green to Starboard.
Published in booklet form, HK Chart 1 provides a handy reference to the symbols, abbreviations and terms used on nautical charts produced by HKHO.
In the interest of quick delivery of information, all real-time tide data in the website have not been subjected to quality control. They are provided by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a service to the public and may be used for informational purpose only. Index Map: Chek Lap Kok, Cheung Chau, Ko Lau Wan, Kwai Chung, Ma Wan, Quarry Bay, Shek Pik, Tai Miu Wan, Tai Po Kau, Tsim Bei Tsui, Waglan Island. Click on the earth then "English" for the english version (HTML).
Hydrographic Office (HO) of Marine Department has introduced a computer-based Tidal Stream Prediction System (TSPS) to generate tidal stream predictions for some 1,200 points across Hong Kong waters. The predictions include the tidal stream speed and direction for each point at 15-min interval for two years and one day. The prediction period includes an immediate past year, current day and a year thereafter. Such information is available to the public users for on-line access and downloading in this website. These predictions will deviate from the actual conditions in the field since temporal and localised meteorological effects and non-tidal flow variations could not be taken into account. According to the comparison of the predicted data with the actual field observed data, the average difference in current peak magnitude ranges from 0.03 m/s to 0.21 m/s, while the average phase difference in peak velocity was about 17 minutes.
The following three chartlets are in PDF (Portable Document Format): Waters of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Principal Fairways of Hong Kong - Restricted Areas of Hong Kong International Airport.
Navigational warning (via NAVTEX) contains warning(s) valid for the northern part of the South China Sea.
The bi-weekly issue of Notices To Mariners (NTMs) promulgated by the Hong Kong Hydrographic Office enables mariners to update their HK charts. Contents: I General Notes / Index of Charts Affected - II Publications Affected and Chart Corrections - III Marine Information (like temporary notice) - IV Reprints of Navigational Warnings (NAVTEX) - V Corrections to Charts for Local Vessels.
中英對照的紙海圖是根據國際海道測量組織的規格而繪製。海圖上的位置參照1984年世界大地測量系統(WGS 84)基準;深度則由海圖基準以下計算,以米為單位,此基準與最低天文潮相若。香港航標系統採用國際航標協會海上浮標A區域系統,即紅在左舷、綠在右舷。
为了尽早将讯息显示,本网页内的所有实时潮汐资料,并没有作质量控制。香港特别行政区政府提供这些资料只作为公众服务及资料参考用途。本网页由海事处海道测量部及香港天文台联合制作。各站位置圖: 赤鱲角, 長洲, 高流灣, 葵涌, 馬灣, 鰂魚涌, 石壁, 大廟灣, 大埔滘, 尖鼻咀, 橫瀾島。
請先於地圖上選擇地點 作預測。不能作航行用途。
下面的小海圖是以PDF格式建成 : 香港特別行政區水域 - 香港主要航道 - 香港國際機場限制區。
航行警告(經航行警告電傳) 包括南中國海北部的有效航行警告。
The Berthing Guidelines (BGL) provides guidance on the efficient provision of pilotage services. The BGL is a reference for all port users requiring pilotage services. In order to expedite the arrangement of operation involving pilotage, the BGL set out the agreed operational parameters and measures which were endorsed by the Pilotage Advisory Committee (PAC). Owners, operators and agents of ships are encouraged to disseminate relevant information contained in this BGL to their masters of ships.
Hong Kong Port Operation Procedures: Procedure for a Vessel Entering Hong Kong Waters - Procedure for a Vessel Departing from Hong Kong Waters - Pilotage - Harbour Mooring Buoy - Carriage of Dangerous Goods...
Vessel Traffic Services are provided to vessels visiting Hong Kong to ensure their safety and to facilitate their arrival and departure as expeditiously as possible. There are 10 Principal Fairways and 2 Traffic Separation Schemes in the waters of Hong Kong.
A set of the Plans of Typhoon Shelters on which the passage area is shown coloured grey is prepared below for public inspection. Also global plan of typhoon shelters and sheltered anchorages.
Safety publications for port of Hong Kong: Safety guidelines for boating activities during fireworks displays or other major events at sea - Water Sport Safety - Observing the Safety advice Enjoying the fun at sea - Safe Operation of Small Pleasure Vessels - Safe Navigation In Restricted Visibility - Speed Limits of Vessels within Hong Kong Waters - Notes to Local Pleasure Vessels - Guidelines for Co-using Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter - Measures to Enhance the Safety of Local Vessels During Passage of Tropical Cyclones - New arrangement for Vessel Traffic Service - Rearrangement of Principal Fairways and Anchorages in the Western Harbour - Safely Afloat, Away From the Shallows...
The main purpose of this publication is to provide under one cover information on the weather services provided by the Hong Kong Observatory for mariners at sea and in the harbour of Hong Kong. Target readers include crew of ocean-going ships, operators of ship companies, and professionals and other members of the public engaged in offshore and onshore marine activities.
Only tropical cyclones centred within the area bounded by 7-36N and 100-140E will be shown on this website. Also: Warning for shipping.
Tropical cyclone warning signals are to warn the public of the threat of WINDS associated with a tropical cyclone.
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The tide tables (PDF file) list the predicted heights and times of daily high and low waters at 12 locations in Hong Kong, namely Chek Lap Kok (East), Cheung Chau, Ko Lau Wan, Kwai Chung, Ma Wan, Quarry Bay, Shek Pik, Tai Miu Wan, Tai O, Tai Po Kau, Tsim Bei Tsui and Waglan Island.
Forecast and real-time on HTML format. Tides in Hong Kong are mixed and mainly semi-diurnal. On most of the days in a month, there are two high tides and two low tides. As the predicted times and heights of the high and low tides are derived for average meteorological conditions, the observed tides may differ from those predicted when the actual meteorological conditions deviate from the mean. The real-time tide data are provided as a service to the public and may be used for informational purpose only. Location: Chek Lap Kok, Cheung Chau, Ko Lau Wan, Kwai Chung, Ma Wan, Quarry Bay, Shek Pik, Tai Miu Wan, Tai Po Kau, Tsim Bei Tsui, Waglan Island.
Times of Sunrise, Sun Transit, Sunset, Moonrise, Moon Transit, Moonset and Tidal Predictions (tide time and tide height).
Astronomical data: Date and Time of the 24 Solar Terms - Time, Direction and Elevation of Sun Transit - The Apparent Right Ascension and Apparent Declination of the Sun - Date and Time of the Moon Phases.
World map with international time zone and time. The time displays in this page are obtained from your computer clock.
Space weather alerts in force: Radio Blackout Alert - Solar Radiation Storm Alert - Geomagnetic Storm Alert.
This bulletin is published on-line every three months. It aims at providing the latest news and development of weather services for the marine community.
Tienda Virtual: Cartografía Náutica, Cartografía Temática,Especies Venales, Libros Y Publicaciones, Matrículas, Servicios, Trámites de Gente de Mar y Naves, Trámites de Investigación y Señalización Marítima, Trámites de Litorales y Áreas Márinas, Trámites de Transporte Marítimo.
La Geodesia es una de las ciencias de la tierra que se encarga de determinar las dimensiones y forma de la tierra, implicando su uso tanto en la parte terrestre como en los mares adyacentes. Esta ciencia es utilizada por la Hidrografía y la Oceanografía para conocer con la mayor exactitud posible, las posiciones de los puntos de la superficie y sobre el nivel del mar, para las proyecciones que se deben utilizar en la cartografía. El Manual de Geodesia para Hidrógrafos es una publicación especializada con el fin de prestar un apoyo para los docentes que tienen la tarea de enseñar los principios básicos del posicionamiento.
Fruto del esfuerzo de muchas personas apasionadas por las costas colombianas y su mundo marino, presentamos ante el mundo la primera edición de la Guía Náutica Turística Colombiana. Abrimos con esta las puertas de Colombia al turismo náutico, mostrando una oferta de destinos, puertos, marinas y sitios de fondeo con abundantes bondades naturales y una privilegiado ubicación geográfica, integrándonos así al gran corredor de lo náutica en América. También guía con una mejor definición y versión para ver en línea).
The Cruising Guide to Columbia: "Its Exotic Caribbean and Pacific Coasts" provides useful information for cruisers navigating the Pacific and the Caribbean coastlines of Colombia on yachts, mega yachts, and sailboats, as well as tourist information.
Las imágenes muestran la altura significativa de la ola, la cual corresponde al promedio del 33% de olas más altas durante un periodo de observación. Es normal encontrar valores de altura máxima de la ola de 1 a 1.5 más altas que la altura significativa pronosticada. Hora y fecha del pronóstico de la dirección y altura significativa de la ola: HHMMR DDMMAAAA. Ejemplo: 0700R 09122009 el pronóstico corresponde a las 0700 hora local colombiana del 09 de diciembre de 2009.
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Nivel del mar : 120 horas de pronóstico (HTML). Pronóstico de Pleamares y Bajamares para el mes (PDF). Puertos : Providencia, San Andrés, Puerto Bolívar, Riohacha, Santa Marta, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Coveñas, Urabá. Pronóstico utilizando la Hora Legal para Colombiana (HLC : UTC -5).
Radioavisos Costeros. Estos mensajes se actualizan con los radioavisos costeros vigentes que afectan la seguridad marítima, los cuales son transmitidos a través del sistema internacional NAVTEX frecuencia 518 y 490Khz. En esta página se transcriben los radioavisos Costeros que se encuentran vigentes al día de la fecha.
Los Avisos a los Navegantes son notificaci/ones a los marinos que ayudan a mantener la seguridad de la vida en la navegación, estas publicaciones además ayudan a mantener la cartografía y demás ediciones náuticas de Colombia actualizadas. Pueden ser de carácter temporal o permanente.
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Glosario marítimo en Español de la letra A a la letra Z.
En este aparte usted encontrará vínculos e información general de las Autoridades Marítimas de Latinoamérica y las más importantes del mundo.
Lo invitamos a conocer los principales convenios de la OIM: Convenio Internacional sobre Búsqueda y Salvamento Marítimo de 1979 (SAR), Convenio Internacional sobre la Seguridad de la Vida Humana en el Mar (SOLAS)...
El Convenio sobre el Reglamento internacional para prevenir los abordajes 1972 (Reglamento de abordajes), se estableció con el objeto de actualizar y sustituir el Reglamento para prevenir los abordajes de 1960, que se adjuntó en el Convenio SOLAS adoptado aquel año.
Este documento reglamentario de índole técnico-marítimo tiene como fin principal la compilación y estructuración de todas y cada una de las resoluciones vigentes, de carácter general, expedidas por la Dirección General Marítima y las Capitanías de Puerto, en cuyo contenido figuran aspectos relacionados con temas técnicos de la normatividad marítima.
The Catalogue (PDF) lists the whole editorial production of the Hydrographic Institute, covering the areas of the Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea and the Maltese Islands.
U Katalogu (PDF) pomorskih karata i publikacija navedena su sva izdanja Hrvatskog hidrografskog instituta, u kojima su obrađena područja Jadranskog mora, Jonskog mora i malteških otoka.
Extracts and corrections to navigational publications that provide extensive information relevant for the safety of navigation which cannot be represented on charts. They are published as occasional publications (Sailing Directions, Lists of Lights and Fog Signals, Nautical Tables, Radio Service) or periodicals (Nautical Almanac, Tide Tables).
Visoke i niske vode [m]. Postaja: Bakar, Rovinj, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Split, Vis, Ploče i Dubrovnik. Sva vremena odnose se na UTC+1 ili UTC+2.
Plima i oseka: Ploče, Split, Dubrovnik i Rovinj. Također za neka mjesta: valovi, vjetar i tlak.
Prediction for Croatia with next tides for Ploče, Split, Dubrovnik and Rovinj. Also for some places: waves, wind and pressure.
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View online raster charts / Cartes marines papier consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Online raster nautical charts for the coasts of Croatia, scale of the charts 1 : 100 000. To access the nautical charts on the Geoportal: At the bottom and in the middle of the page click on the "List of layers" then on the left window click on "Male karte v2".
Navigacijski radiooglasi na snazi. Pregled radiooglasa na ovim web stranicama ne može biti zamjena za praćenje radiooglasa putem obalnih radio postaja, niti oslobađa od odgovornosti zapovjednike i/ili članove posada od praćenja istih. Podaci objavljeni na stranicama e-Servisa Navigacijski radiooglasi, nisu i ne mogu se smatrati službenim podacima za navigaciju i sigurnost plovidbe!
Radio Navigational Warnings in force. The Service of Radio Navigational Warnings on this web site may not be a substitute for the monitoring Radio Navigational Warnings through coastal radio stations, of their responsibility to monitor them masters and/or members of the crew. Information published on the web pages of Radio Navigational Warnings e-Service shall not be considered as official information for the safety of navigation!
”OGLAS ZA POMORCE” mjesečno je izdanje. Donosi obavijesti za ažuriranje pomorskih karata i navigacijskih publikacija Hrvatskog hidrografskog instituta za Jadransko more, Jonsko more i Malteške otoke. Sadržaj: I. Uvodna objašnjenja, pregled ispravaka - II. Ispravci karata - III. Ispravci peljara - IV. Ispravci popisa svjetala - V. Ispravci radioslužbe - VI. Ispravci kataloga - VII. Navigacijski radiooglasi - VIII. Obavijesti.
”NOTICE TO MARINERS” is a monthly edition that contains information for keeping up-to-date Croatian charts and nautical publications for the Adriatic Sea, the Ionian Sea and the Maltese Islands. Contents: I. Explanatory Notes, Index of Corrections - II. Corrections to Charts - III. Corrections to Sailing Directions - IV. Corrections to List of Lights - V. Corrections to Radio Service - VI. Corrections to Catalogue - VII. Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings - VIII. Information.
NAVTEX and VHF broadcast schedule for navigational warnings and weather reports on Croatia. Also maps of coast stations.
List of Croatian lighthouses. Also a map of the Croatian lighthouses (HTML).
Søkort og nautiske publikationer Danmark, Grønland og Færøerne (PDF).
Chart Index of Paper Nautical Charts for the Danish Hydrographic Office.
Online catalogue for the Danish Hydrographic Office: Nautical charts Denmark, Faroe Islands charts, Nautical charts Greenland, Yachting charts, Nautical publications (HTML).
Søkort Danmark og Grønland.
In order to facilitate the ships’ route planning, the countries around the Baltic Sea agreed to publish a special, English-language route guide called Mariners' Routeing Guide Baltic Sea. The web version of the Mariners' Routeing Guide Baltic Sea is maintained by the Danish Hydrographic Office. The content of the web version is identical to the printed edition of chart 2911 (INT 1200) Mariners' Routeing Guide Baltic Sea, which is published by Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH). With the new digital guide, navigators can familiarise themselves in advance about e.g. traffic separation systems, deepwater routes, reporting points, etc. The online edition is maintained and updated on a regular basis.
"Den danske Havnelods" indeholder opdaterede oplysninger om 449 danske havne og 33 danske broer. For hver havn er der en tekst med oplysninger, havneplaner og foto(s). Havnenes faciliteter er vist med piktogrammer. Oplysningerne om broerne indeholder tekst og foto(s).
"Den danske Lods - Generelle oplysninger" indeholder informationer af almen interesse for sejlads i danske farvande. Hensigten med denne udgave er at gøre det nemmere for søfarende og andre brugere at finde opdaterede og relevante oplysninger vedrørende sejlads i danske farvande.
DanPilot have made the following pre-planning guides available online: Transit Pilotage, Harbour Pilotage, Ship to Ship Operations, Mooring and Unmooring, Emergency pilotages.
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Sejlads ved Grønland adskiller sig markant fra sejlads i ikke arktiske farvande. Det er generelt vanskeligt at besejle Grønland for navigatører, der ikke er bekendt med forholdene. Navigation.gl er en portal til brug for navigatører, som ikke er bekendt med sejlads i arktiske farvande, herunder særligt grønlandske farvande. Navigatører, som skal besejle de grønlandske farvande, kan således ved hjælp af portalen få et overblik over hjemmesider tilhørende myndigheder og institutioner, som har information om sikker sejlads i disse farvande. Indholdsfortegnelse: Sejladsplanlægning - Radiomeldetjenste - Radiotjenester - Redningstjenesten - Myndigheder - Regler.
Den grønlandske Havnelods på nettet indeholder opdaterede oplysninger om 93 grønlandske havne (byer, bygder og stationer). For hver havn er der således tilstræbt at præsentere oplysninger i form af tekst, havneplaner/skitser og fotos. Havnenes faciliteter er vist med piktogrammer. Der findes endvidere en side med standardreglement for ordens overholdelse i grønlandske havne, (Kangilinnguit (Grønnedal) og Pituffik (Thule Air Base) undtaget), samt en side med relevante bekendtgørelser vedr. sejlads i grønlandske farvande.
”Den grønlandske Lods – Generelle oplysninger om Østgrønland” beskriver Grønlands østkyst fra Nunap Isua (Kap Farvel) til Kap Morris Jesup og er udarbejdet på grundlag af de for Geodatastyrelsen foreliggende oplysninger modtaget fra opmålingsskibe, statsinstitutioner, handelsskibe og stedkendte personer m.fl. Den foreliggende udgave er udarbejdet på grundlag af Den grønlandske Lods, 2. del Østgrønland.
”Den grønlandske Lods - Sejladsanvisninger Østgrønland” beskriver Grønlands østkyst fra Nunap Isua (Kap Farvel) til Kap Morris Jesup. Bogen er for farvandsbeskrivelsernes vedkommende inddelt syd fra i 11 farvandsområder, der hver er inddelt i underafsnit: 1 Passage af området - 2 Anduvning og besejling af sejlløb (fjorde), byer, bygder m.m. - 3 Havne og ankerpladser.Foran beskrivelsen af hvert af de 11 farvandsområder er indsat et indekskort, der med sidetal og pile henviser til forskellige farvandsafsnit, sejlløb, byer eller anløbssteder inden for området. Den foreliggende udgave er udarbejdet på grundlag af Den grønlandske Lods, 2. del Østgrønland.
”Den grønlandske Lods – Sejladsanvisninger Vestgrønland” beskriver Grønlands vestkyst fra Nunap Isua (Kap Farvel) til Kap Morris Jesup. Bogen er for farvandsbeskrivelsernes vedkommende inddelt syd fra i 11 farvandsområder, der hver er inddelt i underafsnit: 1 Passage af området - 2 Anduvning og besejling af sejlløb (fjorde), byer, bygder m.m. - 3 Havne og ankerpladser.Den foreliggende udgave er udarbejdet på grundlag af Den grønlandske Lods I – Vestgrønland, 1966.
Formålet med udgivelsen af ”Den grønlandske Lods, Forklaringer til stednavne” er dels at samle alle oplysninger om de grønlandske stednavne et sted, dels at give brugere af nyudgivne vestgrønlandske søkort mulighed for at søge oplysning om stednavnenes betydning. De nye kort anvender ny grønlandsk retskrivning i modsætning til de ældre kort samt nogle publikationer, der anvender gammel grønlandsk retskrivning.
Navigation around Greenland is markedly different from sailing in non-Arctic waters. It is generally difficult to navigate near Greenland for mariners who are not familiar with the conditions. Navigation.gl is a portal for use by mariners who are not familiar with navigation in arctic waters, especially the waters surrounding Greenland. Mariners intending to navigate in the waters surrounding Greenland can use the portal to obtain an overview of the websites of relevant authorities and institutions that provide information about safe navigation in these waters. Table of contents: Navigational Planning - Radio Reporting Services - Radio Services - Rescue Service - Authorities - Rules.
During planning of a voyage, the pilot is indispensable, since the publication contain information that is not available in the charts. The pilot contains information on topics and conditions that are necessary to be aware of when navigating in Greenland waters.
Information about cities, settlements and stations. The Greenland Harbour Pilot on the internet contains updated information on 36 Greenlandic harbours (towns, settlements and stations).
The "Greenland Pilot - General information about East Greenland" describes the east coast of Greenland from Cape Farewel to Kap Morris Jesup. Table of contents: Greenlandic place names - General information about Greenland - Navigation in Greenland - Depths off East Greenland - Surface currents around Greenland - Tide Ice - Ebb and flow - Types of ice in Greenland waters - Climatic conditions in Greenland - Distances - Sea-ice nomenclature... This edition is based on the second edition of Den Grønlandske Lods, 2. del, Østgrønland.
Greenland Pilot – Sailing Directions for West Greenland describes the west coast of Greenland from Nunap Isua (Kap Farvel) to Kap Morris Jesup. This book is divided into 11 regional descriptions from south to north, each of which is divided into three sub-sections: 1 Navigation of the area - 2 Approaches and access to waterways (fjords), towns, villages, etc - 3 Harbours and anchorages. This edition is based on Den Grønlandske Lods I, Vestgrønland.
Greenland Pilot - Sailing Directions for East Greenland describes the east coast of Greenland from Nunap Isua (Kap Farvel) to Kap Morris Jesup. This book is divided into 11 regional descriptions from south to north, each of which is divided into three sub-sections: 1 Navigation of the area - 2 Approaches and access to waterways - 3 Harbours and anchorages. This edition is based on the second edition of Den Grønlandske Lods, 2. del, Østgrønland.
The purpose of the release of the “Greenland Pilot - Explanations of the place names” has been to bring together all the information about the Greenlandic place names, and to provide users of the newly released West Greenland charts to find out about the significance of the place names. The new charts use new Greenlandic orthography as opposed to the older charts as well as some publications that use old Greenlandic orthography.
Kort 1 - INT 1 describes the symbols, abbreviations and terms used on KMS' nautical charts.
"Kort 1 - INT 1" indeholder symboler, forkortelser og begreber, der anvendes i såvel internationale som nationale kort udgivet af Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen.
Geodatastyrelsen publicerer "Bag om søkortet" som et hjælpeværktøj til forståelse af søkortets opmåling, opbygning, indhold og pålidelighed. Med denne publikation vil vi beskrive de hydrografiske indsamlingsmetoder, der gennem tiderne har været anvendt til indsamling af opmålingsdata til brug for søkortproduktion.
Behind the Nautical Chart is a tool for understanding the surveying, reliability and use of nautical charts. The improved accuracy of satellite systems and the increased use of electronic navigational charts have led navigators to expect much more from their nautical charts than the charts are generally able to live up to. This publication offers a better understanding of the surveying process behind Denmark’s nautical charts.
Tillægget er afsluttet 21. maj 2004 og indeholder samtlige rettelser, der er tilkommet siden påbegyndelsen af trykningen af Den færøske Lods. Tillægget er ajourført med Efterretninger for Søfarende (EfS) nr. 20-2004. For yderligere rettelser (herunder midlertidige) henvises til EfS.
The management of Search And Rescue service (SAR) in Greenland is divided between Joint Arctic Command (JACMD), the Air Rescue Coordination Center and the Commissioner of Police in Greenland.
Søkortrettelser er tilgængelig via ovenstående link, men du kan også modtage Søkortrettelser sammen med Efterretninger for Søfarende på en ugentlig mail ved at tilmelde dig Søfartsstyrelsens service.
Up-to-date nautical charts and nautical publications are vital to ensure a safe passage. This is why the Danish Geodata Agency recommends that nautical charts and publications are kept up to date and that the latest editions are used.
With the object of ensuring the navigational safety of large ships passing through Danish waters, the Danish government has established a transit route between Skagen and the area northeast of Gedser. The transit route is named “Route T”. "Navigation through Danish Waters" presents relevant information on navigation in Danish waters including the transit route (Route T) and the Sound.
I denne udgave af »Afmærkning af danske farvande«, som Farvands væsenet udgiver, præsenterer vi retningslinjerne for afmærkning i dansk afmærkningsområde. Vi håber, hæftet vil blive brugt af den professionelle skibsfart, i sejlklubber, på uddannelsessteder m.v. og klæde den sejlende godt på til at få en sikker sejlads.
Dansk Fyrliste 2022 indeholder en liste over fyr og tågesignaler i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland angivet i en rækkefølge, der følger farvandsbeskrivelsen i danske sejladshåndbøger. Til fyr og tågesignaler er udarbejdet et alfabetisk indeks over fyrnavne samt et indeks, hvor fyr og tågesignaler er sorteret efter internationale fyrnumre. Dansk Fyrliste indeholder desuden oplysninger om racon, AIS-afmærkning og DGPS-referencestationer.
Eftir at trýst er á ein vita kemur ein mynd fram. Fyrst kemur økið har vitin stendur, vitanummarið, og at enda ein sirkul við prikki í miðjuni, um so er at talan er um statsvita.
Internationale søvejsregler. Det kan være farligt, hvis man som fritidssejler ikke kender reglerne for de trafiksepareringssystemer, der skal sørge for sikker sejlads i farvande med mange skibe.
The Centre for Maritime Health Service develops and updates guidelines and manuals for persons in charge medical care on an ongoing basis.
CMS udarbejder og opdaterer kontinuerligt vejledninger og hjælpemidler til sygdomsbehandleren.
On July 1, 2020, new shipping routes will be established in Kattegat and Skagerrak. The routes will increase the safety of navigation for the 70,000 ships that pass through the waters annually.
A safety package containing regulations and information about special Greenland conditions is available to ships embarking on voyages in Greenland waters. With IMO regulations, circulars and guidelines.
Aasiaat Radio (callsign OYR) covers the waters on the west coast of Greenland up to app. 75 North on VHF, MF and HF from at wide spread net of remote controlled stations. Furthermore Aasiaat Radio covers the waters on the east coast of Greenland on VHF and MF operated by remote controlled stations placed in the vicinity of Tasiilaq.
Marine Forecast shows on a map safety information (MSI, firing warnings), current meteorological forecast (wind, wave), oceanographic forecast (current) and measurements (sea level). By the FCOO.
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The Danish Maritime Authority publishes warnings regarding conditions that may present a risk or be of considerable inconvenience to seafarers in Danish waters as well as Notices to Mariners for the entire Danish Realm. Together, these warnings and notices are referred to as nautical information. Nautical information is communicated through various media.
Søfartsstyrelsen bringer advarsler om forhold, der kan være til fare eller væsentlig gene for de søfarende i danske farvande og efterretninger for hele Rigsfællesskabet. Disse advarsler og meddelelser benævnes samlet Nautisk information. Nautisk information formidles via forskellige medier som anført nedenfor.
The chart shows current Notices to Mariners (EfS) for Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Defence shootings in the shooting areas plotted in the chart, as well as Danish navigational warnings. Click the chart for further details. Also: Details and List.
På kortet vises aktive Efterretninger for Søfarende (EfS) for Danmark, Grønland og Færøerne, forsvarets skydninger i de i søkortet udsatte skydeområder samt de danske navigationsadvarsler. Klik på kortet for yderligere detaljer. Også: Detaljer og Liste.
Annex to Danish Notice to Mariners with general information: Explanatory notes to EfS - Broadcast of Navigational Warnings on long wave - Broadcast of meteorological information - Greenland. Transmission of meteorological notices - Charts and publications and their maintenance... Also Danish list of Firing Practice Areas at Sea.
Bilag til Efterretninger for Søfarende med generelle informationer: Forklaring til EfS - Udsendelse af farvandsefterretninger på langbølge - Udsendelse af meteorologiske meldinger - Grønland. Udsendelse af meteorologiske meldinger - Søkort og publikationer og vedligeholdelse af disse. Også: Skydeområder på søterritoriet.
EfS: Galdandi siglingarfráboðanir og ávaringar í Føroyum síggjast hjá Vørn.
EfS: ugentlig opdatering med nye, ændrede og afsluttede efterretninger. For download af: Ugens EfS, Gældende P&T meddelelser, Historiske EfS, EfS A Generel information, Oversigt over Forsvarets skydeområder (skydebilaget), Øvrige bilag til EfS.
Efterretninger for Søfarende provides information about the activities at sea that we know of and that are of interest to mariners on both commercial vessels and recreational craft. For download:
Tidevandstabeller oplyser for hver dag i året, hvornår der er høj- og lavvande ved en række havne. Tidevandstabeller for Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland beregnes hvert år og gælder for et kalenderår. Tabellerne viser tidspunkter for høj- og lavvande samt de tilhørende tidevandshøjder. Tidevandshøjden skal lægges til dybden anført i søkortet for at få vanddybden ved henholdsvis høj- og lavvande. Tidevandshøjderne refererer til laveste astronomiske tidevand for vestkyststationerne og til middelvandstand for havne inden for Skagen i overensstemmelse med normal praksis i søkort.
Isbrydning i danske farvande er som udgangspunkt underlagt fri konkurrence, og derfor er skibsfarten selv ansvarlig for at kontrahere og betale for den rekvirerede isbrydningskapacitet. Længere ned på siden findes information til redere og operatører.
Ismelding for de danske farvande. 240 daglige rapporter giver et godt overblik over den øjeblikkeligt issituation i de danske farvande.
Fra den 1. november til den 31. marts opdateres ismeldinger hver dag på kortet nedenfor.Ismeldingerne danner grundlag for den grafiske oversigt, som kan ses på det interaktive kort, hvor de indrapporterede østersøkoder også kan ses. Ismeldingen er vejledende og medfører intet ansvar for Søværnet - Forsvaret (Ice map for Danish waters).
Koden og symbolerne på de iskort der udarbejdes af Istjenesten følger World Meteorological Organizations (WMO) konvention for beskrivelse af havis. Koden er beskrevet i figurerne nedenfor.
Monitoring of ice extent and sea ice motion in the Arctic is an important research and development task, both from climate and human activities perspectives.
The Ice Service at DMI produces ice charts covering Greenland Waters primarily for the purpose of supporting navigation around Greenland. The Ice Service produces overview charts as well as more detailed regional ice charts: the Cape Farewell region, the west coast and also the east coast of Greenland. The number of new ice charts added, depends on season and the chosen region.
High-resolution sea ice forecast around Greenland for the upcoming 5 days: Ice concentration, ice thickness and ice drift speed. Demonstration product - in development (SalienSeas).
Iceberg maps covering four selected regions around Greenland: Cape Farewell, Ilulissat, Ittoqqortoormiit, and Qaanaaq. The maps are updated twice daily (at 00:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC), showing the latest available satellite-based observations.
Iskort omkring Grønland: Oversigtskort, Vestkysten Østkysten, Kap Farvel området. Fortolkning af iskort, Iskortarkiv, Ismelding, Sikunik nalunaarut.
Five day ocean forecast for significant wave height and others parameters like: Surface temperature, Surface salinity, Surface current, Drift current, Sea level, Ice thickness, Ice concentration, Ice convergence, Ice drift, Ice temperature, Icing index, Wind, Significant wave height, Dominant wave period, Swell height, Swell period. Forecast for these geographical domains: North Sea and Baltic Sea, North Sea, German Bight, Denmark, Baltic Sea, Skagerrak/Kattegat, Limfjord, Limfjord West, Limfjord Central, Limfjord East, Western Baltic, The Belt Sea, Sealand, The Sound, Bornholm, North Atlantic, NW Europe, Faeroe Islands / Scotland, Greenland, West Greenland, East Greenland, Arctic Sea, Iceland. Forecast updated every 6 hours.
Marine Forecast shows current meteorological forecast (wind, waves), oceanographic forecast (current) and measurements (sea level). The Information for Mariners Maps (IFM) are available for these areas: Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. By the FCOO.
The tide tables list the times for high and low water and the corresponding high and low tidal water heights. Tidal heights are in meters relative to chart datum which is lowest astronomical tide (LAT) along western Jutland, and mean sea level (MSL) for ports in Kattegat and Baltic Sea including Skagen. Tidal heights should be added to the depth shown in the chart to obtain the water depths at high and low tide.
Tabellerne viser tidspunkter for høj- og lavvande samt de tilhørende tidevandshøjder. Tiderne er angivet i dansk normaltid, som er UT (Universal Time) + 1 time. Når sommertid gælder, skal de angivne tidspunkter øges med 1 time. Tidevandshøjden skal lægges til dybden anført i søkortet for at få vanddybden ved henholdsvis høj- og lavvande. Tidevandshøjderne refererer til laveste astronomiske tidevand for vestkyststationerne og til middelvandstand for havne inden for Skagen i overensstemmelse med normal praksis i søkort.
View online charts for Ecuador / Carte marine consultable en ligne pour l'Équateur
Zoom on the charts / Navigation par zoom
Mouse on the left chart to zoom on the right chart / Souris sur la carte de gauche pour zoomer sur la carte de droite
Ver online cartas de generales, costeras, de aproximación, de puertos y de fondeaderos (cartas continentales y insulares).
Publicación anual de predicción de mareas en la que consta un calendario con los datos y la altura de marea referida a un nivel de referencia denominado MLWS por sus siglas en inglés (promedio de mareas de bajamares de sicigia) en sus instantes más críticos, para 20 puertos ecuatorianos.
Esta cuarta edición (2005) del Derrotero de la Costa Continental e Insular del Ecuador compendia el esfuerzo de todos los departamentos y organismos adscritos al Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada, así como un cúmulo de experiencias e investigaciones de varias generaciones de hidrógrafos y marinos que han navegado nuestro mar, a través de los años. La presente obra se encuentra dividida en 6 capítulos, de los cuales el capítulo I se refiere a tópicos generales sobre la República del Ecuador. Desde el Capítulo II hasta el Capítulo V se describe la costa continental ecuatoriana de N. a S., destacando sobre todo los principales puertos comerciales ecuatorianos. El capítulo VI se refiere a la Costa Insular Ecuatoriana (Archipiélago de Galápagos), tanto en sus aspectos generales, como también en las características más importantes de cada isla. Finalmente en la parte anexos se incluyen asuntos legales marítimos vigentes en la República del Ecuador y también varias tablas de utilidad para el navegante.
Altura significativa y dirección oleaje: Costa continental, Galápagos, Esmeraldas, Manta, La Libertad, Guayaquil. Hora local y altura en metros. Las imágenes muestran la altura significativa de la ola, la cual corresponde al promedio del 33% de olas más altas durante un periodo de observación. Es normal encontrar valores de altura máxima de la ola de 1 a 1.5 más altas que la altura significativa pronosticada. También Condiciones de oleaje.
Cartografía: Ciencia y arte que nos enseaña a interpretar, analizar y representar gráficamente la superficie terrestre. Una carta náutica contiene información detallada y útil para la navegación marítima (CIMAG).
Hora oficial del Ecuador par la Islas Galápagos y el Ecuador Continental. El Ecuador en el territorio continental se encuentra en UTC-5, y para la región insular se encuentra en UTC-6.
Aviso diarios y mensuales a los navegantes para el Ecaudor. Seleccionar el tipo de aviso que desea buscar: Diarios o Mensuales.
Charts compiled for navigation display information about water depths, characteristics of the floor of water bodies and coasts, navigational hazards and aids to navigation, etc. Navigational charts cover both sea areas and navigable inland waters. Current navigational charts and Cartograms for Estonia.
Navigational publication „List of Lights, Estonia“ contains information of fixed lights and floating aids to navigation (buoys) in short sea shipping of Estonia. „List of Lights, Estonia inland waterways“ contains information of fixed lights and floating aids to navigation (buoys) on the navigable Inland waters : waters of Peipsi järv, Lämmijärv, Pihkva järv, Emajõgi and Võrtsjärv. A complete database of Estonian aids to navigation is also accessable.
- List of Lights, Estonia
- List of Lights, Estonia Inland Waterways
- Navigatsioonimärkide andmekogu (AtN database)
Sailing Directions will be published digitally in four parts that correspond to geographical regions, and the publication can be downloaded free of charge. We recommend printing out the necessary parts of the Sailing Directions (A4 format). Sailing Directions are updated once a month according to the changes of the navigational information.
Lootsiraamat avaldatakse neljas geograafiliselt jaotatud osas võrguväljaandena ning seda on võimalik tasuta alla laadida. Me soovitame lootsiraamatu vajalikud osad välja trükkida (A4 formaat). Lootsiraamatu osasid korrigeeritakse vastavalt navigatsiooniteabe muutumisele kord kuus.
Sailor infopage for recreational craft with recommended routes and fairways, VHF channels, nautical schart extracts.
Transpordiameti väike- ja siseveelaevade osakond seisab hea selle eest, et paadisõit oleks ohutu. Dokumendid: Abiks paadimehele - В помощь лодочнику - Tuulekiiruse skaala - Veesõidukil nõutav varustus - Abiks Tallinna lahel liiklejale - Abiks Haapsalu lahel liiklejale - Abiks Pärnu lahel liiklejale - Ohutu vaba aja veetmine merel on nii reisija kui kapteni vastutus - За безопасность отдыха на воде отвечает как пассажир, так и капитан! - Päästevestiga on meresõit ohutum.
Väikelaevajuhile. „Abiks paadimehele“ teatmikku on koondatud kõige üldisemad põhitõed, mida iga paadijuht peaks teadma, et tagada enda ja kaasreisijate turvalisus. Eelkõige on silmas peetud algajaid väikelaevajuhte, kes pole veel väikelaevajuhi kursusi läbinud, kuid vajalikke meeldetuletusi leiab siit ka juba kogemustega väikelaevajuht (Safe Boating Guide).
Судоводителю маломерного судна. В справочном пособии «В помощь лодочнику» собраны наиболее общие истины, которые каждый водитель лодки должен знать, чтобы обеспечить собственную безопасность и безопасность спутников. В первую очередь справочник ориентирован на начинающих судоводителей маломерных судов, которые еще не прошли курс судоводителя маломерного судна, но необходимые напоминания здесь найдет также и опытный судоводитель маломерного судна.
Ice chart for the central Baltic Sea: North Central Baltic Sea, Gulf of Riga, Gulf of Finland.
![]() Baltic Sea - Ice chart for the Estonian coasts (EWS) |
Conventions the republic of Estonia has acceded (UN, IMO and ILO conventions). For example :
English-Estonian maritime dictionary with HTML query.
Inglise-eesti meresõnaraamat (HTML).
View ENC online charts for Estonia / Carte ENC consultable en ligne de l'Estonie
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation / Navigeerimiseks mitte kasutada
Web application Nutimeri displays Estonian Maritime Administration’s official electronic navigational charts above the background of orthophoto or base map from Estonian Land Board. Data layers from Hydrographic Information System and/or spatial data objects like aids to navigation, fairways and harbours can be added on the chart layers. The application works on all platforms, allowing GPS positioning, making queries of data objects, using measuring and drawing tools and sending feedback on the application to Estonian Maritime Administration. Estonian Maritime Administration recommends not to use the Web application as primary tool for navigation, because its operation depends on availability of the data communication!.
Information for winter navigation with procedure for icebreaking, traffic restrictions, links...
List of navigational warnings with map by the Estonian Transport Administration.
One of the prerequisites for safe seafaring is the availability of corrections to navigational charts. In the monthly editions of Notices to Mariners, the Estonian Maritime Administration publishes corrections to navigational charts, List of Lights and Sailing Directions issued by the Administration.
For the use of seafarers and yachtsmen the Finnish Transport Agency publishes printed and electronic charts covering Finland's coastal waters and most important inland waterways.
Liikennevirasto julkaisee Suomea ympäröiviltä merialueilta ja merkittävimmiltä järviltä painettuja ja elektronisia merikarttoja vesilläliikkujien tarpeisiin.
För att tillgodose sjöfararnas och båtfararnas behov ger Trafikverket ut tryckta och elektroniska sjökort över sjöområdena kring Finland och de viktigaste insjöområdena i landet.
Tarficom, the Finish Transport and Communications Agency publishes printed and electronic marine charts from the Finnish sea and lake area. This product list is a web-based service, which contains updated information on both paper and electronic nautical charts. Also:
CHART 1 (Chart Symbols) is a book including all symbols, abbreviations and terms used on nautical charts.
KARTTA 1 (Merikarttamerkit) kirjassa selitetään kaikki merikartoilla käytettävät symbolit ja lyhennykset.
KORT 1 (Sjökortssymboler) är en bok som innehåller alla symboler, förkortningar och begrepp som används i sjökort.
View online charts for Finland / Cartes marines consultables en ligne pour la Finlande
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Viewing Service: Online RNC & ENC nautical charts for Finland.
The publication is divided into sections in order to facilitate both usage and updating. General information is found in a separate publication. The tables of lights are separated into different publications for coastal areas and inland waterways. The Saimaa area is included as a part of the Vuoksi watercourse in the publication for inland waterways. Please note that only local languages (Finnish and Swedish) are used for descriptions in the tables. Please, refer to the General information for brief explanations in English.
Julkaisu on jaettu osiin sekä päivittämisen että käytön helpottamiseksi. Yleistiedot löytyvät erillisestä PDF-julkaisusta, jossa on perustietoa luettelosta, loistoista sekä luettelon käytöstä. Loistotietoja kuvaavat taulukot julkaistaan sisävesien ja merialueiden osalta erillisissä PDF- tiedostoissa. Saimaan alue löytyy sisävesien loistoluettelosta, osana Vuoksen vesistöä.
Publikationen är indelad i sektioner för att underlätta både uppdatering och användning. Allmän information om fyrlistan, dess användning samt fyrarna finns i en separat PDF-publikation. Tabellerna över fyrarna har indelats i separata PDF-publikationer för inlandsfarvattnen och kustområdena. Saimens vattenområde finns med i publikationen över inlandsfarvattnen som en del av Vuoksens vattendrag.
Moottoriveneessä ja yli 5 metrin pituisessa purjeveneessä tulee olla oikean kokoinen pelastusliivi tai kelluntapukine jokaiselle veneessä olijalle.
The aim of the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules (FSICR) is to ensure that ships engaged in trade in the Northern Baltic Sea have sufficient capability in ice to maintain safe and efficient navigation year round to Finnish and Swedish ports. A Finnish ice class is confirmed for all ships calling to Finnish ports. The fairway dues paid by the vessel and the availability of icebreaker escort are determined based on the Finnish ice class.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide classification societies, ship designers and shipyards with background information on the ideas behind the Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules (FSICR), to provide a harmonised interpretation for the implementation of certain parts of the rules, and to provide guidance on certain aspects of the winterisation of ships, which are not covered by the rules.
Rannikkolaivurin VHF-radioliikenneopas on tarkoitettu pääasiassa itseopiskelumateriaaliksi Rannikkolaivurin VHF-radiotutkintoa varten. Se soveltuu myös aluksen radioaseman oppaaksi. Oppaan sisältämät tiedot käsittelevät meri-VHF-järjestelmää ja siihen liittyvää digitaalista selektiivikutsujärjestelmää (DSC) sekä joitakin GMDSS-hätäjärjestelmään liittyviä muita radiolaitteita.
Veneilijän tärkein yhteydenpitoväline merellä on meri-VHF-radiopuhelin. Laitteen merkitys korostuu erityisesti turvallisuuteen liittyvissä tilanteissa. Meri-VHF-radiopuhelin mahdollistaa suoran radioyhteyden veneen ja meripelastuskeskuksen tai veneiden välillä silloinkin, kun matkapuhelinverkossa ei ole kuuluvuutta. Meri-VHF-järjestelmä on kansainvälinen ja toimii pääosin samoilla säännöillä ja periaatteilla kaikkialla maailmassa. Meri-VHF-radiopuhelimen käyttö edellyttää radiolupaa ja henkilökohtaista pätevyystodistusta.
Handboken i VHF-radiokommunikation för radiooperatör med kusttrafikcertifikat är främst avsedd som självstudiematerial för dem som förbereder sig för VHF-radioexamen för kusttrafikcertifikat (SRC-examen). Den lämpar sig också som handbok för fartygets radiostation. Boken beskriver det maritima VHF-systemet, det digitala selektivanropssystemet som ingår i VHF-systemet (DSC) samt vissa andra radiosystem somingår i GMDSS-nödsystemet.
Maritime radio number/Vessel's name/Vessel's call sign - Meriradiono/Aluksen nimi/Aluksen tunnus - Sjöradionummer/Fartygets namn/Fartygets anropssignal.
The Finnish Transport Agency publishes the enclosed instruction on the channel depth practice in Finland. The instruction includes draught concepts associated with channels, the principles for interpreting these concepts, estimating the required gross underkeel clearance and for indicating channel depths in nautical charts.
Liikennevirasto julkaisee oheisena ohjeen vesiväylien kulkusyvyyskäytännöstä. Ohjeessa on esitetty väylään liittyvät syvyyskäsitteet, periaateet käsitteiden tulkinnassa, varaveden tarpeen arvioinnissa ja väyläsyvyyksien kartoille merkitsemisassä.
Trafikverket publicerar den bifogade anvisningen om sättet att redovisa leddjupgåendet i farlederna. Anvisningen innehåller begreppen med anknytning till farledsdjup, principerna för tolkningen av begreppen, uppskattningen av den djupmarginal som krävs samt för redovisandet av farledsdjupen i sjökorten.
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom publishes the following instructions on depth practices in waterways. The instructions present depth concepts related to channels as well as the principles of interpreting the concepts, estimating the needed gross underkeel clearance and indicating channel information
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom julkaisee oheisena ohjeen vesiväylien syvyyskäytännöstä. Ohjeessa on esitetty väylään liittyvät syvyyskäsitteet sekä periaatteet käsitteiden tulkinnassa, varaveden tarpeen arvioinnissa ja väylätietojen ilmoittamisesta.
Transport- och kommunikationsverket publicerar den bifogade anvisningen om tillämpning av farledsdjup. Anvisningen innehåller begreppen med anknytning till farledernas djupgående, principerna för tolkningen av begreppen, uppskattningen av den djupmarginal som krävs samt för redovisandet av farledsuppgifter.
The purpose of the descriptions is to clarify the meaning of terms connected with fairways/channels, their interpretation and the responsibility of authorities providing fairways/channels. The descriptions are primarily connected with public channels and the terminology associated with them. The actual definitions are written in bold print. Concepts relating to draught and fairway areas, geometry and headroom are illustrated by drawings.
Ohjeen tarkoituksena on selkeyttää väyliin liittyvien käsitteiden merkitystä ja tulkintaa sekä väylänpitäjän vastuuta. Kuvaukset koskevat ensisijaisesti yleisiä kulkuväyliä ja niihin liittyviä käsitteitä. Kuvauksissa käsitteiden ydinkohdat on esitetty lihavoituna. Väyliin liittyvät syvyyskäsitteet, väyläalue- ja geometriakäsitteet sekä alikulkukorkeuksiin liittyvät käsitteet on havainnollistettu niitä koskevilla piirroksilla.
Syftet med beskrivningarna är att klarlägga begreppens betydelse och tolkning samt farledshållarens ansvar. Beskrivningarna gäller i första hand de allmänna farlederna och begreppen i anslutning till dem. I beskrivningarna är själva definitionerna tryckta med fet stil. Begrepp med anknytning till djup, farledsområden och geometri liksom segelfri höjd åskådliggörs dessutom med hjälp av principscheman.
Tiedonantoja merenkulkijoille (TM) ilmestyy 10 päivän välein vapaasti ladattavana PDF-julkaisuna. Julkaisu sisältää tiedotuksia merenkulun turvalaitteita koskevista muutoksista ja järjestelyistä, merenkulun esteistä, luotsipalvelusta, radioliikenteestä, merenkulkujulkaisuista sekä kaikki merikarttakorjaukset (Yleiset ohjeet).
Underrättelser för sjöfarande (UfS) utkommer med 10 dagars mellanrum som fritt nedladdningsbara PDF-publikationer. Publikationen innehåller underrättelser angående ändringar i säkerhetsanordningar, hinder för sjöfarten, lotstjänster, radiotrafik, publikationer samt kartändringar (Allmänna anvisninar).
In this page there is all Notices to Mariners corrections chart by chart.
Notices to Mariners provide information about changes and arrangements regarding chart corrections, changes in aids to navigation, obstructions to navigation, nautical publications. The purpose of the service is to publish updates to printed copies of nautical charts and other products and to provide information on matters that are important to navigational safety. Notices to Mariners (NtM) are issued as a downloadable PDF booklet every 10 days. Together with the booklets, a list of temporary and preliminary notices in force and lists of chart corrections per chart product are compiled. The Notices to Mariners General Instructions are updated yearly. Also General Information.
The coast station Turku Radio (OFK) is responsible for the transmission of safety radio messages, including navigational warnings, weather forecasts and ice reports. Turku Radio also ensures distress radio communications in the Finnish territorial waters and assists icebreakers by transmitting vessel and route information. Brodasting times in English, Swedish and Finnish.
Turku Radio is responsible for safety broadcasts along the Finnish coast, including navigational warnings, maritime weather forecasts and ice reports. During winter, Turku Radio also broadcasts the vessel and route information of behalf of the icebreakers. Broadcast times of weather messages, navigational warnings and ice reports. Also radio stations map with VHF working channels.
List of VTS Master's Guide for Finland: Archipelago, Bothnia, Hanko, Helsinki, Kotka, Saimaa and West Coast. Vessels of 24 metres in length overall or more are obliged to participate in the vessel traffic services. When navigating in the VTS area, vessels are required to maintain a continuous listening watch on the working channel used in the area. More detailed instructions about the required reports and working channels can be found in the regional VTS guides. Vessels navigating in the VTS area, which are not obliged to participate in the vessel traffic services, are recommended to maintain a listening watch on the working channel in the VTS area or sector in question. Vessel traffic services are provided as required in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Fartyg vars största längd är minst 24 meter är skyldiga att delta i fartygstrafikservicen. Fartyg som rör sig i VTS-området bör passa arbetskanalerna som används inom området. Noggrannare instruktioner om de trafikrapporter som krävs och arbetskanalerna finns i de regionspecifika VTS-guiderna. Det rekommenderas att även andra fartyg som rör sig i VTS-området, som inte är skyldiga att delta i fartygstrafikservicen, passar arbetskanalen i VTS-området eller -sektorn i fråga. Master's Guide: Archipelago, Bothnia, Hanko, Helsinki, Kotka, Saimaa, West Coast.
Alukset, joiden suurin pituus on vähintään 24 metriä, ovat velvollisia osallistumaan alusliikennepalveluun. Liikkuessaan VTS - alueella on alusten ylläpidettävä jatkuvaa päivystystä alueen työskentelykanavalla. Tarkemmat ohjeet vaadittavista liikenneilmoituksista ja työskentelykanavista löytyy VTS -aluekohtaisista oppaista tämän sivun oikeasta laidasta. Myös muita aluksia jotka liikkuvat VTS-alueella, mutta eivät ole velvollisia osallistumaan VTS-palveluun, suositellaan kuuntelemaan kyseisen VTS-alueen tai -sektorin työskentelykanavaa. Master's Guide: Archipelago, Bothnia, Hanko, Helsinki, Kotka, Saimaa, West Coast.
GOFREP in the Gulf of Finland is a Mandatory Ship Reporting System. The sea areas in the Gulf of Finland are monitored jointly by Finland, Estonia and the Russian Federation. The Traffic Centres monitor shipping by radar and AIS and provide 24 h information service in the Gulf of Finland. Detailed information about the services provided in the area as well as the information required in the reports can be found in the GOFREP Master's Guide. Vessels of 300 gross tonnage and over are required to participate in GOFREP. Also, vessels under 300 gross tonnage are encouraged to listen to the relevant VHF-traffic channel.
Instructions for winter navigation operators. The Finnish Transport Agency has laid down the following instructions for winter navigation in collaboration with the industry, shipping companies and charterers. The objective of these instructions is, according to Finland’s maritime strategy 2014–2022 that Finnish foreign trade and domestic waterborne transport are smoothly functioning and socio-economically viable and international competitiveness is ensured also in winter, with short waiting times (More information).
Ohjeita talvimerenkulun toimijoille. Liikennevirasto on luonut talvimerenkulun ohjeistuksen yhteistyössä teollisuuden, varustamojen, rahtaajien, aluksien, jäänmurtajien, luotsien ja alusliikennepalvelun kanssa. Ohjeistuksen tavoitteena on Suomen meriliikenne strategian 2014-2022 mukaisesti varmistaa Suomen ulkomaankaupan ja kotimaan vesiliikenteen häiriötön ja kansantaloudellisesti kustannustehokas sekä kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn takaava toiminta myös talviaikana, lyhyin odotusajoin.
Insruktioner för aktörerna inom vintersjöfarten. Trafikverket har sammanställt instruktionerna för vintersjöfarten i samarbete med industrin, rederierna och befraktarna. Syftet med instruktionerna är att i enlighet med Finlands sjöfartsstrategi 2014-2022 säkerställa att Finlands utrikeshandel och inrikes sjötrafik fungerar störningsfritt och nationalekonomiskt sett kostnadseffektivt samt att garantera vår internationella konkurrenskraft även vintertid, med korta väntetider.
Инструкции для операторов зимней навигации. Агентство транспорта подготовило Инструкции по зимней навигации в сотрудничестве с представителями промышленных предприятий, судоходных компаний, фрахтователей судов, ледоколов, судов и лоцманов, а также Службой управления движением судов. В соответствии со Стратегией развития морского судоходства Финляндии на период 2014-2022 гг., данные Инструкции предназначены для обеспечения внешнеторговой деятельности страны и работы отечественного водного транспорта на принципах бесперебойности, экономической рентабельности и высокой международной конкурентоспособности также и в период зимней навигации, с соблюдением коротких сроков ожидания.
Ohjeita talvimerenkulun toimijoille / Instruktioner för aktörerna inom vintersjöfarten / Instructions for winter navigation operators 2020-2021.
The weather warnings usually cover the next 24 hours. The severity of the awareness level is shown on the map by means of a three-colour code system: green = no major danger, yellow = dangerous weather may occur, orange = dangerous weather, red = very dangerous weather.
![]() for the Northern Baltic sea - jäätä: ice (FMI) |
Local Finnish time, UTC+2/3 (FMI) |
Finland's most important canal is the 43-kilometres long Saimaa Canal, which connects Lake Saimaa to the Gulf of Finland. This is instructions for leisure boating in the Saimaa Canal (More information).
Tärkein Suomen kanavista on 43 km pitkä Saimaan kanava, joka yhdistää Saimaan Suomenlahteen. Saimaan kanavasta lähes puolet sijaitsee Venäjältä vuokratulla alueella. Yksityiskohtaiset ohjeet Saimaan kanavan kautta kulkemisesta löytyvät veneliikenneohjeista. / The Saimaa guide in Finnish.
Са́йменский кана́л (фин. Saimaan kanava) — судоходный канал между озером Сайма в Финляндии и Выборгским заливом в России. Общая протяжённость канала с морским фарватером — 57,3 км, из них Финляндии принадлежат 23,3 км, России — 34 км (включая 14,4 км подходного фарватера в Выборгском заливе). / The Saimaa guide in Russian.
Recreational boating refers to the use of recreational craft for sports or travel. Border checks mean inspections performed at border crossing points with the aim of ensuring that all persons, their vehicles and the articles in their possession are permitted to either enter or exit the Schengen Area. See below for a list of the Schengen countries.
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Navigational warnings on a map for seafarers. Nautical chart when the display scale is about 1:60 000 / Varoituksia merenkulkijoille / Navigationsvarningar på farleder.
PDF ice chart in color ir black and white. Also simplified ice chart and reference charts. The ice chart of the whole Baltic Sea (pdf) is published in the autumn twice a week (Monday and Thursday) and daily when the amount of ice increases until until ice break-up in spring. It represents current ice situation, ice breaker positions and traffic restrictions in the Baltic Sea. The simplified charts are updated once a week at the latest on Tuesday morning. The first one represents measured level ice thicknesses, ice coverage and sea surface temperature. The reference charts represent average, 1965 – 1986, ice situation on that day (= normaali), last week´s situation, last year´s situation and the positions of the ice breakers.
Ice drift patterns from Baltic ice drifters for the past 48 hours. Drift ice is carried along by winds and sea currents. It affects the security of navigation. Prototype sea ice products: should always be used with complementary ice information.
The term space weather refers to phenomena caused by solar wind and solar flares in the near-Earth space and the upper part of the Earth's atmosphere. The map shows the locations of observation stations and the latest observations made by them for earth's magnetic field. If the latest measured variation in the magnetic field exceeds the threshold level for auroras, the spot over the location of the station is red. Those situations are usually occured with disturbed space weather conditions and can be important for GPS, radio communications and spacecraft operations.
We have space weather/space climate and therefore also space weather advisories. Besides sunlight entering our atmosphere, there is solar mass continuously flowing along the magnetic shield surrounding Earth. Our atmosphere and magnetosphere can respond in a dramatic way to an abrupt change in the continuous emittance of light and mass from the Sun. A solar storm initiates space weather processes which impact our satellite navigation and radio communication systems. For satellite navigation: The ionosphere plays a crucial role in satellite navigation. The signal sent by the satellite has to pass through the ionosphere to reach the receiver. Solar storms can introduce small scale structures in the ionosphere. When the signal encounters these obstacles, its amplitude and phase can alter very rapidly. Similarly, when the number of electrons in the ionosphere increases dramatically due to a solar storm, positioning errors are introduced in satellite navigation. For HF communication: The ionosphere is a layer at the top of our atmosphere which is ionised due to sunlight. Because the layer is ionised, it has the ability to reflect HF radio waves allowing long distance radio communication. HF radio waves have frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz. However, during solar storms, extra energy is deposited into the ionosphere, introducing additional ionisation and irregularities. HF radio waves can be absorbed or reflected in unforeseen ways, causing a radio communication failure. This malfunctioning can happen near the Earth’s poles or on the day-light side of the Earth, depending on the sort of solar storm and associated energy input. Space weather advisories shall be issued only when very strong space weather events occur (More information).
On the map, different colours denote significant wave height, and the arrows show the direction of the waves in motion. Time in the wave forecast is local Finnish time.
The weather warnings usually cover the next 24 hours. The severity of the awareness level is shown on the map by means of a three-colour code system: green = no major danger, yellow = dangerous weather may occur, orange = dangerous weather, red = very dangerous weather.
Baltice.org is a single access point to reliable and up to date information related to winter navigation in the Baltic Sea area. This site gathers information and instructions from icebreaking authorities from all the Baltic Sea countries.
Ce service permet de consulter sur une interface cartographique, l’ensemble du portefeuille des cartes marines papier disponibles et à jour. Pour faciliter la recherche, plusieurs outils sont proposés : Classement par catégories d’échelles - Recherche de cartes par numéro et mots-clés - Sélection graphique par clic, trajet, zone - Visualisation des cartes choisies sous forme de vignettes et des caractéristiques associées. Un catalogue au format PDF peut ensuite être constitué et exporté à partir des cartes sélectionnées.
Catalogue de documents disponibles en libre accés : Cartes marines anciennes - Cartes des aires marines protégées (PDF) - Espaces Maritimes Français (carte interactive et cartothèque PDF) - Limites maritimes (SIG) - Données maritimes et littorales (SIG) - Altimétrie littorale - Bathymétrie - Sédimentologie (SIG) - Annales hydrographiques - ...
Les plaisanciers disposent avec Nav&Co d'un nouveau compagnon de navigation à la fois gratuit, ludique et pédagogique. Dans cette application mobile sous Android et iOS, trois modes d’usage sont accessibles : Découverte, Navigation et Carnet. En mode Découverte elle permet de découvrir sur la base des cartes marines du Shom la biodiversité présente plus ou moins discrètement tout au long de vos escapades marines. Elle informe le navigateur de son entrée dans une aire marine protégée ainsi que dans les zones soumises à une réglementation environnementale particulière. En mode Navigation, toujours sur la base des cartes marines du Shom, le balisage est présenté sous forme de points d'intérêts cliquables de manière à accéder à leur nom et caractéristiques. De retour au port, le mode Carnet de navigation permet d’enregistrer son parcours pour le partager ou le conserver pour une prochaine sortie. Nav&Co couvre les façades maritimes de la France métropolitaine et de la Guadeloupe.
On trouve dans ce document l’intégralité des règles énoncées dans le règlement international de 1972 pour prévenir les abordages en mer, à jour de ses divers amendements. Ce document comporte un grand nombre de planches qui illustrent certaines des règles énoncées.
L´ouvrage 3 est un résumé de connaissances indispensables au navigateur sur la signalisation maritime et les signaux de communication. Il rassemble : les principales règles de signalisation maritime (description des feux et balisage), les principaux signaux de communication et de transmission (marée, port, détresse, tempête et éléments essentiels du Code international de signaux), d'autres informations utiles aux navigateurs (code de l'état de la mer, code des vitesses du vent, etc.).
Cet document extrait de l'Album des pavillons nationaux et marques distinctives (ouvrage 10) présente pour la France le pavillon national, le pavillon de beaupré, le drapeau national, flammes, marques de commandement, guidons de club nautique... Pour en savoir plus sur les pavillons et sur les symboles vexillologiques.
Le Guide du navigateur (ouvrage 1) est publié en trois volumes correspondant aux trois aspects importants et complémentaires de la navigation que sont : l'information - la pratique de la navigation - la réglementation. Voici un extrait de chacun des volumes :
Cette rubrique est destinée aux étudiants intéressés par le thème "marée" dans le cadre de TIPE. La documentation existant sur le site Refmar, l'ouvrage La marée et les fichiers de cette page doivent permettre aux étudiants de résoudre leur problématique.
Cours sur la marée par Gilles Bessero (SHOM, 1985). L'étude de la marée s'appuie sur sa régularité. Cette régularité est directement liée à celle des actions de la lune et du soleil pour déduire d'observations en un lieu donné des prédictions valables en ce lieu et dans son voisinage immédiat. C'est cet aspect qui constitue l'objet principal de ce cours; quelques notions sur la propagation des ondes de marée seront examinées dans les dernières leçons. On étudiera également les variations du niveau marin dues à d'autres influences que celles des astres, variations que l'on peut regrouper sous le nom de "niveau moyen".
Ouvrage de référence sur la théorie et la pratique de la marée par Bernard Simon (Institut Océanographique/SHOM, 2007). Pour les personnes intéressées par l’observation, l’analyse et la prédiction des variations du niveau marin pour les besoins de la navigation maritime, de l’hydrographie et des aménagements côtiers, l’ouvrage « La marée océanique côtière » présente les fondements de l’étude des marées océaniques et ses applications en zone côtière. Créer un compte pour obtenir les documents gratuits.
Reference book about tide theory and practice by Bernard Simon (Institut océanographique/SHOM, 2007). Chapters detail tidal theory, tide gauges measurements, techniques of tidal signal treatment. The book provides also an overview of some applications like barotropic tidal current. English translation of "La Marée océanique côtière". Need a free account.
Cet ouvrage propose pour les ports de France métropolitaine et d'outre-mer les références altimétriques maritimes (RAM). C'est-à-dire les niveaux caractéristiques de la marée et les cotes des « zéros hydrographiques » dans les systèmes de référence altimétriques légaux. Depuis l'archive extraire le document pdf situé dans le répertoire /RAM_PACK/PDF/.
Le glossaire relatif à la marégraphie présente les termes et acronymes usités au travers des pages du portail Refmar.
Cette application permet de calculer la marée dans les principaux ports du monde et pour tous les ports, principaux et secondaires, de France métropolitaine. Pour chaque port il y un annuaire de marées, la hauteur d'eau heure par heure et pour la France un calendrier des marées (dont les grandes) avec les coefficients. Ces prédictions sont calculées avec une précision de quelques centimètres pour les hauteurs et quelques minutes pour les heures; la hauteur d'eau réelle peut toutefois s'écarter notablement de la prédiction (jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de centimètres) en raison notamment des variations du niveau de la mer dues aux perturbations atmosphériques. La référence de hauteur utilisée pour les prédictions de marée est le zéro des cartes qui, en général, correspond approximativement au niveau des plus basses mers - LAT : Lowest Astronomical Tide pour les Anglais (HTML).
Le portail Data/REFMAR permet d'accéder en quasi temps réel aux données marégraphiques comme la hauteur d'eau observée, les prédictions de marée et les surcotes et décotes (différences entre les observations d'un marégraphe et les prédictions qui ont principalement une origine météorologique). Il faut sélectionner un marégraphe pour obtenir les derniers relevés. Couvre la métropole et l'outremer. Par exemple les données pour Le Havre.
Ce service de prévisions côtières à 4 jours a pour objectif de faciliter l’usage des prévisions météo-océanographiques. L’utilisateur peut cliquer n’importe où en mer pour interroger les prévisions disponibles à la position géographique sélectionnée ou bien sélectionner un port prédéfini sur la carte. Prévisions disponibles : météorologie (vent, pression atmosphérique), vagues (hauteur, période), niveaux d'eau (hauteur totale, surcote météorologique), courants de surface horaires, température et salinité de l'eau. Ces prévisions sont les résultats bruts des simulations numériques et, à ce titre, n’ont pas été expertisées ni validées par des prévisionnistes océanographes ou météorologues.
Courants de marée des côtes françaises métropolitaines de la Manche et de la façade Atlantique (carte HTML consultable en ligne). Les flêches indiquent les composantes du courant de marée de surface, heure par heure et pour deux coefficients de marée caractéristiques (45 et 95). Le port de référence est le port de Brest. Pour afficher les courants : Catalogue -> Courants de Marée -> Choisir le coefficient et l'heure par rapport à la pleine mer de Brest. Pour afficher la légende : icone i de la couche -> Légende.
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Les informations affichés sont sur ces cartes des côtes francaises sont la hauteur d'eau significative et la direction de la mer totale, par pas de 3h. Les prévisions sont fournies jusqu'à l'échéance J+4. Les prévisions météorologiques et océanographiques proposées sur le site sont les résultats bruts des simulations numériques issues des modèles du SHOM et de Météo-France, sans avoir été expertisées et validées par des prévisionnistes océanographes ou météorologues. Ces prévisions numériques ne remplacent pas les services de vigilances et d'alertes météorologiques de Météo-France.
On trouve dans ce document : des informations sommaires sur les levés hydrographiques, leur précision et leurs imperfections, des règles et conseils pour le bon usage des documents nautiques, des indications sur l’emploi du GPS et de la carte électronique, une présentation de quelques cas d’accidents maritimes.
On trouve dans ce document l’ensemble des symboles, abréviations et termes utilisés aussi bien sur les cartes marines aux normes internationales que sur les cartes marines aux normes anciennes du Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine (Shom). L’ouvrage 1D s’applique aux cartes marines imprimées. Les symboles et abréviations affichés sur les écrans de navigation utilisant des cartes marines électroniques peuvent parfois différer de ceux décrits dans cet ouvrage.
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View online charts for France and overseas / Cartes marines consultables en ligne pour la France et l'outre-mer
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Site web avec l'information géographique maritime et littorale de référence : marée, courants, bathymétrie,
cartographie (visualisation de la carte littorale SHOM/IGN et des cartes RNC et ENC du SHOM), base de données maritimes et littorales.
Website in French and English with: tide, courants, bathymetry, charts (visualization of RNC and ENC charts), maritime ans coastal database). For the chart select: Catalog -> Charts -> RasterMarine or RasterENC.
Accéder à des jeux d'essai des produits S-101, S-102 et S-111. Depuis plusieurs années, l’OHI développe des normes (famille S-100) de produits hydrographiques et nautiques pour répondre aux enjeux de la «e-navigation». Ces normes visent à permettre l’adjonction de couches d’information superposables aux cartes électroniques de navigation, afin de fournir des informations complémentaires de sécurité (avis aux navigateurs, instructions nautiques), ainsi que d’autres informations (courants, météo, informations réglementaires sur les limites d’aires marines protégées par exemple, bathymétrie à haute résolution, etc.). Le cadre normatif S-100 garantit l’interopérabilité et l’affichage de ces couches additionnelles sur les systèmes de visualisation des cartes électroniques et d’information (ECDIS), compatibles S-100. Afin de soutenir le développement des usages autour des futurs produits et services S-100, le Shom élabore et propose des jeux de données tests. Actuellement, des jeux tests sont disponibles pour les produits suivants : S-101 (cartes électroniques de navigation), S-102 (surface bathymétrique) et S-111 (courants de surface). Ceux-ci qui couvrent la zone de Sain-Malo ne doivent pas être utilisés pour la navigation.
MDAT-GoG (Maritime domain awareness trade – Gulf of Guinea) est un système de comptes rendus en ligne en soutien du dispositif interrégional issu de la déclaration de Yaoundé. Tous les navires de commerce présents dans la zone de comptes rendus volontaires (VRA : Voluntary Reporting Area) sont encouragés à transmettre des comptes rendus en utilisant les formulaires mis à disposition. En appui à cette initiative, le SHOM vient de publier la carte de sûreté maritime « Afrique de l’ouest – golfe de Guinée » 8801 CS (échelles 1:8500000 et 1:5200000) comportant les recommandations du MDAT-GoG pour les navires et les modèles de comptes rendus. En cas d’urgence, les navires doivent téléphoner au numéro suivant du centre MDAT-GoG : +33 (0)2 98 22 88 88.
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Naviguer en sécurité nécessite non seulement d'utiliser les documents nautiques adaptés, mais aussi de tenir compte des informations nautiques urgentes et rapides, c'est-à-dire les renseignements de sécurité maritime qui mettent à jour ou complétent les documents nautiques, de façon permanente ou temporaire.
Avertissements urgents de navigation côtiers (AVURNAV) et locaux (AVURNAV locaux) émis par les autorités maritimes françaises le long des côtes de métropole et de celles de départements et territoires d'outre-mer. La consultation de l'information nautique sur les sites indiqués ne se substitue pas à celle diffusée par les moyens officiels (diffusion SafetyNET, NAVTEX ou VHF, affichage dans les capitaineries, etc.). Elle n'en est que le complément.
Les avertissements de navigation de la zone NAVAREA II couvrent les eaux de l'Atlantique Est au large de la France, de l'Espagne, du Portugal, du Cap Vert et du Sénégal. Les avertissements en vigueur sont accessibles en anglais puis en français.
Ce manuel à l’usage des utilisateurs du Groupe d’Avis aux Navigateurs (GAN) en ligne présente l'utilisation du site du GANL et les consignes d'utilisation du GAN.
Ce service permet de consulter le groupe d'avis aux navigateurs (GAN) de la semaine et les groupes antérieurs. Le GAN en ligne offre des fonctions de recherche qui facilitent l'accès aux informations de mise à jour. Services disponibles :
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Les AVertissements URgents de NAVigation (AVURNAV) locaux et côtiers, sont des messages à caractère urgent destiné aux navigateurs qui concerne des modifications récentes importantes à prendre en compte pour la sécurité de la navigation.Il existe également les AVINAV (AVIs aux NAVigateurs) qui ne contiennett pas de notion d’urgence. Ces messages sont émis par les autorités maritimes françaises le long des côtes de métropole et de celles de départements et territoires d'outre-mer, ils sont visualisables et/ou téléchargeables en ligne. Pour les zones plus aux larges il existe les avertissements de zone NAVAREA (NAVigational AREA).
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Le Guide Marine France indique pour les zones Mer du Nord, Manche, Atlantique et Méditerranée tous les moyens pour s'informer de la situation météorologique en mer : horaires, fréquences radio, contenu des bulletins diffusés par VHF, BLU, Navtex, radiodiffusion, satellite, fax, téléphone et Internet. Il contient également les cartes des zones marines, les échelles Beaufort et d'état de la mer et un lexique français-anglais de météo marine.
Le Guide Marine Antilles indique pour les zones Antilles et Guyane tous les moyens pour s'informer de la situation météorologique en mer : horaires, fréquences radio, contenu des bulletins diffusés par VHF, BLU, satellite et Internet. Il contient également une carte des zones marines, des classifications des phénomènes cycloniques, les échelles Beaufort et d'état de la mer et un lexique français-anglais de météo marine.
Le Guide de météo marine en Nouvelle-Calédonie a été élaboré pour aider les plaisanciers calédoniens dans leur compréhension de la météo marine. Ce guide donne tous les conseils pour préparer vos sorties en mer en connaissance des conditions météo qui vous attendent, vous explique le métier de prévisionniste, vous aide à comprendre les secrets des bulletins de météo marine, rappelle qu’il faut se tenir informé tout au long d’une sortie et indique les heures de diffusion des bulletins et mises à jours des données, vous éclaire pour l’observation du ciel.
Le manuel "Météorologie générale et maritime" rassemble les connaissances nécessaires à une bonne formation des navigateurs professionnels et amateurs. Conçu par des ingénieurs-prévisionnistes de Météo-France à l'intention des élèves officiers de la Marine nationale, l'ouvrage ne néglige ni les aspects théoriques, ni la pratique. Les phénomènes météorologiques sont décrits autant avec des mots qu'à l'aide de formules mathématiques. L'ouvrage s’organise en trois parties : la première, composée de six chapitres, présente les paramètres atmosphériques et les lois qui les régissent, la deuxième développe la représentation des paramètres météorologiques sur un diagramme thermodynamique, la formation des brouillards et des nuages et la notion de masse d'air, la troisième, le corps de l’ouvrage, aborde la circulation générale, la météorologie des régions tempérées, tropicales et polaires et les phénomènes locaux (J.-Y Le Vourc'h, C. Fons et M. Le Stum, ENM, 2001).
Idées actuelles sur les perturbations aux latitudes tempérées. Si vous pensez qu’une dépression apparait à chaque rencontre d’air chaud et d’air froid, ce texte est pour vous. En effet ce document présente les différences entre la classique théorie norvégienne des perturbations (front polaire) et les conceptions actuelles de la météorologie dynamique des latitudes tempérées. Il s'adresse à ceux que l ’évolution du temps intéresse ou intrigue. Les idées sont exposées sans recours aux mathématiques (A. Joly, ENM, 1992).
Objectifs généraux de l'ouvrage :1) utiliser les différents moyens actuels d'observation météo-océanographique pour quantifier les caractéristiques des vagues et houles en un point donné; 2) réaliser une prévision de vagues destinée à des usagers de la Météorologie, à partir de l'ensemble des documents d'exploitation disponibles dans un centre météorologique. Cette prévision devra pouvoir être présentée sous forme d'exposé verbal, et condensée pour être insérée dans un bulletin de prévision; 3) exposer et justifier cette prévision devant un usager de la Météorologie, voire devant un météorologiste; 4) énoncer succintement les caractéristiques des ondes rencontrées dans le milieu océanique (J. Manach, ENM, 1991).
Met Mar était une revue de vulgarisation de dans le domaine de la météorologie maritime. Elle a été publiée de juillet 1953 à décembre 2007 (217 numéros). On y trouve des articles variés concernant la météorologie et le monde maritime : étude de situations météorologiques particulières - météorologie spatiale et tropicale - évolution des techniques pour l'étude et la prévision du temps - océanographie - actions d'assistance ou de promotion menées par Météo-France - grandes courses transocéaniques et jeux olympiques - récits...
Météo-France maintient cinq bouées ancrées aux larges : deux bouées ancrées en Atlantique (la bouée Brittany et la bouée Gascogne), deux bouées en Méditerranée (la bouée Côte d’Azur et la bouée Lion) et une bouée aux Antilles (la bouée Antilles). Les bouées effectuent toutes les heures des mesures de pression atmosphérique, température de l'air et de la mer, vitesse et direction du vent, humidité, période et hauteur des vagues. Le site Real-Time permet d'accéder aux données météorologiques de ces bouées en temps quasi réel.
Meteoalarm fournit l'information la plus appropriée, requise pour se préparer à des conditions météorologiques extrêmes attendues quelque part en Europe. sur terre et pour certaines zones littorales. Il vous alerte sur la survenue possible de conditions météorologiques sévères, comme les fortes pluies, les orages violents, les vents tempétueux, les vagues de chaleur, le brouillard, la neige (incluant le blizzard), ou le froid extrême. Il vous alerte aussi sur des événements causés ou influencés par ces conditions météorologiques, comme les avalanches, ou les fortes vagues à la côte.
Prévisions de vigilance météorologique pour la terre et certains littoraux |
La vigilance météorologique est composée d'une carte qui signale si un danger (vent, orages, houle...) menace dans les prochaines 24 heures dans une zone donnée.
Alertes cycloniques pour les zones de la France d'outre-mer amenées à voir passer des perturbations climatiques tropicales et notamment des cyclones tropicaux.
Ce livret s'adresse aux candidats à l'examen du Certificat Restreint de Radiotéléphoniste (CCR) du service mobile maritime (Short Range Certificate - SRC). Ce certificat est obligatoire pour tout utilisateur d'une station radioélectrique fonctionnant dans la gamme des ondes métriques (VHF) et participant au Système Mondial de Détresse et de Sécurité en Mer (SMDSM) sans y être astreint par la réglementation internationale (version 13 du manuel, 2019).
Ce livret s'adresse aux candidats à l'examen du certificat restreint de radiotéléphoniste (CRR) du service mobile maritime. Ce certificat est obligatoire pour tout utilisateur d'une station radioélectrique embarquée à bord d'un navire, fonctionnant dans la gamme des ondes métriques (VHF), décamétriques (HF) ou hectométriques (MF). Plus d'info sur le CCR en Polynésie française.
Ce livret s'adresse aux candidats à l'examen du certificat restreint de radiotéléphoniste (CRR) du service mobile maritime. Ce certificat est obligatoire pour tout utilisateur d'une station radioélectrique embarquée à bord dâun navire, fonctionnant dans la gamme des ondes métriques (VHF), décamétriques (HF) ou hectométriques (MF). Ce manuel ne concerne que le CRR en Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Tout plaisancier naviguant en eaux intérieures étrangères et qui utilise un équipement radio de type VHF (Very High Frequency) fixe ou portable doit posséder un certificat d’opérateur radio au moins équivalent au CRR. Dans les eaux intérieures françaises, l'utilisation d'une VHF portative fluviale (non ASN) par un plaisancier n'oblige pas à posséder le CRR. Avec une VHF fixe, il faut posséder à minima le permis de conduire des bateaux de plaisance ou le CRR. Ce livret s'adresse aux candidats à l'examen du Certificat Restreint de Radiotéléphoniste (CRR) du service mobile fluvial (Operator's certificate for the radiotelephone service on inland waterways). L'examen consiste en un questionnaire à choix multiples portant sur le programme de l’examen détaillé dans le présent livret.
Module d'entraînement en ligne au CRR. Disponible en mode entrainement et en mode examen blanc.
Cette fiche, destinée aux plaisanciers, résume les obligations et conseils pour utiliser les équipements radio assurant sa sécurité en mer.
Le MMSI est un code de neuf chiffres que l’ANFR attribue à un navire exploitant des équipements radio dotés notamment de l’Appel Sélectif Numérique (ASN ou DSC en anglais pour Digital Selective Calling). Il permet une identification sûre du navire par les centres de secours tout spécialement en cas de détresse. Si votre VHF n’est pas programmée avec un MMSI délivré par l’ANFR, le poussoir rouge de détresse ne sera pas opérationnel en cas de problème, ainsi que les fonctionnalités s’y rattachant. Il est donc essentiel de savoir vérifier si sa VHF est correctement codée.
Les systèmes de géolocalisation par satellite, comme GPS ou Galileo, jouent un rôle essentiel dans de nombreux secteurs d’activité comme les transports maritimes, les services de secours aux victimes ou la sécurisation des échanges de marchandises. Or nos GPS dépendent du signal de satellites situés à environ 20 000 km de distance. Un brouilleur, même peu puissant, aveugle sur le champ tous les GPS alentour. Égalemeent disponible une version de GPS et risques de brouillage adaptée à la Nouvelle-Calédonie
L’unique système de balise de détresse reconnu par le système mondial de détresse et de sécurité en mer (SMDSM), veillé par les centres chargés de la recherche et du sauvetage partout dans le monde, est la balise de détresse Cospas-Sarsat qui émet sur 406 MHz (Plus d'information).
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Les émetteurs-récepteurs du service mobile maritime dans la gamme des ondes métriques (VHF) sont des éléments importants de sécurité pour la navigation de plaisance et l’organisation des secours en mer. Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, la VHF fixe est obligatoire pour une navigation semi-hautuière (entre 6 et 60 milles d’un abri). Les obligations dépendent de la zone d’utilisation de la VHF, soit dans les eaux territoriales françaises, soit dans les eaux internationales.
Liste des fiches : L'ANFR au service du radiomaritime - Equipements radio obligatoires - Equipement de sécurité obligatoire d'un navire de plaisance - Balise EPIRB ou PLB - La VHF : modalités et conditions d’utilisation - Coder son MMSI - Vérifier sa radio VHF - Moyens individuels de sécurité et repérage en mer.
Liste des codes des autorités comptables en activité reconnues par la France pour les navires sous licence française. Tableau contenant : Code d'identification attribué - Entité correspondante - Zone géographique française de rattachement du navire. L'autorité comptable procéde au recouvrement des factures correspondant aux communications effectuées par l'intermédiaire des stations côtières.
Questions fréquemment posées sur les sujets suivants : La licence : démarches administratives - MMSI - Equipements radiomaritimes - Examens CRR maritime et fluvial - Informations diverses.
Recherche en accès public sur les émetteurs français de navires et de stations.
Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables / Raster map for upload (JPEG and PDF files).
Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation / Don't use for navigation
Cartes marines Zonex du SHOM. France, océan Atlantique Nord : 7211Z, 6989Z, 6990Z. France, mer Méditerranée : 7507Z, 7204Z.
View online maps of France / Cartes de la France consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Carte littorale à 1:25000. Couvre les côtes de France, la plupart des DOM/TOM et des collectivités territoriales. Utilise les données du SHOM pour la partie maritime et celles de l'IGN pour la partie terrestre.
Ports / Harbours:
Dunkerque, Le Havre,
Brest, Biarritz, Port-la-Nouvelle, Marseille, Monaco, Ajaccio, Bastia...
Outre-mer / Overseas: Guadeloupe,
La Réunion
Le Havre (France), dynamic chart, use the mouse to move Le Havre (France), utilisez la souris pour se deplacer et zoomer |
Le catalogue des éditions 2021 recense toutes les publications récentes classées par grands domaines d'expertise du Cerema : Expertise et ingénierie territoriale ; Bâtiment ; Mobilités ; Infrastructures de transport ; Environnement et risques ; Mer et littoral. Retrouvez cette année notre zoom sur l'adaptation au changement climatique. Sont recensés aussi l'intégralité des p'tits essentiels parus à ce jour.
Ce document fait le point sur l’ensemble des réglementations applicables à la stabilité des bateaux, selon leur usage et leur taille, au début de 2012. Il donne également des repères pour mieux comprendre et analyser les dossiers de stabilité, et en trouver les éventuels manquements, imprécisions ou erreurs les plus courantes. Par B. Adam (R 12.07, 2012).
Ce guide comprend : La navigation maritime et les besoins marins (les principes fondamentaux, le contrôle de la navigation maritime par la terre, les services de trafic maritime, définitions et enjeux de l’aide à la navigation maritime) - Cadre institutionnel, juridique et réglementaire de la signalisation maritime - Annexes (NR 34, 2002).
Ingénierie des aides à la navigation. Ce guide comprend : 1) Etude d'un projet de signalisation maritime; 2) Les différents types d'aide à la navigation maritime 3) Choix et dimensionnement des appareillages (NR 35, 2003).
Le présent document expose les conditions dans lesquelles l'administration des Phares et Balises applique les recommandations de l'Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime pour les rythmes des feux de signalisation maritime. Le document est construit en deux parties : 1) Traduction des textes de recommandation de l'A.I.S.M. pour les rythmes des feux de signalisation maritime; 2) Tableaux des rythmes normalisés à utiliser en France par les services en charge de la signalisation maritime (IBIM 0260, 2012).
Généralités sur l'électricité atmosphérique. Densité des coups de foudre et autres décharges. Effets de la foudre et principe des protections. Protection contre les dangers de l'électricité atmosphérique, mesures à prendre, dispositifs à utiliser (NR 48, 2005).
Le mouvement des pales des aérogénérateurs est susceptible de perturber sérieusement les équipements radioélectriques qui fonctionnent à proximité. Aussi il convient donc de recenser la nature de ces perturbations et d'estimer leur impact. C'est le but de ce document qui évalue les perturbations apportées par l’implantation de parcs éoliens à proximité des équipements radioélectriques tels que les radars des CROSS et des ports, les goniomètres en bande VHF et les GPS différentiels (DGPS). Par M. Abedrabou (T 08.02, 2008).
Le Cerema publie trois rapports réalisés au sujet de l'impact de la massification du trafic commercial maritime et de l'accroissement de la taille des navires: 1) Gigantisme des navires. Risques et impacts en cas de sinistre - 2) Flotte de commerce et gigantisme, analyse et prospective: Risques liés aux navires de commerce géants - 3) Les solutions techniques de localisation et de suivi des conteneurs tombés en mer. À partir d’une analyse des principaux sinistres majeurs enregistrés depuis 2009, l'étude sur les risques recensent les principales conséquences de l’accroissement de la taille des navires : impacts financiers, impacts sur l’environnement, sur la sécurité des navires, sur la navigation, les équipages et les passagers.
Ce document méthodologique vise à apporter des éléments d'analyse et des solutions pratiques aux services de l'État et aux bureaux d'ingénierie en charge des estimations de niveaux d'eau extrêmes en environnement maritime et fluvial. Par X. Kergadallan (C 13.01, 2013).
Candhis (Centre d'Archivage National de Données de Houle In-Situ) désigne à la fois le réseau national côtier de mesure in situ de houle, le site Internet et la base de données archivant les mesures. Les informations disponibles sur ce site sont : les données temps réel au jour le jour et heure par heure, des graphes mensuels des hauteurs des vagues, des données statistiques (histogrammes et corrélogrammes). Les paramètres disponibles pour la France et l'outremer sont : la hauteur significative des vagues (H1/3), la hauteur maximale des vagues (Hmax), la période des vagues (TH1/3), la direction au pic, étalement au pic et la température de l'eau. Sélectionner uniquement "Bouées Temps Réel" en rouge.
L'objectif de la plateforme documentaire est de réunir au même endroit toutes les ressources produites par le Cerema pour les rendre accessibles en open source : L’ensemble de cette production est en téléchargement libre. Rapports d’étude, avis techniques, articles de presse écrits par le Cerema, mais aussi et surtout plus de 3 000 guides, fiches ou référentiels sont disponibles.
Présentation de la réglementation sur les navires de plaisance : Mise en service, exigences techniques de construction et usage. Cette réglementation concerne les navires de plaisance marqués CE, les navires à usage personnel non CE, les traditionnels et ceux de compétition ou expérimentaux.
Le règlement sur la sécurité des navires est réparti en 7 volumes comprenant respectivement les textes suivants :
1 : Dispositions générales
2 : Navires à passagers effectuant des voyages internationaux et navires de charge de jauge brute supérieure à 500
3 : Navires à passagers effectuant des voyages nationaux et navires de charge de jauge brute inférieure à 500 et navires d’un type particulier
4 : Navires de plaisance -
5 : Navires de pêche
6 : Equipements marins et cargaisons -
7 : Compléments
T : Tableaux contenant les références des textes applicables en matière de sécurité des navires
Quelques textes (divisions) :
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Les fiches d'information présente l'essentiel de la réglementation de la plaisance et des loisirs nautiques. Ces fiches ne peuvent en aucun cas présenter la règlementation dans son intégralité, seuls les textes officiels sont à consulter.
Vous souhaitez naviguer en mer et faire immatriculer votre navire, passer le permis plaisance… Dans chaque département côtier, au sein des délégations à la Mer et au Littoral (DML), les services Accueil des plaisanciers sont là pour vous renseigner :
L’utilisation d’armes numérique n’est désormais plus un fantasme et peut impacter sur le transport maritime qui est un maillon essentiel et incontournable des échanges économiques mondiaux. C’est dans ce contexte que la France a mis en œuvre une stratégie de sensibilisation des armateurs afin d’engager une politique de sécurisation des systèmes d’informations à bord de leurs navires. L'objectif principal est de sensibiliser les compagnies maritimes aux cybers menaces à bord du navire.
Ce guide adapte aux spécificités du transport maritime les bonnes pratiques de securité informatique. En effet systèmes d’information et réseaux informatiques ont progressivement envahi le milieu maritime et sont désormais omniprésents sur les navires. Cette évolution expose chaque jour les équipages à de nouveaux risques : vol d’informations, prise de contrôle à distance de systèmes informatiques, sabotage, etc. La prévention des incidents et attaques informatiques relève pourtant la plupart du temps de réflexes simples, qui concourent à une protection globale du navire (DAM & ANSSI).
Les fabricants ont l'obligation de rappeler les produits non conformes mis sur le marché et ont l'obligation d'apporter les mesures correctrices. Les rappels de produits non conformes, listés dans cet article, sont réalisés dans le cadre règlementaire européen.
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Aide médicale en mer. Le CCMM assure le service de consultations et d’assistance télé-médicales pour les navires en mer. La réponse médicale est assurée 24 heures sur 24. Le CCMM peut être contacté par tous les moyens de communication radio, GSM ou Satellite, directement ou via les CROSS. Pour contacer un médecin :
Le Manuel pratique de survie en mer du CEPS n'est rien d'autre que le manuel qui équipe les engins de sauvetage français. Ce manuel est donc résolument concret, abordant l'ensemble des aspects techniques, de communication, médicaux, d'hygiène et santé, de navigation, d'atterrissage, de survie à terre, liés à la survie en mer et à ses conséquences. Il est préférable de lire ce manuel à terre plutôt que de le découvrir dans un radeau en cas de fortune de mer. Ce manuel est également disponible en version approuvée par le ministère de la Mer et homologuée sur papier hydrofuge avec une pochette transparente, des cartes et une règle CRAS.
La sécurité en mer et sur la plage commence par la prévention car de nombreux pratiquants de loisirs nautiques sous-estiment les dangers de la mer. Que vous soyez un navigateur chevronné, un pratiquant de kitesurf ou un simple utilisateur de la plage, les Sauveteurs en Mer ont de nombreux conseils à vous donner.
La carte, mais aussi les yeux, le sondeur, le loch, le compas de relèvement… et le bon sens. Tout cela doit être mis en oeuvre pour ne pas finir sur les cailloux, et être capable de dire aux sauveteurs où l’on est, le cas échéant.
En suivant ces recommandations, vous faciliterez la mission des secours et raccourcirez les délais d’intervention. Alerter prioritairement par VHF canal 16 ou à défaut par téléphone portable en composant le 196. Il faut distinguer le message de détresse du message d’urgence.
L'essentiel de la sécurité en mer : guide de la prévention. Afin de limiter les risques de la navigation et de réduire les interventions de sauvetage en mer, les plaisanciers doivent être mieux formés et informés. À cet effet, la SNSM a participé à la conception du Guide du plaisancier édité par le Groupe MACIF. Il y a l’essentiel de la sécurité en mer : un véritable guide pratique pour une sortie en mer réussie. Vous pouvez le télécharger en format PDF.
Consulation en ligne des plans et informations pour les ports de plaisance en Provence, Côte d'Azur et Corse. Contient les horaires et fréquences des prévisions méteo en page 6, le RIPAM (Règlement International pour Prévenir les Abordages en Mer) et des informations pratiques en pages 85 à 118, 134, 150, 192 à 194.
Extrait du livre des feux L.B. du SHOM « Méditerranée occidentale » pour les régions Sud-PACA et Corse.
Le site maree.info donne les horaires des marées pour la France (données SHOM). Vous pouvez consulter gratuitement les prédictions des marées sur toute l'année. Pour chaque port, sont disponibles : le détail des heures et hauteurs de pleine mer et basse mer, un marégramme dynamique, les prévisions météo, un calendrier et une recherche de coefficients des marées.
Affichage des cartes d'après les GRIB GFS et WAVE de la NOAA sur Google Maps. Il s'agit d'une version alpha sans légende ni interface finalisée afin de tester le principe de fonctionnement, l'affichage et la génération des cartes.
Liens vers les sites web des ports français et anglais de la zone Manche-Atantique.
Pour aider la tâche de l’observateur en mer, un certain nombre de dictons ont franchi les siècles et nous apportent encore aujourd’hui, pour certains d’entre eux, tout le savoir des anciens. « Le vieux a beaucoup navigué, profite de son savoir », recommande le dicton. C’est ce que nous allons essayer de faire en citant nombre de proverbes marins et en expliquant leur signification par rapport à l’observation de différents phénomènes météorologiques. À l'observation, cela se vérifie !
De A comme Anticyclone à Z comme Willy-Willy. Cliquer sur la lettre recherchée pour accéder aux définitions sous forme de fichier PDF.
La navigation astronomique suppose quelques rudiments de connaissances en cosmographie ainsi qu’une pratique familière des tables. Avec les données qui suivent on peut réaliser : a) Un calcul simplifié de la position à l’aide du soleil et de la méridienne ; b) Une variation au lever et au coucher vrai du soleil ; c) L'heure approximative du lever ou du coucher vrai du soleil. Contient les phases de la Lune et les éphémérides du soleil pour l'année en cours.
La protection sociale des marins et les gens de mer du commerce, de la pêche, des cultures marines et de la plaisance est spécifiquement gérée par l'ENIM en ce qui concerne les risques vieillesse, décès, accident du travail et maladies professionnelles, maladie, maternité et invalidité. L'ensemble du dispositif vise à protéger, assurer les marins et à les aider à faire face aux principaux risques de l'existence, notamment sur le plan financier.
Sommaire : Prévenir les secours en mer – Que faire en cas de problème médical survenant à bord ? – Conseils pour constituer la pharmacie de bord des navires de plaisance – Les secours aux noyés – Attention, hypothermie !
La plupart des renseignements figurant dans les documents nautiques sont sujets à des modifications fréquentes, car la réalité maritime, et surtout la connaissance que l’on en a, évolue sans cesse. Aussi il est nécessaire de publier des mises à jour de l'Almanach du Marin Breton. Ces listes de mises à jour sont publiées en janvier et en juin.
Information sur les ports de plaisance des côtes de France. Le site couvre les côtes françaises de l'Atlantique et de la Méditerranée.
Horaire des marées avec un choix par contient, par mer, pays, lieu ou bien par recherche direct. Prévision sur une année. Sortie en pdf pour chaque mois.
Avis de vent frais, coup de vent et tempête pour l'Europe de l'ouest : zones du larges de la mer Baltique, mer du Nord, sud Norvège, Irlande, Manche, golfe de Gascogne, Espagne, Portugal et mer Méditérranée.
Avis de coup de vent pour l'Europe |
Carte mondiale de prévision avec au choix la hauteur et la période pour la mer totale, la mer du vent et la houle.
Sämtliche Veröffentlichungen, die das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) in gedruckter Form herausgibt, sind in diesem Katalog zusammengestellt. Darüber hinaus enthält dieser Katalog Übersichten über die vom Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie herausgegebenen Elektronischen Seekartendaten (Electronic Navigational Charts – ENCs).
Der Produktkatalog (HTML) des BSH enthält alle nautischen Produkte wie Seekarten (in digitaler oder Papierform), Seebücher aber auch weitere Druckschriften, die im BSH erstellt werden. Über folgende Darstellungen können Sie die Produkte suchen: Die Listenansicht, Die Kartenansicht.
Das BSH stellt die Publikation der deutschen Seekartensätze für die Klein- und Sportschifffahrt ein. Die Umstellung des amtlichen deutschen Seekartenwerkes geht mit der Veröffentlichung weiterer nationaler Seekarten in der Ostsee in die nächste Phase. Die deutschen Seekartensätze für die Klein- und Sportschifffahrt mit den Nummern 3003, 3004, 3005 und 3006 werden am 31.12.2020 eingezogen. Ab 1.1.2021 dürfen diese Seekarten nicht mehr für die Navigation genutzt werden. Die Seekartensätze für die Klein- und Sportschifffahrt Nr. 3020, 3021 und 3022, die in Kooperation mit dem polnischen Hydrographischen Dienst veröffentlicht werden, erscheinen weiterhin alle zwei Jahre als neue Ausgaben. Die Berichtigungen dafür werden über den polnischen Hydrographischen Dienst bereitgestellt. Der BSH-Berichtigungsservice verlinkt auf die polnischen Berichtigungsseiten.
Dieses Faltblatt enthält eine Auswahl wichtiger Zeichen und Abkürzungen für amtliche deutsche Papierseekarten.
This leaflet contains a selection of important symbols and abbreviations for official German paper sea charts.
Wichtige Regeln und Tipps für Wassersportler. Diese Broschüre soll helfen, Gefahrensituationen zu vermeiden. Sie soll Ihnen die wichtigsten Sicherheitsvorschriften vermitteln sowie Hinweise und Tipps geben, wie Sie viele schöne und vor allem unfallfreie Stunden auf dem Wasser verbringen können.
Navigationslichter (bisher: Positionslaternen) helfen, zum Beispiel Schiffsgröße, Schiffslage und Schiffstyp auch nachts und bei schlechter Sicht aus größerer Entfernung zu erkennen. Das dient der Sicherheit aller auf See. Aus diesem Grund sind sowohl die Lichterführung als auch Art und Anbringung der Navigationslichter durch Verordnungen und Regeln festgelegt. Die umfangreichen Regelwerke haben wir für Sie in dieser Broschüre leicht lesbar zusammengefasst.
Der Eisdienst gibt verschiedene regionale Berichte heraus. Das Amtsblatt beschreibt die Eislage in Nord- und Ostsee auf Deutsch und Englisch, ausführlicher werden auf Deutsch die Eisinformation an den deutschen Küsten im Ostseebericht und Nordseebericht beschrieben. Unsere Eisberichte und Eiskarten, welche die Planung und Durchführung der Eisfahrt in Ost- und Nordsee erleichtern. Eiskarten stellen in graphischer Form die Eissituation dar. Die wichtigsten Parameter sind hierbei Bedeckung und Eisdicke. Je nach Eiskarte wird auch auf andere Beobachtungen wie Presseisrücken, Spalten und Risse oder Schollengröße hingewiesen.
German ice service provides different regional ice reports. The Amtsblatt (ice report) describes the ice situation in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in English with a German summary. Ice conditions at the German coast are reported more detailed in the Ostseebericht and Nordseebericht, respectively, in German language. Our ice reports and ice charts, which ease the planning and performance of ice navigation in the Baltic Sea and North Sea. Ice charts describe the ice situation graphically. The most important parameters are the sea-ice coverage and the sea-ice thickness. Depending on the ice chart, further information like occurrence of pressure ridges, cracks and leads or floe size is also given.
The Ice Atlas presents a compilation of the results of a statistical evaluation of ice data covering the period 1961–2010 (50 years).
Verbreitung von Sturmwarnungen, Seewetterberichten und weiteren Wetterinformationen durch Küstenfunkstellen und Rundfunksender. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Dänemark, Deutschland, Niederlande, Polen, Schweden, NAVTEX-Sender, Internationale Wettervorhersagegebiete.
In dem Heft Die Gezeiten – Entstehung und Phänomene finden Sie Informationen über die Entstehung der Gezeiten und über einige der wichtigsten Gezeitenphänomene, wie zum Beispiel die Spring- und Nippzeit.
Die Gezeiten sind sich regelmäßig wiederholende Bewegungen des Meerwassers. Diese Bewegungen werden durch die Anziehungskräfte des Mondes und der Sonne verursacht. Die einleitenden Kapitel enthalten ausführliche Begriffsdefinitionen aus der Gezeitenkunde und Beispiele für die Anwendung der Tafeln. Inhalt: 1 Einleitung - 2 Übersichtskarten - 3 Erläuterungen und Begriffsbestimmungen aus der Gezeitenkunde - 4 Das Seekartennull in Gezeitengebieten - 5 Der meteorologische Einfluss auf den Wasserstand / Wasserstandsvorhersage - 6 Anleitung zum Gebrauch der Gezeitentafeln mit Beispielaufgaben - 7 How to use the Tide Tables.
Gemäß internationaler Vereinbarung ist das Seekartennull (SKN) in den Seekarten des BSH an der deutschen Nordseeküste und angrenzenden, von Gezeiten beeinflussten Revieren, im Jahr 2013 abschließend auf die Höhe des niedrigstmöglichen Gezeitenwasserstands (Lowest Astronomical Tide, LAT) umgestellt worden. Die in den Gezeitentafeln des BSH für die deutschen Bezugsorte vorausberechneten Hoch- und Niedrigwasserhöhe beziehen sich seit 2005 komplett auf LAT.
Most important German terms and abbreviations used in tidology: heights, time, reference height...
Begriffe aus der Gezeitenkunde: Wichtige Bezeichnungen für die Höhen, Begriffe bezüglich der Zeit, Bezugshöhen...
Online-Vorausberechnungen: Mit Hilfe der folgenden Anwendung können Sie sich die Vorausberechnungen von Hoch- und Niedrigwassern anzeigen lassen. Wählen Sie dafür einen Ort aus der Liste oder auf der Karte. Nutzen Sie auch den Link zur Einzelseite des eingestellten Pegels, um die Ansicht als Lesezeichen abzuspeichern oder in Ihre Website einzubinden (Tide forecasts).
Berechnete Strömungen des operationellen Modellsystems des BSH. Bitte beachten Sie das Datum auf den Karten! Es ist möglich, dass durch Fehler im Datenfluss die Vorhersagen nicht immer auf dem neuesten Stand gehalten werden können. Karten:Nordsee, Deutsche Bucht, Elbe, Westliche Ostsee, Nordsee. Das BSH übernimmt für die hier wiedergegebenen Informationen keine Gewähr (Current forecasts).
Die beiden folgenden Übersichten zeigen internationale und nationale Schifffahrtsvorschriften, die als Beilage in den Nachrichten für Seefahrer (NfS) veröffentlicht wurden. Sie enthalten internationale Entschließungen, Empfehlungen und Richtlinien von maritimen Organisationen sowie nationale Vorschriften, die unter anderem internationale Regelungen in nationales Recht überführen.
English version of the Seeschiffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO). Including notices of the Waterways and Shipping Directorates Northwest and North. Content: Introduction - 1 General provisions - 2 Visual signs of and sound signals of vessels - 4 Sailing rules - 5 Stationary traffic - 6 Miscellaneous provisions - 7 Supplementary provisions relating to the Kiel Canal - 8 Competences and responsibilities of the Federal Waterways and Shipping - Administration - 9 Provisions on administrative fines and on matters of competence - Annex.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer die jeweils gültige Ausgabe der Karten berichtigen müssen. Der Berichtigungsservice soll sie dabei unterstützen. Für die nicht ausrüstungspflichtige Schifffahrt bietet das BSH einen kostenlosen Berichtigungsservice zu den vom BSH herausgegebenen Karten und Büchern an Die Übersichten zeigen Ihnen jeweils für Ostsee und Nordsee alle Berichtigungen zu Seekarten oder Einzelblättern der Karten für die Klein-und Sportschifffahrt seit der letzten Neuen Ausgabe; als Sammelberichtigungen oder Deckblätter.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer eine jeweils gültige Ausgabe der Bücher berichtigen müssen. Der Berichtigungsservice soll sie dabei unterstützen. Für die nicht ausrüstungspflichtige Schifffahrt bietet das BSH einen kostenlosen Berichtigungsservice zu den vom BSH herausgegebenen Büchern an. In der Übersicht finden Sie alle Berichtigungen an nautischen Büchern seit der letzten Neuen Ausgabe; als Sammelberichtigungen oder Austauschseiten.
The BSH offers a free correction service to the charts published by the BSH for shipping where carriage requirement doesn’t apply. It has been prepared with the best possible care, but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Please note that always corrected and valid editions of the charts must be carried aboard. The correction service is designed to help you to do this.
The BSH offers a free correction service to the books published by the BSH for shipping where carriage requirement doesn’t apply. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care, but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Please note that always corrected and valid edition of the publications must be carried aboard. The correction service is intended to assist you in this process. The overview of corrections to nautical publications since the last edition is only available in German.
Die jährliche Beilage zu den Nachrichten für Seefahrer enthält einen Überblick zum nautischen Informationsdienst sowie wichtige Informationen und Mitteilungen, die jährlich fortgeführt werden. Eine Herausgabe erfolgt in der Regel mit dem NfS-Heft 01 jeden Jahres.
The annual supplement of the "Nachrichten für Seefahrer" contains an overview of the nautical information service. In addition, this supplement contains important information and communications, which are updated annually. It contains information on the Navigational Warning System, nautical publications, the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies (CCME) and Maritime Emergency Reporting and Assessment Centre (MERAC) and further information. This overview is enclosed with the first NfS issue of each year.
The Navigational Warning System of the Federal Republic of Germany issues warnings to shipping when hazards are imminent or have already occurred. The continuously updated valid nautical warning messages (NAVTEX) can be found here: Navigational warnings for the German North Sea area and for the German Baltic Sea area.
Der Nautische Warn- und Nachrichtendienst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gibt Warnungen an die Schifffahrt heraus, wenn Gefahren unmittelbar bevorstehen oder bereits eingetreten sind. Die laufend aktualisierten gültigen Nautischen Warnnachrichten (NAVTEX) finden Sie hier: Nautische Warnnachrichten für den deutschen Nordseebereich unde für den deutschen Ostseebereich.
Die Nachrichten für Seefahrer erscheinen wöchentlich ausschließlich in digitaler Form. Seit Ausgabe 27/2023 werden sie kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie müssen stets die jeweils aktuellen Ausgaben der Seekarten und Seebücher benutzen, diese fortlaufend berichtigen und damit auf Stand halten. Alle Änderungen, die nach Herausgabe einer Seekarte oder eines Seebuches eingetreten sind, finden Sie in den NfS.
Mariners are requested to use the current editions of the nautical charts and publications, correct them continuously and keep them up to date. All changes that have occurred after the publication of a nautical chart or publication can be found in the Notices to Mariners (NfS). They contain corrections and reports on measures and events of major or supra-regional importance.
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Der Deutsche Wetterdienst in Hamburg (Seeschifffahrtsberatung) bietet ein ca. 12 seitiges Informationsblatt (auch bekannt als Dauerbrenner) im Format DIN A4 an.Hier finden Sie Informationen über die eigenen Leistungen mit z.B. Hinweisen auf Sendezeiten, Frequenzen, Navtex, Seewetterberichten, SEEWIS u.s.w. Der Sendeplan für die Funkausstrahlung Pinneberg ist nicht mehr enthalten. Er kann ebenfalls extra heruntergeladen werden. Diese Informationen werden in der Regel einmal jährlich aktualisiert.
Maps of wave height, air pressure and wind at 10m level. Different areas (North and Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic) at several forecast times are selectable. The probable maximum wave height can be up to twice the significant wave height.
![]() of combined wines waves & swell for tomorrow (00 or 12 UTC). Height in meters |
Marine weather reports, weather-warnings and -observations are broadcasted at set times via long and short wave by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).Weather maps are transmitted via shortwave too. Broadcastings are done by the weather radio transmitter in Pinneberg about 20 km north-west of Hamburg. Texts in radio teletype (F1B) and weather maps (facsimile F1C) can be received in long- and short- wave range on specified frequencies around the clock.
Der DWD strahlt über seinen Sender in Pinneberg mehrmals täglich Seewetterberichte, Warnungen und Wettermeldungen zu festgelegten Uhrzeiten über Lang- und Kurzwelle aus. Neben diesen Textberichten werden über Kurzwelle auch diverse Wetterkarten ausgesendet. Die Funkausstrahlung des Wetterfunksenders in Pinneberg (ca. 20 km nordwestlich Hamburg) erfolgt in Funkfernschreiben (F1B) und Wetterkarten (Faksimile F1C) im Lang- und Kurzwellenbereich auf festgelegten Frequenzen rund um die Uhr.
Das Wetterlexikon des DWD erläutert die wichtigsten meteorologischen Begriffe und wird ständig ausgebaut.
Sea ice extent, concentration, thickness and drift in the Arctic and Antarctic are changing daily. Information on these parameters is gained from satellite observations and is presented here as daily maps of sea ice concentrations and time series of sea ice extent and area (Meereisportal). Ice maps for the Arctic regions: Arctic, Svalbard, Northeast Passage and Northwest passage. Ice maps for the Antarctic regions: Antarctic, Amundsen Sea, Weddell Sea I, Weddell Sea II and Ross Sea.
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“Der Wetterlotse – Maritime Meteo News” provides marine meteorological information in German and English language. It is published every two months. Contents: Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Data of Selected Ports Around the World - The Atlantic-European Climate Conditions During the Reporting Period - Climatic Conditions in the German Coastal Areas - Reports Concerning Recent Maritime-meteorological Conditions - Statistics of Observations on Board German Ships During the Reporting Period.
NAVTEX (Navigational Information over Telex) ist ein internationaler Dienst zur Verbreitung nautischer und meteorologischer Warnnachrichten. Diese werden weltweit auf gleicher Frequenz zu verschiedenen Sendezeiten verbreitet. Es werden auch Seewettervorhersagen, Seenotmeldungen und im Winter Eisberichte ausgestrahlt. Online der aktuelle Empfang der Navtex-Ausstrahlungen Emden (Nordsee) und Rostock (Ostsee), funkfrequenzen 490kHz (Deutsch) und 518kHz (Englisch). Navtex-Ausstrahlungen für die Küstengebiete.
NAVTEX (Navigational Information over Telex) is an international service for the dissemination of meteorological and navigational warning messages. These are published on the same frequency at different transmission times worldwide. There are also weather forecasts, distress messages and in winter ice reports broadcast. The online NAVTEX broadcasts come from the German stations Emden (North Sea) and Rostock (Baltic Sea) on 518kHz. Navtex broadcasts for coastal areas. For the messages in English click on "518 kHz Emden" and "518 kHz Rostock".
View online ENC maps of Greece / Cartes ENC de la Grèce consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The Web Map Service (WMS) utilizes the data of the ENCs published by HNHS to generate images that are forwarded to end users over the Internet. The WMS will always offer updated images based on ENC data for allavailable scales (1:90.000 - 1:1.500.000). Please note that no vector data are forwarded via the WMS and that it is not suitable for use for navigation purposes.
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There urgent pieces of information for the safety of navigation issued by the Hydrographic Service. NAVWARNS do not replace Notice nor other navigational aids. Being urgent information, they are not printed and are not distributed as Notice do, but they are transmitted via VHF radiotelephony. Also available: Show Navwarns on the map.
List of Navtex broadcasts that are transmitted to ships at 4 hour intervals throughout the day from Irakleio [H], Kerkyra [K] and Limnos [L] stations on international frequency 518 KHz.
To τεύχος των Ετήσιων (Μονίμων) Αγγελιών για τους Ναυτιλλόμενους εκδίδεται με μέριμνα της Διεύθυνσης Ασφάλειας Ναυσιπλοΐας της ΥΥ. Οι Αγγελίες για τους ναυτιλλόμενους που περιέχονται σε αυτό το τεύχος παρέχουν σημαντικές πληροφορίες μόνιμης φύσης, αφορούν τον Ελληνικό Θαλάσσιο χώρο και τις κυριότερες γραμμές πλου της Μεσογείου και λόγω της σπουδαιότητας τους επανεκδίδονται κάθε έτος. Αλλαγές διορθώσεις, προσθήκες που έχουν γίνει στα κείμενα των Ετήσιων (Μονίμων) Αγγελιών, σημειώνονται με κατακόρυφη μαύρη γραμμή στο αριστερό περιθώριο κάθε σελίδας. Eυρετηριο: 1 Μετάδοση πληροφοριών για τους ναυτιλλόμενους (Αγγελίες-Προαγγελίες) - 2 Πληροφορίες σχετικές με υποβρύχια - 3 Παροχή πληροφοριών - 4 Πεδία βολής και ασκήσεων που ελέγχονται από το Π. Ναυτικό, το Σ. Ξηράς, την Π. Αεροπορία και το ΓΕΕΘΑ - 5 Περιορισμοί ναυσιπλοΐας - 6 Τρόποι προμήθειας Ν. Χαρτών - Ν. Εκδόσεων – Αγγελιών (Ετήσιων, Μηνιαίων) από την Ελληνική Υδρογραφική Υπηρεσία - 7 Επίσημες Ναυτιλιακές Εκδόσεις - 8 Αναγραφή πυρσών (φάρων, φανών και φωτοσημαντήρων ) στις ναυτιλιακές - οδηγίες (Πλοηγούς) - 9 Πληροφορίες που αφορούν τις ασκήσεις Ναρκαλιευτικών - 10 Επίσημες αργίες - 11 Ο χρόνος που χρησιμοποιείται στην Ελλάδα - 12 Ελληνικά Πολεμικά Πλοία - Διαφορές στους φανούς ναυσιπλοΐας με τον κανονισμό για αποφυγή Συγκρούσεως στη Θάλασσα (1972) - 13 Υπηρεσία Παγκόσμιας Διασποράς Προαγγελιών - 14 Περιοχή Ευθύνης Έρευνας και Διάσωσης της Ελλάδας.
Annual (Permanent) notices to mariners provide important information, of permanent nature, about the Hellenic seas and the main routes of navigation. The edition is annual due to the importance of the information it contains. Index: 1 Notices to Mariners - means of dissemination (Notices-Navwarns, VHF/HF/NAVTEX broadcasts) - 2 Information related to Submarines - 3 Alternative Points of Contact/Provision of information - 4 Firing and exercise ranges ruled by Hellenic Navy, Hellenic Airforce, Hellenic Army, General Headquarters of National Defense - 5 Navigational restrictions - 6 Ways for acquiring Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service publications - 7 HNHS Publications - 8 National Holidays - 9 Time in use.
Οι μηνιαίες αγγελίες για τους Ναυτιλλόμενους και τα Συμπληρωματικά φυλλάδια των Ναυτιλιακών Οδηγιών συντάσσονται με ευθύνη της Διεύθυνσης Ασφάλειας Ναυσιπλοΐας της ΥΥ. Όλες οι πληροφορίες που παρέχονται στις αγγελίες για τους Ναυτιλλόμενους αφορούν στους Ν. Χάρτες και στις Ν. Εκδόσεις και πρέπει να καταχωρούνται σε αυτές για να παραμένουν ενημερωμένες. Τρέχων κατάλογος διορθώσεων Ναυτιλιακών Εκδόσεων.
You can find the monthly volumes of the Notices to Mariners issued by the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, as well as the blocks and the tracings that accompany them.
Forecast maps with significant wave height (m) and direction for these areas: Greece, Mediterranean, North Ionio, South Ionio, North Aegean, Central Aegean, South Aegean, Patraikos-Korinthiakos, Dodekanisa, Kritiko, Saronikos-Evoikos, Thermaikos.
Το Εγχειρίδιο του Μετεωρολόγου - Προγνώστη είναι ένα βιβλίο αποκλειστικά για εκπαιδευτική χρήση στο οποίο περιλαμβάνονται όλες οι βασικές θεωρητικές μετεωρολογικές έννοιες, καθώς και ένα σύνολο κανόνων και τεχνικών που αφορούν στην πρόγνωση του καιρού. Εκπονήθηκε ως βοήθημα των Μετεωρολόγων-Προγνωστών στο επιχειρησιακό τους έργο, αλλά συγχρόνως αποτελεί ένα εύχρηστο και εμπεριστατωμένο βιβλίο που είναι χρήσιμο σε αυτούς που θέλουν να κατανοήσουν βαθύτερα τη μετεωρολογική επιστήμη.
Βαθμίδες κλίμακας - Χαρακτηρισμός Ανέμου - Εμφάνιση της θάλασσας στο ανοικτό πέλαγος - Ταχύτητα σε κόμβους - Ταχύτητα σε m/sec - Ταχύτητα σε Km/h - Πιθανό ύψος κύματος στο ανοικτό πέλαγος σε m (Μέγιστο).
Από την έκδοση του πρώτου βιβλίου (1967) μέχρι σήμερα έχουν συγγραφεί και εκδοθεί 137 εκπαιδευτικά εγχειρίδια για τους σπουδαστές των σχολών του Εμπορικού Ναυτικού. Πληροφορίες για τις ναυτικές εκδόσεις του Ιδρύματος Ευγενίδου μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ.
Η «Βιβλιοθήκη του Ναυτικού», όπως ονομάζεται η σειρά των ναυτικών εκδόσεων του Ιδρύματος Ευγενίδου, περιλαμβάνει 27 τίτλους που εκδόθηκαν για τους σπουδαστές των ΔΣΕΝ (Δημόσιες Σχολές Εμπορικού Ναυτικού), 42 για τις ΑΔΣΕΝ (Ανώτερες Δημόσιες Σχολές Εμπορικού Ναυτικού), 39 για τις ΑΕΝ (Ακαδημίες Εμπορικού Ναυτικού), 13 Εγχειρίδια Κατευθυνόμενης Εκπαίδευσης επί Πλοίου, 16 Μεταφράσεις Ναυτικών Εγχειριδίων, καθώς και έρευνες και πρακτικά συνεδρίων για την Ναυτική εκπαίδευση. Όλες οι ναυτικές μας εκδόσεις είναι ελεύθερα διαθέσιμες σε μορφή pdf στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο.
Icelandic commercially operated ships shall report their position to the Icelandic Coast Guard through the Automatic Identification System (AIS). This means that foreign vessels are visible in this tracking system. Vessels exceeding 300 GT (other than fishing vessels and government vessels) shall report their arrival in part with a notice of 24 hours to the Icelandic Coast Guard through a SafeSeaNet (SSN) notice. All fishing vessels and other vessels that are not covered by the rules of SSN, except government vessels coming from abroad, shall report their arrival in port with a notice of 24 hours to the Icelandic Coast Guard on the appropriate electronic form.
Sailing in Icelandic waters may be very demanding and there are few places in the world where a change in weather can be as abrupt. Weather can be very changeable, especially in winter. Danger can also arise in the summer when low pressure areas with high wind conditions and added wave height can compromise maritime safety. It is therefore important to proceed carefully and follow rules on maritime safety in all respects.
ICG-HD publishes nautical charts and other nautical publications such as List of Lights, Pilots etc. for mariners around Iceland.
Lights, buoys, beacons, radiobeacons, racons, DGPS. Beginning with Reykjanes lighthouse and going westward around Iceland.
Á eftirtöldum höfnum er hægt að nálgast stöðu sjávarfalla, sýnd eru 10 mín. gildi: Reykjavík, Grindavík, Húsavík, Hvanney, Ísafjörður, Sandgerði, Skagaströnd, Vestmannaeyjar, Þorlákshöfn.
The objectives of Guidelines for masters are : 1. To ensure that the masters of cruise and passenger ships comply with Icelandic laws and regulations. 2. To ensure that passenger ship tours and itineraries at sea and on land do not violate nature conservation and environmental laws of Iceland. 3. To draw the attention of masters of passenger ships to the safety of their vessels and their passengers when visiting Iceland.
This information sheet is written by the Associated Icelandic Ports (Faxaports) for Masters of seagoing vessels, shipping lines, agents, publishers of nautical information and any other party that needs nautical information. Faxaports runs the harbours and ports of Reykjavík, Grundartangi, Akranes and Borgarnes. The Port of Reykjavík is divided into the Gamla höfn (Old harbour) and Sundahöfn.
View online charts (RNC) for Iceland / Cartes marines consultables en ligne (CMM) pour l'Islande
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Interactive web map wiewer with RNC charts for Iceland with transit charts, coastal charts, harbour plans and approach charts.
Listinn sem hér fylgir er tekinn saman til hagræðingar fyrir notendur sjókorta. Í honum er að finna upplýsingar um útgáfuár sjókorta sem eru í gildi (útgáfuár eða mán./ár). Jafnframt er í listanum getið um leiðréttingar á sjókortunum sem birtar hafa verið til og með ofangreindri dagsetningu.
This list records the date of issue of the current edition of each chart and of subsequent relevant Icelandic Notices to Mariners up to and including NM‘s from above-mentioned date. Users of this list are reminded that the authoritative source for information concerning current editions of Icelandic charts and the corrections that affect them are the Editions of Icelandic Notices to Mariners.
Í Tilkynningum til sjófarenda eru einnig birtar ýmsar tilkynningar og aðvaranir er varða siglingar. Þá eru leiðréttingar á Vitaskrá birtar þar. Ritið er gefið út eftir þörfum en að jafnaði hefur það verið fimm til sex sinnum á ári.
Changes and corrections are issued in Notices to Mariners (NM´s). The NM´s contain information on items that need to be amended in a chart and it is the users responsibility to keep his charts updated.
Maps for Icelandic waters, High seas and N-Atlantic with waves, weather or tides forecast. By clicking on a specific location, forecast will be given in a chronological order. For waves the coloured areas stand for wave height in meters, the number stands for average wave period in seconds and the arrows stand for average wave direction. The probable maximum wave height can be up to twice the significant wave height (More information).
Lands: East Greenland - Iceland - Faroe - Shetland - North Scotland |
Wave forecast in shallow waters applies to areas where the seabed bathymetry affects the wave propagation. It is based on numerical models taking in account the local bathymetry, offshore waves and wind. Select a location on the map or from the menu to the left to get the forecast.
Tides for the current month: for 24 hours by 1 hour or for 72 hours by 3 hours.
Tide for a location: enter latitude and longitude or select location on the map. Forecast with Tides (m), Current Direction (°), Current Speed (m/s), Surge (m) and Sea height (m).
Hjá Siglingastofnun var að staðaldri unnið að söfnun hugtaka og orðasambanda á ensku og íslensku á sviði siglingamála, bæði sem snerta almennt starf stofnunarinnar og alþjóðasamstarf. Sá orðalisti sem birtist hér er aðeins lítið brot af hugtaka- og orðtakasafni á sviði siglingamála sem safnað hefur verið í.
Hafístilkynningar síðustu 30 daga, kort og myndir (Ice reports).
Weekly sea-ice maps for the area between Iceland and Greenland. Traduction Icelandic to English for the sea-ice maps: Hafískort - Gildistími -> Sea-ice map - Validity; hafísjaðar -> sea-ice perimeter ; áætlaður hafísjaðar -> estimated sea-ice perimeter; hitaskil í hafi -> temperature separator in the ocean. Also legend of symbols in Icelandic.
Hugtök og tákn er varða hafís má finna í meðfylgjandi skjölum og á mynd. Skjölum: Alþjóðleg hafístákn, Eggjatáknin - stutt lýsing, Ísorðasafn (Ice symbols).
Sea ice symbols: An explanation of international ice symbols (the "egg" code) is available (DMI, 1982). Also the ice chart colour code standard (WMO & JCOMM, 2004).
Indian Naval Hydrographic Department provides comprehensive coverage of Indian Ocean Region through its Nautical Charts, ENC's and Nautical Publications.
This catalogue provides a comprehensive and up-to-date reference of INHO paper charts and Electronics navigational charts (ENC). This service allows the user to search according to criteria like name of the chart, chart number, area, folios, scale etc. The page also provides a link to the Indian Notices to Mariners. Facility to print the list of selected charts is also available for the users. It is updated fortnightly to ensure access to the latest information.
Online books and chart from the Indian Naval Hydrographic Department.
Chart 5020 provides a reference to the many symbols and abbreviations used on Indian and International paper Charts.
This edition of Charts 5020 (INT 1) is based on the “Chart Specifications of the IHO (International Hydrographic Organization)”.
This chart depicts key information pertaining to mariners safety and security of various critical areas. Type of information: Emergency contact, Search and rescue, Piracy and armed robbery, Reporting system... This chart is to be used for maritime safety and security un conjunction with relevant large scale and other navigation publication as published by different regional Hydrographic Offices. Not to be used for navigation. Scale 1:12 500 000.
NMSAR Manual (2020 Edition). The aim of this manual is to assist those who are responsible for establishing, managing, supporting/ facilitating and conducting SAR operations to understand the following: (a) Functions and importance of SAR services. (b) Components and support infrastructure essential for SAR. (c) Training needed to co-ordinate, conduct and support SAR operations. (d) Communications functions and requirements for SAR. (e) Coordinating functions for ensuring efficiency by sharing resources. (f) Basic principles of managing and improving SAR services to ensure success (ICG-NMSAR Board).
Navigational Warnings carry information which may have a direct bearing on the safety of life at sea. It is the fundamental nature of the Navigational Warnings that they will often be based on incomplete or unconfirmed information and mariners will need to take this into account when deciding what reliance to place on the information contained therein. Select at least the years.
Notices published in the Special Edition are of permanent nature. Any amendment/addition to these Notices shall be issued through Fortnightly Indian Notices to Mariners. Mariners are therefore advised to "retain this edition" till its supersession/cancellation by this office. This seventh edition of the Indian Notices to Mariners, Special Edition contains Special Notices to Mariners 1 to 28 which are of permanent nature. Index: Availability of Notices to Mariners, Reliance on charts and predicted tides, Satellite Communication In Indian Waters, Weather bulletins issued to ships by the Indian Meteorological Department, Warning to ports and storm signal stations, Distress and rescue at sea-ships and aircraft, The Indian ship position and information reporting system (INSPIRES), Radio navigational warnings, Instructions for Reporting Dangers, Information about radar beacons, Traffic separation scheme-ships routeing, IALA maritime buoyage system, Notices to Mariners - explanation of terms, Satellite navigation systems...
The Annual edition to Indian Notices to Mariners is published yearly that provides a complete record of notices issued in the previous year and before for the Indian Chart Folios. Contents: List of Charts and Permanent Corrections, Unexploded Charges, Temporary and Preliminary Notices, List of Depots & Chart Agents, Indian Hydrographic Publications - Price List, Cautionary Notes, Marine Information.
This section allows mariners to access all Indian Notices to Mariners individually as well as edition wise. Four type of interactive filters are available for ease of search of corrections to Chart in downloadable pdf format. First filter “Search by Chart” generates all inforce notices applicable to the specified IN Chart number. Second filter “Search by INT” generates all inforce notices applicable to the specified INT Chart number. Third filter “Search by Notice” displays the required notice by combination of notice number and year. Fourth filter “Search by Year” outputs entire edition along with tracings and individual notices promulgated in the selected year.
Published the 1st & 16th of every month. Contents: I List of Charts Affected - II Permanent Notices - III Temporary and Preliminary Notices - IV Marine Information - V NAVAREA VIII Warnings inforce - VI Corrections to Sailing Directions - VII Corrections to List of Lights - VIII Corrections to List of Radio Signals - IX Reporting of Navigational Dangers.
In accordance with international procedure, ports are warned and advised to hoist "Signals" whenever adverse weather is expected over the ports for the oceanic areas, in which it is located due to the tropical cyclone. However, regional difference exists. The warning messages normally contain information on the location, intensity, direction and speed of movement of the tropical cyclone and the expected weather over the port (CWD/RSMC).
More than a hundred Frequently Asked Questions on Tropical Cyclones: What is a tropical cyclone?, Why do ‘tropical cyclones' winds rotate counter-clockwise (clockwise) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere? What does "maximum sustained wind" mean?, How does it relate to gusts in tropical cyclones?, What is the energy potential of a Tropical Cyclone?, How are low pressure system classified in India? What are the differences between low, depression and cyclone?, etc (CWD/RSMC).
This is an interactive GIS enabled map showing track and intensity of a cyclonic disturbance. The black line indicates the observed track and the red line shows the forecast track. The uncertainty in the track forecast is represented by green colored "cone". The state of sea is defined based on the maximum sustained winds associated with the system and accordingly action is suggested for fishermen (CWD/RSMC).
Terminology on cyclonic disturbances: From "Afternoon" to "Zone of disturbed weather" (CWD/RSMC).
The Indian Astronomical Ephemeris is published anually by the Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkata for providing astronomical data to observational astronomers and other users, such as Panchang makers. While astronomical ephemeris with similar data are compiled by seven more countries in the world, the Indian Ephemeris is designed to cater to our particular national requirements (More information).
Map with locations for predicted astronomical tide for 5 days (ESSO-INCOIS).
Il Catalogo Generale delle Carte e delle Pubblicazioni Nautiche presenta ed elenca tutta la produzione editoriale dell’Istituto Idrografico della Marina e i servizi offerti.
This General Catalogue of charts and nautical publications lists all the products published by the Istituto Idrografico della Marina, as well as all the technical data available for sale to private users. In compliance with the IHO Technical Resolutions, Contents, General lnformation and Instructions for the updating of charts and nautical publications are in English as well as in Italian.
Un pratico vademecum sul buon uso della documentazione nautica. Un breve estratto su come utilizzare la documentazione nautica, come aggiornarla, quali sono i limiti e le attenzioni da porre in essere per il loro uso corretto.
Il Servizio Fari ha realizzato questa sezione a solo scopo informativo. Le informazioni contenute non possono essere utilizzate per fini operativi ed in particolare quale ausilio alla navigazione in sostituzione della documentazione nautica ufficiale edita dall Istituto Idrografico della Marina Militare e delle informazioni nautiche emesse dagli Enti competenti (HTML).
Scopo di questi manuali è quello di fornire ogni utile indicazione per una corretta interazione tra gli utenti ed il VTS, rendendo efficace l’azione di ausilio e di assistenza alla navigazione marittima propria del sistema VTS.
The purpose of these manuals is to provide all relevant information to ensure proper interaction between users and VTS, making effective action to assist and support the shipping of its VTS system.
Indice : Stretto di Messina - La Maddalena (Bonifacio Traffic) - Palermo - Mazara del Vallo - Bari - La Spezia - Savona - Trapani - Genova -Taranto - Brindisi - Trieste (Guardia Costiera).
L'altezza significativa (Hs o H 1/3) è l'altezza media del terzo di onde più alto. In pratica se si mettono in scala crescente di altezza tutte le onde presenti in un'area della superficie del mare e si prende la media del terzo più alto si ottiene l'altezza significativa. Questa misura ha il vantaggio di essere molto vicina all'altezza che un osservatore esperto rileva ad occhio nudo dal ponte di una barca. Esempio: previsione di mare molto mosso con onde di 2 metri (altezza significativa (Hs) di 2 metri). Che tipo di onde posso incontrare in mare? – 1 onda ogni 2000 (Hmax) avrà altezza di 4 metri – 1 onda ogni 100 (H 1/100) avrà altezza di 3,3 metri ( 2 metri x 1,67) – 1 onda ogni 10 (H 1/10) avrà altezza di 2,5 metri ( 2 metri x 1,27). L'altezza massima dell'onda è il doppio dell'altezza significativa s(Info sul modello).
Questo widget permette di inserire le mappe di previsione sullo stato del mare e del vento sul tuo sito web. Il widget contiene anche un link alle pagine 'vento e mare' pubblicate sul web Lamma per poter approfondire la previsione e selezionare differenti aree. Per generare il codice scegliere la larghezza e l'area di interesse.
Consuetudini navali ad uso del diporto nautico. Raccoglie appunto tutte le consuetudini marinare riguardo alla corretta esposizione delle bandiere a bordo. Indice : Bandiere a bordo delle unità da diporto - Bandiera Nazionale - Gran Pavese o Gala di Bandiere - Bandiera di cortesia - Guidone sociale...
Atlante con 12 carte mensili delle correnti, 1:2,500,000, proiezione di Mercatore.
This monograph contains twelve monthly chats, outlining surface circulation in the Italian seas with the vector system, while the speed is given in knots.
Studio sulla regione Asrtica. Lo studio fornisce una recente panoramica della dinamica della copertura glaciale artica in srelazione allo sviluppo di nuove rotte di navigazione, con l’obiettivo di fornire uno strumento di conoscenza di base in una regione sempre più oggetto di interessi socio-economico a livello planetario.
Questo compendio sull’Idrografia vuole essere un utile ausilio all’Idrografo che si accinge ad esercitare la propria attività nell’ambito della rappresentazione dell’ambiente marino in tutti i sui aspetti. Indice: La definizione di idrografia, La misura, L’errore, Dall’errore all’incertezza, Number e risoluzione, Il reference, Oltre l’incertezza e il reference, Oltre la singola misura: la combinazione di più misure, 4D reference frame, Il reference frame strumentale, Tra gli strumenti e i risultati: il body frame, Il reference frame planimetrico, Il reference frame verticale, Il reference temporale...
Dal “Libro de Conto” di Cristoforo e da quello del fratello Bartolomeo. Da oltre 500 anni, l’impresa di Cristoforo Colombo ha entusiasmato navigatori e marinai di ogni età e periodo storico, ed impegnato studiosi e appassionati di navigazione a ricostruire l’attraversamento dell’Oceano Atlantico verso Occidente e, soprattutto, verso Oriente. Indice: Sopravento, Posizionamento, Georeferenzialità. Potere marittimo, Logistica, Evoluzione delle conoscenze gli effetti del vento sulle vele, Scarroccio, La cappa e la panna, Cartografia nautica, Bacinodromia, Le maree e l’orologio astronomico, Il tempo antropico, Conoscenza dell’ambiente marino, Coordinate, Sferografia, Materiale nautico, Estimo, Definizioni e misure.
Raccolta riepilogativa delle pubblicazioni soggette ad aggiornamento sistematico.
Il presente Disciplinare deve essere tenuto a bordo come “dotazione nautica” da alcune navi ma deve essere rispettato da chiunque utilizzi una carta o una pubblicazione nautica e il mancato rispetto può portare a ipotesi sanzionatorie. In definitiva si applica a tutte le navi seguendo il concetto cardine che solo attraverso un corretto e adeguato uso e aggiornamento sia delle carte che delle pubblicazioni nautiche si può garantire la sicurezza della navigazione.
Da conservarsi per tutto l’anno in corso. Indice: Premessa agli Avvisi ai Naviganti - Avvisi annuali fondamentali - Avvisi di carattere generale emessi negli anni precedenti ed ancora in vigore
Gli Avvisi ai Naviganti hanno lo scopo di far conoscere agli utenti tutte le notizie, sia di carattere temporaneo che definitivo, interessanti la sicurezza della navigazione, che ancora non figurano nei documenti nautici ufficiali. Con Elenco di controllo (consente di controllare lo stato di aggiornamento) e Raccolta semestrale (informazioni nautiche ed avvisi NTM).
航海用海図 ― 索引図 ― 特殊図 ― 水路書誌。
電子海図 ガイドブック。 このガイドブックは、公式電子海図と非公式電子海図の違いや、船舶が電子海図を使用する際の要件、注意事項などを “質疑応答” 形式で取りまとめ解説した参考書です。 日本水路協会 ― 国際水路機関。分割ダウンロード。
Tidal Data with TOPS (Tide Observation & Prediction System). TOPS provides you with the tide prediction heights for a day at a port around the coastal of Japan. The system has nearly 330 ports including 71 standard ports in the tide table published by Japan Coast Guard. The system provides also the tidal current prediction with hourly velocities at three areas in Japan, that is, Tokyo bay, Ise bay and Seto inland sea.
Actual tidal current prediction for the Setonaikai area, Japan (UTC+9) |
Sea ice condition chart, visual observation and photograph of the sea ice for Japan (Hokkaidō island) by the Ice Information Center (日本語 - English - По-русски). Also chart in the north-east Asian marginal seas by JMA.
各海上交通センターHP参照。東京湾海上交通センタ ー 伊勢湾海上交通センタ ー 名古屋港海上交通センタ ー 大阪湾海上交通センタ ー 備讃瀬戸海上交通センタ ー 来島海峡海上交通センタ ー 関門海峡海上交通センタ。
日本水路協会から日本沿岸を12冊の本に分け、発売されている。平成19年9月現在、以下9冊分のプレジャーボート・小型船用港湾案内がWebで閲覧できる(1995年から2000年の間に出版された本)。H-810 北海道南岸・東岸・東方(白神岬~択捉島)、H-811 北海道北岸・西岸(知床岬~松前港)、H-805 本州北西岸、H-806 本州北岸・東岸、H-807 南方諸島(伊豆諸島・小笠原諸島)、H-803 瀬戸内海東部(大阪湾・燧灘)、H-808 九州北西岸、H809 九州南西岸・東岸・南西諸島(与論島以北)、H-812 南西諸島(沖縄群島・先島群島・大東諸島)。
Based on the recent trends of the accidents on the sea and the changes of the environment of the maritime traffic including the dissemination of Automatic Identification System (AIS), the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Port Regulations and the Maritime Traffic Safety Act was promulgated on July 2009 to increase the safety of maritime traffic. The main items of this revision are following: Strengthening measures for assisting the safe navigation of vessels and establishment of new navigation rules according to the features of each sea area. This brochure aims to help all those concerned to fully understand the intention of this revision and observe the new rules. Also correction.
The Japan Coast Guard is promoting various measures based on the Act on Maritime Traffic Safety for ensuring maritime traffic safety in Tokyo Wan, Ise Wan and Seto Inland Sea. In addition, each Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters carries out detailed navigation safety guidance in accordance with the actual conditions in the sea area where it takes charge. This document contains detailed navigation safety guidance which is promoted in Nagoya-Ko and Kanmon Kaikyo as well as the above by the 3rd and 7th Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters.
The sea areas around Japan have been the places where marine casualties occur with great frequency. Approximately 2,600 vessels including foreign vessels meet with marine casualties as the average in the last 10 years, causing around 140 people found dead or missing.We wish anyone who undertakes a voyage around Japan will read this book and navigate safely. Table of contents: Weather and sea conditions in sea areas around japan - Navigation law and pilotage - Information for safe navigation - Guide to safe navigation.
This site provides information which was broadcasted for vessels by radio for: 1. Japan, 2. North Pacific,Sea of Okhotsk, 3. China,East China Sea,South China Sea, 4. Indian Ocean,Persian Gulf, 5. South Pacific.
Map with the location of Preliminary and Temporary Notices to Mariners, Local, NAVAREA and NAVTEX Navigational Warnings.
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The vessels be equipped with the "List of Aids to Navigation" based on the law, and also be equipped with the "Addition". The "Addition Vol.1" is published twice a month (on the 2nd and 4th Fridays every month). The "Addition Vol.2" is published every month (on the 4th Friday).
List of Contents: Information about maritime safety information, Notices to mariners, Navigational warnings (Japan), Miscellaneous information.
Printed copies of the Notices to Mariners and chartlets(blocks)on the JHOD Website may be used as an equivalent to the paper version of the Notices to Mariners and chartlets (blocks). It should be noted that the chartlets (blocks) printed from the website, may not have the same quality and accuracy as the paper version, depending on the quality and condition of the printer and ink used. The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy and/or reliability of the information as displayed or printed by the user's equipment.
To promote the safe and economical navigation of vessels at sea the Japn Meteorogical Agency (JMA) issues a variety of marine meteorogical information for shipping and fishing. JMA hopes that this brochure will promote understanding of the information issued by JMA and thus contribute to safer and more economical navigation.
全国各地における潮位の予測値(天文潮位)を掲載しています。s満潮・干潮 - 毎時潮位(グラフ)- 毎時潮位(表)(Tide for Japan).
Map with marine weather warnings for Japan: Typhoon (wind speed > 64kn), Storm (>48kn), Gale (>34kn), Near gale (>28kn), Sea swell, Ice accreation, Dense fog (visibility < 0.3NM) and Volcanic marine warning.
Page in Japanese. Graphical information, including surface weather maps and ocean wave charts, is broadcast through JMH by radiofacsimile for the western North Pacific. In the winter season, sea ice forecasts and bulletins are also issued for the Sea of Okhotsk. Analysis and prognosis charts for the western North Pacific on the radio facsimile (JMH station) are placed on this web site.
日本周辺海域の波の高さを1mごとの等高線で表示しています。4m未満の領域では0.5mごとの補助線(破線)も表示しています。波の高さは「有義波高」で示していますが、 実際の個々の波には、有義波高よりも高い波が含まれているので注意が必要です。
Wave analysis and forecast charts around Japan and for Western North Pacific. Significant Wave Height (SWH) the average height of the highest one-third of waves is shown in the chart. Generally, each wave may happen to be higher than SWH. Also PDF file with color or B&W charts for analysis or forecast.
Black and white sea ice concentration chart with bulletin for the North-East Asian marginal seas (sea of Okhotsk) every tuesday and friday during the freezing season.
Chart around Japan and Western North Pacific with tropical cyclone of tropical storm (TS) intensity or higher.
This bulletin aims to promote useful marine weather observations/reports from ships and familiarize readers with weather and marine information provided by JMA. The publication mainly covers topics of interest to mariners, marine weather observations, recent announcements about JMA’s marine weather services, and more. All articles appear both in English and in Japanese. The bulletin is issued twice a year.
Marine meteorological observation is indispensable to provide weather information for ships such as marine meteorological forecast or warnings, and is also used for monitoring and study of climate change such as global warming. It is highly appreciated that ships will cooperate on marine meteorological observations and reports as Voluntary Observing Ships (VOSs). The website "Ships' Weather Observations/Reports" is to provide information to support VOS activities.
This catalogue is a fully comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form detailing the inventory of all nautical charts and publications published by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration. It was published and revised data until September 2016. Any subsequent changes, such as new publications or cancellation of nautical charts and publications, will be published in Notices to Mariners by KHOA.
In Korean view online nautical publications: Pilots, Ocean passage pilot, Nautical distance tables,List of Lights and fog signals, Tide tables, Tidal current tables, Charts symbols abbreviations and terms, Catalogue of Charts and Publications.
해도도식 해도에 사용되는 여러가지 정보(해안선, 수심, 해저저질, 위험물, 등심선, 항로표지 등)의 기호와 약자를 수록.
Pub. No 910 contains the complete symbols and abbreviations used on national charts of the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHAO). View online document.
우리나라 동·남·서해안 전 연안에 설치된 항로표지의 번호, 명칭, 위치, 등질, 등고, 광달거리, 도색, 구조, 기타사항을 수록.
This List of Lights ans Fog Signals for the coast of Korea provices detailed information of aids to navigation (AtoNs) installed on land or at sea which cannot be depicted on nautical charts.
천문항해시 원양에서 선위를 결정하는데 사용되며, 주요행성의 적위, 항성의 항성시각과 일·월출·몰시각 및 박명시각 등.
The Nautical Almanac is used to determine the ship's position off the coast during astronomical navigation. It contains the declination of major planets, the sidereal time of the stars, and the time of day, moonrise, sunset and twilight, etc.
천측계산표, 태양방위각표 (Sight reduction tables for marine navigation in 6 volumes and also Azimuths of the Sun in one volume. View online documents).
실시간 고조정보 (Tidal Forecast)
KHOA has published a new edition of Korea Map of Yacht Sailing Route containing yacht routes in Korea and latest marina information. Yachts are emerging as a new small-scale leisure activity due to social distancing caused by the pandemic. Seeing this trend, KHOA has put together various yacht information from basic knowledge to selection of routes into a publication so that even beginners can enjoy yachts conveniently and easily. The publication depicts yacht routes in the Republic of Korea on chart-based sheets, allowing users to select routes by estimated time and lists latest marina information for yacht repair, supplies and mooring. In particular, this second edition features QR codes which show aerial videos of beautiful marinas, procedure for entering and departing ports, information on operator’s license tests, and safety rules and is available in English and Korean versions. KHOA hopes that the publication will help all yacht lovers enjoy marine leisure activities safely.
국민들의 건강한 해양레저 활동을 위한 요트·낚시정보도는 주요 도서지역의 낚시포인트, 채비요령, 교통정보, 안전수칙 뿐만 아니라 수심, 조류, 물때정보 등 요트 및 낚시에 필요한 각종 알찬 정보를 수록하였습니다 (Information for yachts and fishing with charts).
국민들의 건강한 해양레저 활동을 위한 요트·낚시정보도는 주요 도서지역의 낚시포인트, 채비요령, 교통정보, 안전수칙 뿐만 아니라 수심, 조류, 물때정보 등 요트 및 낚시에 필요한 각종 알찬 정보를 수록하였습니다 (Information for yachts and fishing with charts).
등대정보 (Map with List of Lights)
다양한 해양 용어 및 항목들에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.
This 2020 Annual Summary of Korean Notices to Mariners has been published in accordance with the recommendations of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the long-term plan of KHOA to contribute to the safety of navigation. This publication has put together the weekly notices to mariners issued in 2020. It also contains navigational warning information including the Chart of Firing and Bombing Exercise Areas in the Coast of Korea, NAVTEX (Navigation Telex) and World With Navigational Wanting Service (WWNWS) and navigational safety information such as the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS). We hope that the publication will serve as an useful guide for safe navigation by all mariners.
It is mandatory for all ships to have up to date nautical charts and nautical publications for sailing. To support that, we provide weekly notices to mariners gratis to ensure navigational information is updated and to improve the safety of navigation.
The cone contains the probable path of the storm center but does not show the size of the storm. Hazardous conditions can occur outside of the cone.
Radio Fax ChartInternet Chart | |
Internet Chart
| |
Korean page: 해양기상방송(WE-FAX)은 국내의 기상실황 및 예보의 무선통신에 관한 사항을 서비스하며, 한국연안은 물론 원양을 항해중인 선박, 연안 여객선, 어선 및 선박회사 등 기상 정보를 필요로 하는 기관에서 본 방송을 수신하여 조업, 항해, 운항 등에 활용하도록 하는 중요한 무선통신임
우리나라 주변해역의 착빙위험 예측정보. 3시간 간격의 72시간까지의 착빙지수를 예상. 착빙 정도에 따라 색구분. 도움말.
Map with analysis and forecast for the risk of icing on waters around Korea. Legend: Icing index (< 0 to > 83) - Colors with icing level and icing speed (blue = no icing, speed: 0 cm/ħr, green = lightness, < 0.7 cm/hr, yellow = medium, 0.7 ~ 2 cm/hr, orange = severe, 2 ~ 4 cm/hr, red = very severe, > 4 cm/hr). Time: UTC+9.
연근해선박기상정보: 해양기상특성정보, 조석정보, 해양안전정보, 어업기상정보.
Catalogue of navigational charts and publications for Latvia (Publikācija nr. 02). Also others catalogues:
Maritime Administration of Latvia issue free of charge publications that must be used when navigation in Latvian waters: Notices to the Mariners – monthly edition to correct navigational charts and publications; List of Aids to Navigation – list of navigation technical aids in Latvian waters; Pilot of Baltic Sea. Latvian Coast – manual for seafarers; Symbols and Abbreviations – list of abbreviations used in navigational charts; Catalogue – catalogue of navigation charts and publications.
Contents: IALA Maritime Buoyage System - Hydrography - Navigation - Topography - Earth magnetism elements - Abbreaviations (Publikācija nr. 3).
The “Baltic Sea Pilot. Latvian coast” is a guide to mariners and an additional source of information to nautical charts. The Pilot covers all waters that fall under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia: the Gulf of Riga and the open Baltic Sea as well as the coast and Latvian ports.
Pirmizdevums „Baltijas jūras locija. Latvijas piekraste” tika izdots Rīgā 2002. gadā kā ceļvedis jūrniekiem un papildu informācijas avots jūras navigācijas kartēm. Šajā publikācijā apskatīti Latvijas Republikas jurisdikcijā esošie ūdeņi: Rīgas jūras līcis un Baltijas jūras atklātā daļa, kā arī piekraste un ostas. Publikācija ir sagatavota un tiek uzturēta aktuāla, izmantojot VAS „Latvijas Jūras administrācija” rīcībā esošo jaunāko informāciju, kā arī konsultējoties ar ostām (Publikācija nr. 04, sailing directions).
Contents: Abbreviations - Characteristics of lights - Latvian Maritime Buoyage System - Nominal range of light in Nautical Miles - General information - List of Aids to Navigation - List of Racons - Alphabetic index - Pictures (Publikācija nr. 01). Also: Map of Aids to Navigation
Noteikumi nosaka drošības prasības esošiem un jauniem Latvijas Kuģu reģistrā reģistrētiem komercdarbībai paredzētiem kuģiem.
Noteikumi nosaka drošības prasības esošiem un jauniem jūras zvejas kuģiem (izņemot atpūtas kuģus, kas nodarbojas ar nekomerciālu zvejniecību), kuru garums ir 12 metri un lielāks.
Noteikumi nosaka drošības prasības Latvijas Kuģu reģistrā reģistrētiem un reģistrējamiem atpūtas kuģiem.
Navtex message for the Baltic Sea. Use a radio receiver for live messages.
The present Shipping Regulations (Kuģošanas režīms) for 2021 are mandatory within the waters of the Republic of Latvia in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Riga. Content: General provisions - Reports from ships - Vessel Traffic Services - Maritime Safety Information - Recommended routes - Port anchorage - Areas prohibited for navigation - Scheme: Shipping regulations in waters of the Republic of Latvia...
Notices to Mariners contain important information and have to be used mandatory to keep the specified charts and books up-to-date. Notices to Mariners are published once per month.
Ar Starptautiskās jūrniecības organizācijas atļauju Jūras spēku Flotiles Krasta apsardzes dienests (JSF KAD) izdevis informatīvu publikāciju „Glābšanas paņēmienu rokasgrāmata”. Mērķis – izmantot to kā informatīvu materiālu par cilvēku meklēšanu un glābšanu jūrā, lai šīs zināšanas iegūtu ikviens, kas var nonākt dzīvībai bīstamās situācijās.
Rokasgrāmatas mērķis ir izskaidrot briesmas, kuras izraisa ilgstoša atrašanās aukstumā, kas var apdraudēt dzīvību, un dot padomus, kā novērst vai samazināt šīs briesmas. Apguvis rokasgrāmatā sniegto informāciju, kādu dienu varat izglābt sev dzīvību.
Baltijas jūras reģiona valstu Jūras meklēšanas un glābšanas koordinācijas centru kontaktinformācija (2013).
Kontakti: Jūras meklēšanas un glābšanas koordinācijas centrs Rīga.
Baltijas jūras reģiona valstu Paziņojumi jūrniekiem (Notices to Mariners in the Baltic Sea).
Nautical charts and publications the Maritime Department of the Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration:
Regiono "A" lateraliniai ženklai - Krypčių ženklai - Pavienės kliūties ženklai - Saugių vandenų ženklai - Specialūs ženklai -Naujų kliūčių ženklai.
This publications contains the main data about all shore-based and floating Aids to Navigation (AtoN) permanently installed in Lithuanian territorial sea and exclusive economic zone. The list of AtoN are compiled in the order according their geographical locatation - starting from Šventoji lighthouse in the North to Nida lighthouse in South.
View online ENC for Lithuania / ENC consultables en ligne pour la Lituanie
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Administracijos išleistus bei atnaujintus elektroninius jūrlapius bei jų turinį galima peržiūrėti aplikacijoje „LT elektroniniai jūrlapiai / LT ENCs“. Saugaus kontūro (izobatės) spalvas ar kitus nustatymus galima keisti paspaudus „krumpliaračio“ ikoną. Detalią informaciją apie objektus jūrlapyje sužinosite paspaudę informacijos mygtuką „i“.
Navigaciniai įspėjimai – šiame interneto svetainės puslapyje skelbiama jūrininkams svarbi informacija apie laivybos saugumą Baltijos jūros Lietuvos vandenyse ir uostuose. Lietuvos transporto saugos administracijos (LTSA) Hidrografijos ir laivų eismo stebėsenos skyrius (HLESS) iš įvairių šaltinių gautą informaciją apie navigacinę padėtį patikrina ir išplatina per NAVTEX tarnybą, paskelbia LTSA interneto svetainėje ir išsiunčia suinteresuotoms institucijoms elektroniniu paštu ar faksu. Navigaciniai įspėjimai yra laikino pobūdžio ir galioja iki jų atšaukimo arba juose esančios informacijos perkėlimo į pranešimus jūrininkams.
Navigational Warnings - Ugent information relevant to safe navigation within Lithuanian territorial waters and Lithuanian ports. Collected navigational information from different sources the Division of Hydrography and Aids to Navigation (DHAN) of Lithuanian Maritime Safety Administration (LMSA) checks and broadcasts via NAVTEX service, publishes on website of LMSA and sends to concerned authorities by fax or email. Navigational warnings are temporary and remain in force until cancelled.
Leidinys „Laivybos sąlygos 2021“ (toliau – Leidinys) yra parengtas, vykdant 1974 m. Tarptautinės konvencijos dėl žmogaus gyvybės apsaugos jūroje (SOLAS 74) reikalavimus dėl hidrografijos duomenų rinkimo ir kaupimo ir visos saugiai laivybai būtinos informacijos skelbimo, platinimo ir nuolatinio atnaujinimo. Leidinyje pateikiama informacija apie laivybos ypatumus Lietuvos Respublikos teritorinėje jūroje, išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, jūros uostuose ir Būtingės naftos terminale. Leidinio medžiaga sudaryta, remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos saugios laivybos įstatymu, Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto laivybos taisyklėmis, Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto naudojimo taisyklėmis, Būtingės naftos terminalo laivybos taisyklėmis, Šventosios jūrų uosto laivybos taisyklėmis ir kitais galiojančiais teisės aktais.
The publication “Shipping Conditions 2021” (below – Publication) is published in accordance with the provisions for the collection and compilation of hydrographic data and publication, dissemination and keeping up to date of all nautical information required for safe navigation according to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. Such Publication contains information related to safe navigation in the seaports of the Republic of Lithuania and Būtingė Oil Terminal is. The material of the edition is compiled according to the Law on Maritime Safety of the Republic of Lithuania, Klaipėda State Seaport Shipping Rules, Regulations for Klaipėda State Seaport Operations, Šventoji Seaport Shipping Rules, Būtingė Oil Terminal Shipping Rules, and other applicable regulatory acts.
Biuletenį „Pranešimai jūrininkams“ leidžia (skelbia) vieną kartą per mėnesį Lietuvos transporto saugos administracijos (toliau - LTSA) Jūrų departamento Hidrografijos skyrius, kuris informuoja jūrininkus svarbiais klausimais, turinčiais įtakos saugiai laivybai. Kiekvienas biuletenis turi savo numerį, kuris suteikiamas eilės tvarka per kalendorinius metus. Turinys: I Bendra informacija, II Jūrlapių korektūra, III Navigacinių leidinių korektūra, IV Pranešimų jūrininkams (PJ) sąrašas, V Elektroniniai navigaciniai jūrlapiai.
"Pranešimai jūrininkams" (Notices to Mariners) is an every month publication of the Hydrography Division of the Maritime Department of the Lithuanian transport safety administration (LTSA) which advises mariners on important matters affecting the safety of navigation. Every issue has ordinal number and is numbered in succession during the calendar year. Contents: I General information, II Updates to charts, III Updates to nautical publications, V List of Notices to Mariners (NtM), V Electronic navigational charts.
e-Katalog Carta MAL merupakan satu platform penyaluran maklumat atas talian kepada pengguna mengenai pecahan bahagian Carta Nautika yang dihasilkan oleh Pusat Hidrografi Nasional (PHN).
Description of the mandatory ship reporting system in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, IMO SN/Circ.201 (Marine Department Malaysia).
Sila klik nama stesen pada ikon untuk melihat maklumat ramalan air pasang surut. Aras Datum Ketinggian (cm) yang dipaparkan berdasarkan Air Surut Perbani India, Indian Spring Low Water (JUPEM).
Please click on the name of the station to view information on tidal. Two days forecast with Indian Spring Low Water in centimetre (JUPEM).
Aids to navigation for Malaysia with lighthouses, lightbeacons and lightbuoys. Excel spreadsheets file (Marine Department Malaysia).
Notice to ship owners, ship manager, ship agents, Masters, seafarers, port operators, Recognized Organization and the maritime industry (Marine Department Malaysia).
List of temporary Notices To Mariners for Malaysia with search option (Marine Department Malaysia).
MyNTM Online is a service provides promulgation of Notice To Mariners (NTM) that issued by National Hydrographic Centre of Malaysia through web map view. With this platform users can view, access and analyse the information online at anytime and anywhere. MyNTM Online contains notices in Section II and III of the NTM. Notices in Section II give instructions for the correction of Malaysia Chart (MAL) while Section III give information on navigational warnings. All the information in Section II can be view in 'Correction to Charting' operational layers while Section III in 'Navigational Warning' operational layers (see layer list).
Content of the annual notice: List of Malaysian Charts and Publications, Cumulative List of Malaysian Notices to Mariners (Correction to charts), Notices to Mariners – Explanation of Terms, Prohibition of Anchoring in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, Straits of Malacca and Singapore (New and Amended Traffic Separation Schemes, Rules For Vessels Navigation, Description of The Mandatory Ship Reporting System: STRAITREP), Ship in Distress, Maritime Rescue Coordinating Centre (MRCC) Malaysia, Piracy and Armed Robbery Reports, Radio Navigational Warnings, Firing Practice and Exercise Areas, Submarine Cable and Pipelines, Temporary and Preliminary Notices...
Montly edition. Contents: I - Explanatory Notes / Index of Charts Affected, II - Corrections to Charts, III - Navigational Warnings, IV - Cumulative List of Malaysian Notices to Mariners. Also available on the Navy website.
Información General, Puntos de Venta de Cartas y Publicaciones Náuticas, Precios de Publicaciones y Cartas Náuticas. CAPÍTULO I : Cartas Regionales, Cartas Generales. CAPÍTULO II : Pacífico Mexicano Norte, Pacífico Mexicano Sur. CAPÍTULO III : Golfo de México y Mar Caribe. CAPÍTULO IV :Cartas Náuticas Electrónicas S-57, Cartas Regionales, Pacífico Mexicano Norte, Pacífico Mexicano Sur, Golfo de México y Mar Caribe.
Puertos Ambos Litorales. Golfo de México - Mar Caribe - Pacíffico - Aguas Interiores.
SEMAR y SECTUR llevaron a cabo un convenio de colaboración para integrar de manera conjunta, la información turística náutica y cartográfica de los principales puertos correspondientes al litoral del Golfo de México y el Pacífico Mexicano, compilado en las “Agendas Turísticas Náuticas” con los objetivos de impulsar el desarrollo turístico nacional así como garantizar la seguridad a la navegación en las zonas marinas mexicanas. Las cartas náuticas que se muestran en las Agendas Turísticas Náuticas, son de carácter ilustrativo y NO son aptas para la navegación, si deseas adquirir una carta náutica para navegar, puedes consultar en esta página el “Catálogo de Cartas y Publicaciones Náuticas” vigente y adquirirla en los puntos de venta autorizados.
La presente publicación describe cada una de las señales del sistema de Señalizacón Marítima existentes en la República Mexicana, las cuales están constituidas por Faros, Balizas, Boyas, Faros de Radar (Racones) etc. La publicación se encuentra dividida en dos partes: La primera comprende las Costas Occidentales y la segunda parte comprende las Costas Orientales y Mar Caribe, de México.
Mapas del Golfo de México y del Pacífico Mexicano con pronóstico de la altura de las olas (altura total de la ola y altura de la ola por viento). Pronóstico hasta 4 días en pasos de 3 horas. Alta en Pies.
Calendario gráficos de mareas, Tablas numéricas de predicción de mareas (PDF), Grafica de altura de marea con el Red Mareográfica Nacional: 24 hrs, semanal y mensual (HTML).
Avisos Náuticos para las zonas marinas mexicanas. Los “Avisos Náuticos” son mensajes urgentes relacionados con la seguridad que se transmiten a los buques. Es Información sobre Seguridad Marítima (ISM) que debe ponerse de inmediato en conocimiento del navegante. La información de seguridad marítima será actualizada permanentemente.
La publicación digital “Avisos a los Marinos” que se editan mensualmente es el medio a través del cual se divulga a la comunidad marítima, toda la información relevante que afecta las cartas y publicaciones náuticas nacionales, como son: informes de nuevos peligros, bajos, obstrucciones, cambios en las ayudas a la navegación, cambios en las profundidades cartografiadas, etc.
Tide tables and graph for Bar sand Kotor for one month.
Grafički prikaz plime i oseke za Luku Bar i Luku Kotor.
Coast Radio Station "Barradio": Service and frequencies for VHF & MF. Weather reports and Radio notices (MSDM).
Charts of Budva, scale 1:5000 and 1:8000 (Hydrographic Institute, 2006).
Tablića svjetala: Popis svjetala črnogorske obale, Jadranskog mora i skadarskog Jezera (2013).
We are reminding you of the things you should know, the things you should pay attention to, if you have decided to go out to sea; what the law requires of you, what the experience teaches us, who you can count on, and all of this so that the time you spend on boat, yacht or ship can be all that you’ve expected it to be-enjoying the liberty of movement (2010).
Brošura o bezbjednosti plovidbe. Podsjećamo vas šta sve treba znati, o čemu sve treba voditi računa ako ste se odlučili da krenete na more; šta od vas traži zakon, šta nam kaže iskustvo, na koga možete računati, a sve zato da bi odmor čamcem, jahtom ili brodom bio upravo ono što ste od njega i očekivali - uživanje u slobodi kretanja (2010).
Sigurnost i bezbjednost na moru, informacije za domače i strane nautičare (2007).
Ovim pravilnikom propisuju se oznake na plovnim putevima (IALA-Zona A) u unutrašnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnom moru Crne Gore.
Spisak upisanih jahti: Ime jahte, Oznaka, P. znak, MMSI, Vlasnik, Država
Navigational warning for the Montenegrin coast.
This catalogue contains information about the regular nautical charts and nautical publications as well as background information on new developments in relation to digital products and services. Published in Dutch and English.
List of charts and nautical publications in force. In the third column the most recent edition date of each publication is mentioned. Older publications are cancelled and cannot be updated with Notices to Mariners. In the last column the expected publication date of editions to be published is mentioned.
Information about tide tables and about stream atlases.
Software for Windows and Apple / Logiciels pour Windows et Aspple
For safe navigation at sea, it is important to know your position as well as the positions of obstacles. Positions are expressed in coordinates. Positions at sea are expressed in latitude and longitude, and height or depth with respect to a specified water level. Coordinates are only meaningful if you know the coordinate system they refer to. These are the so-called coordinate reference systems. Mariners have to know which coordinate reference system to use for positioning.
To support safe navigation, the Hydrographic Service publishes the most important changes to nautical publications. It does so by issuing Notices to Mariners (NtMs). The list contains all notices in force per nautical publication.
To support safe navigation, the Hydrographic Service publishes the most important changes to nautical products. It does so by issuing Notices to Mariners (NtMs). The weekly editions frequently contain periodical lists: P and T notices (Preliminary and Temporary) - Mobile offshore drilling units list (for Dutch charting area) - Measuring instruments list (not to fish nor anchor near these positions) - Cumulative list (NM applicable to the latest editions of the charts) - Water depth list (most recent water depths in the Wadden Sea area).
Ntm1 (BaZ1) is a yearly publication with general and NtMs-related nautical information. Contents: Sale of Netherlands nautical charts and nautical publications - World Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) - Search and rescue signals - The Netherlands Coast Guard - Routeing measures - Pilotage...
As a mariner, you need reliable data for safe navigation. Therefore, the Hydrographic Service publishes nautical charts and nautical publications. Since the situation at sea changes continuously, you are required to keep these products up to date. You can do so by using the Notices to Mariners (NtMs). You can select the changes to each nautical chart by week number or chart number. You can also incorporate the changes by means of a weekly PDF downloadable file.
Deze catalogus geeft naast de vertrouwde gegevens van diverse zeekaarten en hydrografische publicaties tevens achtergrondinformatie met betrekking tot nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van met name digitale producten en dienstverlening.
Overzicht van alle actuele uitgaven van zeekaarten en andere hydrografische publicaties. In de derde kolom is de meest recente publicatiedatum van iedere publicatie vermeld. Zeekaarten en publicaties met een oudere publicatiedatum zijn vervallen en kunnen niet meer worden bijgewerkt aan de hand van berichten aan zeevarenden. Van in bewerking zijnde uitgaven wordt in de laatste kolom de verwachte publicatiedatum genoemd.
Voor veilige navigatie op zee is het belangrijk uw positie en die van obstakels te weten. Posities worden uitgedrukt in coördinaten. Op zee zijn dat vaak geografische lengte en breedte, en hoogte of diepte ten opzichte van een vastgestelde waterstand. Coördinaten hebben alleen betekenis als het coördinatenstelsel bekend is waaraan zij refereren. Dit zijn de coördinatenreferentiestelsels. Een zeevarende moet weten welk coördinatenreferentiestelsel hij gebruikt voor plaatsbepaling.
Informatie over de getijden op zee en algemene getijtheorie: Inleiding getijtafels - Inleiding stroomatlassen.
Software for Windows / Logiciels pour Windows
Om varen veilig te houden publiceert de Dienst der Hydrografie belangrijke wijzigingen op nautische boekwerken. De dienst doet dit met Berichten aan Zeevarenden (BaZ). Vindt u per boekwerk een opsomming van de relevante Berichten aan Zeevarenden (Correcties HP1 - The Netherlands Coast Pilot, Corrections HP2 - Liste des Pays-Bas et la lumière zone adjacente).
Om varen veilig te houden publiceert de Dienst der Hydrografie belangrijke wijzigingen. De dienst doet dit met Berichten aan Zeevarenden (BaZ). In de weekedities BaZ verschijnen regelmatig lijsten met wijzigingen per nautische categorie. Op deze pagina vindt u een overzicht met de actuele lijsten: P en T berichten overzicht - Verplaatsbare boorplatforms overzicht - Meetinstrumenten overzicht - Cumulatieve lijst overzicht - Dieptestaat overzicht.
Deze brochure geeft uitleg over Berichten aan Zeevarenden en hoe deze moeten worden verwerkt.
Naast de wekelijkse BaZ (Bericht aan Zeevarenden) verschijnt ook jaarlijks BaZ1 in digitale vorm. In BaZ1 staan algemene onderwerpen die van belang zijn voor schepen varend onder Nederlandse vlag. Inhoud: Verkoop van Nederlandse zeekaarten en hydrografische publicatie - World Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) - Onbedoelde alarmeringen met het GMDSS - De Nederlandse kustwacht - Routeringsmaatregelen - Beloodsing...
De situatie op zee verandert continu. Boeien worden gelegd en gelicht, zandplaten verschuiven, containers slaan overboord en boorplatforms verhuizen. De Dienst der Hydrografie houdt deze veranderingen bij en publiceert de actuele situatie voor zeevarenden. Dat gebeurt in zogeheten Berichten aan Zeevarenden.
Knooppunten: Een vaarwegknooppunt is een drukke locatie op de vaarweg waar sprake kan zijn van een verkeersonveilige situatie. In de ‘Knooppuntenboekjes’ staan per regio de belangrijkste vaarwegknooppunten beschreven. Gedetailleerde info per regio en knooppunt: 1a Noord-Holland - 1b Zuid-Holland - 1c Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal - 2 Deltawateren - 3 Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe - 4a Maas en de grote rivieren - 4b Gelderse IJssel - 5a Routes over de Waddenzee - 5b IJsselmeergebied - 6 langs de Noordzeekust - Knooppunten TOTAAL.
Op deze pagina vind je een overzicht van al onze brochures en andere uitgaven. Brochures: Brandveiligheid aan boord - Voorkom Motorstoring - Veiligheid aan boord - Communicatie op het water - Spelregels voor een veilige snelle vaart - Varen met slecht zicht - Reddingsvesten - Wat (niet) te doen in geval van onderkoeling - Man overboord! - Samen veilig varen - Veilig het water op! Vaarregels recreatie- en beroepsvaart - Werk veilig: draag uw reddingsvest! - Varen doe je samen! Op de Europese binnenwateren...
Dans les brochures « Naviguer ensemble, Communication sur l’eau, Règles pour une navigation fluide et en toute sécurité, Rapidité et sécurité aux ponts et écluses et Le panneau bleu », vous trouverez en plus des principales règles de navigation, une foule d’idées et de conseils pratiques pour naviguer en toute sécurité.
The brochure ‘Sail Together!’contains the most important navigation rules, some advice and a number of practical tips for safe sailing. Other folders are: Rules for speed boats, Safety on board, Safe and fast through bridge and lock, Communication on the water, The blue sign in Europe. If you prepare yourself for your trip, you'll enjoy yourself much more!
IJsvorming op de vaarweg kan ernstige vertraging veroorzaken voor de scheepvaart. Daarnaast kunnen zogenaamde "ijsdammen" zorgen voor overstromingen. De ijstoestand op de Waddenzee, zeearmen en IJsselmeer is ook afhankelijk van de wind en/of het getij. De berichtgeving op deze pagina omvat de ijsberichtgeving voor de binnenwateren. Op de ijskaart van Nederland is de bevaarbaarheid van vaarroutes aangegeven. De kaart wordt dagelijks ververst zolang er ijs op de binnenwateren ligt en de binnenvaart er mogelijk hinder van ondervindt. Onder de kaart treft u een legenda aan met de verklaring van de in de kaart gebruikte lijnen, kleuren en codes (Vaarweginformatie).
La formation de glace sur les voies navigables peut ralentir considérablement la navigation. En outre, des embâcles peuvent être à l'origine d'inondations. Le niveau des glaces dans la Mer des Wadden, les bras de mer et l'IJsselmeer dépend également du vent et/ou des marées. Les avis présents sur cette page concernent les avis de glace pour les eaux intérieures. La navigabilité des routes est indiquée sur la carte des glaces des Pays-Bas. Cette carte est actualisée chaque jour tant qu'il y a de la glace sur les eaux intérieures, et que cela peut gêner la navigation intérieure. Sous la carte, une légende clarifie les traits, couleurs et codes utilisés (Service d'information sur les chenaux/Vaarweginformatie).
Ice on the waterways can cause serious delays for shipping. In addition, so-called "ice dams" can cause flooding. The ice situation on the Waddenzee, estuaries and IJsselmeer also depends on the wind and/or the tide. The notifications on this page relate to ice notifications for the inland waters. The ice chart of the Netherlands shows the navigability of courses of navigation. The chart is updated on a daily basis for as long as there is ice on the inland waters and inland shipping may be affected by it. The key to the symbols underneath the map explains the lines, colours and codes used on the chart (Fairway Information Services/Vaarweginformatie).
Our charts cover New Zealand waters, parts of Antarctica, and the south-west Pacific. You can search for ENCs and paper charts using the interactive spatial viewer or list views provided below.
The NZ Chart Catalogue Spatial View is an interactive spatial map that allows searching and locating of ENCs and paper charts. Search for charts by title or chart number and also filter charts based on the type, by region or by scale. Click a feature on the map in order to view chart details.
You can download a digital version of the entire New Zealand Nautical Almanac (NZ 204). The Almanac is published annually by Toitū Te Whenua. It covers the period 1 July to 30 June and provides official information to aid safe navigation in New Zealand waters. By law, ships need to carry the Almanac, a publication that is updated fortnightly through our Notices to Mariners. Contents: Record of Corrections from Notices to Mariners - Standard Times, International Date Line - Astronomical Information - Introduction to Tides, Tidal Predictions - Light List Information, Light Lists - Annual New Zealand Notices to Mariners - Maritime Contacts (Port Operators, Harbourmasters, Maritime New Zealand Offices) - Coastal Distances Table - Hydrographic Note - Alphabetical flags. Also:
Extracts of the New Zealand Nautical Almanac (NZ 204) are corrected according to changes notified in Notices to Mariners (NtMs), so they may be more up-to-date than the printed or the entire pdf Almanac. Contents: Astronomical information - Tides - Light list information - Annual Notices to Mariners - Maritime contacts - Report a hazard to navigation, submit an hydrographic note - Coastal Distances Table.
LINZ maintains this list of lights to aid maritime navigation: General information sheet about NZ lights: North Island Lights List - South Island Lights List - Chatham Islands Lights List. Also general information.
Find out about the sea level data, predictions and calculations we publish to help you navigate New Zealand tides and tidal streams. Sea level data, predictions and calculations to help navigate New Zealand tides and tidal streams. With daily tide prediction tables and offset/secondary port tide tables. The tide predictions on this website are not official tide tables.
Tables with astronomical phenomena (orbital phenomena of the earth, solar and lunar eclipses, lunar perigee and apogee, phases of the moon), planet visibility, moonrise and moonset tables, sunrise and sunset tables, true bearing of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
Learn about keeping your nautical charts up-to-date with our Notices to Mariners.
Need to register and a S-63 UserPermit. The New Zealand Hydrographic Authority provides free of charge Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) for Mariners. Covering New Zealand, the South West Pacific and Antarctica. Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) are digital vector charts specifically designed for use in electronic navigational systems on-board ships. We create and maintain the official set of ENCs for New Zealand as well as parts of the South West Pacific and Antarctica waters. The NZ ENC Service is a subscription-based service providing mariners with access to free and regularly updated electronic navigational charts for New Zealand waters. The service provides registered customers with authoritative ENCs for New Zealand waters, plus automated fortnightly update notifications, at no cost.
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Raster map for upload (RNC/BSB) / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables
NZMariner is the product name of New Zealand's Official Raster Navigational Charts (RNC) folio. This is available for download for free.
LINZ publishes NZMariner in BSB format as an annual chart base file plus a monthly cumulative chart update file of corrections published in Notices to Mariners.
NZMariner is going to be withdrawn at some point, but the date is not decided. LINZ now has full Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) coverage, replacing the need for official raster navigation chart products. NZ ENCs are available freely through the subscription-based NZ ENC Service.
TIFF raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées au format TIFF
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
LINZ provides electronic images of New Zealand’s official paper charts in high resolution TIFF format. These TIFF images are not maintained for Notices to Mariners (NTMs) and are NOT to be used for NAVIGATION. The images provided may not be current and do not replace the New Zealand official nautical charts corrected for NTMs. In the interests of good seamanship and safety of navigation, all craft navigating in New Zealand waters should purchase official New Zealand nautical charts for their intended voyage from a chart retailer or download the Official Raster Navigational Charts from LINZ’ website.
For the download click on the chart number. Next click on "Download Paper chart" then use the section "Download Paper Chart as TIFF".
Raster map for view online / Cartes marines papiers scannées consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The hydrographic raster data available through the LINZ Data Service is based on official Paper Navigational Charts published by the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority. These data does not replace official Navigational Charts; should not be used for navigation; are not corrected for Notices to Mariners. For navigation, mariners should use official New Zealand Charts as available from chart retailers. Click on + under the title of the chart. Also view chart by chart.
Maritime Safety Information (MSI) is defined as navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts, and other urgent safety-related messages. This information is of vital importance to all vessels at sea. Navigational warnings are broadcast for as long as the information is valid and shall remain in force until cancelled by the originating authority.
Radio Distress Calling. Use only if in grave or imminent danger (by MaritimeNZ).
Annual Notices to Mariners are standing notices that are issued each year in the New Zealand Nautical Almanac. Changes to Annual Notices are notified through the fortnightly edition of Notices to Mariners. Include: New Zealand Charting and Notices to Mariners - Radio Distress Calling - Maritime Safety Information - Shipping Routes Around the New Zealand Coast...
The cumulative edition of New Zealand Notices to Mariners lists the corrections affecting each chart. It is issued quarterly in NZ Notices to Mariners and is updated fortnightly on this website.
LINZ publishes fortnightly New Zealand Notices to Mariners (NTMs). Fortnightly notices (New Zealand Notices to Mariners) advise mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety and are the authority for correcting New Zealand nautical charts. The fortnightly edition contains: Corrections to be made to authoritative nautical publications such as the LINZ Hydrographic Charts and the NZ Nautical Almanac - Details of the publication, withdrawal or cancellation of New Zealand nautical charts and nautical publications - Changes to NZMariner, the LINZ Raster Navigation Chart folio - Fetails of amendments to, release or withdrawl of British Admiralty nautical publications covering the New Zealand area of charting responsibility.
This booklet gives you essential information for an enjoyable and safe time on the water. Prep your boat - Check your gear - Know the rules. New Zealand is a boaties’ paradise with over 15,000 km of coast, waterways and lakes. Nearly half of all adult Kiwis go boating each year with their friends and families. Therefore, it’s vital that if you own a boat, you know how to prepare your boat, check your gear and understand the rules. If you’re new to boating, learn the lingo and get expert advice on what type of vessel and equipment best suits your needs.
This book explains the buoyage and beaconage system in New Zealand waters. It describes the recommended requirements for aids to navigation in harbours and their approach channels, methods of marking and lighting, and also describes the requirements for oceanographic stations that may be established around our seaboard. Details of standard markings for Marine Farms, Offshore Isolated Dangers, Oil Rigs and other miscellaneous markings are also included. All members of the maritime community should find this book useful, particularly mariners, Regional Councils, Port Companies, and those studying for nautical examinations.
Learn techniques to improve your chances of survival in cold water: Survival techniques for water - How the body reacts to cold.
It is your responsibility to know and understand the rules before heading out.
Information and resources for skippers and crew when crossing any bar or river entrance. With clips on crossing the bar safely in specific regions: Tairua Bar, Raglan Bar (west coast bar), Kaituna Bar (Maketu bar), Bowentown Bar.
Your guide to marine communication. This handbook is a guide for operators of coastal and vessel radio stations, including operators of VHF (very high frequency) and SSB (single sideband, also called MF/HF) radios. It provides information about: How search and rescue is managed in New Zealand - Distress, urgency and safety calls, including appropriate use of cellphones - Radio-telephone procedures - Coverage - Useful contacts and terms. Handbook also on page Communications.
Find out how Maritime New Zealand is responsible for maintaining radio services for our coastal waters and the South Pacific.
A VHF radio is your rescue network at sea. Your call can be heard by many people at the same time and the distress channel - channel 16 - is monitored 24/7. Contents : Are you VHF Ready?, Buying a VHF radio, Know your VHF radio’s limits, VHF radio courses and resources, VHF Fact Sheet.
If you are in imminent danger and need immediate help, radio a distress call.
Find out about the lighthouses outside our harbour limits that are owned and maintained by Maritime New Zealand.
Safety information and guidance for vessels operating in polar waters.
These guidelines offer advice for operators of fishing vessels of 24 metres in length or more that operate in polar waters. These guidelines are modelled on the IMO’s International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (‘Polar Code’). Applying these voluntary guidelines will help operators of fishing vessels in polar waters to safely navigate and manage the risks to their vessels, the people on board, systems and operations, and ensure they achieve the same level of safety as SOLAS vessels operating in polar waters
These guidelines for pleasure yachts of 300 gross tonnage and above have been developed by IMO member states to supplement existing industry and/or national standards. They provide additional guidance aimed at increasing the safety of yachts and persons on board, to mitigate the additional risk arising from the climatic conditions and other hazards when operating in polar waters. These guidelines are recommendations only. Their wording is designed to provide guidance, rather than mandatory direction (MSC.1/Circ.1642, 2021).
Safe crews fish more. Fatigue is a serious problem in commercial fishing, causing many devastating and sometimes fatal accidents. But it doesn't need to be a problem. By understanding fatigue – its triggers, warning signs, and consequences – you can keep on top of it, and minimise the risk of your next fishing trip turning into a tragedy. We've done our homework on fatigue to make it easy for you to do yours.
A guide for small fishing vessel owners and operators. Fatigue is a health and safety issue. Most maritime accidents caused by fatigue follow a lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep. By better understanding the causes and implementing strategies to manage fatigue, the risk of fatigue-related accidents will reduce. This sector guide is for vessel owners and operators. It contains: The importance of managing fatigue, Example of a fatigue management plan, How to write a fatigue management plan, How to document the steps for your internal review
Download Maritime New Zealand’s publications on the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015 and associated regulations for work on board ships, and where ships are places of work.
This guide provides information about your responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015. This is your essential guide to meeting your health and safety obligations. It is relevant for everyone working in the maritime sector. Contents: 1. Health and safety legislation - 2. Duties, rights and responsibilities - 3. HSWA in action - 4. Applying HSWA duties in the maritime sector - 5. What to do when accidents happen.
Maritime NZ has developed this brochure to help you understand your obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015. It explains how HSWA and the Maritime Transport Act (MTA) work together and introduces some new terms and duties under HSWA. It also includes a profile of a hypothetical maritime operator and explains how those involved meet their duties. HSWA at a Glance is a companion document to Maritime NZ’s Health and Safety: A guide for mariners.
Read our updates on safety issues, and related matters. MNZ publishes safety updates on a variety of safety issues and proposals relating to these. The updates are published as required, and are distributed to those sectors directly involved. Topics: Hazards - People - Equipment, cranes and cargo - Navigation and stability - Regulation.
Latest NAVAREA XIV and NZ coastal navigational warnings broadcast to ships in New Zealand waters. Every effort is made to keep the information on this website up-to-date but it is not always possible to add and cancel warnings in real-time. While NAVAREA XIV and New Zealand Coastal Navigational Warnings are made available on this website, Masters/Captains are still required to receive navigational warnings from the appropriate International Maritime Organization (IMO) or World Meteorological Organization (WMO) approved Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) broadcast service i.e. the International EGC Service. Many warnings are of a temporary nature, but others may remain in-force for several weeks and may be superseded by Notices to Mariners.
The Mariners Met Pack (South West Pacific) was produced for MetService by former weather ambassador Bob McDavitt. BSc, MRSNZ, MNZM. We are pleased to make it available for mariners here on our website. Chapters: Basic Weather Forecasting - How to Read a Weather Map - Isobars and the Wind - South Pacific Weather - Tropical Cyclones - Case Study: June 1994 - Weather Maps by Fax - Codes: Winds and Waves - Where to get a Forecast. Also weather posters: New Zealand Cloud Types - Measuring The Wind.
The recreational forecasts are written for high-use recreational areas: Bay of Islands, Auckland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Hawke Bay, Kapiti, Mana, Wellington, and Christchurch (2015).
Forecasts for coastal waters cover the area from the coastline to 60 nautical miles (about 100km) out to sea. The New Zealand coast is divided into 18 areas (2015).
Weather Radio schedule: HF weather radio facsimile (ZKLF, product, schedule and frequency) - HF weather broadcast (ZLM, content, schedule and frequency) - INMARSAT C weather broadcast (content and schedule).
Access to the tide forecasts by map. Tide data viewed or downloaded from this web site is not equivalent to or a replacement for the official tide data. For example:
The Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office is at the final stage of building capacity for the production of Nigeria's National charts. Currently the office has developed a compendium of survey and charting plans for the entire Nigeria waters. These charts would be made available shortly.
The office has produced series of training charts which are used by Nigerian Navy training chools/Establishments, for training of naval personnel on navigation. Additional symbols appear on these charts to illustrate a wider range for instructional purpose. Features appearing on these charts may therefore not exist in reality. Instructional charts: not to be used for navigation.
This is the preface of the Nigerian Tide Tables annually published.
Type of warnings for Nigeria: NAVAREA II Warnings - Coastal Warnings - Local Warnings.
The Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office provides timely Notices to Mariners for the correction of all Nigerian Government navigation charts and publications from a wide variety of sources, both foreign and domestic.
The product catalogue provides an overview of nautical charts and nautical publications published by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service.
Produktkatalogen gir oversikt over sjøkart og nautiske publikasjoner produsert av Kartverkets sjødivisjon.
Find nautical charts : Harbour Chart (from 1:5 000 to 1:25 000), Main charts (scale 1:50 000), Coastal Chart (from 1:200 000 to 1:350 000), General Charts (from 1:700 000 to 1:10 000 000).
The publication provides an overview of symbols and abbreviations used for Norwegian nautical charts. The text is in both Norwegian and English. In Norwegian the publication is named Symboler og forkortelser i norske sjøkart. It also goes by the name INT 1 or the Norwegian INT 1. It is the Norwegian version of the publication INT 1 – Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Charts.
Skal du lese og forstå eit sjøkart, treng du heftet "Symboler og forkortelser i norske sjøkart". Heftet gir deg viktig informasjon og ei god oversikt over alle kartsymbol og forkortingar som er brukt i norske og internasjonale sjøkart. "Symboler og forkortelser i norske sjøkart" blir også kalla "INT 1" eller "norsk INT 1".
Kartverket tilbyr gratis skolekart. Skolekartene er utsnitt fra ordinære sjøkart, og er laget for bruk i undervisning og til øvelser i bruk av sjøkart. De fleste skolekartene er utsnitt av standard sjøkart i målestokk 1:50 000. Stavanger er i målestokk 1:10 000. Skagerrak og Vestfjorden er i målestokk 1:350 000 (kystkart). Alle skolekartene kan brukes til opplæring. Skolekartene er laget i A3-format slik at de lett kan printes ut. Kartene er kun ment til bruk i undervisning og er derfor merket med «Ikke til navigasjonsbruk».
View online maps of Norway / Cartes de la Norvège consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
To see RNC chart select "Bakgrunnskart -> Sjøkart Hovedkartserien". To see ENC chart: "Marin informasjon -> Elektroniske sjøkart (ENC)".
The Norwegian Pilot Guide series (Den norske los) comprises eight books. Only Volume 7, which covers Svalbard and Jan Mayen, is available in English. The Norwegian Pilot Guide, Den norske los, is a supplement to the nautical charts. The publication contains supplemental information beyond what is portrayed on the charts, serves as reference material and is an important tool for use before, during and after sailing voyage. As large sea areas have not been sounded due to financialreasons, the description of the north easterly and easterly areas of Svalbard in particular are essentially based on experiences
Dette er første versjon av den digitale (HTML) farvannsbeskrivelsen Den norske los. Farvannsbeskrivelsen Den norske los er et oppslagsverk og et viktig hjelpemiddel både før, under og etter seilasen. Den norske los gir informasjon ut over det kartet kan gi og beskriver norskekysten. Hvordan bør seilasen praktisk gjennomføres? Hvilke farer og forhold bør en være oppmerksom på? Hvor er nærmeste nødhavn? Dette er spørsmål Den norske los gir svar på. Innhold er georeferert og du kan få oppslag ved å navigere og klikke på iconer i kartet eller ved bruk av søkefeltet. I versjon 1.0 vil det fortsatt være innhold fra pdf utgavene som vi ikke har fått georeferert. Bind 1 av bokserien Den norske los, Alminnelige opplysninger, og bind 7, Svalbard og Jan Mayen, er foreløpig ikke en del av den digitale utgaven av farvannsbeskrivelsen. Innhold fra disse to bøkene vil bli en del av digitale utgaven av Den norske los på et senere tidspunkt.
Alminnelige opplysninger er foreløpig ikke en del av den digitale Den norske los, den vil bli lansert på et senere tidspunkt. I bind 1 er det samlet en del opplysninger av allmenn interesse for navigeringen. Innhold: Statens kartverk Sjø, Kystverket, Lov om havner og farvann, Sjøflyhavner, Farleder, Skipsruting, Sjøtrafikktjenester, Navigasjonsinstallasjoner – oppmerking, Fyr og lykter og lanterner, Radarsvarer (Racon), Feil og mangler ved oppmerkingen/meldingstjeneste, Lostjenesten, Norsk beredskap mot akutt forurensning, Bestemmelser for norsk sjøterritorium, Fiskerigrenser, –soner og fiske, Den norske redningstjeneste, Satelittsystemer, Meteorologi, Geodesi, Oseanografi, Miljøvernbestemmelser, Kystseilas og sjømannskap for småbåteiere, Sjøveisreglene, Flagg og signalering, Tabeller, Alfabetisk stikkordregister.
Den norske los, bind 7. Svalbard og Jan Mayen er foreløpig ikke en del av den digital Den norske los, den vil bli lansert på et senere tidspunkt. Farvannsbeskrivelsen Den norske los er et oppslagsverk og et viktig hjelpemiddel både før, under og etter seilasen. Den norske los gir informasjon ut over det kartet kan gi og beskriver kysten. I tillegg til selve farvannsbeskrivelsen, vil man under kapittel I finne endel opplysninger av allmenn interesse som kan være av betyd-ning for seilasen i disse arktiske strøkene. For at man skal få vite mer om Svalbardområdet, er det skrevet korte artikler om f eks Svalbards historie, statlig administrasjon og tjenester, informasjon til besøkende, klima, flora og fauna, geologi samt fiskeriene. Fordi store sjøområder av budsjettmessige grunner ikke er opploddet, er beskrivelsen av særlig de nordligste og østligste områdene på Svalbard vesentlig basert på erfaringer.
Den norske los (Dnl) er en beskrivelse av farvannet langs norskekysten, Svalbard og Jan Mayen, og er et supplement til sjøkartene. Bøkene gir informasjon ut over det kartet kan gi Den norske los består av åtte bøker. Første bok i serien gir generelle opplysninger av betydning for sjøfarende, og brukes som et supplement til de øvrige bindene. De sju andre bøkene beskriver hver sin del av norskekysten og kysten rundt Svalbard og Jan Mayen.Hvordan bør seilasen praktisk gjennomføres? Hvilke farer og forhold bør en være oppmerksom på? Hvor er nærmeste nødhavn? Dette er spørsmål Den norske los gir svar på.Bøkene ble sist oppdatert mai 2018. Pdf utgavene av farvannsbeskrivelsene vil ikke bli ytterligere oppdatert. Historiske utgaver av Den norske los: 2A. Svenskegrensen – Langesund, 2B. Langesund – Jærens rev, 3. Jærens rev – Stad, 4. Stad – Rørvik, 5. Rørvik – Lødingen og Andenes, 6. Lødingen og Andenes – Grense Jakobselv.
Coastal radio broadcasts Maritime Safety Information (MSI) and forecasts on MF primary channels, available VHF working channels and Navtex.
Kystradioen kringkaster Maritime Safety Information (MSI) og værmeldinger på MF primærkanaler, ledige VHF arbeidskanaler og Navtex.
Maritime Safety Information and traffic list with maps in norwegian: VHF channels for Northern-Norway and South Norway - MF channels and Navtex for Norway - VHF Channel for Scandinavia (Telenor Maritim Radio).
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East Passage
By the Ocean and Sea Ice - Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF). One of the objectives of the OSI SAF is to produce, control and distribute operationally in near real-time OSI SAF products using available satellite data with the necessary Users Support activities. For exemple : Global Sea Ice Concentration - Global Sea Ice Edge - Global Sea Ice Type - Low Resolution Sea Ice Drift - Medium Resolution Sea Ice Drift - Global Sea Ice Emissivity, SST...
This web portal gives access to the latest products and information about sea ice, snow and permafrost - the cryosphere - from Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Ice charts & ice information: High resolution icechart for Svalbard - Ice charts for Boreal Seas (Eastern Greenland, Denmark Strait, Fram Strait, Svalbard with zoom on Isfjorden, Barents Sea, North and Baltic Sea, Oslofjord) - Collaborative Antarctic Ice Charts from NIS-MET Norway, U.S. NIC, and Russian AARI: Whole Antarctica with ice concentration stage of development and tabular iceberg analysis - During the Antarctic summer (October to April) Detailed charts for: Antarctic, Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea East, Bransfield Strait, Adelaide Island). Also ice maps by weather API.
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«Tide Tables for the Norwegian Coast and Svalbard» gives times and heights of high and low waters for 16 standard ports in Norway and the British port of Dover. Table B gives tidal corrections for predicting tidal heights and times in 175 secondary ports. The times of high and low waters are given in Norwegian standard time (UTC+1 hour). During the daylight saving time the time of day has to be increased by one hour. The time zone for the Dover tide table is UTC. The heights are given in cm above the Norwegian Chart Datum.
«Tidevannstabeller for den norske kyst med Svalbard» er Norges offisielle tidevannstabell. Tabellen gir tidspunkt og høyder for høy- og lavvann for 16 standardhavner i Norge. Som referanse for strømoppgavene i Nordsjøkartene er tidevannstabell for Dover tatt med. Tabellen inneholder også tidskorreksjoner og høydekorreksjonsfaktorer for bestemmelse av tidevannet i 175 sekundærhavner. Tidspunktene for høy- og lavvann i de norske havnene er gitt i norsk normaltid (UTC + 1 time). Når sommertid gjelder må de oppgitte tidene økes med 1 time. Tidevannstabellen for Dover er i tidssone UTC. Tidevannshøydene er gitt i cm over sjøkartnull, som også er referansenivå for dybder i sjøkartene.
Se havnivå provides water level and tidal information by place or position (HTML).
Se havnivå: tidevann og vannstand etter sted eller posisjon (HTML).
The water level at a certain place is the sum of the astronomical tide and the weather’s effect on the water level. Globally, semi-diurnal tides are most common, meaning two high and low tides each day.
Vannstanden varierer på grunn av tidevannet og påvirkning fra været. De fleste steder i verden har vi to høyvann og to lavvann hver dag (flo og fjære).
For å kunne bestemme høyder og dybder må man ha noe å referere til – et nullnivå. Vi har ulike referansenivåer for sjø og land.
This handbook is a guide for the use of the Norwegian NM (Efs), in addition to information about Norwegian nautical charts and ENCs, aids to navigation, pilot boarding, vessel traffic and ice services, coastal radio etc.
Denne håndboken er et nyttig hjelpemiddel for navigatøren. Håndboka gir veiledning om bruk av og innhold i Efs, info om sjøkart, sjømerker, los-, is- og meldingstjenester, kystradio og sjøtrafikksentralene o.l.
The Etterretninger for sjøfarende (Efs) is published twice a month, and provides information on changes or defects in aids to navigation, discovery of new dangers and on shortcomings in Norwegian charts or publications, navigational warnings, gunnery exercises or other information of interest to mariners. In addition to temporary (T) and preliminary (P) notices in Norwegian waters
Sikkerhetskritiske oppdateringer og rettelser til offisielle norske sjøkart, publiseres i Etterretninger for sjøfarende (Efs) hver 14. dag. I tillegg publiseres midlertidige (T) og foreløpige meldinger (P) vedrørende seilas i norske farvann, skyteøvelser og andre advarsler.
The Norwegian government has introduced drastic measures in hopes of limiting the spread of the coronavirus. Our Maritime Pilot Service and Vessel Traffic Service centres ‒ as well as digital reporting and information services ‒ are functioning normally. We continue to ensure a national emergency preparedness against acute pollution and important installations for safe navigation at sea.
View online charts / Cartes marines consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
View online raster nautical charts from the coasts of Norway to the Svalbard including Jan Mayen, the Norwegian Sea and part of the Barents Sea. Select "Map"->"Nautical chart Norway" and deselect others items.
View online charts / Cartes marines consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
View online raster nautical charts and ENC from the coasts of Norway to the Svalbard including Jan Mayen, the Norwegian Sea and part of the Barents Sea. Click on the left small map, under the -, to select the type of chart: raster, ENC, no chart.
The route service is free of charge, and has been developed to make voyages to Norwegian ports safer and easier. From routeinfo.no, mariners can download routes free of charge for efficient and good route planning in advance of a voyage. By searching for a port, or clicking on the map, you can get to the individual sailing route, or download the package with all the sailing routes. The data files are available in the international standard for navigation systems, RTZ and can be uploaded to the vessel’s ECDIS/ECS. The Norwegian Coastal Administration recommends that the reference routes be used when planning voyages to Norwegian ports. When choosing a route in routeinfo.no, you also get important information that applies to the specific route you have chosen: Current regulations for relevant ports and quays, Distances, VHF channels in VTS areas is available at waypoints where routes enter their service areas.
Rutetjenesten er gratis og utviklet for navigatører for å gjøre innseilingen til norske havner tryggere og enklere. Fra routeinfo.no kan navigatører laste ned seilingsruter gratis for effektiv og god ruteplanlegging i forkant av en seilas. Ved å søke på en havn, eller klikke i kartet, kan en komme til den enkelte seilingsrute, eller så kan man på infosiden laste ned pakken med alle seilingsrutene. Referanserutene fås på filformatet RTZ som er den internasjonale standarden for maritime navigasjonssystemer, og kan lastes rett inn på fartøyets ECDIS/ECS. Kystverket anbefaler at referanserutene brukes under planlegging av seilaser til norske havner. Ved valg av rute i routeinfo.no får man også opp viktig informasjon som gjelder for den spesifikke ruten du har valgt: Gjeldende forskrifter for anløp til aktuelle havner og kaier, Seilingsdistanser, VHF-kanal i sjøtrafikksentralområder (VTS) ligger i seilingsrute-filene på aktuelle waypoint, Kai- og havneplasseringer.
Norsk fyrliste beskriver maritime navigasjonsmerker som gir lyssignaler på land og i sjøen, samt informasjon om andre hjelpemidler for navigasjon. Her finner du den kontinuerlig oppdaterte fyrlista i PDF-versjon (List of lights).
IALA har en anbefaling for hvordan sektorene på ei fyrlykt bør være inndelt for å være intuitiv og gi en god forutsigbarhet (IALA Guideline 1041 - Sector Lights Ed 3.0). Kystverket har besluttet å tilpasse seg denne anbefalingen, og starter å endre på sektorene fra 2019. Arbeidet er ventet å være ferdig innen utgangen av 2025. Prinsipp for anbefalingen er: Når en sjøfarende stevner mot en fyrlykt i hvit sektor, skal sektoren på styrbord side være grønn, og sektoren på babord side skal være rød. Dette gjelder uansett hvilken himmelretning man kommer fra.
Contact information to Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) centres in Norway: VHF channel, email, telephone.
Kontaktinformasjon til VTS-tjenesten: VHF kanal, e-post, telefon.
For pilotage the same rules apply on Svalbard as for mainland Norway. I.e. vessels with at length of 70 meters or more and passenger vessels with a length of 50 meters or more are subject to compulsory pilotage when sailing in Svalbard internal waters. For vessels carrying dangerous cargo the length limits are shorter.
De samme reglene for losplikt gjelder på Svalbard som på fastlandet. Det betyr at fartøy på 70 meter eller mer og passasjerfartøy på 50 meter eller mer er lospliktige ved seilas innenfor grunnlinjene. For fartøy med farlig last er lengdegrensene kortere.
ArcticInfo provides mariners with important information on Arctic conditions and decision support for safe navigation in Arctic waters. The service is map-based, free and accessible for everyone. It covers a wide area off the coast of Norway, Iceland, Russia, Canada and Greenland - including the Barents Sea and North Sea. Services: Ice map, AIS data, Weather forecast, Depth curves, Quay conditions, Storm warnings, Overview of Norwegian maritime borders, Reporting option.
ArcticInfo.no gir sjøfarende informasjon om seilingsforhold i arktiske farvann, og beslutningsstøtte for tryggere ferdsel i Arktis. Tjenesten er kartbasert og tilgjengelig for alle. Den dekker et stort havområde utenfor Norge, Island, Russland, Canada og Grønland - inkludert Barentshavet og Nordsjøen. Tjenester i ArcticInfo: Iskart, AIS-data, Værvarsel, Dybdekurver, Kaiforhold, Uværsvarsel, Oversikt over norske maritime grenser, Rapporteringsmulighet.
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We provide the national ice service for vessel traffic. This includes updated information on ice conditions in Norwegian waters from the Swedish border to Kristiansand, and information on icebreaking in the main and secondary fairways outside port areas. Ice reports are available from December 1 to March 31.
Gjenfrosne eller isete farvann og ising på fartøy skaper utfordringer for skipstrafikken. Når minusgradene blir mange og kulda vedvarer, tetner isen til i fjordarmer og smale sund langs kysten av Sør-Norge. Kystverket overvåker og melder is situasjonen fra svenskegrensen til Rogaland hele vintersesongen.
Forecast for selected fairways and areas on the Norwegian coast the coming 66 hours. Wave forecasts for particularly vulnerable areas help us to decide whether it is safe to be at sea. The service provides forecasts for selected shipping lanes and the areas around them. Forecasts are at three-hour intervals up to 66 hours in advance. The shipping lane forecasts contain data for significant and maximum wave height and wave direction for every hundred metres along particularly vulnerable coastal shipping lanes (BarentsWatch).
Bølgevarsel for spesielt utsatte områder og strekninger gjør det lettere å avgjøre om det er trygt å ferdes på havet. Tjenesten gjelder både varsel langs utvalgte farleder og i området rundt disse farledene. Det gis varsel i tre timers intervaller inntil tre døgn fram i tid. Farledsvarslene inneholder data for signifikant og maksimal bølgehøyde, samt bølgeretning for hver hundre meter langs spesielt utsatte farleder langs kysten vår. Farledsvarslene inneholder data for signifikant og maksimal bølgehøyde, samt bølgeretning for hver hundre meter langs spesielt utsatte farleder langs kysten vår (BarentsWatch).
The NCA is responsible for sending navigational warnings for the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea, an area known by mariners as NAVAREA XIX. We are also the national coordinator for coastal warnings for the Norwegian coast and the coast of Svalbard.
Kystverket er koordinator for NAVAREA XIX med ansvar for å sende navigasjonsvarsler for Norskehavet, Grønlandshavet og vestre del av Barentshavet. Kystverket er også nasjonal koordinator for navigasjonsvarsler med ansvar for å sende varsler for norskekysten og kysten av Svalbard.
Catalogue of paper charts for Pakistani waters.
PNHD publishes annual tide tables which provide tidal predictions for Karachi Port, Muhammad Bin Qasim Port (Entrance & Pipiri), Gwadar and Pasni. This table is arranged in three parts: hourly tide and High/low water. There is also realtime sea level monitoring.
Pakistan coast is divided into Makran & Sindh Coast. There are 8 light houses on the coast of Pakistan. Out of these five light houses are on the Makran Coast and three light houses on Sindh coast. List of coastal lights operated by the MMD, no harbor lighthouses.
PNHD publishes this table which provides Rising and Setting Times of the Sun and Moon for current year for Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Gwadar, Ormara, Pasni and Keti Bandar
In order to support wide publication of cyclone warning for mariners sailing in North Arabian Sea, cyclone warnings (if any) from Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) can be accessed here:
PNHD issues coastal warnings through Karachi Coast Radio Station (Temporarily Suspended) (Position 24° 51´N, 67° 03´E, Range 250 NM). During suspension times, coastal warnings are being issued as NAVAREA warnings.
Hydrographer Pakistan Navy (head of PNHD) leads both HQ NAVAREA IX and National Coordinator setup for the purpose of transmission of navigational warnings. Further, this website though regularly updated/ monitored, however availability of Navigational Warnings on the web does not relieve Masters/ Captains of the requirement to receive Navigational Warnings via IMO/ IHO approved broadcast systems.
Contents: Notices to mariners - Reprints of radio navigational warnings: NAVAREA IX & costal warnings - Corrections to admiralty sailing directions - Marine information.
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La presente publicación HIDRONAV-5005 “Catálogo de Cartas y Publicaciones Náuticas”, tiene como finalidad informar a los usuarios sobre las Cartas, Publicaciones y Láminas editadas por la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación (DHN). Índice: Océano Pacífico - América del Sur - Costa del Perú - Amazonía - Lago Titicaca .
Publicaciones náuticas editadas por la Direción de hidrografía y navegación: Publicaciones de Consulta - Publicaciones Normativas - Láminas - Cartas Náuticas (Perú, Lago Titicaca y Amazonía Peruana). Listas en las páginas 12-18.
Catálogo en línea (HTML) con mapas en miniatura.
Cartas generales - Cartas portulano - Cartas de ruta - Carta náutica fluvial - Publicaciones náuticas - Láminas náuticas (SEHINAV).
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables (RNC/BSB)
14 charts / 14 cartes
Representación gráfica mostrada sobre una imagen de mapa de bits. Las cartas RNC son imágenes o copias raster digitales, cuyo contenido es idéntico a las cartas oficiales impresas en papel y su elaboración está de acuerdo con la “Especificación del Producto RNC S-61” emitidas por la Organización Hidrográfica Internacional (OHI).
Amazon River / fleuve Amazone
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables (RNC/BSB)
25 charts / 25 cartes 1:75000
Carta náutica fluvial electrónica raster (RNC). Las cartas RNC son imágenes o copias raster digitales, cuyo contenido es una imagen de mapa de bits basado en las cartas impresas en papel. De elegir el uso de RNC, deberá usarlas como una ayuda a la navegación No Oficial, lo cual no lo exime de usar cartas náuticas fluviales de papel Oficiales. Cartas para el Río Amazonas HIDRONAV-4101 (SEHINAV).
Mapas con modelo numérico de olas de 0 a 120 horas. Global y regional: Global - Pacífico - Perú - Perú Norte - Perú Centro - Perú Sur. Costero: Bayovar - Salaverry - Chimbote - Bahía Callao y Miraflores - Pisco - Mollendo - Ilo
Altura significativa y dirección oleaje para mañana - Alturas en metros |
La presente información muestra las prediciones de las horas, alturas de las pleamares y bajamares de los Puertos del Perú las que se basan principalmente en la información proveniente de la Red de Estaciones Mareográficas referidas al Nivel Medio de Bajamares de Sicigias Ordinarias (NMBSO), establecidas por la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación (DHN) en el Litoral Peruano.
Mapa dinámico con los esquemas de Separación de Tráfico Marítimo de los puertos de Paita, Callao, San Martín, Ilo, Talara, Salaverry, Chimbote y San Nicolás.
Correcciones a las cartas náuticas por la zona norte, zona centro, zona zur, cartas lacustre y cartas de la Antártida.
Radioavisos vigentes para NAVAREA XVI.
Message in force for NAVAREA XVI.
El boletín de "Avisos a los Navegantes Fluviales" se edita mensualmente, su contenido está referido a la navegación en los ríos amazónicos, sus características y a los servicios de ayudas a la navegación existentes (SEHINAV).
Publicatión mensual. Lea los avisos a los navegantes, mantenga sus cartas, derroteros y lista de faros actualizados. Contenido: Correción a las cartas y publicaciones náuticas - Radioavisos náuticos - Servicios especiales (Listas de publicaciónes y cartas náuticas, servicio de transmisión de radioavisos náuticoss).
This catalogue provides an updated presentation of NAMRIA’s proucts and services. NAMRIA is currently maintaining 178 nautical charts in various scales covering the whole country. Consult pages 57 to 72 for nautical charts, prices from pages 86 to 88. See also these documents :
The predicted hourly height of tide are at the bottom of the page. Time meridian 120 deg east, 0000 is midnight, 1200 is noon. Height is in meters and reckoned from the datum of sounding on charts of the locality which is mean lower low water.
Navigational Warnings for Philippines with one PDF file by warning.
A monthly publication containing all reported changes/revisions in aids to navigation, recent chart corrections, and relevant warnings. A compilation of all reported data is published every month and is available for download. Contents: I Index of Charts Affected, II Notices to Mariners, III Corrections to Nautical Publications, IV Navigational Warnings, V Publication Notices.
The Catalogue comprises charts and nautical publications published by the Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy (HOPN/BHMW).
Niniejszy „Katalog” zawiera wykaz map morskich i publikacji nautycznych Biura Hydrograficznego Marynarki Wojennej (BHMW).
Catalog of Nautical paper charts, Electronic navigational charts ENC (S-57) and Nautical publications. Include the list of NtM updates for each charts and publications.
Katalog map morskich i publikacji nautycznych BHMW: Morskie mapy nawigacyjne (papierowe), Elektroniczne mapy nawigacyjne ENC (S-57) y Publikacje nautyczne. Zestawienie Korekt do publikacji.
Niniejsza publikacja jest przeznaczona dla użytkowników systemów ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) pracujących na elektronicznych mapach nawigacyjnych ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart). Może ona stanowić pomoc nawigacyjną w zakresie interpretacji znaków, skrótów i symboli składających się na tzw. bibliotekę prezentacji mających zastosowanie w mapach ENC oraz symbologii używanej w systemach ECDIS.
Niniejsza edycja publikacji „Oznakowanie Morskie – System IALA” oznaczona numerem 553 zawiera polskie tłumaczenie „IALA Maritime Buoyage System” oraz „Zaleceń dotyczących użycia materiałów odblaskowych na znakach nawigacyjnych Morskiego Systemu Oznakowania IALA” –„Recommendation for the use of retroreflecting material on aid to navigation marks within the IALA Maritime Buoyage System” wydanych przez Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Zarządów Latarni Morskich.
Ice information : Polish ice report, Polski raport zlodzenia, Ice Map for the Polish coastal zone, Mapa zlodzenia polskiej strefy przybrzeżnej, Ice chart of the Baltic Sea, Mapa zlodzenia Bałtylku, Ice Bulletin (Baltic ice key), Biuletyn lodowy, Baltic sea ice code (BSIC), Baltycki klucz lodowy...
Prognoza falowania obejmująca wysokość fali znacznej odnoszącej się do stanów morza jest przygotowywana w Zakładzie Oceanografii i Monitoringu Bałtyku przy użyciu modelu SWAN. Prognoza przygotowywana jest codziennie rano z ważnością na następne 72 h z krokiem 3h. Prognoza nie jest stale weryfikowana przez synoptyka i nie może być podstawą opracowań procesowych i eksperckich.
Baltic Sea - Wave forecast for tomorrow - Height in meter (IMGW) |
Poland - Wave forecast for tomorrow - Height in meter (IMGW) |
Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej opublikowało na stronie internetowej materiał dla żeglarzy, właścicieli i armatorów jachtów o długości do 24 m. Przewodnik zawiera informacje dotyczące wymogów formalno-prawnych oraz rekomendacje MGMiŻŚ w zakresie bezpieczeństwa.
Międzynarodowy satelitarny system dla poszukiwania i ratownictwa. Misją Programu Cospas-Sarsat jest, poprzez satelity i komponenty naziemne sytemu, dostarczenie do służby poszukiwania i ratownictwa dokładnych, aktualnych i rzetelnych informacji o wykrytym sygnale niebezpieczeństwa, emitowanym przez nadajnik sygnału niebezpieczeństwa ELT, EPIRB i PLB pracującym na częstotliwości 406MHz.
Mapa poglądowa stref zamykanych dla żeglugi i rybołówstwa na obszarach morskich rp.
List of notices to mariners updating the paper charts.
Wykaz korekt do publikacje nautyczne. Wszystkie korekty zostały zamieszczone we wskazanych zeszytach „Wiadomości Żeglarskie”.
Niniejsza korekta do Spisu Radiostacji Nautycznych Nr 530 (SpRN 530) dołączona do zeszytu WŻ 06/2019 zastępuje, w całości, dotychczasową treść rozdziału SŁUŻBA NADZORU RUCHU STATKÓW (VTS). SYSTEMY MELDUNKOWE STATKÓW (strony od 3 do 35). Ze względu na dużą objętość tekstu udostępniono ją również w formie oddzielnego pliku PDF.
Ostrzeżenia nawigacyjne aktualizowane są na bieżąco przez operatora dyżurnego Krajowego Systemu Ostrzeżeń Nawigacyjnych. Na stronie BHMW są one prezentowane w formie plików PDF. Na mapce prezentowane są lokalizacje, do których mają odniesienie dane ostrzeżenia. Informacja nt. aktualnych ostrzeżeń nawigacyjnych (ON) dla obszarów morskich RP rozpowszechnianych przez BHMW w systemie NAVTEX, jako ON brzegowe (Coastal) oraz ON lokalne (Local).
NavWarns are updated as they come by the National Co-ordinator NavWarn. The NavWarns are displayed as PDF files but there is also a chart that displays positions to which the NavWarns refer to. There is the list of Navigational Warnings (NavWarns) in force for the Polish Maritime Areas promulgated by BHMW/HOPN as NAVTEX, Coastal and Local NavWarns. Local NavWarns are only in Polish.
Biuro Hydrograficzne Marynarki Wojennej (BHMW), co tydzień, publikuje Wiadomości Żeglarskie, podające informacje mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo żeglugi. Na podkładzie graficznym umieszcza się wiadomości dotyczące wyłącznie obszarów morskich RP (morskie wody wewnętrzne, wody terytorialne, strefa przyległa i wyłączna strefa ekonomiczna EEZ), których ogłoszenie nastąpiło w danym zeszycie publikacji "Wiadomości Żeglarskie". Wybierz dany zeszyt WŻ. Kliknij na znacznik wiadomości na mapce.
Wiadomości Żeglarskie (Notices to Mariners) is a weekly publication of the Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy (HOPN) which advises mariners on important matters affecting the safety of navigation. Only Notices to Mariners (NtM), which apply to the Polish Internal, Territorial and Contiguous Waters and to the Polish EEZ, pomulgated in NtM Bulletins, are displayed overlaid on this index chart. Select NtM Bulletin.Click on the marker on the index chart.
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Cartas Náuticas de Portugal apresenta os esquemas da cobertura cartográfica de Portugal, Portugal Continental, Arquipélago da Madeira e Arquipélago dos Açores.
De acordo com a Convenção sobre a Salvaguarda da Vida Humana no Mar (Safety Of Life At Sea - SOLAS), todos os navios devem manter a bordo, devidamente atualizadas, as publicações náuticas adequadas e necessárias para o planeamento e visualização das rotas da viagem a realizar.
Click on the UK flag. Users are alerted to the following: Tide forecasts are referred to a time zone that may not match the time zone that corresponds to the legal time. Since the Hydrographic Zero (ZH) plan was set at mean levels adopted several decades ago, there is currently a systematic difference of about +10 cm between observed water heights and predicted tide heights.
O Zero Hidrográfico (ZH.) é um plano de referência convencionado, situado abaixo do Nível da Maré Astronómica Mais Baixa (BMmin), ao qual estão referidas as sondas e as linhas isobatimétricas representadas nas cartas náuticas, bem como as previsões de altura de maré publicadas nas Tabelas de Marés do Instituto Hidrográfico. O principal objetivo da sua implementação prende-se com a prática da navegação marítima tendo em vista a sua segurança. Níveis da Maré e Planos de Referência.
Capítulo I da Tabela de Marés onde podem ser consultadas as informações genéricas que lhe serviram de base: Organização das Tabelas de Marés; Processo de análise e cálculo das previsões; Precisão das previsões de marés; Ação das condições meteorológicas; Horas; Níveis de referência; Fases da Lua; Alturas de maré; Cálculo da altura de maré em qualquer instante e da hora correspondente a determinada altura de maré; Cálculo da altura de maré em qualquer instante e da hora correspondente a determinada altura de maré – método analítico; Concordâncias de marés para locais próximos dos portos principais; Alterações relativamente à edição anterior.
O Zero Hidrográfico (ZH.) é um plano de referência convencionado, situado abaixo do Nível da Maré Astronómica Mais Baixa (BMmin), ao qual estão referidas as sondas e as linhas isobatimétricas representadas nas cartas náuticas, bem como as previsões de altura de maré publicadas nas Tabelas de Marés do Instituto Hidrográfico. O principal objetivo da sua implementação prende-se com a prática da navegação marítima tendo em vista a sua segurança. Níveis da Maré e Planos de Referência.
Colecção de Tabelas (ou Tábuas), que contêm dados relativos a aritmética, geometria, astronomia e geografia para uso especial do navegador na prática corrente e expedita da navegação marítima. Índice: Tabelas de Navegação Costeira e Estimada - Tabelas de Navegação Astronómica - Tabelas Auxiliares de Cálculo - Tabelas Diversas - Tabelas Meteorológicas.
By the Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute. Combined sea and swell describes the combined height of the sea and the swell that mariners experience on open waters. The height of the Combined sea and swell refers to the average wave height of the highest one third of the waves. Combined sea and swell is also known as total wave height, or significant wave height. Some waves will be higher and some lower than the significant wave height.The probable maximum wave height can be up to twice the significant wave height. Information on test period.
Este produto, do serviço Qual a tua onda?, tem por objetivo apoiar no planeamento e na condução de viagens, nomeadamente na seleção das rotas mais adequadas à sua navegação. Previsão a 5 dias da agitação marítima (altura significativa e direção predominante da ondulação). Previsão Operacional para : Atlântico Norte, Zona Económica Exclusiva, Portugal Continental (Portugal, Norte, Sul, Espinho à Praia da Vieira, Caparica ao Espichel, Caparica, Portos e aproximações...), Arquipélago dos Açores (Arquipélago, Terceira, São Miguel Oeste, São Miguel Este, Barra de Ponta Delgada), Arquipélago da Madeira (Arquipélago, Oeste, Este, Barra do Funchal). A presente informação meteo-oceanográfica é disponibilizada a título meramente informativo. Assim, o Instituto Hidrográfico não se responsabiliza por falhas de informação ou por imprecisões nos resultados do seu sistema operacional.
A informação disponibilizada pelo IH é o resultado do processamento em tempo real dos registos de 10 minutos: altura significativa, altura máxima, período médio, período máximo, direção de pico e a temperatura da água à superfície. A consulta é efetuada através de um mapa, onde o utilizador seleciona a estação que pretende, e acede à última informação disponível.
Lista de Impressos Náuticos para download (formato PDF): Ábaco de Marés - Rosa de Manobra - Ábaco de determinação das alturas de água - Cálculo Logarítmico - Ponto Astronómico-Retas Simultâneas - Ponto Astronómico-Circunzenitais do Sol - Planeamento e Execução de Observações Astronómicas aos Crepúsculos - Ponto Astronómico-Gráfico do Ponto - Ponto Astronómico-Retas Sucessivas do Sol - Ponto Astronómico-Retas Simultâneas de Estrelas - Comprimento da Barra de Flinders - Corrida da Milha-Calibração do Odómetro - Compensação de Agulhas Magnéticas - Ficha de Binóculo.
Coloque o cursor sobre os pontos no mapa para verificar os condicionalismos das barras.
Contactos e procedimentos em caso de emergência no mar, chamadas de socorro.
Navigational Warnings via NAVTEX are available in Portuguese and English, for the Mainland, Madeira and Azores Islands. Displayed NAVTEX refer to: Navigational warnings - SATNAV messages - Meteorological warnings & forecasts - Search and rescue information.
O Instituto Hidrográfico disponibiliza na sua página da Internet um serviço de ajuda aos navegantes denominado ANAVNET : Se encontram disponíveis os Avisos à Navegação (ANAV) difundidos em português e em inglês, via NAVTEX, para o Continente, Madeira e Açores. Existe ainda uma opção, correspondente aos avisos locais que permite ao navegante consultar, por portos, os avisos à navegação locais que se encontram em vigor (Mais informações).
O Grupo Anual de Avisos aos Navegantes é uma publicação referida ao dia 1 de janeiro de cada ano e contém todos os Avisos Especiais, assim como todos os Avisos Temporários e Preliminares em vigor. Ao contrário da publicação Grupo Mensal, não corrige os documentos náuticos, mas complementa muita da informação existente nas cartas náuticas, nomeadamente a relativa às “Notas”. Aqui também se podem encontrar informações de carater geral e explicações sobre o que são Avisos à Navegação, o sistema NAVTEX, etc.
Os Grupos de Avisos aos Navegantes (GAN) são difundidos por via postal ou podem ser consultados na Internet na plataforma ANAVNET. A coordenação nacional dos Avisos aos Navegantes (GAN) é atribuição do Instituto Hidrográfico, conforme disposto no Decreto-lei 134/91 de 4 de Abril. Neste âmbito, o Instituto Hidrográfico colige a informação necessária à atualização dos elementos contidos nas Cartas e Publicações Náuticas, nomeadamente através da recolha e análise dos ANAV Locais e de outras informações que lhe sejam fornecidas pelos navegantes e pelas diversas autoridades com responsabilidades na área da segurança da navegação.
Извещения мореплавателям издаются Управлением навигации и океанографии Минобороны России еженедельными выпусками. В выпусках ИМ УНиО Минобороны России публикуется навигационная информация, предназначенная для поддержания на уровне современности морских навигационных карт, лоций и других руководств для плавания, полученная из иностранных и российских источников. Нумерация извещений сквозная в течение календарного года. Выпуски извещений датируются субботой, соответствующей неделе готовности печатных версий ИМ УНиО.
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: 1. Перечень морских портов, открытых для захода иностранных судов - 2. Сведения о режиме работы радиостанций в морских портах, открытых для захода иностран-ных судов - 3. Перечень морских портов, имеющих станции для обслуживания надувных спасательных плотов производства РФ - 4. Правила подачи сигналов пограничными кораблями и летательными аппаратами ПС ФСБ России для остановки невоенных судов в территориальном море и внутренних морских водах РФ - 5. О сигналах для предупреждения иностранных военных кораблей о нарушении пра-вил захода, плавания и пребывания в территориальном море и внутренних морских водах РФ...
В еженедельном Бюллетене навигационных предупреждений публикуются тексты НАВАРЕА, НАВИП и ПРИП (на регионы России), объявленных за истекшую неделю и перечни номеров действующих НАВАРЕА, НАВИП и ПРИП. Перечни номеров и тексты действующих НАВАРЕА, НАВИП и ПРИП публикуются один раз в квартал в Бюллетенях к выпускам 2, 15, 28 и 41 ИМ УНиО МО. В текстах НАВАРЕА, НАВИП и ПРИП указывается Всемирное координированное время (цТС) В случае необходимости может быть указано другое время (поясное или местное) и тогда это оговаривается.
Navigational warnings for NAVAREA XIII: North Japan sea (Valdivostok), Sea of Okhostsk (Okhostsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk).
Extracts from original Russian Notices to Mariners. Notices to Mariners from Section II "Charts Correction", based on the original source information, and NAVAREA XIII, XX and XXI navigational warnings are reprinted hereunder in English. Original Notices to Mariners from Section I "Miscellaneous Navigational Information" and from Section III "Nautical Publications Correction" may be only briefly annotated and/or a reference may be made to Notices from other Sections. Information from Section IV "Catalogues of Charts and Nautical Publications Correction" concerning the issue of charts and publications is presented with details.
GLONASS/ГЛОНАСС status: Total satellites in constellation - In operation - In commissioning phase - In maintenance - Under check by the Satellite Prime Contractor - Spares - In flight tests phase.
24 hours GLONASS/ГЛОНАСС status monitoring according to the global network of stations' data.
No data
Incorrect data
Not enough data
Failure (URE > 50 m)
NAGU information group (СПСГ).
Map with the current values of position geometry factor PDOP on the Earth surface (angle ≥ 5°, UTC+3). The PDOP value indicates the quality of a GNSS position. It takes account of the location of each satellite relative to the other satellites in the constellation, and their geometry in relation to the GNSS receiver. The smaller the PDOP, the higher the positioning accuracy: PDOP value of 4 or less gives excellent positions, a PDOP of between 4 and 8 is acceptable and a PDOP of 8.0 or more is poor. The maximum recommended PDOP value is 6. Also maps with the number of GNSS satellites.
GLONASS/ГЛОНАСС: Current position dilution of precision (PDOP), UTC+3 - If empty reload the image |
GPS status: Total satellites in constellation - Operational - In commissioning phase - In maintenance - In decommissioning phase.
24 hours GPS status monitoring according to the global network of stations' data.
Map with the current values of position geometry factor PDOP for GPS on the Earth surface (angle ≥ 5°, UTC).
Galileo status: Total satellites in constellation - Operational - Not operational.
24 hours Galileo status monitoring according to the global network of stations' data.
Map with the current values of position geometry factor PDOP for Galileo on the Earth surface (angle ≥ 5°, UTC).
Beidou status: Total satellites in constellation -In geostationary orbit (GEO) - In inclined geosynchronous orbits (GIO) - In medium circular orbits (MEO) - Operational - Not operational.
24 hours Beidou status monitoring according to the global network of stations' data.
Map with the current values of position geometry factor PDOP for Beidou on the Earth surface (angle ≥ 5°, UTC).
User performance diagrams for GLONASS, BeiDou, GLONASS+ BeiDou, GPS, Galileo navigation systems are shown in the section: Number of GNSS satellites, Position dilution of precision for a GNSS user (PDOP), Signal-in-Space User Accuracy (SIS UA), Signal-in-Space Ranging Error (SISRE).s
Rules of navigation on the water area of the Northern Sea Route establish the order of the organization of navigation of ships, rules of the icebreaker assistance, rules of the ice pilotage of ships, rules on the track assistance of ships, provision on the navigational hydrographic and hydrometeorological support, rules of the radio communication, requirements to ships in relation to the safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment against the pollution from ships, other provisions relative to the organization of the navigation of ships in the water area of the Northern Sea Route.
Recommendations on communication are advised for all ships navigating in the water area of the Northern Sea Route as well as for coastal radio centers and radio stations providing radio communication with ships (VHF/MF/HF/satellite).
This calculator is based on the tariffs and application rules, which established by the Federal Service for Tariffs of the Russian Federation exclusive of VAT and can be suitable only for service carried out by the FSUE "Atomflot".
For the Northern Sea route: List of maritime rescue coordination center (MRCC) - List of icebreakers - List of pre-positioned oil spill response resources.
Review ice charts of the Arctic Ocean are posted here. Scale of hardcopy corresponds to 1:10 000 000. During summer period (1.VI-30.IX) charts depict distribution of generalized categories of sea ice total concentration for the intervals 1-6/10s and 7-10/10s, during winter period (1.XI-31.V) - distribution of generalized sea ice stages of development (ice thickness) - nilas, young, first-year and old ice. Data collection (averaging) is done for preceding 2-5 days interval. Ice charts are issued every Thursday. Ice charts are based on automatical generalization of regional ice charts which are compiled on a basis of analysis of satellite (visible, infra-red and radar) information and reports from coastal stations and ships.
Представлены комплексные карты ледовой обстановки арктических и замерзающих морей России. Масштаб твердой копии соответствует 1:5 000 000. В летний период (1.06-30.09) карты отражают распределение льда по обобщенным градациям сплоченности 1-3, 4-6, 7-8 и 9-10 баллов, в зимний период (1.11-31.05) - распределение льда по градациям возраста (толщины льда) - ниласовые, молодые, однолетние (тонкие, средние, толстые) и старые. Сбор (осреднение) информации выполняется за 2-5-ти суточный период. Карты составляются по данным ИСЗ (видимый, ИК-диапазоны, радарные снимки), судов и полярных станций.
Antarctic ice charts from Norwegian Ice Service (NIS-NMI), U.S. National Ice Center (NIC), and Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI). Charts for the whole of Antarctica (concentration and stage of development) are updated on Thursdays throughout the year. During the Antarctic summer (October to April) detailed ice charts for: Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea East, Bransfield Strait and Adelaide Island. Current map for the Antarctic Peninsula.
Any field of science, and ice science is no exception, has its own terminology, i.e., a set of terms, words and expressions, which continuously develops and becomes more perfect. The present glossary of sea ice terminology is a first attempt to systemize in one- volume terms related to ice and its properties, to the properties of ice sheets, to ice forecasting, and to the scientific and operational support of ice navigation. We have attempted to keep the English edition of this glossary as close to the Russian original as possible.
В настоящем Руководстве изложены вопросы организации гидрометеорологического обеспечения морских отраслей экономики в свете современных требований практики и взаимоотношений с потребителями с учетом действующих в Росгидромете нормативно-правовых и научно-методических документов. Руководство предназначено, в первую очередь, для специалистов Росгидромета, занятых в области гидрометеорологического обеспечения морских отраслей экономики, а также для круга специалистов, занимающихся морской деятельностью.
Атлас как справочное методическое пособие предназначен для работников метеорологических наблюдательных и прогностических подразделений Федеральной службы по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды (Росгидромета), специалистов Гидрометеорологической службы Минобороны РФ. Он может быть использован также в качестве учебного пособия для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов высших учебных заведений гидрометеорологического и географического профиля, учащихся техникумов и слушателей курсов повышения квалификации метеорологов.
Satellite Digital RGB-synthesized geocoded images conditions and digital chart maps of ice coverage conditions. Legend in Russian. Go to section "Ice cover". Areas: Antarctic region - Baltic Sea - Barents Sea - White Sea - Bering Sea 1 - Bering Sea 2 - Eastern-Siberian Sea 1 - Eastern-Siberian Sea 2 - Kara Sea 1 - Kara Sea 2 - Caspian Sea - Laptev Sea 1 - Laptev Sea 2 - Laptev Sea 3 - Okhotsk Sea 1 - Okhotsk Sea 2 - Russian sector of Arctic region - Northern hemisphere - Black and Azov seas - Chukotsk Sea 1 - Chukotsk Sea 2 - Sea of Japan 1 - Sea of Japan 2 - Yellow Sea (SRC Planeta).
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Цветовыми градациями показана доля морской поверхности, занятой льдом (0 баллов - чистая вода, 10 баллов - сплошной лед).
Карта с данными за прошедшие сутки обновляется ежедневно около 4 час ВСВ (всемирное скоординированное время, совпадающее с временем по Гринвичу).Данные, используемых спутниковых измерений, имеют пространственное разрешение около 50 км.
В прибрежной зоне возможны большие погрешности в определении сплоченности льда из-за искажающего влияния суши на получаемый спутниковый сигнал. Моря : Баренцево море - Балтийское море - Белое море - Берингово море - Каспийское морe - Охотское море - Японское море - Арктике - Антарктике (ЕСИМО - Гидрометцентр Росси)
Ice maps: Barents Sea - Baltic Sea - White Sea - Bering Sea - Caspian Sea - Sea of Okhotsk - Sea of Japan - Arctic - Antarctic.
Информация обновляется еженедельно по пятницам (в течение ледового периода года). Моря:
Арктике -
Антарктике -
Азовское море -
Баренцево море -
юго-восточной Баренцева моря -
Баренцево море -
Охотское море (данные ИСЗ) -
Охотское море (анализ) -
Японское море -
Балтийское море -
Белое море -
Каспийское море (ЕСИМО - Гидрометцентр Росси)
Ice maps: Arctic - Antarctic - Azov Sea - Barents Sea - Bering Sea - Sea of Okhotsk - Sea of Japan - Baltic Sea - White Sea - Caspian Sea.
Wave forecast for the ocean. Forecast Field: Significant Wave Height (Wind Waves and Swell) - Significant Wave Height and Direction for Wind Waves - Significant Wave Height and Direction for Swell... The wave height is given in meters. Lead Time: 12hr to 72hr (Hydrometcentre of Russia and Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute).
![]() Сплоченность льда в Баренцевом море (юго-восточной) |
Прогноз параметров ветрового волнения |
Высота преобладающих волн и направление распространения. На карте цветом обозначена высота преобладающих волн (м). Отдельные волны могут превышать приводимые значения. Стрелками показано среднее направление распространения волн (только для областей с высотой волн более 5 см). Сведения о прогностической системе. Регион:
Азовское море -
Баренцево море -
Балтийское море -
Белое море -
Каспийское море -
Чёрное море -
Мировой океан - Атлантика, северная часть - Атлантика, южная часть - Тихий океан, северная часть - Тихий океан, южная часть - Индийский океан (ЕСИМО - Гидрометцентр Росси).
Wave maps: Azov Sea - Barents Sea - Baltic Sea - White Sea - Caspian Sea - Black Sea - World map - Atlantic: northern & southern part - Pacific Ocean: northern & southern part - Indian Ocean.
Bering Sea: Wave forecast for tomorrow (UTC) - Height in metres |
Смешанное волнение: высота (м) и направление.
Прогноз на основе численной модели WW III является результатом научных исследований, проводящихся в ФГБУ "ДВНИГМИ".
Моря: Тихий океан - Индийский океан - Японское море - Залив Петра Великого - Татарский пролив - Охотское море - Тауйская губа - Берингово море - Восточная Артика (Восточно-Сибирское, Чукотское моря).
Wave maps: Pacific Ocean - Indian Ocean - Japanese Sea - Gulf of Peter the Great - Tatar Strait - Sea of Okhotsk - Taui Bay - Bering Sea - Eastern Arctic (East Siberian, Chukchi Sea).
The Hydrographic Department of the MPA publishes and maintains nautical charts covering the Malacca and Singapore Straits from One Fathom Bank to Horsburgh Lighthouse The MPA and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) have jointly produced a series of nautical charts called the Dual Badged Charts covering Singapore port waters and its approaches. The Singapore Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) covers Singapore Port Waters and their approaches. There is also a handy sized atlas of charts covering the Singapore Strait and adjacent waterways, specially designed for small craft and recreational sailors. Index of charts and publications pages 1 to 13.
This publication contains the Symbols Abbreviations Terms and S-57 Objects used on International as well as national Nautical and Electronic Navigational Charts of the Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. These are based on the Chart Specifications and S-57 Specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).
With the Singapore Strait and Singapore port waters as some of the busiest in the world, an advanced VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) is essential for the safe and efficient navigation of ships in these waters. STRAITREP is the Mandatory Ship Reporting System in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. Ships in these waters report under STRAITREP to Singapore’s Vessel Traffic Information System (VTIS), operated by MPA. The IMO has adopted STRAITREP that was proposed by Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
This pamphlet has been prepared to give you a quick guide to ensure a safe passage for ships in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS). The purpose is to help you to navigate along the 435 mile long busy and narrow waterway in a safe manner by drawing attention to several measures and local conditions that mariners should be aware of (West of England).
Notifications, declarations and VHF channels for vessels arriving in Singapore. The VHF communication channels listed are for: MPA and other agencies - Safety and emergencies - Immigration/port health clearance - Pilotage, tug and waterboat services - Oil terminals.
VHF radio telephone reporting procedures for vessel manoeuvring within the Traffic Information Area (TIA) in the East Johor Strait. With chartlets of the strait and the TIA.
The tidal current information for the selected area is a simulated current only. The model bathymetry is generated based on the seabed information in navigational charts and sounding data. Cover Sudong anchorage and Eastern Bunkering anchorage. The atlas provides data with an Excel file for time series or displays an image with tidal currents. The current forecast exists for 7 days per half hour. Speed in metre per second (m/s), for knot multiply by 2. All links given are in Singapore Time (GMT+0800 hours).
Pilotage guidelines for vessel movements in the port of Singapore. The pilotage guidelines are intended to assist port users when booking pilots and ordering tugs, on the advice of the pilotage service provider, for their vessels.s
The anchorages of the port of Singapore are divided into 3 sectors: Eastern sector, Western sector and Jurong sector. Each anchorage has its designated purpose.
Warnings for the port of Singapore.
The monthly Notices to Mariners contain corrective information affecting charts published by the Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. The information contained in these Notices should be updated on the charts affected. Content: Index of Charts & Publications, New Publications, Notices to Mariners and Chart Corrections, Temporary and Preliminary Notices, Navigational Information, Amendments to Publications,Reprint of Radio Navigational Warnings, Extract of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for Dual-Badged Charts.
Astronomical data like: sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset, high and low tides. Tidal height is in metres above the ‘Chart Datum’, which is the lowest water level recorded over a fixed period (usually 18 years) at a particular point. Data for today or tomorrow with 24 hour detail, also monthly data.
The tidal information is obtained from the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore. Tidal height is in metres above the ‘Chart Datum’, which is the lowest water level recorded over a fixed period (usually 18 years) at a particular point. Display the time, height in metres of high or low tides.
By the Meteorologial Service Singapore (MSS). Combined sea and swell describes the combined height of the sea and the swell that mariners experience on open waters. The height of the Combined sea and swell refers to the average wave height of the highest one third of the waves (measured from trough to crest). Combined sea and swell is also known as total wave height, or significant wave height. Some waves will be higher and some lower than the significant wave height. The height of highest waves can be nearly twice as high as the significant wave height. Available: 24hr, 48hr and 72hr forecasts.
Tropical cyclone information for the areas around Singapore: Western Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Slovenske pomorske karte - Slovenske navtične publikacije.
Navtični vodnik slovenskega morja in obale je edina uradna publikacija v Sloveniji, ki na enem mestu združuje večino potrebnih in koristnih informacij v zvezi s pomorstvom in navtičnim turizmom. Vodnik podaja informacije o slovenskem morju in obali, ki se nanašajo na geografske, oceanografske in meteorološke podatke. Zbrani in povzeti so pomembnejši predpisi in drugi upravni akti, ki urejajo področje pomorstva in navtičnega turizma v Sloveniji. Predstavljene so osnove navigacije ter znanj in veščin, potrebnih za prijetno in predvsem varno plovbo (GIS).
HTML Nautical guide for Slovenia in Slovenian: COLREGS - Ports and anchorages...
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Slovenska Obvestila za pomorščake so namenjena objavljanju informacij, ki so povezane z varnostjo plovbe. Publikacija izhaja mesečno v izdaji ministrstva pristojnega za pomorstvo, v njej pa so zbrani popravki in spremembe slovenskih pomorskih kart in publikacij ter opozorila morebitnih del na morju ali obali in morebitno nedelovanje objektov, ki lahko vplivajo na varnost plovbe.
Monthly notice to mariners. Contents: Explanatory Notes, Corrections of Charts, Corrections of Publications, Information (Catalogue of Slovenian Charts and Publications).
Contents of the catalogue : Price List of Charts, Diagrams and Publications - Index of Navigational Charts, Electronic Navigational Charts, Publications, Diagrams and Miscellaneous - General Information -Agents for the Sale of South African Charts and Hydrographic Publications - Distributors of Electronic Navigational Charts - Limits of Indexes. There is an abridged version of the Catalogue and Indexes of SAN Charts and other Hydrographic Publications.
This page allows you to select the current month's tidal information for any of the tidal ports listed. Please select a port from the drop-down list provided on the map.
Show the numbers and title of NAVAREA VII and Coastal Navigational Warnings Bulletins in force. This information is only updated during working hours 0730-1600 Mon - Fri. The availability of Navigational Warnings on the web does not relieve Masters / Captains of the requirement to receive Navigational Warnings via IMO/IHO approved broadcast systems, as websites are not continuously updated and not necessarily monitored for correctness.
For waters out to about 150 miles around the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, Coastal Navigational Warnings of an urgent and temporary nature are broadcast simultaneously on all frequencies from Coast Radio Stations and via Navtex. This information is only updated during working hours 0730 -1600 Mon - Fri.
Long-range warnings are broad cast in the NAVAREA VII service. This information is only updated during working hours 0730-1600 Mon-Fri.
To supplement Monthly NMs, the SANHO produces an Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners containing the Annual Statutory Notices to Mariners. This publication is published annually in January each year. Contents: Agents for the Sale of Charts, Immediate Navigational Warnings, Storm Warnings to Shipping, The SAFREP and AMVER Systems, Instructions to Ship Radio Stations, Safety of Navigation, Weather Reports from Ships, South African Search and Rescue Organisation (SASAR), Vessel Traf fic Service (VTS), Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), Meteorological and Oceanographic Data Buoys, South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) Reporting System...
To assist users in identifying outstanding Notices to Mariners and audit trails for a particular chart or charts, the SANHO produces a publication entitled the Cumulative List of South African Notices to Mariners, published on a monthly basis. This publication lists all charts currently available together with a complete cumulative list of all NM numbers affecting each chart.
South African navigational charts and publications can be maintained up to date for safety critical and important navigational information through the South African Notices to Mariners (NMs) service. The Notices to Mariners publication is a complete compilation of all South African chart and publication updates issued in any one month. It is divided into six sections: Section I - Explanatory Notes and Index, Section II - SAN Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Navigational Charts, Section III - South African Charts and HO Publications - New Charts/Editions, Section IV - Corrections to SAN HO Publications, Section V - Corrections to SA List of Lights and Radio Services, Section VI - Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings.
Catálogo Web de Cartas Náuticas: Cartas de Papel - Cartas Electrónicas - Cartas Deportivas - Buscador de Cartas Náuticas - Ayuda Catálogo de Cartas (HTML).
Catálogo Web de Publicaciones Náuticas: Libros de faros - Radioseñales Náuticas - Anuario de Mareas - Publicación INT 1... (HTML).
View online charts (ENC) / Cartes marines consultables en ligne (CEN)
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Con este Geoportal IDE-IHM, se ofrecen una serie de servicios de información geográfica náutica que, indudablemente, satisfarán muchas de las demandas recibidas hasta la fecha, ahora, de forma prácticamente automática. Por parte del IHM, se declina cualquier tipo de responsabilidad en el uso, para fines náuticos, de la información aquí proporcionada.
![]() Atlantic, North Coast of Spain, Santander Bay, 1: 22,000 (IHM) |
Las respuestas de todos los sectores relacionados con el uso de cartas y de equipos de presentación de cartas electrónicas muestran la necesidad de proporcionar información sobre la situación y las normas que se aplican a los productos y equipos ya disponibles en el mercado. Se ha creado este documento para ayudar a aclarar algunas de las dudas existentes.
Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands. This application is available in two formats: Static version, data in tables and Interactive. This tool allows for the access of all interested users to data on maritime signals published in the spanish list of lights Faros y Señales de Niebla, Parte I y II. This tool does not replace in any way the aforementioned publications, and consequently mariners still must carry properly updated nautical publications on board.
Península, Baleares y Canarias. El Libro de Faros y Señales de Niebla se presenta en los siguientes formatos: Versión accesible Navegador con Javascript deshabilitado - Versión gráfica e interactiva. Esta aplicación facilita, a todos los usuarios interesados, el acceso a los datos sobre señalización marítima existentes en las publicaciones "Faros y Señales Marítimas, Partes I y II". De ningún modo, esta aplicación sustituye a las publicaciones anteriormente citadas, y por lo tanto los navegantes no están exentos de continuar llevándolas a bordo, así como el resto de las publicaciones náuticas, debidamente actualizadas (HTML).
Distancias entre puertos. Selecione un Puerto de Origen y un Puerto de Destino en el menú desplegable (HTML).
Las correcciones se facilitan en un único archivo pdf por cada derrotero, en el que constan todas las correcciones que afectan al mismo desde su última edición, o la del último suplemento, si lo hubiere.
Biblioteca marítima digital: Hidrografía, Oceanografía, Ingeniería Electrónica y de Comunicaciones, Navegación...
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Cartas de seguridad marítima disponibles: 1) SEG100 - Carta de seguridad marítima para el mar Rojo, golfo de Adén y mar de Arabia. Recomendaciones para prevenir la piratería y actuar en caso de ataque en el golfo de Aden y/o en las aguas frente a la costa de Somalia. Recomendaciones adicionales dirigidas a busques dedicados a la pesca. Escala 1: 7 500 000. 2) SEG200 - Carta de seguridad marítima para el Golfo de Guinea. Zona de mayor concentratión de incidentes de piratería y delincuencia armada. Escala 1: 5 500 000. Cartas no válidas para la navegación.
Radioavisos NAVAREA III en vigor. La disponibilidad de los radioavisos NAVAREA III en la página Web del IHM no exime a los Capitanes de los buques de la obligación de recibir dichos radioavisos a través del sistema Internacional SafetyNET (Inmarsat).
NAVAREA III warnings in force. The availability of NAVAREA III warnings on the IHM Web site does not exempt Masters/Captains to receive NAVAREA III warnings via the International SafetyNET system (Inmarsat)
Contenido: avisos generales (mantenimiento de las cartas, reglas sobre el uso de cartas a bordo, fiabilidad y uso de las cartas...) y avisos temporales y preliminares.
Para facilitar el acceso y difusión del Grupo Semanal de Avisos a los Navegantes, éste se pone a disposición en la página correspondiente al IHM en la Intranet Armada y en Internet
Leer con detenimiento esta publicación ayuda a actuar en situaciones comprometidas y saber cómo disminuir los riesgos. Contiene información imprescindible para pedir ayuda, saber cómo actuar al recibirla y cómo prestar auxilio a otros navegantes en apuros. Índice : Centros de coordinación de salvamento - Salvamento Marítimo - Seguridad en embarcaciones de recreo - Antes de zarpar - Información meteorológica - Durante la navegación - Prevenir los abordajes - Qué hacer en caso de emergencia - Uso de la radio en emergencias - Hipotermia - Seguridad en actividades náuticas.
El establecimiento de los dispositivos de separación de tráfico ha reducido considerablemente el riesgo y el número de accidentes por colisiones y varadas en el tráfico marítimo. En España existen varios dispositivos de separación de tráfico: Finisterre, Estrecho de Gibraltar, Cabo de Gata, Canarias Oriental y Canarias Occidental. El DST con mayor Tráfico es Tarifa, seguido por Finisterre y Cabo de Gata.
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La Guía Sanitaria a Bordo forma parte obligada del botiquín del barco, editada y distribuida gratuitamente por el ISM , está configurada como un vademécum de los conocimientos básicos que deben tener los responsables sanitarios de los buques y como un catálogo práctico de procedimientos a seguir pero siempre a indicación de los facultativos del Centro Radio-Médico de la Entidad. La idea fundamental que ha dirigido la redacción de esta Guía es la de que sirva de instrumento en las consultas médicas realizadas a distancia. Además, debe permitir poder utilizar el botiquín en caso de necesidad urgente o cuando, por imposibilidad técnica, no se pueda comunicar con el Centro Radio-Médico. Pero, también, la Guía debe servir de recuerdo, en muchos casos primera información, de las medidas preventivas a adoptar en los barcos para mantener la salud y, si llega el caso, saber qué hacer ante un fallecimiento a bordo.
El "Reglamento por el que se regulan las radiocomunicaciones a bordo de buques civiles españoles" identifica los equipos que deben llevar las embarcaciones de recreo, según las zonas de navegación en las que están autorizados a navegar. Los equipos consisten en estaciones de radio fijas (en VHF y OM, con Llamada Selectiva Digital - LSD), Inmarsat, estaciones portátiles de VHF, terminales NAVTEX, radiobalizas (RLS - EPIRB), respondedores de radar (RESAR - SART), y sistema de posicionamiento por satélite (GPS).
Canales y horarios para los boletines meteorológicos marinos: Centros de Salvamento Marítima (VHF), Estaciones Costeras (MF y VHF), Red national de centros NAVTEX.
Radioavisos para España / Radio Navigational Warnings for Spain.
Resumen productos marítimos. Índice: Tipos de boletines - Zonas de responsabilidad española de Alta Mar (Mediterráneo) - Zonas de responsabilidad española de Alta Mar (Atlántico) - Boletines de Alta Mar - Boletines de Aviso para Alta Mar - Boletines de Predicción marítima de Alta Mar - Boletines NAVTEX - Horarios de emisión de los boletines NAVTEX - Difusión de los boletines de Predicción marítima de Alta Mar - Información para zonas costeras - Zonas costeras de responsabilidad española - Boletín Meteorológico y Marino para las zonas costeras - Difusión de la información costera - Información marítima disponible en la web de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología - Información marítima disponible en la web de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial.
El color nos indica la altura significativa de la mar total, que es la mar resultante de la combinación de mar de viento y mar de fondo (la altura significativa se define como la media aritmética del tercio de olas más altas), y la escala de colores viene a la derecha. Las flechas se refieren a la mar de viento (flecha gris) y la mar de fondo (flecha blanca). La longitud de dichas flechas es proporcional a la altura relativa de cada componente respecto a la altura de la mar total, con lo que nos da idea de cual de ellas es la que predomina, y el sentido de la flecha nos indica el de propagación del oleaje.
Sistema de AEMET para la navegación marítima (MeteoNav) permite obtener predicciones marítimas a lo largo de una trayectoria definida por el usuario, quien decide las fechas y horas de salida y de llegada, el lugar de salida y llegada, y, opcionalmente, los puntos de paso.
Sjöfartsverkets sjökortskatalog över svenska sjökort och publikationer. I denna finns uppgifter och indexkartor över samtliga svenska sjö-och båtsportkort samt övriga produkter.
Beteckningar i svenska sjökort. Följande symboler, förkortningar och begrepp är ett utdrag från Kort 1 / INT 1.
The SOLAS International Convention includes a requirement for all ships to carry to up-to-date nautical charts and publications for the intended voyage. Progressively, the chart carriage requirement for certain classes of vessels is to be satisfied by electronic means using an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). This publication provide guidance on the regulations and the status of equipment that is available in the market today. In particular the differences between the various types of equipment and the differences between the various types of chart data offered to the users are unclear with respect to the regulations in place (IHO publication S-66, edition 2010). Contents: Overview of electronic charting and regulations, Compendium of Flag State ECDIS requirements, Training requirements, Technical details of electronic charts, Appendix: References and glossary, Revised performance standards for electronic chart display (ECDIS).
Alla djupuppgifter och djupkurvor refererar till en bestämd vattenyta, här beskrivs de olika referensytorna som används i våra produkter: RH 2000, Medelvattenyta, Insjöar och kanaler.
Att navigera med elektroniska sökort och GPS är både lätt och svårt men det finns en del fallgropar som vi ska försöka förklara i den här broschyren.
There are nine designated VTS areas in Sweden: Luleå, Öregrund, Stockholm, Landsort, Mälaren, Bråviken, Göteborg, Marstrand and Lysekil. The exact border limits of the VTS areas are described in the VTS regulations. Here you may read about how reporting should be done in designated VTS areas (Swedish Transport Agency).
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has decided to establish a new routeing system in Kattegat and the northern part of The Sound from 1 July 2020. The intention is to reduce the large number of ships in the old Route T by establishing a new recommended route, Route S, along the Swedish coast from Læsø Island to The Sound.
In a joint cooperation, Sweden and Denmark has established an IMO approved Mandatory Ship Reporting System in the Sound, named SOUNDREP, with the purpose of improving the safety of navigation and the protection of the marine environment in the Sound area. New shipping routes will be established in Danish and Swedish waters on the 1st of July 2020.
Befälhavare på fartyg som har en längd av 70 meter eller mer, en bredd av 14 meter eller mer eller ett djupgående av 4,5 meter eller mer är i allmänhet skyldig att anlita lots på svenskt inre vatten. En lotsbeställning ska göras elektroniskt via MSW Reportal senast fem timmar före önskad tidpunkt för lotsningens början och 24 timmar före önskad tidpunkt för öppensjölotsning. Sjöfartsverket har nio lotsområden: Luleå, Gävle, Stockholm, Södertälje, Kalmar, Malmö, Göteborg, Marstrand och Vänern/Kanalen. Med passageplan.
Information on designated pilotage fairways. The information shows the positions of the valid pilotage lines inserted in charts for each designated pilotage fairway. Also shown are the limits for compulsory pilotage in each fairway as well as the respective boarding areas. Pilot Areas: Lulea and Gavle - Stockholm and Sodertalje - Kalmar and Malmo - Goteborg and Marstrand - Vanern (Swedish Transport Agency).
Sjöfartsverket har utvecklat en kartvisare för att tillgängligöra data som vi tillhandahåller. Kartvisaren är byggd för att visa både statisk och liveuppdaterad information. När du klickar på ett objekt i kartvisaren så visas resultatet under sökträffar vid sidan av kartan. Vår karttjänst är inte avsedd att användas för navigering. Tjänsterna i kartvisaren: Båtsportkortsutbredningar -Djupinformationens kvalitet - Felanmälda Sjösäkerhetsanordningar - Försäljare av sjökort - Lotsområden - Se på Sjökort - Sjömätningsplan - Ufs P- och T-notiser - ViVa (Mer information).
Trollhätte Canal is an important transport link for the commercial shipping, but also a prerequisite for the thousands of boaters that each summer take the great opportunity to travel by sea between the Baltic and North Sea. This leaflet is a presentation of the canal and locks. Also map with overview.
Varje år färdas minst 1,5 miljoner personer i vuxen ålder i fritidsbåtar runt om i Sverige. Genom kunskap och gott sjövett kan vi minska riskerna att drabbas av olyckor. Då blir vi tryggare och kan njuta ännu mer av vår vistelse på vattnet.
Varje år färdas minst 1,5 miljoner personer i vuxen ålder i fritidsbåtar runt om i Sverige. Genom kunskap och gott sjövett kan vi minska riskerna att drabbas av olyckor. Då blir vi tryggare och kan njuta ännu mer av vår vistelse på vattnet (Transportstyrelsen).
Den 1 juni 2017 infördes nya regler för dig som använder ditt fartyg yrkesmässigt. Reglerna innebär bland annat att du som är fartygsägare har ett ansvar för att systematiskt kontrollera och dokumentera att ditt fartyg är säkert och att din verksamhet bedrivs på ett säkert sätt (Transportstyrelsen).
Map of MF and VHF coast radio for Sweden.
Stockholmradio (SDJ) är Sveriges enda civila kustradiostation.
Map of NAVTEX stations in the Baltic Sea area.
Information about Winter Navigation for industry, ship owners, shippers and charterers. Traffic restrictions are imposed to improve the safety and efficiency of winter navigation. Icebreaker assistance will only be given to vessels, which meet the requirements set out in the traffic restrictions. Contents: General Information, Ice-breaking service, Information about Winter Navigation, Navigating in Ice, Ice Classes and Requirements, Ordinance and Regulations for Winter Navigation, Weather- and Ice- Information (More information).
Allmänt, Isbrytartjänsten, Vintersjöfartsinformation, Navigering i is, Isklasser och krav, Regelverk för vintersjöfart, Väder- och isinformation (Mer information).
Sjö- och flygräddningstjänst. Beteckningar, förkortningar och begrepp.
Östersjöns botten har förhållandevis hög koncentration av minor, ammunition och kemiska stridsmedel som härstammar från tiden under och efter världskrigen. Föremålen kan än i dag vara farliga att komma i kontakt med. På denna sida redovisas områden inom svenskt territorialvatten och svensk ekonomisk zon där risken att påträffa minor är förhöjd.
There are areas of the Baltic Sea that still has a high number of old mines, ammunition and chemical weapons originating from the two world wars. These objects might still be dangerous if you encounter them. Areas with enhanced risk of mines within Swedish territorial waters and the Swedish economic zone are shown on this page.
Current Swedish navigation warnings in force, as well as NAVTEX warnings for the Baltic Sea area.
Liten uppslagsbok för sjöfarande: Sjöfartsverket, Transportstyrelsen, Sjökort och publikationer, Sjötrafikinformation, Föreskrifter, Sjötrafik och sjövägar, Lotsning, Navigeringshjälpmedel, Sjöräddning (SAR) och Maritime Assistance Service (MAS), GMDSS, Maritim säkerhetsinformation (MSI), Meteorologi och oceanografi, Kustbevakning och Sjöpolis, Försvarsmakten informerar, Öppningstider för broar och kanaler.
Ufs A - General information for all mariners: Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Transport Agency, Charts and Publicationsy, Maritime Traffic Information, Regulations, Fairways, Piloting, Aids to navigation, Rescue at sea, Ship´s equipment, Maritime Safety Information (MSI), Weather, oceanography and sea ice, Coast Guard and Police, Information by the Swedish Armed Forces, Bridges and canals opening times.
Dessa sidor innehåller information för yrkes- och fritidssjöfarten t.ex. notiser med sjökortsrättelser, notiser med temporär och preliminär information samt övrig information som kan vara relevant för den sjöfarande. Notiser kan antingen sökas direkt i Sjöfartsverkets Ufs-databas (uppdateras dagligen) eller läsas i de PDF-filer som publiceras varje vecka. Ufs-häftet utkommer veckovis och innehåller sjökortsrättelser och annan information av vikt för sjöfart i svenska farvatten.
This webpage contains relevant information to both merchant shipping and pleasure craft, i.e. Notices to Mariners and chart updates. Notices to Mariners are found in the NtM database or as PDF-files. The NtM booklet (Ufs) is published once a week and contains information essential for safe navigation in Swedish waters.
Tidvatten är ett fenomen som upprepar sig med stor regelbundenhet. Det uppstår på grund av solens och framförallt månens dragningskraft på jorden. Höjden på tidvattnet runt Sverige är liten, några decimeter längs Västkusten och enbart ett fåtal centimeter i Östersjön (SMHI).
Kartan visar positioner där det mäts havsvattenstånd eller vågor. Klicka på en punkt i kartan eller använd drop down-listan för att se observationer och prognoser i ett diagram eller tabell (SHMI).
Från och med den 3 juni 2019 uttrycks havsvattenstånd i SMHIs observationer, prognoser och varningar i Rikets Höjdsystem 2000 (RH 2000) istället för relativt medelvattenståndet (RW). RH 2000 är Sveriges nationella referenssystem för höjder och djup. Övergången till RH 2000 är ett steg mot enhetliga referenssystem på nationell nivå och innebär många fördelar. Till exempel underlättar det vid analyser som omfattar både land och hav eller då man vill räkna ut vattendjupet under kölen på en båt eller ett fartyg (SHMI).
The ice service at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) is responsible for providing up-to-date information about the ice conditions in the Baltic Sea region: Daily ice chart, sea surface temperature chart, ice report.
Baltic Sea Ice Code is a four digit code used to describe ice conditions in ports, fairways, coastal areas and certain ship routes. The code is developed in cooperation between the countries around the Baltic Sea to provide a common terminology.
Istjänsten på SMHI ansvarar för att tillhandahålla nulägesinformation om havsisen i svenska farvatten. På istjänsten jobbar både oceanografer och meteorologer som specialiserat sig på havsis (SMHI).
Iskartan visar is på havet, Vänern och Mälaren. Isen analyseras av en isexpert utifrån observationer och satellitbilder. Satellitbilderna visar is och ytvattentemperatur till havs. Kartan är en generell analys och isen kan se helt annorlunda ut lokalt. Gör alltid en egen bedömning av isen där du befinner dig. (SMHI).
Det förekommer en mängd olika uttryck för olika slags is. Dessa har med åren förändrats och anpassats till den internationella isnomenklatur för all slags havsis som WMO kommit överens om (SMHI).
Östersjökoden används för att kortfattat kunna beskriva isförhållandena i farleder, hamnområden och för sjöfarten viktiga passager. Uppdatering av gällande iskoder sker dagligen under issäsongen (SMHI).
This PDF catalogue includes charts and nautical publications that are published and put on sale by the ONHO. Contents: General information - Paper charts - Leisure chart folios - Nautical and miscellaneous publications.
Bu katalog SHOD Başkanlığınca yayımlanan, satışa tabi harita ve notik yayınları içerir. Içindekiler: Genel bilgiler - Haritalar - Yat harita folyolari - Notik ve diğer yayinlar.
Denizcilik terimleri: A (abaşo), Z (zoka).
Meteoroloji: Hava durumu tahmini - Rüzgar - Isı değişim formulü - Isı-rüzgar cetveli - Isı-rüzgar münasebeti - Hava durumu - Görüş - Denizin durumu.
Görünür i̇şaretler: Mi̇lletler arasi kod sancaklari ve anlamlari - Rakam flamalari - Tekrar bayraklari - Mors kodlari - Rakamlar - Si̇maforlar - El flamalari ve kollarla mors i̇şaretleşmesi̇.
İlgi̇li̇ Yasalar ve Yönetmeli̇kler: Kıyı Kanunu - Karasuları Kanunu - Seyir ve Hidrografi Hizmetleri Kanunu - Türk Boğazları Deniz Trafik Düzeni Yönetmeliği - Deniz ve Hava Araçları Kazalarında Arama Kurtarma Yönetmeliği - Harita ve Harita Bilgilerini Temin ve Kullanma Yönetmeliği...
A New Geographical Information System, CAS DENIZ, has been established by TN-ONHO in order to give the mariners easier access to the Navigational Warnings, Inoperative ATON's and Chart Catalogues. Using CAS DENIZ you can plot points, lines and areas on chart for planning purposes and download them to your computer.
![]() Sea of Marmara, Bosporus Strait, Black Sea (CAS DENIZ) |
Denizciler lanlar Y ll , bir önceki y la ait (01 Ocak-31 Aral k) Haftal k Denizcilere lanlar Bültenleri ile yay mlanm ilanlar seyir emniyeti aç s ndan önem arz eden bilgileri toplu olarak ihtiva eder.
Annual Notices to Mariners includes the Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletins of the previous year (January 01 - December 31) and the important information related to the safety of navigation collectively: Notice to mariners affecting nautical charts and publications - Exercise and firing areas - Diving prohibited areas - Underwater cables and pipelines...
Haftalık Denizcilere İlanlar Bülteni yürürlükteki kâğıt seyir ve yat haritaları ve notik yayınlar ile seyir duyurularını (NAVTEX ve NAVAREA III) kapsar. Ayrıca: Kümülatif Liste.
Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography's publications and charts could be kept uptodate with the information, which is reported by mariners and other sources. This is the aim of Hydrographic Memorandum in the weekly Notices to Mariners. Charts could be kept uptodate by applying all the received information, which is in the Notices to Mariners day by day.
View online ENC charts / Cartes ENC visualisables en ligne
Black Sea & Ukraine / Mer Noire & Ukraine
View online ENC charts for Black Sea with scale 1/250.000. For the coasts of Ukraine and Sea of Azov scale 1/75.000 or 1/25.000. Also AIS data on the charts.
Inland paper navigational chart / Carte papier pour la navigation intérieure
Dnieper & Danube river / Fleuves Dniepr et Danube
River Navigational Chart is an essential tool used for solving any navigational issues, such as examination, analyzing and selection of the data on navigational and hydrographic situation on rivers. The site shows images of the official navigational charts. All the cartographical images are scoping ones not suitable for use for navigational purposes. The SHSU does not bear responsibility if they are used for unintended purposes.
Reference charts with medium to hight resolution, PNG files.
У зв`язку з агресією рф проти України деякі функції сайту тимчасово вимкнено.
Маяки : ФДУ "Миколаївський район Держгідрографії" - ФДУ "Одеський район Держгідрографії" - ФДУ "Керченський район Держгідрографії"- ФДУ "Севастопольська філія Держгідрографії ім. Л.І. Мітіна".
Атлас є першим в Україні спеціалізованим виданням такого роду, що за багатьма параметрами не має аналогів у світі. Його унікальність визначається тематичним охопленням, детальним висвітленням океанографічних, кліматичних та інших параметрів Азово-Чорноморського басейну, а також повнотою баз даних, використаних у процесі побудови карт Атласу. В Атласі представлено карти за багатьма характеристиками морського довкілля, у тому числі такими, які раніше не входили до подібних видань.
Нормативно-правові документи: Міжнародна конвенція з охорони людського життя на морі 1974 (SOLAS) - Протокол 1988 року до Міжнародної конвенції SOLAS 1974 року - Міжнародна конвенція про пошук і рятування на морі 1979 року (SAR)...
У зв`язку з агресією рф проти України деякі функції сайту тимчасово вимкнено.
Прибережне Попередження (ПРИП) - повідомлення, що доводять до мореплавців інформацію про зміни навігаційних умов та режиму плавання на Чорному та Азовському морях ДУ «Держгідрографія». Дані, викладені у ПРИП, містять навігаційні та метеорологічні попередження, повідомлення щодо безпеки в районах відкритого моря і іншу термінову інформацію. ПРИПи передаються за допомогою системи НАВТЕКС (MSI).
Основним призначенням Повідомлень мореплавцям є вчасне доведення до відома мореплавців: інформації про важливі зміни у навігаційній обстановці і режимі плавання у морському регіоні України; оновлених навігаційних даних для систематичної підтримки на сучасному рівні морських карт і посібників для плавання; відомостей про видання, перевидання чи вилучення з користування морських карт, посібників для плавання; рішень і постанов з питань забезпечення безпеки мореплавства у водах України. Перелік випусків Повідомлень мореплавцям із чинною коректурою :
The main purpose of Notices to Mariners is to inform mariners timely on: important changes of navigational situation and regime of navigation in maritime region of Ukraine; updated data for keeping nautical charts and sailing directions systematically up to date; information about publication, republication and withdrawal from delivery nautical charts and sailing directions; decisions and regulations for ensuring safety of navigation within Ukrainian waters. Also list of Notices to Mariners with :
A guide to navigate through Dubai waters for all visiting water crafts. Contents: Overview of Dubai, Culture of Dubai, Attractions of Dubai, Marinas of Dubai, Requirements for Getting Sail sPermission, Facts of Dubai, Do’s and Dont’s of Water Safety.
We recommend all operators of marine crafts to refer to this guide and keep it handy at all the marine craft at all times. Table of Contents: Prepating for a trip, Safe Navigation, Emergencies, Safety equipment, Marinas in Dubai (2016).
تسعى حكومة دبي من أجل تطوير القطاع البحري وتأمين أقصى درجات السالمة البحرية للمحافظه على سالمة األرواح والمنشآت والبيئة، ولتحقيق هذه الغاية تم وضع هذا الدليل اإلرشادي من قبل سلطة مدينة دبي المالحية وبالتعاون مع القيادة العامة لشرطة دبي لمشغلي الوسائل البحرية الترفيهية في إمارة دبي وذلك لإلبحار بالوسيلة البحرية بطريقة آمنة، ونوصي جميع مشغلي الوسائل البحرية باالطالع عليه واالحتفاظ به على متن الوسيلة البحرية.
Tide prediction in feet over 9 days for Dubai.
Marine Library with guides, application forms and others.
Navigational warnings for Dubai in English and in Arabic.
Software for Windows / Logiciel pour Windows
The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue (ADC) provides a comprehensive and up-to-date reference of ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions, including Standard Nautical Charts and Nautical Publications, as well as AVCS, ARCS, ADMIRALTY ECDIS Service and T&P NMs. Users can search for these products by type, scale or a defined route, with weekly updates available online to keep you fully up-to-date. Load the file ADC_Full_WK... Extract this zip files and start Setup.exe.
NP109 is the Small Craft Chart catalogue with coverage of UK and Irish waters.
Theses files features some of the ADMIRALTY paper products currently available.
The UKHO produces two types of digitised nautical publications: ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) and ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENPs or in short e-NPs). ADP (software) includes ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT), ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights (ADLL) and ADMIRALTY Digital List of Radio Signals (ADRS). ADMIRALTY e-NPs include electronic versions (e-books) of Sailing Directions and other reference nautical publications.
Information and guidance on the safe and effective use of UKHO's digital nautical publications: ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) and ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENPs or in short e-NPs).
The UKHO produces two types of digitised nautical publications: ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) and ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENPs or in short e-NPs). ADP (software) includes ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT), ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights (ADLL) and ADMIRALTY Digital List of Radio Signals (ADRS). ADMIRALTY e-NPs include electronic versions (e-books) of Sailing Directions and other reference nautical publications.
Find popular files and downloads for ADMIRALTY products and services.
S-101 ENC / Carte vectorielle au format S-101
The Solent inc. ports of Southampton and Portsmouth (UK) / The Solent avec les ports de Southampton et Portsmouth
Not to be used for navigation / Ne pas utiliser pour la navigation
These fully compliant trial S-101 ENC products (S-101 ENCs will eventually replace S-57 ENCs) have been produced to support ECDIS manufacturers and associated partners in the development and practical use of these navigational datasets. These products conform to the IHO S-100 data framework and depict a major maritime area of southern England – the Solent and approaches to the Ports of Southampton and Portsmouth. The data coverage matches that of the existing S-57 GB ENC schema for conformity and to aid comparison and interoperability with additional S-100 products. These products should only be used for testing purposes and are not to be used for navigation.
Information on page 123 (VII-2). Category Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) values are assigned to geographical areas to indicate whether data meets a minimum set of criteria for position, depth accuracy and seafloor coverage. The Zone of Confidence (ZOC) value is dependent on the positional and depth accuracy of the survey. Our Zones of Confidence (ZOC) table outlines the position accuracy, depth accuracy and seafloor coverage for each of these values to help you manage the levels of risk during navigation (NtM 34/2021).
This simple guide has been provided to help you identify genuine ADMIRALTY products and reduce the risk of counterfeits being used for navigation.
The service provides tidal data for ports in the United Kingdom. Free predictions up to 7 days with printer friendly version (HTML).
![]() |
HMNAO produces a world time zone map for use in its publications (PNG & PDF files, black and white map). Map also available on: USNO website. PDF color maps below:
The glossary contains concise definitions of many of the important astronomical terms necessary to understand and make use of the data presented in The Astronomical Almanac. Its contents remain the same from year to year, but occasionally terms are added or dropped. The information is available as HTML or as PDF.
This publication, produced to the requirements of the Royal Air Force, presents in tabular and graphical form astronomical data required for the planning of activities, in particular aircraft movements, where the amount of daylight, the duration of twilight, and the position and phase of the Moon are important. This annual volume contains data for the times of rising and setting of the Sun and Moon, as well as the twilight times for latitudes between North 72° and South 60°. Graphical methods for determining this information at altitudes of up to 60,000 feet and at high latitudes are also provided, as are standard times for many places around the world.
These PDF copies of sight reduction forms are available:
The Knowledge Base of the Customer Service Portal contains a lot of useful information on commonly reported or already answered queries: installation, error, update...
The Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM) service provides all of the data you need to maintain the Q Series charts as well as additional security related information which will aid passage planning. New threats including embargo, exclusion zones and specific maritime Safety and Security of Navigation (SASON) advice will be promulgated on this page. You can view the active Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM) by clicking on the Q chart number. More information.
EGC MSI Broadcast Systems Operational Information. This is the latest information about the transmission schedule (UTC) for NAVAREA with navigational information and METAREA with meteorological information. Broadcast times for MET information published in the table above are for routine Weather Messages. Storm Warnings are also broadcast on receipt. Routine broadcasts of Navigational Warnings and meteorological forecasts are made at scheduled times over a single nominated satellite for each NAVAREA/METAREA. Unscheduled broadcasts of SAR alert relays and severe weather warnings will be made over all satellites which serve the area concerned (UKHO NtM, Section VI).
NAVAREA 1 radio navigational warnings and UK coastal warnings (WZs) in force.The provision of navigational warnings on this website is not intended to be a substitute for, or an alternative to, the International SafetyNET service or the International NAVTEX service,
We provide regular ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners (NMs) to help you ensure your ADMIRALTY charts are maintained and up-to-date with the latest safety critical information. To help you carry out these updates, we've created a range of short tutorials that demonstrate how to apply NMs using our tracings, what equipment you should use and what to do if you make a mistake. You can access these films by clicking on the links below. Alternatively you can view the whole playlist on the ADMIRALTY YouTube Channel.
If you are unable to take advantage of the automatic updating option within the ADMIRALTY Digital Publications application, you can obtain the updates you need from here. The update files obtained here will contain all the information you need to bring your ADLL (lights)/ ADRS (radio signals)/ ATT (tide) products fully up to date (How to use this service).
To supplement Weekly NMs, the UKHO produces an Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners (NP247). This publication contains:
NP247(2) contains the text of all updates to current editions of ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions and Miscellaneous Nautical Publications which have been published in Sections IV and VII of ADMIRALTY of Notices to Mariners and which remain in force on 31 December.
This publication records the date of issue of the current edition of each navigational chart and of subsequent relevant Notices to Mariners issued. The list is published annually, with:
The UKHO's searchable NMs database, known as NM Websearch, allows users to to search by Chart number for NM text, full colour NM Blocks and Notes. Options: Search for Updates by Chart Number - Search for Updates by Chart Number from a specified NM Number/Year only - Search for Updates by Chart Number from a specified date only - Search for Individual Notices to Mariners by NM Number and Year - View Update list by Chart Number.
We supply all AVCS customers with weekly electronic updates via Internet download or DVD. To obtain AVCS updates via the Internet, you can use our public FTP website with the following login credentials. The AVCS Online Updating Service (AVCS OUS) uses software to provide immediate access to the latest digital chart updates for subscribers of the AVCS service. The service is complimentary to the DVDs available for AVCS and offers quick access to the most up-to-date information.
ADMIRALTY Charts and Publications should be maintained so that they are fully up-to-date for the latest safety-critical navigational information. The ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners service provides all of the data you need to maintain our products. ADMIRALTY NMs contain all the corrections, alterations and amendments for the UKHO's worldwide series of ADMIRALTY Charts and Publications. The ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners are published weekly (More information).
Check UK customs rules for private individuals who use a pleasure craft (like a yacht or other boat) for recreational use, or temporarily import one as a non-UK resident. (HM Revenue & Customs notice 8).
If you’re the ships’ master (or their agent) of a commercial vessel, you will need to report any goods that are arriving on your vessel at a UK port. From 1 January 2022 new reporting procedures will apply (HM Revenue & Customs).
This guidance note provides information and recommendations on: The causes and prevention of Infectious diseases on board ship - Appropriate immunisations against infectious diseases likely to be encountered by seafarers in the course of their duties - Specific requirements for prevention of insect borne diseases including malaria - Infections encountered in the seafarer’s home country or whilst on shore leave are mostly outside the scope of this document - Where to get further advice.
This note is intended to give awareness and advise UK flag vessels of a new recognised mobile satellite service in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). The IMO has recognised Iridium as meeting the necessary technical criteria of a GMDSS Satellite Service.
MSI leaflet: Information about Maritime Safety Information (MSI) broadcast times and areas. Her Majesty's Coastguard is responsible in the UK for the broadcast of marine weather forecasts and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) on NAVTEX, VHF and MF and for providing the Radio Medical Advice Link Call (MEDILINK) Service. With amendments apply to the MSI Leaflet.
This Notice and the Rules referred to in it are an integral part of the Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations 1996, which came into force on 1 May 1996. These Regulations implement the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended. They enhance safe navigation, by prescribing the conduct of vessels underway, specify the display of internationally-understood lights and sound signals and set out collision avoidance actions in close quarter situations. Also Corrigendum. This publication was withdrawn on 16 January 2017. MSN 1781 has been replaced by MSN 1781 Amendment 2 that refer to the IMO COLREG publication.
![]() GMDSS sea areas around UK - Coast stations: 🔴 VHF only, ◯ VHF & MF A1: VHF coverage - A2: MF coverage - A3: HF & satellites coverage |
MCA information leaflets about navigation, communication and safety at sea for seafarers on ships, yachts and fishing vessels:
Guidance on the use of Very High Frequency radio (VHF) and the appropriate use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS). Given the continuing number of casualties where the misuse of very high frequency marine radio has been established as a contributory factor, it has been decided to re-issue the MCA guidance on the use of Very High Frequency radio (VHF). Additionally, appropriate use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), especially with regard to collision avoidance, has been highlighted in conformance with the IMO guidelines.
This guide explains how maritime security is managed in the UK, how to comply with EU regulation on ship security, how security measures are applied and how you should comply with them. It also provides guidance on how to deal with stowaways and deter acts of violence against merchant ships, such as piracy and armed robbery (2018).
This Marine Guidance Note (MGN) provides links to websites containing information countering Piracy, Armed Robbery and other Acts of Violence against Merchant Shipping (2011).
Guidance for owners of UK flagged vessels on the use of armed guards to defend against the threat of piracy in exceptional circumstances. This guidance covers, amongst other things, the exceptional circumstances under which the use of armed guards may be considered, the factors to be included in the risk assessment, advice on selecting a private security company, and a requirement for the shipping company to produce a counter-piracy plan and submit a copy to the department (2015).
Information on implementing and maintaining good cyber security practices on maritime vessels. Ship cyber security code of practice providing actionable advice on: Developing a cyber security assessment and plan to manage risk - Handling security breaches and incidents - Highlighting national and international standards used - The relationship to existing regulation (2017).
This guidance note provides an overview of the Merchant Shipping legislation that applies to pleasure vessels, including rules relating to certification and manning requirements. The relevant regulations cited in this note apply to UK pleasure vessels wherever they may be and for some of the regulations to non-UK pleasure vessels in UK waters.
This guide mainly deals with issues specific to UK registered large commercial yachts, such as operations and manning standards, and what to do about them. The guide covers the following: manning qualifications, hours of work crew agreements, official log books and their completion, GMDSS logs, health and safety, medical stores and care, surveys, audits and ILO Inspections,continuous synopsis records, UK publications to be carried, training (More information about large yachts).
Guidance for fishermen on and health and safety best practice, and applying merchant shipping and fishing vessel regulations. This guide outlines safe working practices and emergency procedures for fishermen. It provides a broad range of advice in respect of fishing vessel safety and should be used by everyone: owners, skippers and crew. This guide should be used as a reference guide but can also prepare yourself on what to do in an emergency.
Use this guide to help prepare for a survey. It explains what the surveyor will be looking at during the ‘out of water’ and ‘on board’ survey. Find out what things you can check before the survey so that you can identify and solve problems beforehand. The ‘on board’ survey covers 8 areas for you to check in detail. These are: wheelhouse, wheelhouse top/casing top/shelter top, accommodation, main deck, fish room, engine room, equipment tests, vessel operations and drills.
Information for owners, operators, skippers and crew about safety standards in the fishing industry. This collection offers guidance to support and encourage safe working practice at sea and meeting legal/technical requirements for fishing vessel safety. Topics covered are: Fishing vessel standards and surveys - Fishing crew safety guides and leaflets - Technical advice - Codes of practice.
Owners of UK-flagged fishing vessels are responsible for basic health and safety on board their boats, safe working practices and safety equipment. This guide explains health and safety provisions and how to ensure crew working practices are safe by complying with regulations for safe manning levels and working times. You will also find information on the safe use and maintenance of work equipment and fishing gear, as well as emergency and lifesaving equipment. The guide also outlines risk assessment of hazards and provides a list of organisations that can supply further information on safe working practices for fishing vessels. Updates:
Exposure to high levels of electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) can give rise to effects that may be irritating or unpleasant, or sometimes harmful and cause burns. This guidance contains information to help employers to: Identify sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in workplaces on ships - Assess the exposure of workers to EMF in the workplace - Decide what, if anything they may need to do to protect workers from the riskarising from exposure to EMF- Assess and control any risks from EMFs - Apply for an exemption from certain aspects of the Regulations. See also the Electromagnetic Fields Regulations (2016, No.1026).
Practical medical guidance for laymen (non-doctors) working on board a ship. This manual is written for laymen (non-doctors) working on board a ship. It contains a wide range of authoritative advice and will help you: assess and treat injuries, diagnose and treat illness, on journeys where you won’t have quick access to professional medical advice (22nd edition, 1999). This publication was withdrawn on 2019.
How to obtain telemedical advice when a medical incident or medical emergency arises at sea. This note explains that contact should first be made with HM Coastguard, who will then put the caller in touch with one of the UK’s designated TMAS providers.
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) introduces minimum global standards to promote decent living and working conditions for seafarers. This note lists all MCA merchant shipping notices and marine guidance notes which provide standards or guidance for implementation of the this Convention.
Safety standards and advice for vessel operators. See also the Merchant Shipping Regulations and the Fishing Vessels Regulations.
Merchant Shipping Notices (MSNs) contain the technical information that is associated with the Regulations (Statutory Instruments) laid down by Parliament. The letter suffix after the M-notice number tells you if it relates to merchant ships and/or fishing vessels: (M) for merchant ship - (F) for fishing vessels - (M+F) for both merchant ships and fishing vessels.
A voyage under sail to Bermuda can be a rewarding and relaxing experience—provided that you plan your voyage carefully and check and prepare your vessel adequately. This Information Sheet should be used in addition to all the other traditional reference material available. Table of Contents: Voyage Plan - Charts, Books and Supplies - Communications - Radio Aids to Navigation - Approaches to Bermuda - Pilotage and Entering Harbour - Anchorage and Berthing Facilities - Approach Lights to Bermuda - Lighted Buoys, Beacons, Ship’s Channel - Shore Lights, Beacons...
Broadcast schedule for Bermuda Radio (callsign ZBR) on VHF, MF and NAVTEX with: Latest urgent marine information - Safety information including navigational and meteorological warnings - Tropical weather advisories - Bermuda area weather forecasts - METAREA IV USA national weather service high seas forecast - USA NWS Southwest North Atlantic and Bermuda area weather forecasts.
Printable VHF Guide. A marine VHF set is a combined transmitter and receiver and only operates on standard, international frequencies known as channels. Contents: Marine VHF Radiotelephone Communications, Distress, urgency and safety – the priority of communications, Distress broadcast procedure, Marine VHF services available in Bermuda.
Navigation Warnings for Bermuda with Notice to Mariners (NTP) and Local Navigation Warnings (LNW).
The guides below will provide you with a description of what you will see on the marine weather pages, with details of how to view or change your view of the content. Guides : Shipping forecast key - Inshore waters forecast key - High seas forecast key - Extended outlook key - Marine forecasts glossary - Beaufort wind force scale - Radio broadcast times...
These factsheets clearly describe and illustrate the processes involved in global weather and climate, providing the most up-to-date answers and information.
The aim of this book is to present the elementary theory of meteorology in a way that is suitable for Merchant Navy Officers and to explain its practical application to safe and economic ship operations. The contents of this book should satisfactorily cover the meteorological syllabuses for Department of Trade examinations for certificates of competency for Deck Officers in the Merchant Navy. It may also serve as a useful book of reference for those who have completed their courses of study and wish to maintain a good working knowledge of meteorology (1993).
The Marine Observer's Handbook is written for three purposes: (1) To assist officers aboard United Kingdom vessels, who voluntarily make observations at sea on behalf of Meteorological Services, to carry out this work in an efficient and uniform manner. (2) To encourage all mariners to take an interest in recording observations of (a) meteorology, (b) marine phenomena and wild life, (c) optical phenomena, and (d) basic oceanography, and to assist them in their study of these important and interesting subjects. (3) To provide a book of reference for candidates for Certificates of Competency issued by MSA, the Marine Safety Agency of the Department of Transport (1995).
Tide times are available for around 500 locations in United Kingdom and are displayed beneath the weather forecast for up to five days ahead. In the UK we mostly experience a semi-diurnal tide which means we experience two high tides and two low tides each day. These occur approximately every 12 hours and 25 minutes.
Latest marine observations for offshore for offshore (buoys & light vessels) ansd the coast (land systems & stations).
View online charts / Cartes consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Visit My Harbour for Free Nautical Charts and Pilotage, UK Wide Coverage.
This site is an online pilotage guide, here to provide timely and detailed information about the various ports and harbours, estuaries, rivers and inlets around the coasts of the UK and Ireland. Each harbour (NOT JUST marinas) has full sailing directions, free charts, and photo galleries.
View online charts / Cartes consultables en ligne
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Show one chart of the UK Hydrographic Office with a worldwide random choice.
Also chart of Falmouth Inner Harbour Including Penryn, England South Coast (AC18, 1:5.000).
View online RNC charts / Cartes RNC consultables en ligne
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This website has been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrographic.
The Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation works in collaboration with experienced sailing authors and many yachtsmen and women, who contribute information to make it the authoritative provider of pilotage books and passage planning resources for cruising areas worldwide. Although more details of our numerous publications are available on the website this pdf download lists them all in an A4 format.
The RCCPF publishes nautical books and downloads about ocean sailing, coastal ports and anchorages worldwide. With each book description there is free additional information.
The RCCPF publishes nautical books and downloads about ocean sailing, coastal ports and anchorages worldwide. The Foundation publishes pilotage information through books and a range of media accessible via its own website. You need to sign up so that you can access and download our range of free publications. Areas: Crete - South Orkney Islands - South Atlantic Islands- South Georgia - South Shetland Islands - Antarctic Peninsula - South West Africa - Southern California Channel Islands - Fiji Lau Group - Aleutian Islands and Alaska to Vancouver Island including British Columbia - French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana. Some pilots:
Victor Wejer has produced an annual guide to the North West Passage which is an essential source of up to date information for any yacht considering a passage in this area. The latest edition of this essential guide for anyone contemplating the NW Passage is now available for download as a supplement for RCC Pilotage Foundation Arctic and Northern Waters.
This file covers the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula to Prince William Sound – plus notes for onwards southerly sailing. Separate Cruising Notes include reports on routing down through SE Alaska and British Columbia to the Gulf Islands.
This pilot has been produced independently by Tony and Tessa Cross but the authors have very kindly given permission for it to be distributed by the RCCPF. The authors regularly update this pilot. It was first published in 2015 but this is the version dated June 2018. We endeavour to keep the latest version on this website but details of changes to the file can be found at the link below.
The countries of French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana form a cruising ground that is still well off the beaten track. Cruising boats visiting these countries number only a few hundred each year, and the majority of cruisers visit just a handful of anchorages. The rest of the region is almost unvisited by tourists or by cruisers. It is generally undeveloped, and provides an opportunity for cruisers to experience pristine rainforest with abundant flora and fauna, small towns, and jungle settlements of considerable cultural interest.
Driven by concerns over security along the Red Sea route, the cruising route from South Africa to the Caribbean has become increasingly popular in recent years. This new Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation publication covers the principal routes from South Africa to the Caribbean. Author, Chris Hamblin, has brought together his own research with the cruising information and photos contributed to the Pilotage Foundation by yachtsmen and women who have sailed these routes in recent years
The RCC Pilotage Foundation is grateful to Pete Hill and Noël Marshall for describing their experiences during cruises to these waters. These separate accounts overlap in the Shetland Islands.
Polar Yacht Guide for non-SOLAS pleasure yachts in Polar Waters. The goal of this guide is to encourage safe and environmentally-friendly navigation by pleasure yachts in Polar Waters, attention is drawn to the Polar Code. A group of experienced high latitude sailors have written the Polar Yacht Guide (PYG) as a voluntary code of practice. The PYG, which is specifically designed for yachts, is in three parts: (a) Safety of navigation and voyage planning for all polar waters, (b) Arctic waters and (c) Antarctic waters. The PYG is intended to supplement existing guides and pilot books. The authors and contributors believe it will be more effective than mandatory legislation.
The objective of this booklet is to provide guidance on the safe use of electronic navigation and associated systems on leisure vessels. Indeed, good navigational safety is still dependent on the continuous assessment by the skipper/navigator of all the navigation-related information available on the vessel – and not just over-concentrating on some, however beguiling they may be. So the aim of this booklet is to improve awareness of the current vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them, enabling all of us to make better and safer judgements, both when we are passage planning and when we are at sea. This is a summary of operational issues highlighting, where appropriate, the advantages and drawbacks of different systems and approaches, the "keys to safety" in many operational situations. Content: GNSS in marine navigation, Electronic charts and their display systems, Using Radar and AIS, Guarding against electronic failure on small craft, Key navigational skills, Future Developments (RIN & alt.).
Worldwide geo-referenced information about pilotage are available on this website. The RCCPF welcomes all feedback including about new pilotage information,
This page lists all the currently available updates and supplements for the RCCPF's publications. These are also downloadable from the individual publication pages of the website.
Use the Catalog Search to retrieve specific product information as listed in the NGA Catalog of Hydrographic Products. Select a type of product (Charts or Publications) from the options below to display its interactive Database Query form.
The American Practical Navigator (NGA Pub. 9), first published in 1802, was billed as the "epitome of navigation" by its original author, Nathaniel Bowditch. The text has evolved with the advances in navigation practices since that first issue and continues to serve as a valuable reference for marine navigation in the modern day. The publication describes in detail the principles and factors of navigation, including piloting, electronic navigation, celestial navigation, mathematics, safety, oceanography and meterology. It also contains various tables used in typical navigational calculations and solutions, including the formulas used to derive the tabular data.
The Distances Between Ports (NGA Pub. 151) publication contains tabulated distances between departure ports, junction points, and arrival ports worldwide, organized alphabetically
The International Code of Signals (NGA Pub. 102) publication contains descriptions and graphic depictions of a specific vocabulary of signals and the various methods used to transmit them.
Worldwide coverage, 7 volumes. The List of Lights, Radio Aids and Fog Signals is published in seven volumes, as Publication numbers 110 through 116. Each volume contains lights and other aids to navigation that are maintained by or under the authority of foreign governments. With radiobeacons and differential GPS stations.
The West Coasts of Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Azovskoye More (Sea of Azov), West and South Coasts of France.
British Isles, English Channel and North Sea, North Coasts of France.
The Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual (NGA Pub. 1310) contains, in a single volume, information on the fundamentals of shipboard radar, radar operation, collision avoidance, navigation by radar, and a description of vessel traffic systems in US waters.
Worldwide coverage. The Radio Navigational Aids (NGA Pub. 117) publication contains a detailed list of selected worldwide radio stations that provide services to the navigator. The publication is divided into chapters according to the nature of the service provided. Services include RDF and Radar stations; stations broadcasting Navigational Warnings, time signals or medical advice; communication traffic for distress, emergency and safety, including GMDSS; and long range navigational aids.
Worldwide coverage, 42 volumes. Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and port approach information, supplementing the largest scale chart of the area. Each publication is subdivided into geographic regions, called sectors, which contain information about the coastal weather, currents, ice, dangers, features and ports, as well as a graphic key to the charts available for the area.
Western Mediterranean, South Coasts of France
West Coast of Europe and Northwest Africa, West Coasts of France
English Channel, North Coasts of France
Worldwide coverage, 5 volumes. Sailing Directions (Planning Guides) include relevant physical, political, industrial, navigational and regulatory information about the countries adjacent to a particular ocean basin in a single volume.
North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas
The Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation (HO249) are published in three separate Volumes. Volume I of Pub 249 used by both the marine and air navigator, contains altitude (to the nearest minutes) and true azimuth values of seven selected stars for the complete ranges of latitude and hour angle of Aries. These seven stars represent the best selection for observation at any given position and time, and provide the data for presetting instruments before observation and for sight reduction afterwards. Volumes II and III cover latitudes 0°-40° and 39°-89° respectively and are primarily used by the air navigator in conjunction with observations of celestial bodies to calculate the geographic position of the observer.
The Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation (HO229) is published in six Volumes, each of which contains two eight-degree zones of latitude with a one-degree overlap between Volumes. They are designed to facilitate the practice of celestial navigation at sea. The tables are primarily used with the Intercept method of sight reduction by entering arguments of latitude, declination, and Local Hour Angle and obtaining tabulated altitudes and azimuth angles. The tables are prepared and published by NGA on an as needed basis.
JavaScript programs / Programmes en javascript
Compass Error from Amplitudes Observed on the Visible Horizon - Altitude Correction for Air Temperature - Table of Offsets - Latitude and Longitude Factors - Altitude Correction for Atmospheric Pressure - Altitude Factors & Change of Altitude - Pub 229 - Compass Error from Amplitudes Observed on the Celestial Horizon - Meridian Angle and Altitude of a Body on the Prime Vertical Circle.
JavaScript programs / Programmes en javascript
The Nautical Calculators can be used to solve many of the equations and conversions typically associated with marine navigation: Celestial Navigation - Conversions - Distance - Log and Trig - Sailings - Time Zones - Weather Data. Each calculator page is a self-contained JavaScript program that can be downloaded and used off-line. After displaying an individual calculator page, use the "Save As..." command in your browser window to download the page to your computer.
List of lights for the United States coasts. The USCG Light List is published in seven volumes and contains lights and other aids to navigation used for general navigation that are maintained by or under the authority of the U.S. Coast Guard and located in the waters surrounding the United States and its Territories.
These links are a summary of annual Light List Corrections from the Local Notice to Mariners for the United States coasts.
The World Port Index (NGA Pub. 150) contains the location and physical characteristics of, and the facilities and services offered by major ports and terminals world-wide (approximately 3700 entries), in a tabular format. Entries are organized geographically, in accordance with the diagrams located in the front of the publication.
U.S. Chart No. 1, Nautical Chart Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms, presents the symbols depicted on paper nautical charts produced by the NGA and the NOAA, and on raster representations of these charts such as Raster Nautical Charts.
View online charts / Cartes marines consultables en ligne
Charts by charts / Une carte à la fois
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The NGA charts are NOT corrected for Notice to Mariners; however, a link to the latest corrections is given for each chart. Use these charts as a ready reference or planning tool. Navigate with the official printed or digital charts (Nauticalchartsonline).
Charts for upload and print / Cartes marines téléchargables et imprimables (PDF)
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
For the Arctic regions 27 NGA charts: Norwegian Sea and Adjacent Seas, Greenland to Kara Sea, North Star Bugt Anchorage (Greenland - West Coast) Denmark, Poluostrov Kamchatka to Aleutian Islands including Komandorskiye Ostrova, Kara Sea to Bering Straight, Hudson Straight and Bay... From the "Map Products" section of the NGA Arctic Support website.
Displaying Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) data at a scale larger than the data compilation scale is known as Over-Scaling. This is an unsafe practice because it gives the mariner a false sense of the positional accuracy of navigation hazards and incorrect distance between features, which could lead to unsafe mission planning and navigation. This is a particular concern for the small-scale General and Coastal DNCs. NGA strongly recommends that ECDIS display DNC libraries at their data compilation scale.
With the advent of the Global Positioning System (GPS), mariners can now navigate with much greater precision than ever before possible. This brochure focuses on the inherent limitations of nautical charts when plotting positions from GPS receivers.
The Earth’s north magnetic pole is shifting so rapidly that steps are being taken to ensure it doesn't impact navigation. For example, over the past few decades the North magnetic pole has been drifting toward Siberia at an irregular speed: this migration can adversely affect the accuracy of navigation. This leads to more frequent updates of the World Magnetic Model, which describes the planet’s magnetic field and value of declination (GeoGarage blog).
The Handbook of Magnetic Compass Adjustment (DMA Pub. 226) includes information about terrestrial magnetism, the theory behind magnetic compass adjustment, and detailed procedures for manual correction of magnetic compass error.
The World Magnetic Model is the standard model used by the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.K. Ministry of Defence, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), for navigation, attitude and heading referencing systems using the geomagnetic field. It is also used widely in civilian navigation and heading systems. The model, associated software, and documentation are distributed by NCEI on behalf of NGA. The model is produced at 5-year intervals, with the current model expiring on December 31, 2024. Smartphone and consumer electronics companies rely on the WMM to provide consumers with accurate compass apps, maps, and GPS services.
Magnetic declination is an important concept for accurate navigation. A compass will always point along the lines of magnetic force (which converge on what are called the magnetic poles). The angle between the direction of force and the direction of the geographic north pole is called the declination. As one moves across the surface of the globe, lines of constant magnetic declination are called isogonic lines. These charts below depicts, for 2020, isogonic contours of magnetic variation at 2° intervals (Main Field Declination). The WMM now includes “Blackout Zones” around the magnetic poles, as defined by the strength of the horizontal field. Between 2000 and 6000 nanotesla (nT) horizontal field strength is the “Caution Zone” where compasses may start to become prone to errors. The area around the pole between 2000 and 0nT is the “Unreliable Zone” where compasses may become inaccurate.
As the earth's magnetic field varies over time, the positions of the north and south magnetic poles gradually change. The magnetic declination at a given location also changes over time. These charts below depicts, for 2020, isogonic contours of annual change in magnetic variation at 2' intervals (Annual Change Declination). More information about The World Magnetic Model (NCEI).
Worldwide coverage, 5 areas. Pilot Charts depict averages in prevailing winds and currents, air and sea temperatures, wave heights, ice limits, visibility, barometric pressure, and weather conditions at different times of the year. The information used to compile these averages was obtained from oceanographic and meteorologic observations over many decades during the late 18th and 19th centuries.
Summary of Corrections publications, separated into five regional Volumes, contain a summary of Notice to Mariners corrections issued from the edition date of each chart or publication product up to the "Corrected through NTM" number of the Volume.
In support of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), Broadcast Warnings are promulgated by the Worldwide Navigational Warnings Service (WWNWS) to provide rapid dissemination of information critical to navigation and the safety of life at sea. Navigational Warnings are issued regularly and contain information about persons in distress, or objets and events that pose an immediate hazard to navigation. There is a world map with the navigational warning limits. A query form is also available to retrieve Broadcast Warnings from the online database.
The Navigational Warnings Prototype Web Map Application, can be used with a web browser to display in-force Broadcast Warning messages, Navigational Warning and SAR limits, and their Points of Contacts.
The Office of Maritime Security (MAR-420) supports the U.S. maritime transportation system, the U.S. Merchant Marine, and other elements of the U.S. maritime industry. We provide information for U.S.-flag vessels. Table of Contents: Maritime Security Communications with Industry (MSCI) - Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships - Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) - Maritime Administration Certification of Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act (CVSSA) Training Providers - Port Security Grant Program - Maritime Cyber Security - Federal Maritime Security Agency Information - Regional Threat Information and POCs - Office of Maritime Security Contacts.
The U.S. Maritime Advisory System serves as the consolidated U.S. government system for communication with U.S. maritime industry stakeholders regarding potential or observed maritime security threats. The U.S. Maritime Alert has been developed to expeditiously provide basic information (location, incident type, and date/time) on reported maritime security threats to U.S. maritime industry interests. A U.S. Maritime Advisory may follow the issuance of a U.S. Maritime Alert and is intended to provide more detailed information, when appropriate. The U.S. Maritime Advisory System utilizes a “whole-of government” approach vice a single U.S. government agency approach. While U.S. Maritime Alerts and Advisories are transmitted by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and are posted on the MARAD-hosted MSCI Web Portal, they should not be referred to as originating from a single agency (MARAD).
The Worldwide Threats to Shipping Report, compiled and published weekly by the Office of Naval Intelligence, contains a summary of recent piracy acts and hostile actions against commercial shipping worldwide, organized by geographic region. The report also includes any recent developments in the efforts to prevent piracy and prosecute the aggressors. Anti-shipping Activity Messages (ASAM) include the locations and descriptive accounts of specific hostile acts against ships and mariners. The reports may be useful for recognition, prevention and avoidance of potential hostile activity. Use the online form to submit an Anti-shipping Activity Message report. You can also search the Anti-shipping Activity Messages (ASAM) database for detailed reports of hostile acts.
This notice contains a variety of subjects amplifying information not usually found on charts or in navigational publications. Paragraphs 1 thru 74 are “special notice to mariners paragraphs” which are promulgated once each year in the interest of safe navigation: The Prudent Mariner (1), Nautical Chart Symbols and Abbreviations Information (2), Special Warnings (5), Urgency and Safety Signals (10), International Distress Signal (42), Vessel Traffic Services Frequencies (25), Worldwide Navigational Warning Service (43), MARAD Advisories (49), Space Weather Impacts (73)...
The US Notice to Mariners provides timely marine safety information for the correction of all US Government navigation charts and publications from a wide variety of sources, both foreign and domestic. To ensure the safety of life at sea, the information published in the Notice to Mariners is designed to provide for the correction of unclassified nautical charts, the unclassified NGA/DLIS Catalog of Hydrographic Products, United States Coast Pilots, NGA List of Lights, USCG Light Lists, and other related nautical publications produced by NGA, NOS and the USCG.
The Coast Guard has issued Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) 05-21 to provide a brief overview of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Worldwide Navigational Warnings Service. The IMO, in cooperation with the IHO and WMO, established a worldwide navigational warnings service to ships. Twenty-one navigational and meteorological areas (NAVAREAs and METAREAs) were established with responsibility for coordination and broadcast assigned regionally to various countries. Ships fitted with an inexpensive GMDSS Inmarsat-C or Iridium LT-3100S ship earth station will receive these international NAVAREA and METAREA warnings, as well as alerts from rescue coordination centers.
Issue: Instances of significant GPS interference have been reported worldwide in the maritime domain. This interference can result in lost or inaccurate GPS signals affecting bridge navigation, GPS-based timing, and communications equipment (including satellite communications equipment). Over the last six months, an area in which multiple instances were reported was the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) webpage, https://navcen.uscg.gov/gps-problem-report-status, contains a chronological list of recently reported GPS problems. Additionally, Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) are open, unencrypted, and unprotected radio systems intended to operate on non-secure VHF-FM channels. As such, AIS signals can be spoofed, resulting in incorrect or missing AIS data.
The purpose of this Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) is to provide U.S. Cosat Guard marine inspectors and the maritime industry with uniform guidance regarding what the Coast Guard now considers equivalent to the chart and publications carriage requirement in the Title 33 and Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.).
These USCG Light List is published in seven volumes and contains lights, sound signals, buoys, daybeacons, and other aids to navigation used for general navigation that are maintained by or under the authority of the U.S. Coast Guard and located in the waters surrounding the United States and its Territories. These Light List products are corrected through the latest Coast Guard LNM for each Coast Guard District.
The purpose of a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is to provide active monitoring and navigational advice for vessels in particularly confined and busy waterways. There are two main types of VTS, surveilled and non-surveilled. VHF communications network forms the basis of most major services. The Coast Guard operates 12 Vessel Traffic Centers (VTC).
VTS information (Chartlets, General Information, News and Events and User Guides) for these VTS areas: Berwick Baay, Houston Galveston, Louisville, Lower Mississippi River, New York, Port Arthur, Puget Sound, Saint Mary's River, San Francisco and Tampa.
VTS information for these areas:
This booklet will give you, the recreational boater, the basic information you need about the U.S. Aids to Navigation System (USATONS). This information will help you recognize, understand, and navigate by the colors, shapes, numbers, and lights you will encounter on the water. It will also give you the basic tools you need to read a nautical chart (Boating Safety Division).
This HTML document is an amalgamation of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (72 COLREGS) and the U.S. Inland Navigation Rules, their Annexes, and associated Federal regulations. Click on camera images to view a graphic rendition of a rule.
Practice Your Visual NAVRULES! This is is a randomly selected visual NAVRULE problem from our flashcard database. In many cases, what is presented are words or phrases, and you should think of the definition or definitions that meet the condition(s) of the words or phrases. Then, click on the image to obtain the correct answer(s).
This edition is not meant to be a detailed “how to” book for specific diseases. Current information on specific diagnostic and treatment protocols is better obtained from onshore medical consultation. Instead the purpose of this edition is to provide enough information so that someone, who has had the required classroom and other practical skills training, can examine a patient and appropriately communicate the medical findings to a shore-based practitioner (US DHHS/PHS, Pub. 03-2024, 2003).
Commercial fishing has consistently remained one of the most dangerous occupations in the nation. Ensuring that vessels are in full compliance with safety requirements and crews are trained in safety and survival techniques, we can contribute to improving the safety record of the commercial fishing industry. The Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Digest brings together all the federal regulations applicable to the operation of uninspected commercial fishing vessels in one location and in an easy to read and understand format. These include safety and survival equipment, navigation safety, pollution prevention, and emergency instruction and traning. The Digest of valuable to anyone associated with the U.S. commercial fishing industry including individual fishermen, fleet operators, instructors/trainers, equipment providers, USCG personnel, and others involved with the industry (USCG & AMSEA).
The North American Ice Service provides year-round maritime safety information on iceberg and sea ice conditions in the vicinity of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and the east coast of Labrador, Canada. The purpose of the NAIS Iceberg Bulletin and Chart is to advise mariners of the estimated iceberg extent within the region.
The Radiotelephone Handbook is a user’s guide addressing proper radiotelephone procedures. It consolidates portions of International Telecommunication Union radio regulations and various allied communications publications into a single source reference for field use.
The U.S. Coast Guard ceased monitoring all High Frequency (HF) shortwave voice distress frequencies within the contiguous United States and Hawaii on 7 February 2022. HF voice distress watchkeeping continue unaffected in Alaska and Guam. HF watchkeeping on HF distress and safety digital selective calling (DSC) frequencies also continue unaffected at all locations.
In 1979, a group of experts drafted the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, which called for the development of a global search and rescue plan. This group also passed a resolution calling for the development of a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) to provide the communication support needed to implement the global search and rescue plan.
The Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-positioning and timetransfer system. GPS provides accurate position, velocity, and time (PVT) information to an unlimited number of suitably equipped ground, sea, air and space users. Passive PVT fixes are available world-wide in all-weathers in a world-wide common grid system (hostile imitation). GPS comprises three major system segments, Space, Control, and User (1996). More GPS Technical References
This document defines the levels of performance the U.S. government makes available to users of the GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS), also known as the civilian GPS service. With current (2018) Signal-in-Space (SIS) accuracy, well-designed GPS receivers have been achieving horizontal accuracy of 3 meters or better and vertical accuracy of 5 meters or better 95% of the time.
Interface Specification IS-GPS-200 defines the requirements related to the interface between the Space Segment (SS) of the GPS and navigation User Segment (US) for radio frequency link 1 (L1) and link 2 (L2).
The Operational Advisory (also known as a GPS Status Message) provides a summary of the status of the satellite constellation. A GPS Notice Advisory to Navstar Users (NANU) is an advisory message to inform users of a change in the GPS constellation. These messages are released 72 hours in advance for planned maintenance. These messages are also used to notify users of unscheduled outages. General NANUs can be used to disseminate general GPS information.
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The Navigation Center appreciates your reports regarding service degradations, disruptions, or other incidents or anomalies. If you are experiencing GPS issues relating to land-based or maritime positioning, navigation, or timing signals, please submit a GPS disruption report using the form. If your GPS unit or others' GPS units are leading people to an incorrect address OR are otherwise leading people to an incorrect location, the problem is not likely a "GPS" problem, but rather, it is very likely a MAPPING problem. Unfortunately, the Navigation Center cannot assist you with GPS unit mapping problems, as we do not develop, control, nor repair the mapping software contained in GPS units, including vehicle navigation systems.
List of GPS problem reports: Disruption Date/Time, Location, Description, Cause and Closed Date. Civil GPS Users are encouraged to submit reports of GPS problems to NAVCEN. A form to submit reports can be found on our GPS Problem Reporting webpage. Some information from those reports is shared here along with input from interagency partners and the most likely cause of the report.
Imagine a shipboard radar or an electronic chart display that includes a symbol for every significant ship within radio range, each with speed and heading. Each ship "symbol" can reflect the actual size of the ship, with position to GPS accuracy. By "clicking" on a ship symbol, you can learn the ship name, course and speed, classification, call sign, registration number, MMSI, and other information. The AIS is a shipboard broadcast system that acts like a transponder, operating in the VHF maritime band, that is capable of handling well over 4,500 reports per minute and updates as often as every two seconds.
The Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system is a designated International Maritime Organization (IMO) system designed to collect and disseminate vessel position information received from IMO member States ships that are subject to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). LRIT is a satellite-based, real-time reporting mechanism.
The Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (Amver) is a worldwide voluntary ship reporting system operated by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) to promote safety of life and property at sea. Amver’s mission is to quickly provide SAR authorities, on demand, accurate information on the positions and characteristics of vessels near a reported distress. Any merchant vessel anywhere on the globe, on a voyage of greater than 24 hours duration, is welcome in the Amver system and family. International participation is voluntary regardless of the vessel’s flag of registry, the nationality of the owner or company, or ports of call (Manual in English, Chinese and Dutch).
The US Coast Guard is releasing guidance and updated protocols for a variety of operations, maritime policies and regulatory requirements via Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIB). These releases has been issued for public information and notification purposes only.
The Coast Guard employs a three-tiered system of Maritime Security (MARSEC) Levels designed to easily communicate to the Coast Guard and our maritime industry partners pre-planned scalable responses for credible threats.
NAVCEN is expanding availability of near-real-time Maritime Safety Information (MSI) to all U.S. waterways. To search and retreive BNM messages for an area of interest, begin by clicking on area on USCG District map or use District Selector.
Local Notices to Mariners by CG District. The USCG Local Notice to Mariners is updated weekly and is available for download in Portable Document File (PDF) Format.
![]() | Office of Coast Survey National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce |
NOAA has already started to cancel individual charts and will shut down all production and maintenance of traditional paper nautical charts and the associated raster chart products and services by January 2025. Mariners and other users of nautical charts are encouraged to use the electronic navigational chart (NOAA ENC®), NOAA's premier nautical chart product. Read more information about the Future of NOAA Charts. |
In November 2019, NOAA initiated a five-year process to end all raster nautical chart production, including the five traditional paper chart products. NOAA is intent on easing the transition to ENC-based products while continuing to support safe navigation. NOAA is aware that some chart users prefer paper charts. Although production of traditional paper charts will stop, a new form of paper nautical chart will be available through the NOAA Custom Chart capability (currently in prototype form). This system will enable users to create, customize, and print paper charts themselves, or have large format charts printed and delivered by a NOAA certified print-on-demand (POD) chart agent.
Implementing the National Charting Plan. Like many other chart producing national agencies, NOAA has recognized a change in mariners' preference for (and in some cases, required use of) ENCs over paper nautical charts and has adopted an “ENC-First” production process. That is, ENCs are recognized as being the "first" or the primary nautical chart product produced by NOAA. Critical corrections, such as newly discovered shoals and other dangers to navigation are applied to ENCs first. Table of Contents: Introduction - Importance of Nautical Charts for Maritime Commerce - ENC Related Regulation Changes - ENC-First Chart Production Strategy - Gridded ENC Product Scheme - Enhancements Implemented in New ENCs - Larger, Standard Scale Coverage - Depth Contour Metrification - Resolution of discontinuities in adjacent ENCs - Minimum Channel Depths on ENCs - Comparative Ease of Updating ENC Data - Precision navigation and High Definition Charts - Estimated ENC Rescheming Schedule - Glossary.
The layout of the extents or footprints of ENC charts is called a scheme – a term meaning a systematic configuration. ENC rescheming is a major component of the charting plan and is the means by which many other aspects of the plan will be implemented – such as compiling depth contours in metric intervals. The current ENC scheme is based on the extents of the paper nautical charts from which ENCs were originally digitized. Rescheming will replace this puzzle-piece layout with a rectangular grid of ENCs, often providing larger scale and more detailed coverage than the existing paper charts. This interactive map shows progress in gridding the NOAA ENC product suite, as described in Transforming the NOAA ENC: Implementing the National Charting Plan.
The new NOAA Chart Display Service (NCDS) renders NOAA electronic navigational chart (NOAA ENC®) data with “traditional paper chart” symbology in applications for which a basemap of nautical chart data is desired. The new service uses symbols, labels, and color schemes familiar to those who have used NOAA paper nautical charts. This preview of the viewer available on the Coast Survey website give you an idea of what the NCDS rendered data looks like (More information).
Create and download charts based on your own scale, extent, and paper size settings. NOAA Custom Chart is a dynamic map tool which enables users to create their own paper and PDF nautical charts derived from the official NOAA electronic navigational chart (ENC). The online tool uses official NOAA ENC data to create nautical charts with customized scale and extent, which can then be downloaded as PDF files. The charts feature traditional chart components such as paper chart symbology – including NOAA-style symbols for aids to navigation and dangers to navigation, and a quality of data diagram. While these printable PDFs look a bit different from traditional paper charts, and initially will not meet carriage requirements for regulated vessels, NOAA Custom Chart utilizes the best available data, delivers an improved service for users, and ensures consistency between ENC and NOAA Custom Chart PDFs, resulting in the best quality chart regardless of the final format (More information).
NOAA Chart Locator shows the limits of NOAA charts on a map and when you click on the area chart it is possible to view or upload it. With the link "NC" there is also a listing that provides all corrections to this chart. The information are available for raster charts (paper charts, PDF charts, booklet charts, RNC) and ENC.
The United States Coast Pilot consists of a series of nautical books that cover a variety of information important to navigators of coastal and intracoastal waters and the Great Lakes. Issued in nine volumes, they contain supplemental information that is difficult to portray on a nautical chart. Available in one PDF file (top of the page) and a PDF, HTML or XML file by chapter.
Distances Between United States Ports contains distances from a port in the United States to other ports in the United States and from a port in the Great Lakes, United States, to Canadian ports in the Great Lakes.
A Strategy to Transform Nautical Charting. This plan describes a strategy to make comprehensive improvements across the entire suite of NOAA nautical chart products. Part I describes the current set of NOAA nautical chart products and their distribution. Part II describes some of the steps we are taking to improve those products, including changes to chart formats, scales, data compilation, and symbology. At the end of Part II, some thoughts are presented about the long-term future of NOAA navigational products.
Each NOAA nautical chart contains a vast amount of information unique to the geographic area that it covers. While each chart is unique, it is assembled using standard conventions that are understood by the mariner. Sections of the FAQ: General, Nautical Charts, ENC, RNC and Hydrographic Data & Products.
Regulations and other documents related to nautical chart and publication carriage requirements for commercial vessels in U..S waters: Code of Federal Regulations - Federal Register Notices - USCG Circulars.
U.S. Chart No. 1 describes the symbols, abbreviations, and terms used on nautical charts. It is produced by NOAA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The symbols for paper charts and their analogous digital products, such as NOAA raster navigational charts (NOAA RNC®) are shown, as well as the symbols used to portray NOAA electronic navigational charts (NOAA ENC®) data on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS).
With the new edition of NOAA raster charts, channel legends and tabulations, where indicated, reflect the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project depths. The channel may be significantly shoaler, particularly at the edges. For detailed channel information and minimum depths as reported by USACE, use NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts. USACE surveys and channel condition reports are also available on the USACE Hydrographic Surveys (eHydro) application. The hydrographic surveys provided by this application are to be used for informational purposes only and should not be used as a navigational aid. Channel conditions can change rapidly and the surveys may or may not be accurate. NOAA publishes the official navigation charts to be used in US waters by mariners.
A shortcut to NOAA chart downloads by starpath.com: 1) Interactive chart viewer and individual download for RNC, ENC, or pdf - 2) Download individual ENC by chart number - 3) Download individual RNC by chart number - 4) Download ENC regions by state or USCG district...
View online paper charts / Cartes papiers consultables en ligne
Single Traditional Chart Display / Une carte à la fois
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Displays charts in web browser. View NOAA's 1000+ U.S. coastal and Great Lakes nautical charts that provide up-to-date navigational information to mariners. These charts are updated weekly and include all of the latest Notice to Mariners corrections.
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Charts for upload and print / Cartes marines téléchargables et imprimables (PDF).
Don't use for regulated commercial vessels / Ne pas utilisez pour la marine marchande.
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine.
Full-size, 400dpi printable charts. NOAA’s newest addition to the nautical charting portfolio is the new Portable Document Format (PDF) nautical chart, which provides up-to-date navigation information in this universally available file type. The PDF nautical charts are available for a three-month trial period, from October 22, 2013, to January 22, 2014. Key features of the PDF nautical chart: Updated Weekly - Available Immediately - Enhanced Readability - Printable - Easy to view. For mariners using paper charts to meet chart carriage requirements under federal regulations, only printed charts provided by NOAA certified Print-on-Demand (POD) providers will meet U.S. requirements when the traditional lithographic nautical charts are no longer available.
Charts on booklet for upload and print / Cartes marines en livret téléchargables et imprimables (PDF).
Don't use for regulated commercial vessels / Ne pas utilisez pour la marine marchande.
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine.
8.5" x 11" printable panels of the charts for U.S. Coasts. The NOAA BookletChart is an experimental product that you can print at home for free. They are made to help recreational boaters locate themselves on the water. The Booklet Chart is reduced in scale and divided into pages for convenience, but otherwise contains all the information of the full-scale nautical chart.
Custom charts for upload and print / Cartes marines personnalisées téléchargables et imprimables (PDF)
Not to be used for navigation / Ne pas utiliser pour la navigation
A prototype version of a powerful new online tool, NOAA Custom Chart, is now available for boaters and other nautical chart users. The application enables users to define the scale and paper size of custom-made nautical charts centered on a position of their choosing. The user may download, view, and print the output. Start guide: Click on the green icon on the top and select the scale chart and the paper size - Click on the second icon and click on the map to select a location - Wait - Click on the third icon and move the red rectangle on the selected area - Click on the green circle on the left and click on "Export Products" - Wait - Click on the PDF link with a name like "Dynamic Area, Chart_?, GeoPDF". All products generated by this prototype service are for demonstration purposes only and are not to be used for navigation.
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables (RNC/BSB)
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine.
Graphical interface to upload RNC file chart by chart. NOAA Raster Navigational Charts (NOAA RNC®) are full-color digital images of NOAA's entire suite of paper charts. NOAA provides weekly updates to the RNCs, which are available for free on this site in the BSB format. NOAA RNC® files are official data that can be used in many types of electronic charting systems, including Raster Chart Display Systems (RCDS) and Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). The Raster Navigational Charts are available in BSB format.
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables (RNC/BSB)
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine
Non-graphical interface (listing) to upload one or multiple RNC at a time.
Raster map with upload for web map tools / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables pour site web.
Seamless Display / Affichage continue
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The NOAA RNC Tile Service is comprised of 15 million individual chart tile images. Each full RNC is cut into thousands of smaller “tiles” that display much faster than full RNC images. The tile service provides geo-referenced, nautical chart tile sets for the public that comply with several web map and map tile standards. NOAA RNC tiles can be used with GPS enabled electronic chart systems or other “chart plotter” display systems to provide real-time vessel positioning. Tiles are also being used on third party nautical data integration websites. NOAA RNC tile service data DOES NOT meet USCG chart carriage requirements for commercial vessels.
Electronic Navigational Charts for upload / Cartes marines vectorielles téléchargables (ENC)
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine
Graphical interface to upload ENC file chart by chart. Vector files of chart in S-57 format. NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA ENC®) are vector data sets that represent NOAA's newest and most powerful electronic charting product. NOAA ENCs conform with the International Hydrographic Office (IHO) S-57 international exchange format, comply with the IHO ENC Product Specification, and are provided with incremental updates that supply Notice to Mariners corrections and other critical changes. NOAA ENCs and updates are available for free download. NOAA ENC data may be used to fuel Electronic Chart and Display Information Systems (ECDIS).
Click on "Electronic Charts (ENC)". On the map select a chart and on the section "Available Products" click on "ENC" to get the ENC version.
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Electronic Navigational Charts for upload / Cartes marines vectorielles téléchargables (ENC)
Updated weekly / Mise à jour chaque chaque semaine
Non-graphical interface (listing) to upload one or multiple ENC at a time.
A weekly update of the edition numbers and other information about current versions of NOAA nautical products: Find out if you have the latest edition of NOAA nautical products. The lists below include the edition number and date of the latest version of each product and additional information. The lists are updated weekly.
From this site, you can access the same chart updates that NOAA uses to update their Print-on-Demand paper charts. Enter a chart number and the service display a listing that provides all corrections that apply to this chart. While information provided by this listing is intended to assist in the updating of nautical charts, it must not be used as a substitute for the United States Coast Guard, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency or Canadian Coast Guard Notice to Mariner publications.
With this service the weekly correction for NOAA charts are displayed on a map. How do you know when it is time to get a new chart? The idea is to give users the ability to visually identify where all changes (water depths, shoreline, obstructions or other features) are occurring on their charts each week. With that information, you can make your own determination about when you may want to purchase an updated paper chart or download an updated raster or electronic navigational chart. The update includes the position of each update (latitude and longitude), the action that needs to occur, along with a brief description of the item and any additional labeling that should be added to the chart (More information about the Weekly Chart Updates).
This is a sample of the most frequent questions that I have been asked over the past 35+ years. I have gathered and consolidated information from numerous sources to address these questions thus creating a general reference guide for mariners. This reference guide was created primarily for distribution at boating, fishing and diving shows.
Marine weather forecasts via different way: internet, radio, satellite...
FAQ about NOAA/NWS marine products and services with 30 questions and answers.
The schedules contained in this publication were obtained from official and unofficial sources. The information herein may neither be complete or accurate. Wherever possible, the schedules are dated with the latest change available.
The latest version of marine weather charts for broadcast by the U.S. Coast Guard are available from the National Weather Service Telecommunication Gateway on this server. Charts: wind, wave, ice, surface, upper air, cyclone danger area, sea surface temperatures, satellite imagery. Areas: North West Atlantic - North Pacific and Tropical East Pacific - Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Tropical Atlantic, and Tropical East Pacific - Alaska, Northeast Pacific and North Pacific - Central, Southeast and North Pacific. Wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages on the charts and maximum waves may be up to twice the significant height.
![]() Also Analysis Chart and Forecast at 48HR - Valid Time 00h or 12h UTC |
Products listed on this page are provided by the Ocean Prediction Center, the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Anchorage and the National Hurricane Center. The forecast area includes the offshore and high seas waters. The products are transmitted via high frequency (HF) through transmitters of the United States Coast Guard. The HF shortwave signal is decoded by Weather FAX receivers onboard ships in the forecast area. The broadcast frequencies are listed at the at the bottom of the page.
Ocean Prediction Center's Radiofacsimile Charts User's Guide. In consultation with its users, OPC has designed a timely product suite of graphics and high seas marine warnings and forecasts. When displayed together and organized the charts provide the mariner with a complete meteorological and oceanographic picture. Prudent decision making dictates the mariner use all available information from as many sources as possible. Also in PDF.
Terminology and weather symbols from the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center (OPC): Graphical Products Legend, Standard Text Abbreviations, Fronts, Low & High Pressure Systems and Miscellaneous Key Terms, Station Plots, Wind Speed and Direction, Freezing Spray and Ice Edge, Conventions Used With Warnings for Extratropical Systems, Conventions Used With Warnings for Tropcial Systems, Seas, Miscellaneous Terminology.
This glossary contains information on more than 2000 terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the NOAA-NWS. Many of these terms and abbreviations are used by NWS forecasters to communicate between each other and have been in use for many years and before many NWS products were directly available to the public. It is the purpose of this glossary to aid the general public in better understanding NWS products. You can either type in the word you are looking for in the box or browse by letter.
These charts depict winds (knots) with winds barbs and significant wave heights (feet or meters). The combined sea heights are depicted in solid contours of three feet or one meter increments with relative maxima or minima combined sea state values enclosed inside a box under or adjacent to the area of interest. The ice edge is displayed as a bold jagged line (bright blue) during the winter months. On the offshore & adjacent waters analysis for the East coast of USA & Canada there is buoys and ships data: reported sea state from buoys and ships is in feet and is colored red (green for IR satellite maps), the period of predominant swell wave is in seconds and is colored purple (bright blue), the swell direction is shown by the black (white) arrows, and the reported wind speed and direction is shown by the blue (yellow) arrows. Significant wave height is defined as the average height of the highest 1/3 of wave heights observed (More information). The central value of significant wave heights imply that higher individual waves are possible.
Marine Service Charts (MSC) for Alaskan Waters list frequencies, schedules and locations of stations disseminating NWS products. They also contain additional weather information of interest to the mariner. The front side of the charts shows the map and the back side shows the text that accompanies the chart.
Ice Desk: The NWS Sea Ice Program produces daily sea ice analysis maps and sea surface temperature maps for marine areas located around Alaska including Cook Inlet. Sea ice forecasts focused on changes to the ice edge in the next 5 days and the Sea Ice Advisory text product are produced every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Ice Analysis: ice concentration charts & estimated ice thickness charts - Graphical Ice Forecasts - Text Ice Forecasts - Ice Climatology.
This booklet is intended for use by volunteers to report aerial, shipboard, or shoreline observations of ice conditions at sea to authorities such as the National Weather Service, National Ice Center, U.S. Coast Guard, pilots’ associations, port authorities, or other maritime interests. Emphasis here is on conditions of concern to mariners with regard to safe passage of ships.
Survival time is greatly diminished for someone immersed in water below 70 degrees. When cold water makes contact with your skin, cold shock causes an immediate loss of breathing control. This dramatically increases the risk of sudden drowning even if the water is calm and you know how to swim. The danger is even greater if the water is rough. Immersion in cold water is immediately life-threatening for anyone not wearing thermal protection, like a wetsuit or drysuit, and not wearing a life jacket. Roughly 20 percent of those who fall into cold water die in the first minute of immersion due to cold water shock. Even strong swimmers will lose muscle control in about 10 minutes. Body heat can be lost 25 times faster in cold water than in cold air. Wearing a life jacket significantly increases chances of survival.
Web Widgets are small pieces of code that can be embedded and used on any other web page. To follow tropical systems that the National Hurricane Center is monitoring, you can use the following widget on your website:
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for Atlantic & Eastern Pacific |
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Html widgets to view tropical system distances for Hawaiian Waters. Also others Hawaii html widgets. List of Html widget for Hawaii: Watches, warnings and advisories, Surf forecasts or observations, Buoy observations, Hawaii area synopsis, Climatic information, Upcoming tidal information and Astronomical information (WFO Honolulu).
Summary: What is a Tropical Cyclone? - Hurricane Hazards - Tropical Cyclone Graphical Products - Ways to Stay Informed - What To Listen For - Are You Ready - Family Emergency Plan.
Sumario: ¿Qué es un Ciclón Tropical? - Peligros del Huracán - Productos Gráficos de Ciclones Tropicales - Maneras para Mantenerse Informado - A Qué Prestar Atención - ¿Está Usted Preparado? - Plan Familiar de Emergencia.
On Thuesday, the Climate Prediction Center (NWS/NCEP/CPC) produces a hazards assessment for the global tropics for the upcoming 2-3 week time period. The Global Tropics Hazards Outlook is a probabilistic forecast for areas with elevated probabilities for above- or below-median rainfall, above- or below-normal temperatures and regions where tropical cyclogenesis is favored for the upcoming Week-2 and Week-3 time periods.The rainfall outlook is for precipitation integrated over a week and targets broad-scale patterns, not local conditions as they will be highly variable. Above (below) median rainfall forecast areas are depicted in green and brown respectively.
![]() Experimental Service - Not for navigational use |
National Hurricane Center Marine Product Descriptions: Text Products - Graphical Products - Other Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB) Services. Including: NHC Marine Radiofax Broadcast Schedule.
I’m often asked the question “What do I do with my boat when there is a hurricane approaching?" I have gathered and consolidated information from numerous sources to help the boat owner in the analysis of his/her particular situation. Then the boat owner can determine the best method to prepare their boat for the eventual tropical cyclone encounter. The suggestions mentioned in this paper are intended to guide the mariner in developing an individual preparedness plan to help preserve life and protect their property.
The Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product by NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO provides an estimate of the probability of tropical cyclone formation within the next 24 to 48 hours in 1 by 1 degree latitude/longitude areas from 45S to 45N and 0 to 360E. For guidance purposes only.
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List and map of active tropical storms with 48 hour tropical cyclone formation probalility map (NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/SPSD).
Hurricanes have been the cause of many maritime disasters and unfortunately, there is no single rule of thumb that can be used by mariners to ensure safe separation from a hurricane at sea. Instead, constant monitoring of hurricane potential & continual risk analysis when used with some fundamental guidelines become the basic tools to minimize a hurricane's impact to vessels at sea or in port.
The Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB) is providing a graphical weather depiction that will highlight primary weather features of interest. A graphicast is produced for each basin. The graphicasts are intended to communicate to our users the most critical marine or other significant forecast issue(s) of the day (heavy precipitation/flooding, volcanic ash) in an effort to provide enhanced decision support services (DSS) to them. The image has planned updates once per day in the early afternoon.
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Graphics with current disturbances, five-day cyclones formation chance and tropical or sub-tropical cyclones. During the off-season, Special Tropical Weather Outlooks will be issued as conditions warrant.
Graphics with current disturbances, two-day cyclones formation chance and tropical or sub-tropical cyclones. During the off-season, Special Tropical Weather Outlooks will be issued asconditions warrant.
Between December 1 and May 14 (outside of hurricane season).
The high wind and associated seas graphic is produced by the National Hurricane Center to depict areas of high winds and related seas over the Atlantic and East Pacific waters between December 1 and May 14 (outside of hurricane season). South of 30°N, areas are depicted for winds higher than 25 knots with the corresponding seas noted. North of 30°N, areas are depicted for winds of gale force (34 knots) or higher with the corresponding seas noted. Ranges in which the 25/34 knot thresholds are the upper limit (i.e. 25-35 knots) are included on the graphic. For more information.
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Between May 15 and November 30 (hurricane season).
The tropical cyclone danger graphic is intended to depict the forecast track and corresponding area of avoidance for all active tropical cyclones and to depict areas for which tropical cyclone formation is possible within the next 36 hours over the Atlantic and East Pacific waters between May 15 and November 30 (hurricane season). The 3-day forecast track of each active tropical cyclone is depicted along with a shaded "danger" region, or area of avoidance. The danger area is determined by adding 100, 200, and 300 nautical miles to the tropical storm force radii (34 knots) at the 24-, 48-, and 72-hour forecast positions, respectively (hence the Mariner's 1-2-3 rule). For more information.
This guide will hopefully aid the Mariner in understanding the complex structure and behavior of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean. Once armed with this knowledge, and the information on where to acquire forecasts and guidance for current tropical cyclones, the mariner can be prepared to "weather the storm" or better yet, avoid these catastrophic events altogether.
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) provides hourly observations from a network of buoys and Coastal Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations. All stations measure wind speed, direction, and gust; barometric pressure; and air temperature. In addition, all buoy stations, and some C-MAN stations, measure sea surface temperature and wave height and period. Large numbers of boaters use the observations, in combination with forecasts, to make decisions on whether it is safe to venture out. When away from a computer/the Internet Dial-A-Buoy gives mariners an easy way to obtain weather reports. Also mobile access to the buoys.
/ Petites Antilles |
Station 41040 North Equatorial One 470 NM East of Martinique 1660 NM West of Cabo Verde |
Station 41041 North Equatorial Two 890 NM East of Martinique 1260 NM West of Cabo Verde |
Station 13008 Reggae 1310 NM East of Martinique 810 NM West of Cabo Verde |
Station 13002 NE Extension 2210 NM East of Martinique 310 NM North of Cabo Verde |
/ Cap-Vert |
Publications of value to the mariner: NOAA publications, NGA Publications, U.S. Coast Guard Publications, Navy Publications, Non-U.S. Government Publications, International Publications.
The Mariners Weather Log (MWL) contains articles, news and information about marine weather events and phenomena, worldwide environmental impact concerns, climatology studies, storms at sea, and weather forecasting. The MWL is dedicated to the NWS Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Program, Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs), cooperating ships officers, and their vessels. Including: Marine Weather Review. Some articles:
The importance of ship reports cannot be overstated: for every 100 observations on land, there is only about 1 observation at sea. Without your participation in the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program, there would be vast marine areas without data, making weather forecasting nearly impossible for these areas. Reporting weather not only contributes to your safety, but adds to your basic knowledge of seamanship.
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Tide Predictions for USA, Pacific and Caribbean Islands. NOAA Tide Predictions allows users of the Tides and Currents website to generate tide predictions for up to 2 years in the past or future, at any of 3000+ locations around the United States. This website service provides both a graphical plot of the predictions as well as a tabular listing and printable pages. Also it is possible to choose a station using the Tides station map.
At this time, NOAA Current Predictions is being presented as an alternative method to retrieve current predictions from the traditional Tidal Current Predictions. Initially, both prediction products will be available through the Tides and Currents website. After a period of time, the existing tidal current predictions will be removed from the Tides and Currents website and NOAA Current Predictions will become a fully operational product. Also it is possible to choose a station using the Currents station map.
The Tides and Currents station map can be used to locate stations that provide water levels, meteorological observations, and current observations/predictions, as well as other products. Hovering the mouse over the site icon reveals the latest data listing, and clicking on the icon will bring up the data graphs below the map. Search criteria along the right margin allow the user to identify various data products, geographic regions, or data types from both active and historical sites.
The Tides and Waters Levels Tutorial is an overview of the complex systems that govern the movement of tides and water levels.
This page explores different kinds of currents, how they are measured and how they affect our lives. A complete lesson, it provides a test/review and podcast as well as links to additional resources.
Html widgets to view upcoming tidal information for Hawaii: Nawiliwili, Port Allen, Honolulu, Haleiwa, Kahului, Kihei, and Kona. Also others Hawaii html widgets: Watches, warnings and advisories, Surf forecasts or Surf observations, Buoy observations, Synopsis, Hawaii area synopsis, Climatic information, Astronomical information and Tropical system distances (WFO Honolulu/WFS).
"Our Restless Tides" provides comprehensive information about the astronomical and physical forces that cause and affect the world's tides. Detailed diagrams and mathematical formulae illustrating the forces acting on the world's oceans are presented.
"Understanding Tides" is a technical publication authored by Stacy Dopp Hicks, provides in-depth explanations of many aspects of tides, including Gravitational Attraction, Sun-Earth and Moon-Earth Systems, Spring and Neap Tides, Tide-Generating Forces, Tidal Waves in Gulfs and Estuaries, Tidal Bores, and Tidal Harmonic Constituents.
Man in his never ending search for knowledge and in his travels on the sea has long known about the ocean's tides and currents. Although he may not have fully understood the reasons for the movements of these waters, he was very much aware of their benefits and dangers to him.
The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with the knowledge required to carry out the most accurate tidal analysis and tidal prediction possible using any set of water level or current data that he or she may have available. The book is also intended to provide the reader with tools to interpret the analysis results with respect to the hydrodynamics (the physics of the water movement) of the bay or ocean from which the data were obtained, so that these results can best be used for particular oceanographic applications (NOAA Special Publication NOS CO-OPS 3).
The Mariners Weather Log (MWL) is dedicated to the NWS Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Program. and contains articles, news and information about marine weather events and phenomena, worldwide environmental impact concerns, climatology studies, storms at sea, and weather forecasting. Some articles about physical oceanography:
The "Glossary of Tide and Current Terminology" is and indispensable reference tool lists and defines more than 400 terms and concepts concerned with the tidal phenomena and its measurement. Also HTML version: Tides and Currents Glossary.
The mission of the U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) is to provide global to tactical scale ice and snow products, ice forecasting, and other environmental intelligence services for the United States Government. The USNIC Product Catalog presents a listing of products and services available to external customers. Each product listing includes a description, coverage area, parameters analyzed, sources, output format, dissemination, and customers. The table of contents will link to the products.
A periodic ice chart that displays ice conditions based off the Mid Atlantic analysis. An ice chart is produced when suitable satellite coverage over the region and/or reliable observations are reported. Ice coverage is detailed by color coded ice concentrations. Chart updated daily, when ice is present. Also with ice presence, a weekly outlook is produced that details the upcoming weather conditions and its affect on ice conditions. Areas: Chesapeake Bay (Norfolk, Newport News, Baltimore) and Delaware Bay (Wilmington, Philadelphia). Also available KMZ files.
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Great Lakes daily ice charts are produced in cooperation with the U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) and Canadian Ice Center. During the ice season ice coverage is detailed by total ice concentration, ice type with its concentration, and ice floe size, which are represented within the WMO egg code. The charts are separated into eastern and western portion of the Great Lakes and available in color and black/white. The East chart covers Lakes Huron, Erie, and Ontario and the West chart covers Lakes Superior and Michigan. Also available GIS shapefiles, KMZ files and ASCII Files (More information). USNIC also produces periodic ice charts for U.S. Coast Guard District 9 support broken into ice concentration, ice thickness/type, and a combination of both. These charts are updated twice weekly, on Tuesday and Thursday during the Great Lakes ice season (More information).
In cooperation with NAIS forecasts, an outlook, and seasonal summary are produced in support of the Great Lakes ice season. These documents provide ice and environmental information that are broken out through main areas throughout the Great Lakes region. The documents produced are as follow: 30 Day Forecast (Created throughout the ice season on the 1st and 15th of the month), Seasonal Outlook (Annual outlook produced at the beginning of the ice season) and Seasonal Summary (Annual summary produced at the end of the ice season).
A prognosis of sea ice conditions for winter and summer months. The outlook is published annually by 1 June and cover these areas: North Alaskan coast, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, eastern Canadian Arctic waters, and the Hudson Bay.
Documents providing the 30-day prognosis and update of ice conditions for each of the three NAIS Arctic regions; a write up and graphic are provided within the document. The outlooks are published the 1st and 15th of the month from 15 June - 01 December and cover these areas : The East outlook covers the eastern portion of North American waters to include the Eastern Canadian Archipelago, Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Foxe Basin, and Northern Labrador Sea. The West outlook covers the western portion of North American waters to include the High Arctic region, Western Canadian Archipelago, Beaufort Sea, and Chukchi Sea. The Hudson Bay outlook covers the Hudson Bay, Foxe Basin, Davis Strait and northern Labrador Sea.
A graphical representation of the daily ice analysis that depicts ice free in white, marginal ice zone (ice concentration up to 80%) in yellow, and pack ice (ice concentration 80% and greater) in pink. The graphic also displays the 48-hour forecast ice edge line. Both products are created to cover the entire Arctic based on region, Atlantic and Pacific (More information).
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A graphical representation of ice concentrations based on the weekly ice analysis. Weekly update on Friday. Also available GIS shapefiles, KMZ files and ASCII Files.
A graphical representation of the estimated stage of development/ice thickness (ice types) based on the weekly ice analysis. Weekly update on Friday. Also available GIS shapefiles.
A graphical representation of the daily ice analysis that depicts the marginal ice zone (ice concentration up to 80%) in yellow and pack ice (ice concentration 80% and greater) in red. Also available GIS shapefiles, KMZ files and ASCII files.
A graphical representation of the change in sea ice extent over the last 30 days. Weekly update on Friday.
Graphic representation of ice information gathered over a specified time. These charts provide an accurate, comprehensive, and easily understood characterization of analyzed sea ice conditions. Trivariate Sea Ice Presence products are derived from USNIC archived data to provide a characterization of analyzed sea ice conditions in the polar regions. Colors indicate that only pack ice (red), marginal ice zone (green), or ice free (blue) conditions were present. These products blend ice data over time based on Single Year (data analyzed based on previous year) and Compendium Year (annual data analyzed from 2007 to current). The Arctic and Antarctic trivariate charts are divided into six regions. Updated twice a month, on the 16th and last day of the month. Also available KMZ file (More information).
![]() Arctic Regional Synopsis - Bering Sea (Russia - USA) |
![]() Arctic Regional Synopsis - Cook Inlet (Golf of Alaska, USA) |
Regional charts and associated synopsis write-up capture ice and environmental conditions throughout the Arctic which are based on the U.S. National Ice Center’s weekly analysis. Charts and synopses are updated weekly on Fridays. Note: Baltic Sea analysis is provided by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The Canadian Archipelago (Canada East, Canada North, Canada West, and Hudson Bay) analysis is provided by the Canadian Ice Service. Includes Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Canadian Region, Greenland Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea, High Arctic, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, White Sea, and Yellow Sea.
These charts shows ice concentration and best path based on ice conditions. A graphical representation of the ice edge and area of 40% or greater ice concentration; a write-up of ice conditions is included in the product. The Northwest passage concentrates on transit from Pacific to Atlantic Ocean via the Arctic through Bering Strait into the Canadian Archipelago and exiting through the Labrador Sea. The Northern Sea Route concentrates on transit from Pacific to Atlantic Ocean via the Arctic through Bering Strait into the Laptev Sea and exiting through the Barents Sea. Seasonal chart completed weekly on Friday during the Arctic melt season, approximately from late July to mid-October (More information).
Antarctic ice charts from Norwegian Ice Service (NIS-NMI), U.S. National Ice Center (NIC), and Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI). Charts for the whole of Antarctica (concentration and stage of development) are updated on Thursdays throughout the year. During the Antarctic summer (October to April) detailed ice charts for: Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea East, Bransfield Strait and Adelaide Island.
A weekly chart produced between November to March that concentrates on the Antarctic Peninsula area. Charts are broken into the East and West portions of the Antarctic Peninsula, charts display ice concentrations based off weekly ice analysis and ice thickness from GOFS model. Weekly update on Thursday, from November until the end of March.
A seasonal outlook is produced (Dec-Feb) and updated regularly for ice conditions throughout the Ross Sea with focus on McMurdo Sound and McMurdo Station resupply. The document gives detailed information, graphics, and a narrative for the forecasted ice condition. Updated bi-weekly until meltout is complete, approximately from late November to mid-February.
U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) is the global entity that names, tracks, and documents Antarctic icebergs that meet the criteria of 20 sqNM or greater, or 10 NM on its longest axis. Data presented are iceberg name, length (nm), width (nm), location (latitude/longitude), location (region), and date of last update (More information).
Significant wave height is shown in the charts, this is the average height of the highest one-third of waves.
Maximum waves may be up to twice the significant height. Height in feet.
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The combined sea height (Hc) is defined as the square root of the sea-wave height squared plus the swell-wave height squared. The combined sea height represents an approximation of the height of the highest crests of water formed when the crests of sea waves interact with the crests of swell waves. On the map red arrows shown predominant wave direction, blue squares are observations with waves height and wind barbs are observations with wind speed & direction (also sea waves direction). Height in feet.
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![]() Pacific and Indian ocean: Surface Analysis with Wind and Seas Warning Areas - Height in feet |
To understand the weather situation in the Western North Pacific and Japan. Table of contents: Geography - Oceanography - Climatology - Tropical Cyclones - Forecasting - Tropical Cyclone Tracks - Terminology.
![]() Includes Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea (FAQ) |
Tropical Cyclone Web Page Goals: 1) To minimize the threat of tropical cyclones to military and civilian interests world-wide that are affected by tropical cyclone activity - 2) To combine geostationary and polar orbiting satellite data together so that the Navy and the rest of the military community can have a centralized real-time source of data pertaining to tropical cyclones.
The tropical cyclone forecasts shown here aren't yet operational and are presently in beta testing and operational demonstration. FNMOC is not responsible for their use in the forecasting of tropical cyclones. SSM/I products displayed here have not been verified against FNMOC WebPage products and may differ in color tables and units of measurement. Concerned customers should confirm these forecasts with official sources.
The glossary contains concise definitions of many of the important astronomical terms necessary to understand and make use of the data presented in The Astronomical Almanac. Its contents remain the same from year to year, but occasionally terms are added or dropped.
Celestial navigation data for assumed position and time. Computes almanac data for major solar system bodies and navigational stars for an assumed position and time. This page allows you to obtain all the astronomical information necessary to plot navigational lines of position from observations of the altitudes of celestial bodies. Simply fill in the form below and click on the "Get data" button at the end of the form. A table of data will be provided giving both almanac data and altitude corrections for each celestial body that is above the horizon at the place and time that you specify. Sea-level observations are assumed. The almanac data consist of Greenwich hour angle (GHA), declination (Dec), computed altitude (Hc), and computed azimuth (Zn).
This chart displays constellations and the 57 navigational stars used in the Air and Nautical Almanacs. The navigational stars are distinguished by their proper names. The sidereal hour angle (SHA) and declination of stars can be seen on the chart. The rectangular shape of the chart distorts the relative positions of the stars in the polar regions.
HMNAO produces a world time zone map for use in its publications. This map is available in PDF and PNG. Also available on HMNAO website.
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The Air Almanac contains the astronomical data required for air celestial navigation. It provides the following data tabulated at 10-minute intervals to a precision of 1 arcminute: the Greenwich hour angle and declination of the Sun, Moon, and three navigational planets; the Greenwich hour angle of Aries; rise and set times of the Moon for a range of latitudes; and other data. Each edition also contains sky diagrams for each month; sunrise, sunset, and twilight tables; and positions of the navigational stars (TheNauticalAlmanac.com).
The Air Almanac contains the astronomical data required for air celestial navigation. The book provides the following data tabulated at 10-minute intervals to a precision of 1 arcminute: the Greenwich hour angle and declination of the Sun, Moon, and three navigational planets; the Greenwich hour angle of Aries; rise and set times of the Moon for a range of latitudes; and other data. Each edition also contains sky diagrams for each month; sunrise, sunset, and twilight tables; and positions of the navigational stars.
This Handbook provides guidance for assessing a hurricane threat's circumstances and likely impact on the given port to support decision-makers' reasonable choice between either remaining in port or evading at sea. This choice is based on informed compromise between a harbor's protective qualities, and the possibility that a sortie will prove to have been unnecessary (HTML, 2016).
Severe tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons or hurricanes, are among the most destructive weather phenomena a ship may encounter whether the ship be in port or at sea. When faced with an approaching tropical cyclone, a timely decision regarding the necessity and method of evasion must be reached. Basically, the question is: Should the ship remain in port, evade at sea, or if at sea, should it seek the shelter offered by the harbor? This Handbook examines a number of western Pacific and Indian ocean ports and evaluates their potential as typhoon havens. This information should provide useful guidance to commanding officers in answering the above questions (HTML, 2018).
These handbooks are intended as guidance for ship captains whose vessels are threatened by actual or forecast strong winds, high seas, restricted visibility or thunderstorms in the listed port areas. These regions are renowned for numerous areas where "Local Effects" on winds, seas, and visibility can cause dangerous operating conditions. Prior knowledge of these local characteristics and the resultant effects encountered can be extremely useful in the decision making process. Causes and effects of such hazardous conditions are discussed and precautionary or evasive actions are suggested for various vessel situations (HTML, 2014-2016).
An extensive collection of current and archived satellite imagery, satellite data products, and other displays, providing global coverage for tropical cyclone monitoring and analysis. The tropical cyclone forecasts displayed here are the latest forecasts received at NRL, and may or may not be the most current forecasts available from the operational centers. NRL collects these forecasts for ATCF project development, and is not responsible for their use in the forecasting of tropical cyclones. Concerned customers should confirm these forecasts with official sources.
The electronic version of TCFRG consists of seven chapters and Tropical Cyclone Links and Web Sites. Chapter 1 presents a summary of who is doing what, and forecast accuracy, difficulty and variability. Chapter 2 is a short review of tropical large-scale climatology and synoptic models. Chapter 3 delineates the tropical cyclone formation problems and presents a tropical cyclone formation alert checklist used at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Chapter 4 focuses on tropical cyclone motion, including a survey of tropical cyclone motion hypotheses and motion forecasting techniques. Chapter 5 discusses tropical cyclone forecast aids including empirical, statistical and dynamic aids. Chapter 6 defines the tropical cyclone intensity and emphasizes single station/ship intensity forecast procedures. Chapter 7 presents tropical cyclone structure. Knowledge of general meteorology, interest in tropical cyclone phenomena and experience of weather forecasting will enable use of the TCFRG (HTML, 1998).
With continuing ice-melt and more open water present, increased commercial and military traffic will become evident, but not without cost. Surface Fleet and Aircraft Carrier Operations in the Arctic Ocean is a new challenge for the Arctic Forecaster. Snow, ice, freezing rain, wind, wind chill, floating ice and icebergs, to name a few, can take a toll quickly, rendering the fleet, equipment, communications and crew operations extremely difficult. The prudent Arctic forecaster will consider all products from climatology, satellite imagery through numerical products. The forecaster will need to more frequently update environmental information, build a good forecast and environmental recommendation to the fleet commanders in order to ensure the fleet is kept out of "harms-way" and remains an effective force. Use of this handbook will assist the Arctic Forecaster in that endeavor (HTML, 2015).
The following materials are provided as an introduction to Arctic region climate, weather, and other environmental conditions. A basic objective is to provide materials that will assist users in developing a workable understanding and appreciation of the unique polar conditions including extreme cold, month long daylight and dark periods, and ice covered waters. Terminology and products specific to regional environmental factors will be addressed and used throughout the materials. Tables, graphs and glossaries addressing Arctic environmental conditions are provided as introductory and reference materials (HTML, 2014).
The Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide includes over 1,500 annotated links to admiralty law resources on the Internet and a growing database of admiralty case digests, opinions and international maritime conventions. The emphasis is on the law of the United States and the focus is on Internet resources that can be used in an effective and practical manner by admiralty attorneys and maritime professionals.
Esta publicación contiene la información referida a las cartas y publicaciones náuticas editadas por el Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada (SOHMA), de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
Cartas, cartas náuticas electrónicas, publicaciones, hojas y laminas publicadas por el SOHMA (HTML).
El Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada (SOHMA), acorde a sus cometidos publica desde el año 1976 la predicción de mareas de algunos puertos de la República Oriental del Uruguay y de la República Argentina, en "Almanaque" y luego en "Tablas de Marea". Desde 1991 se comenzaron a incluir las predicciones horarias de alturas de marea para la Base Científica Antártica ARTIGAS (Isla Rey Jorge, Islas Shetland del Sur), producto de investigaciones que se vienen realizando desde el año 1987. Se busca en esta edición INTERNET dar una nueva herramienta práctica y útil para el hombre de mar y todos aquellos que puedan necesitar este tipo de información.
Acorde a sus cometidos, el Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada brinda en forma anual y continúa desde 1934, información en materia astronómica para uso náutico y general. La Publicación Nro 6, Almanaque, informa para cada día, las horas calculadas de salidas y puestas de sol y luna, e inicio y fin de los crepúsculos. Informa además el inicio de las fases lunares, de las posiciones notables de la tierra (estaciones - festividades) y los eclipses.
Publicación de bolsillo para tener una rápida referencia visual de los diferentes tipos de nubes y estados del mar, facilitando su identificación.
Estas publicaciones (CORRECCIONES) incluyen todos los Avisos Definitivos que generan un cambio permanente en cada carta náutica. Los mismos son un compendio de los distintos Folletos de Avisos a los Navegantes publicados desde la fecha de impresión de la edición vigente y que afectan a la misma. Asimismo,cada Aviso Definitivo detallado en esta publicación, refleja únicamente la afectacióna la carta específica mencionada, omitiendo los contenidos que refieren a otras cartas náuticas incluidas en la misma corrección. Los gráficos asociados a Avisos Definitivos, no están incluidos en este compendio, incluyéndose una referencia al Folleto de Avisos a los Navegantes que contiene los mismos para su rápida búsqueda.
Los Avisos a los Navegantes brindan toda la información de utilidad relacionada con las modificaciones en lasayudas a la navegación, los peligros para la navegación, nuevos sondajes de importancia y de una manera más general, toda información que afecta a las cartas y publicaciones náuticas. El Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada (SOHMA) publica los Avisos a los Navegantes mensualmente a través de este Folleto (Publicación Nº 8).
El propósito de este catálogo, es mostrar a los usuarios en una forma clara y sencilla, toda la producción de cartas náuticas en papel y electrónicas (ENC), que se generan en el Servicio de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Armada Bolivariana. También: catálogo en pdf.
Raster map for upload / Cartes marines papiers scannées téléchargables
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Medium to high resolution / Résolution moyenne à haute
Use url like / Utilisez des url du type : http://www.shn.mil.ve/images/phocagallery/cartografia/CartasPapel/DHN-002.png
Cartas nauticas papel digitalizados con una resolución media a alta. Estas imágenes son referenciales, NO APTA para la navegación.
Todos los simbolos y abreviaturas utilizadas en las cartas náuticas pueden ser consultados en el Compendio DHN N°01.
Cartas de vientos, corrientes y mareas para la costas de Venezuela : carta DHN-05 para junio a noviembre y carta DHN-06 para diciembre a mayo (resolución media).
Mapa con groupo de faros y Boyas del sistema de señalización Marítima de Venezuela.
El objetivo fundamental de este documento es el de servir como herramienta de apoyo y/o consulta al navegante que transita por aguas venezolanas, a fin de incrementar la seguridad en la mar (OCHINA, 1998, view online).
Glosario de Terminos Marinos de abaca a zuncho: DE INTERÉSE -> Glosario de Terminos Marinos (OCHINA).
Avisos a los Navegantes para el Venezuela: SINSEMA -> Avisos a los Navegantes (OCHINA).
The basic Cospas-Sarsat concept for search and rescue: Distress radiobeacons (406MHz), LEOSAR, GEOSAR, MEOSAR, Local User Terminals (LUTs), Mission Control Centres (MCCs).
This document introduces potential users to the Cospas-Sarsat System: a satellite-based beacon alert communication system for the support of Search and Rescue (SAR) operations around the world. The System uses spacecraft and ground facilities to detect and locate distress signals from emergency beacons carried on boats, on aircraft, and by individuals. The distress alert information, including the position of the distress beacon and other related information (such as the information provided when the beacon was registered), is sent by Cospas-Sarsat to the appropriate SAR authorities. Distress beacons include Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs, for use on aircraft), Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs, for use on ships), and Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs, for use in multiple environments by individuals).
The International Cospas-Sarsat Programme initiated the development of the Medium-altitude Earth Orbiting Satellite System for Search and Rescue (MEOSAR system), with SAR repeaters placed on the satellites of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) of Europe (Galileo), Russia (Glonass) and the USA (GPS). MEOSAR complements the existing LEOSAR (satellites in low-altitude orbits) and GEOSAR (satellites in geostationary orbit) systems, and will eventually replace the LEOSAR system.
A Cospas-Sarsat beacon, also called a distress radio beacon or emergency beacon, is a radio transmitter that can be activated in a life-threatening emergency to summon assistance from government authorities. When a distress beacon is activated, it transmits a signal at 406 MHz that can be detected by satellites. As the satellites orbit the earth, they "listen" for any activated beacons and carry the beacon signals to ground stations that compute their positions and report to rescue authorities. A beacon for use aboard a marine vessel is called an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about distress beacons, Registration and Troubleshooting.
The purpose of this document is to provide Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) personnel and Search and Rescue Point of Contact (SPOC) personnel with an overview of the Cospas-Sarsat System and an understanding of the Cospas-Sarsat distress alert messagesand their contents. This will allow RCCs and SPOCs to manage the response to search and rescue (SAR) incidents involving Cospas-Sarsat distress alerts in an informed manner.
This document provides a summary of regulations issued by Cospas-Sarsat Participants regarding the carriage of 406 MHz beacons. This document is based mainly on information provided by Participants at Cospas-Sarsat meetings and in reports on System status and operations. Some information was provided by non-Cospas-Sarsat Participants. However, regulations are likely to evolve and the attached information should not be regarded as an official record of their current status.
The purpose of this document is to provide an alphabetical list of specialized terms and acronyms relevant to the Cospas-Sarsat Programme, so that terms, definitions and abbreviations can be standardized in the three official languages of the Programme (English, French and Russian). Some of these terms are specific to the Cospas-Sarsat Programme, while other general ones are also included to complete the list of terms used in Cospas-Sarsat administrative, operational and technical documents.
Current Space Segment Status and SAR Payloads for LEOSAR, GEOSAR and MEOSAR satellites.
Map with operational GEOSAR satellite coverage and GEOLUTs. GEOSAR: satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit for Search and Rescue . With a list of GEOLUTs (LUT: Local User Terminals on earth).
Map with operational LEOSAR satellite coverage and GEOLUTs. LEOSAR: satellites in Low-altitude Earth Orbit for Search and Rescue. With a list of LEOLUT (LUT: Local User Terminals on earth).
Register Your Beacon and Make the Difference Between Life and Death! By registering your beacon, you allow search-and-rescue authorities in an emergency to retrieve crucial information about you and your emergency contacts (Help and FAQ).
Le concept de base du système Cospas-Sarsat pour la recherche et le sauvetage : Radiobalises de détresse (406 MHz), LEOSAR, GEOSAR, MEOSAR, Stations terriennes de réception (LUT), Centres de Contrôle de Mission (MCC).
Ce document présente le Système Cospas-Sarsat aux utilisateurs potentiels. Il s’agit d’un système de communication destiné à faciliter les opérations de recherches et de sauvetage (Search and Rescue ou SAR) partout dans le monde, basé sur des alertes émises par des balises et captées au moyen de satellites. Le Système utilise des engins spatiaux et des installations au sol pour détecter et localiser les signaux émis par les balises de détresse équipant des navires et des aéronefs, ou transportées par des particuliers. Les informations d'alerte comprennent la position de la balise et d'autres informations connexes telles que les informations fournies lors de l'enregistrement de celle-ci dans une base de données. Elles sont envoyées par Cospas-Sarsat aux services SAR concernées. La famille des balises de détresse comprend les émetteurs de localisation d'urgence (ELT, destinés à être utilisés en avion), les radiobalises de localisation de sinistre (EPIRB, destinées à être utilisées sur des navires) et les balises de localisation personnelles (PLB, utilisées dans plusieurs environnements par des particuliers).
Le Programme international Cospas-Sarsat a initié le développement d’un système de satellites orbitant autour de la Terre à moyenne altitude pour la recherche et le sauvetage (système MEOSAR), avec des répéteurs SAR (Search and Rescue) placés sur les satellites des systèmes de navigation mondiale européen (Galileo), russe (Glonass) et américain (GPS). Le système MEOSAR sera initialement un complément aux deux systèmes satellites déjà existant LEOSAR (en orbite basse) et GEOSAR (géostationnaires) et remplacera éventuellement le système LEOSAR.
Une balise de détresse est un petit émetteur radio qui peut aider les autorités de sauvetage à vous localiser si vous l’activez dans une situation où votre vie est en danger. Lorsqu’une balise de détresse est activée, celle-ci transmet un signal sur 406 MHz qui peut être détecté par satellite. Des satellites traitent, archivent et retransmettent les émissions des balises qui sont ensuite traitées par une station de réception au sol. La position est calculée puis transmise aux autorités de sauvetage. Une balise EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), en français radiobalise de localisation de sinistre (RLS), est à usage maritime. Foire aux Questions (FAQ) sur les balises de détresse, l'enregistrement et le dépannage.
État actuel du segment spatial et des charges utiles SAR pour les satellites de type LEOSAR, GEOSAR et MEOSAR.
Carte avec les zones de couverture des satellites GEOSAR opérationnelles. GEOSAR: satellites en orbite géostationnaire pour la recherche et le sauvetage. Avec une liste des GEOLUT (LUT: terminaux locaux).
Carte avec les zones de couverture des satellite LEOSAR opérationnelles. LEOSAR: satellites en orbite terrestre basse pour la recherche et le sauvetage. Avec une liste des LEOLUT (LUT: terminaux locaux).
Enregistrer votre balise et faites la différence entre la vie et la mort. En enregistrant votre balise, vous autorisez, en cas d’urgence, les autorités en charge des recherches et du sauvetage à utiliser les informations cruciales vous concernant vous et vos contacts d’urgence (Aide et FAQ).
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The EAHC produce small scale (1:700.000) official Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) of the South China Sea to serve the maritime community. Presently, the EAHC has nine Member States (MSs) : China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The EAHC decided to provide the SCS ENC to users free of charge. To download the SCS ENC, user has to register with the EAHC.
The Technical Documents Catalogue covers the technical guidance and contains an overall view of the IALA standards, recommendations, guidelines, manuals and model courses in force with summary.
Online publications of the IALA about AtoN, AIS, eNAV, VTS... Categories: Guidelines, Manuals, Model courses, Other Publications, Radio-Navigation Services, Recommendations, Reports and Proceedings.
This manual is designed to help Marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN) authorities with the harmonization of AtoN services by providing a comprehensive reference guide on all aspects of the service. Additionally, it refers to more detailed guidance from other IALA documents and related international organizations on specific topics. This comprehensive guide offers practical guidance and best practices for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Marine Aids to Navigation and related services. The structure of NAVGUIDE Ed 9.0 conforms to the standards and incorporates the latest advancements in AtoN technology, including enhancements in digital systems and the integration of new devices such as Mobile AtoN and Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). Moreover, the guide addresses a multitude of updates made by the committee over the past five years, covering aspects such as training components, AtoN services in extreme weather conditions, and an increased focus on sustainability, cybersecurity, and the adoption of autonomous systems within the maritime industry (IALA NAVGUIDE Manual, 2023).
La Guía de navegación (Manual AISM) ha sido un documento emblemático y una fuente de información para los miembros y usuarios de la IALA durante muchos años. El objetivo de este manual es apoyar a las autoridades en Ayudas a la Navegación (AtoN) en la unificación de las ayudas a la navegación marítima, proporcionando un primer punto de referencia en todos los aspectos de prestación de estos servicios. La edición 2014 de la Guía realiza una actualización con la información más reciente y los avances en el campo de las Ayudas a la Navegación, su tecnología y aplicación (2014).
A pictogram is a symbol that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object. There has been a proliferation in the use of Special Marks in some regions as ‘general purpose’ aids. This guideline provides general information on the design of pictograms on Special Marks and specifies pictograms for the purposes of informing mariners on smaller vessels (IALA guideline G1122).
The purpose of this Guideline is to give guidance for AtoN providers and competent authorities on the: Use of AtoN in the design of fairways, including dredged channels and canals; Review of existing AtoN for fairways including dredged channels and canals. The objective is to define a suitable AtoN mix that enables safe and efficient vessel passage in the most cost effective way for AtoN providers (IALA guidance 1078).
This guideline provides a general informative overview of the main factors that need to be considered when providing and designing a daymark. It points out the aspects of visual perception and how to optimise the identification of a daymark (IALA guideline 1094).
Ce guide propose une vue d'ensemble des principaux facteurs qui affectent l'évidence des marques de jour comme aides à la navigation maritime. Il donne aussi quelques éléments pour concevoir de manière optimale une marque de jour sous l'angle de la perception visuelle (Guide AISM 1094, 2012).
The purpose of VTS is to contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation and the protection of the environment within the VTS area by mitigating the development of unsafe situations. The VTS Manual provides a source of reference on the establishment and provision of VTS for all stakeholders. It also provides a pointer to the suite of IALA Standards related to VTS and the associat-ed Recommendations, Guidelines, Model Courses that any VTS professional may seek. The VTS Manual is intended to complement IALA documentation relating to VTS. It provides a roadmap to assist authorities meet their obligations for the establishment and operation of VTS in a consistent manner (IALA VTS Manual, 2022).
This guideline is intended to engage and support all VTSOs, new and experienced, in promoting best practice in effective VTS radio voice procedures. Furthermore it assists competent authorities, VTS authorities and training organisations when developing standardised operating procedures on communication. It provides guidance that aims to ensure consistency amongst VTSOs when communicating on the VHF (IALA guideline G1132).
The objective of this reference list is to provide standard documentation for Competent Authorities, VTS Authorities and VTS Training Organisations on IALA documentation (Standards, Recommendations, Guidelines and Model Courses) specifically related to the development, implementation and operation of VTS (IALA reference list).
Maritime Buoyage System (MBS) and Other Aids to Navigation (AtoN). Contents: Historical background - General Principles of the System - Rules - Map showing Regions A & B (IALA recommendation R1001).
Sistema de balizamiento marítimo y otras ayudas a la navegación, adoptado para las Costas Españolas. Índice: Antecedentes históricos, Principios generales del sistema, Reglas, Mapa de las regiones A y B (AISM-Puertos del Estado, 2010).
AIS (Automatic Identification Systems) was developed to provide automatic reporting between ships and to shore, which contributes to the safety of navigation and facilitates traffic management by exchanging information such as identity, position, time, course and speed, autonomously and continuously. This guideline provides an introduction to AIS at an overview level for shore authorities and references relevant documentation where further information can be found (IALA guideline 1082).
These documents provide detailed, in depth information about AIS, indicating options, best practices and suggestions for implementation. Guidelines: An Overview of AIS, Application of AIS AtoN on Buoy, Implementation of Application-Specific Messages...
These documents represent the highest level of IALA documentation (they would relate to a ‘standard’ in an intergovernmental organisation). Recommendations: AIS Service - main document, Basic AIS Services, AIS References & Glossary of terms and Abbreviations, Use of the AIS in Marine Aids to Navigation Service... AIS for harbours and VTS.
A Virtual AtoN does not physically exist but is a digital information object (symbol and text information) promulgated by an authorized service provider that may be presented on navigational systems. This is used to mark an object other than an existing AtoN or a non-object, such as a reference point in the water or on land. The concept of Virtual AtoN has its roots in AIS, but in the future other means of transmission and presentation may evolve. This Guideline will assist shipmasters, pilots, mariners, private AtoN owners and shore-based competent authorities in realizing the benefits, limitations and the inherent risks involved when using Virtual AtoN as a means of verifying their position and determining a safe course to steer or avoiding dangers (IALA guideline G1081, 2021).
Además de la información proporcionada sobre el uso de ayudas virtuales, esta guía pretende orientar sobre sus riesgos y beneficios, los criterios para su aplicación y el proceso de notificación. También trata del proceso de identificación, la visualización, los métodos de provisión y aplicación, las normas y guías aplicables a ellas, su disponibilidad e integridad, y las cuestiones jurídicas que les atañen. El origen del concepto de “ayuda virtual a la navegación” está en los Sistemas de Identificación Automática (AIS). Sin embargo, se prevé que en el futuro se desarrollarán otros medios de transmisión y presentación. Las referencias a los Sistemas de Identificación Automática (AIS) que figuran en este documento no deben interpretarse como la limitación de las ayudas virtuales a la navegación a sólo ese sistema (Guía de la IALA G1081).
Questions and answers about the VDES: What does VDES stand for?, VHF Data Exchange System (VDES), What is VDES?, What is the difference between VDES and AIS?, Why VDES?, What frequencies does VDES use?, What is the roadmap for VDES?, Are there any VDES test beds?, Where can I find more information on VDES?, Who are the users of VDES, How does an IALA member prepare for VDES?, What are the benefits of the satellite component of VDES?.
The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) is seen as an effective and efficient use of radio spectrum, building on the capabilities of AIS and addressing the increasing requirements for data through the system. New techniques providing higher data rates than those used for AIS is a core element of VDES. Furthermore, VDES network protocol is optimized for data communication so that each VDES message is transmitted with a high confidence of reception. VDES increases the capability for digital data exchange in a manner similar to AIS, which includes provision of data to vessels in a geographic area (broadcast), to a specific vessel or a group of vessels in a geographic area (addressed) or to a fleet of vessels (addressed). This Guideline provides an introduction to the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) at an overview level. It does not include technical details. This document is intended to assist in the understanding, development and promotion of VDES (IALA guideline G1117)
This Guideline is intended to outline a general description on risk management methodology for marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN) including Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) through the analysis of all the hazards in a waterway so that all transit risks are effectively managed by AtoN authorities (IALA Guideline G1018).
In view of the recent opening of shipping routes and the increase in number of voyages in Polar Regions, it is clear there is a need to provide guidance on the special challenges of providing AtoN services in Polar Regions. This Guideline addresses these specific challenges and it is assumed that all other aspects of AtoN provision are dealt with in existing IALA documentation (IALA guideline 1108).
This IALA World Wide Radio Navigation Plan aims to build on individual National and Regional plans and identify the Radio Navigation components which will be key to the successful implementation of e-Navigation. One of the cornerstones of e-Navigation is the universal availability of robust position-fixing, navigation and timing services. This document focuses solely on the need to provide robust electronic position, navigation and timing (PNT) information, primarily via radio navigation systems. It presents the IALA position on current, developing and future PNT systems within the maritime environment (2012).
This Maritime Radio Communications Plan (MRCP) has been developed by IALA to assist in the selection of radio communication systems required to support e-Navigation and GMDSS. The current status of radio communication in the maritime mobile bands is discussed and forms the basis of projections for future developments needed to support e-navigation, GMDSS and the development of Maritime Autonomous Systems (Surface). The core objective of the Maritime Radio Communications Plan (MRCP) is to state the IALA vision for the efficient use of Radio Spectrum in the Maritime Mobile Service. Edition 3 of the MRCP reflects the outcomes of developments in maritime radio communication spectrum. This document focuses on the need for an agreed infrastructure of communications between ships and ashore. It presents IALA’s view on current, developing and future Radio Communication Systems for the maritime sector.
Table of DGNSS Stations (Differential Global Navigation Satellite System). IALA radiobeacon DGNSS is a means of providing differential GNSS (DGPS at present) corrections and integrity information to maritime users. Also 2015 version.
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview about systems and services enabling high‐accuracy positioning or ranging in specific areas such as waterways, traffic separation schemes, traffic zones with limited manoeuvring space, ports and harbours, and congested waters with increased risks of collisions or groundings. In this Guideline the term “high‐accuracy positioning and ranging” refers to accuracies at sub‐metre level (IALA guideline G1127).
This document considers all types of GNSS vulnerability within the maritime field, and the mitigation measures that may be used to overcome them. The effect on marine navigation of interruptions to GNSS will be significant. Where natural events, such as space weather, affect GNSS signal reception, it is likely that the effects will be observed over large areas and during any phase of navigation. Man-made interference is most likely to arise within coastal waters, since the sources of man-made interference are likely to be land-based and will be restricted to line-of-sight. However, the possibility of deliberate shipborne or airborne jamming cannot be ruled out (IALA recommendation R129).
Service providers are opting to provide eLoran services as part of a robust PNT solution, as eLoran is dissimilar and complementary to GNSS services. The aim of this Guideline is to enable service providers to deliver, monitor and assess the performance of eLoran services in a common manner (IALA guideline G1125, 2017).
Principles of the system of port traffic signals. It is intended that the rules for Port Traffic Signals shall be followed to control traffic movements in ports and port approaches (IALA recommendation R0111/E111).
The International Dictionary of Marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN), also known as "the IALA Dictionary", provides a listing of words and phrases used to explain and describe planning, operations, management, equipment, systems and scientific terms relevant to AtoN. This is an HTML, wiki-based dictionary.
Catalogue des publications en ligne : Publications bathymétriques, Publications sur le renforcement des capacités, Publications mixtes, Normes et Spécifications, Autres Publications, Publications périodiques, Projets de publications.
On trouve dans ce document (ouvrage 1D du SHOM) l’ensemble des symboles, abréviations et termes utilisés sur les cartes marines aux normes internationales. Cette ouvrage s’applique aux cartes marines imprimées. Les symboles et abréviations affichés sur les écrans de navigation utilisant des cartes marines électroniques peuvent parfois différer de ceux décrits dans cet ouvrage.
Normes de l'OHI les plus récentes s'appliquant aux ECDIS - Normes de l'OHI les plus récentes s'appliquant aux producteurs d'ENC (Services hydrographiques). Titres : Dispositif de l'OHI pour la protection des données - Guide pour la production, la mise à jour et la diffusion des ENC.
La carte internationale a été conçue pour faciliter la production d'un portefeuille minimal de cartes marines adaptées aux besoins de la navigation internationale (navires au long cours). Ces cartes de conception internationale permettront aussi aux états membres de l'OHI qui produisent ou désirent produire des cartes couvrant des zones extérieures à leurs eaux nationales, de reproduire en fac-similé, avec uniquement de légères modifications, les cartes modernes choisies conformément à un accord bilatéral entre les états membres.
Les renseignements sur la sécurité maritime sont d'une importance primordiale pour tous les navires. Il est donc essentiel d'appliquer des normes communes à la collecte, à la mise en forme et à la diffusion de ces renseignements. Ce n'est qu'à cette condition que les gens de mer pourront être certains de recevoir les renseignements dont ils ont besoin, sous une forme qu'ils comprendront et ce, dans les plus brefs délais. Le présent manuel constitue un guide pratique pour toute personne concernée par la rédaction des avertissements de navigation ou par la diffusion de prévisions et d'avertissements météorologiques dans le cadre du système mondial de détresse et de sécurité en mer (SMDSM).
Dans cette troisième édition de 1953 les limites proposées sont décrites au cours du texte et représentées sur trois feuilles. Ces limites ont été établies uniquement pour les besoins des Services hydrographiques nationaux et n’ont aucune signification politique.
L'e-navigation est définie comme la collecte, l'intégration, l'échange, la présentation et l'analyse harmonisés des renseignements maritimes à bord et à terre par des moyens électroniques afin d'améliorer la navigation d'un poste d'amarrage à l'autre et les services connexes pour la sûreté et la sécurité en mer et la protection du milieu marin. Elle vise à répondre aux besoins actuels et futurs des utilisateurs par l'harmonisation des systèmes de navigation maritime et des services de soutien à terre.
Le Dictionnaire hydrographique international (S-32) est un dictionnaire multilingue qui est la référence faisant autorité pour les termes et définitions liés à l'hydrographie utilisés dans les normes, spécifications et autres publications informatives de l'OHI. Cette base de données de dictionnaire en ligne comprend des termes et définitions harmonisés pour les langues suivantes : anglais, français, espagnol, chinois et indonésien. Le dictionnaire est géré par le Groupe de travail sur le dictionnaire hydrographique (HDWG), qui est un organe subsidiaire du Comité des services et des normes hydrographiques (HSSC) de l'OHI.
Liste des états membres de l'OHI et des états non membres.
Carte des états-membres de l'OHI.
Les tables suivantes fournissent des liens avec les catalogues de cartes en ligne des États membres de l'OHI. Pays: Allemagne, Argentine, Australie, Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Chili, Colombie, Danemark, Équateur, Estonie, France, Géorgie, Grèce, Hong Kong Chine, Islande, Inde, Indonésie, Italie, Japon, Afrique du Sud, Corée (Rép. De), Lettonie, Malaisie, Mexique, Maroc, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Pérou, Pologne, Portugal, Singapour, Espagne, Suède, Ukraine, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
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La carte GEBCO mondiale donne la bathymétrie des fonds marins sous la forme d'un carte de 1,3m par 1,0m avec des teintes hypsométriques. La carte est en projection de Mercator à l'échelle de 1:35,000,000 à l'équateur (Carte scannée téléchargable, format PDF et GeoTIFF). Il existe aussi des cartes bathymétriques en PDF pour l'océan Artique (IBCAO) et pour l'océan Austral (IBCSO).
Catalog of online publications: Bathymetric Publications, Capacity Building Publications, Miscellaneous Publications, Periodical, Standards and Specifications, Other Publications and Draft Publications
Feedback from those involved in the use of charts and electronic charting systems indicates a requirement to provide guidance on the regulations and the status of equipment that is available in the market today. This document has been produced to help clarify some of the uncertainties.
IHO publication S-67 “Mariners Guide to Accuracy of Depth Information in ENC” is a guide to navigators, and navigator training organizations, on the degree of confidence they should have in the adequacy and accuracy of charted depths and their positions in an Electronic Navigational Chart. The intended readers for this document are navigators on coastal or international voyages; and organizations training navigators for these voyages (More information).
To help mariners better assess the information presented on on-board navigation systems and understand what this can represent at sea, the IHO has released a new paper on Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Generalization, Over-Scaling and Safety Checking Functions in Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). For centuries, marine cartographers have been using generalization techniques to transform our view of the world from a true three-dimensional reality to a scaled, two-dimensional abstract view. This new publication is designed to help users gain a better understanding of classification, simplification, exaggeration, symbolization and scale in charts, and how they should use this information while navigating. Created by the IHO ENC working Group (ENCWG), the paper was drafted following comments from mariners, and is designed to improve users’ ECDIS familiarisation.
Latest IHO Standards that apply to ECDIS Equipment - Latest IHO Standards that apply to ENC Producers (Hydrographic Offices). Titles: Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS - Presentation Library for ECDIS - Data Protection scheme...
The IHO has produced Specifications for the Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS, publication S-52, in order to ensure that hydrographic data supplied by its Member States' HO is used in a manner that will enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation by satisfying the requirements set out in the IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS. The publicatio, describes the requirements and methods in relatively general terms.
The ECDIS Presentation Library as a separate document, gives full details of colours, symbols, symbolization instructions, etc. together with guidance on how an ENC should be displayed.
The publication "S-57-IHO" Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Dataâ describes the standard to be used for the exchange of digital hydrographic data between national hydrographic offices and for its distribution to manufacturers, mariners and other data users. For example, this standard is intended to be used for the supply of data for ECDIS. This transfer and distribution has to take place in such a way that none of the meaning of the data is lost. For S-57 see also:
The elements of this product specification define the minimum requirements a Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) must have to satisfy the draft performance standard for a Raster Chart Display System (RCDS). This product specification does not define underlying raster data structures of a raster navigational chart. The national hydrographic office producing the raster navigational chart should select that data structure.
The IHO Publication S-64 comprises an Instruction Manual and numerous ENC Test Data Sets. The S-64 data sets contain both encrypted and unencrypted ENC cells and Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) data. The IHO Test Data Sets (TDS) for Electronic Chart and Display Information System (ECDIS) have been produced to fulfil the requirement for a data set necessary to accomplish all ECDIS testing requirements as outlined in the IEC 61174 standard.
The aim of the international chart concept is to facilitate the provision of minimum sets of charts suitable for the navigational requirements of international (foreign-going) shipping. Such internationally-conceived charts will also enable those IHO Member States who provide, or wish to provide, charts outside their own national waters, to print by facsimile reproduction with only superficial modifications, selected modern charts under the terms of a bilateral arrangement between the Member State.
Maritime safety information is of vital concern to all ships. It is therefore essential that common standards are applied to the collection, editing and dissemination of this information. Only by doing so will the mariner be assured of receiving the information he needs, in a form which he understands, at the earliest possible time. This manual provides a practical guide for anyone who is concerned with drafting navigational warnings or with the issuance of meteorological forecasts and warnings under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Also JCOMM upload.
S-100 provides a contemporary hydrographic geospatial data standard that can support a wide variety of hydrographic-related digital data sources, and is fully aligned with mainstream international geospatial standards, in particular the ISO 19100 series of geographic standards, thereby enabling the easier integration of hydrographic data and applications into geospatial solutions.
E-navigation is defined as “the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of marine information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.”
In this 3rd edtion of 1953 the limits proposed are described in the text and shown in the three accompanying sheets. These limits have been drawn up solely for the convenience of National Hydrographic Office and have no political significance whatsoever.
This draft 4th edition of S-23 was developed from 1998 to 2002, based on the 1986 draft. It was submitted to IHO Member States in August 2002 for approval, but the voting process was interrupted by the IHB directing Committee in September 2002. It is a working document only. The 2002 draft 4th edition of S-23 was organized in ten regional chapters. The limits described in this publication have been drawn up solely for hydrographic purposes. It must not be construed as having any legal or political connotation whatsoever.
The International Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) is a multi-language dictionary that is the authoritative reference for hydrographic related terms and definitions used in IHO standards, specifications and other informative publications. This online dictionary database includes harmonised terms and definitions for the following languages; English; French; Spanish; Chinese and Indonesian. The dictionary is maintained by the Hydrographic Dictionary Working Group (HDWG), which is a subsidiary body of the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) of the IHO.
List of member states of the IHO and of non-member states.
The following table provides links to IHO Member States online Chart Catalogues. Countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia (Republic of), Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong China, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea (Rep. of), Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, USA.
IHO developed a web service in order to efficiently provide the current status of charts that coastal states produce and distribute for users. This service helps not only mariners but chart users to search charts in various ways and to display them on several base maps. In this way, mariners and users will be quickly and easily able to search charts and get relevant information. Catalogues: ENC Coverage Catalogue shows ENC data limits, ports and International (INT) Chart boundaries. IHO Web Catalogue of INT Charts shows existing and planned INTernational charts.
At the references the Maritime Safety Agencies of coastal States were requested, in coordination with their Hydrographic Offices, to provide information to the IHO regarding their recommendations for the paper charts to be carried: a. As a backup to a single ECDIS using ENCs; and b. For use when ECDIS is used in the Raster Chart Display Mode (RCDS). The information provided by coastal States is available as pdf files by clicking on the State´s name below. Only States which have provided information are included.
The GEBCO world map shows the bathymetry of the world's ocean floor in the form of a 1.3 m by 1.0 m shaded relief colour map. The map is on a Mercator projection at a scale of 1:35,000,000 at the Equator (Raster map for upload, JPEG file). Further there are Bathymetric PDF charts for the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) and for the Southern Ocean (IBCSO).
Today, IMO has over 200 titles available in English. Many are translated into French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
The guide is intended for Masters, ship owners, Government authorities, insurance companies, and other interested parties involved in rescue-at-sea situations. It provides guidance on relevant legal provisions, on practical procedures to ensure the prompt disembarkation of rescued persons, and on measures to meet their specific needs, particularly in the case of refugees and asylum-seekers.
Consolidated edition 2004. The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety of merchant ships. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety. Contents: I. General Provisions - II-1. Construction-Structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations - II-2. Construction-Fire protection,fire detection and fire extinction - III. Life-saving appliances and arrangements - IV. Radio communications - V. Safety of navigation - VI. Carriage of cargoes - VII. Carriage of dangerous goods - VIII. Nuclear ships - IX. Management for the safe operation of ships - X. Safety measures for high-speed craft - XI-1. Special measures to enhance maritime safety - XI-2. Special measures to enhance maritime security - XII. Additional safety measures for bulk carriers - Appendix Certificates (Also 1974 edition).
SOLAS (pour Safety Of Life At Sea, de son nom complet International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) est un traité international visant à définir différentes règles relatives à la sécurité, la sûreté et l'exploitation des navires. Traduite en français : Pour la Sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer. Cette convention s'applique en général aux navires de jauge brute supérieure ou égale à 500 UMS qui effectuent des voyages en eaux internationales. Sommaire : I. Généralités - II-1. Construction - Compartimentage et stabilité, machine et installations électriques - II-2. Protection contre l'incendie, détection et extinction - III. Matériel de sauvetage - IV. Radiocommunications - V. Sécurité de navigation - VI. Transport de marchandises particulières - VII. Transport de marchandises dangereuses - VIII. Navires à propulsion nucléaire - IX. Gestion de la sécurité des opérations du navire - X. Mesures de sécurité pour les navires à grande vitesse - XI-1. Mesures spéciales pour améliorer la sécurité des navires - XI-2. Mesures spéciales pour améliorer la sûreté des navires - XII. Mesures de sécurité additionnelles pour les navires transportant des marchandises en vrac - Annexes.
The Polar Code is intended to cover the full range of shipping-related matters relevant to navigation in waters surrounding the two poles - ship design, construction and equipment; operational and training concerns; search and rescue; and, equally important, the protection of the unique environment and eco-systems of the polar regions (MEPC 68/21/Add.1 Annex 10: Resolution MEPC.264(68), 2015). More information.
Ships operating in the Arctic and Antarctic environments are exposed to a number of unique risks. Poor weather conditions and the relative lack of good charts, communication systems and other navigational aids pose challenges for mariners. When ice is present, it can impose additional loads on the hull, propulsion system and appendages. The Guidelines aim to promote the safety of navigation and to prevent pollution from ship operations in polar waters (Resolution A 26/Res.1024, 2010). Also on Artic Portal.
Ships operating in the Arctic environment are exposed to a number of unique risks. The Guidelines aim to promote the safety of navigation and to prevent pollution from ship operations in Arctic ice-covered waters. The Guidelines take into account that Arctic conditions may include sea and glacial ice that can represent a serious structural hazard to all ships. The Guidelines address the fact that the Arctic environment imposes additional demands on ship systems, including navigation, communications, life-saving, main and auxiliary machinery, etc. In addition, the Guidelines recognize that safe operation in such conditions requires specific attention to human factors including training and operational procedures (MSC/Circ.1056 MEPC/Circ.399, 2002).
Le Recueil sur la navigation polaire vise à couvrir l'intégralité des questions de transport maritime relatives à la navigation dans les eaux qui entourent les deux pôles – cela comprend la conception, la construction et l'équipement des navires; les problématiques opérationnelles et de formation; la recherche et le sauvetage; et, tout aussi importante, la protection de l'environnement et des écosystèmes uniques des régions polaires (MEPC 68/21/Add.1 Annexe 10 : Résolution MEPC.264(68), 2015).
Les navires exploités dans les environnements arctique et antarctique sont exposés à un certain nombre de risques sans pareils. Les conditions météorologiques et le manque de cartes marines fiables, de systèmes de communication et d'autres aides à la navigation posent des problèmes aux gens de mer. En présence de glace, des charges supplémentaires peuvent être imposées à la coque, au système de propulsion et aux appendices du navire. Les présentes Directives visent à promouvoir la sécurité de la navigation et à prévenir la pollution par les navires exploités dans les eaux polaires (Résolution A.1024(26), 2010).
This guidance is intended primarily for seafarers. It provides information which will help you if you are unlucky enough to fall into cold water, or have to enter it in an emergency, or have to use survival craft in cold conditions. It also provides information which will help seafarers, trained as first-aid providers, to treat those rescued from cold conditions (Circular MSC.1/Circ.1185/Rev.1).
Dieser Leitfaden ist hauptsächlich für Seeleute vorgesehen. Er stellt Informationen zur Verfügung, die demjenigen helfen, der unglücklicherweise ins kalte Wasser fällt, in einem Notfall sich in das Wasser begeben muss oder ein Überlebendfahrzeug bei kalten Bedingungen benutzen muss. Er stellt auch Informationen zur Verfügung, die den als Helfer für Erste Hilfe ausgebildeten Seeleuten helfen, diejenigen zu behandeln, die aus kalten Umgebungsbedingungen gerettet wurden (Rundschreiben MSC.1/Circ.1185/Rev.1).
IMO resolutions and IMO circulars about communications systems.
IMO resolutions and IMO circulars about communications procedures.
Master plan of shore-based facilities for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Content: List of DSC coast stations - List of INMARSAT land earth stations - NAVTEX service - The international SAFETYNET service - HF NBDP MSI broadcast service (Circular GMDSS.1/Circ.22, 2018).
Edition 2019. This Manual describes the structure and operation of the International SafetyNET [and SafetyNET II] Service[s]. As result of changes to the Inmarsat satellite network and services, the fifth revision of the International SafetyNET Manual will be IMO publication MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.2.
Édition 2011. Le service SafetyNET est un service automatique d'impression directe qui consiste à diffuser dans le monde entier, par satellite, des avertissements de navigation, des avis et des prévisions météorologiques, des renseignements utiles pour la recherche et le sauvetage (SAR) et d'autres messages urgents concernant la sécurité (renseignements sur la sécurité maritime - RSM) à l'intention des navires. Le présent Manuel décrit la structure et le fonctionnement du service SafetyNET international. Il s'adresse essentiellement aux Administrations nationales et aux pourvoyeurs de renseignements inscrits, mais il peut également servir aux navigateurs désireux de complèter les renseignements fournis par les constructeurs de matériel dans leur manuel d'exploitation.
SafetyNET es un servicio internacional automático por satélite de impresión directa, destinado a difundir entre los buques radioavisos náuticos y meteorológicos, pronósticos meteorológicos, información sobre búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) y otros mensajes urgentes relacionados con la seguridad (la información sobre seguridad marítima - ISM). En el presente Manual se describe la estructura y el funcionamiento del servicio internacional SafetyNET. Está destinado principalmente a las Administraciones nacionales y los proveedores de información registrados, si bien también puede ser útil para los navegantes que necesiten ampliar la información operacional proporcionada en los manuales de equipo de los fabricantes.
NAVTEX is an international automated direct-printing service for promulgation of navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent information to ships. It was developed to provide a low-cost, simple and automated means of receiving maritime safety information on board ships at sea in coastal waters.
This Manual describes the structure and operation of the NAVTEX Service. It is intended primarily for use by Maritime Administrations and others concerned with the preparation and broadcasting of maritime safety information. It will also be of interest to seafarers, shipowners and others who need to receive such information in order to safely go about their business at sea (IMO, MSC.1/Circ.1403/Rev.1, 2016).
NAVTEX ist ein internationaler automatisierter Sofortdruckdienst zur Veröffentlichung von Navigations- und meteorologischen Warnungen, meteorologischen Vorhersagen und anderen dringenden Informationen an Schiffe. Dieses Handbuch beschreibt den Aufbau und die Ausführung des NAVTEX Dienstes. Es ist hauptsächlich für Schifffahrtsverwaltungen und andere Betroffene im Bereich der Erstellung und Aussendung von Maritimen Sicherheitsinformationen vorgesehen. Außerdem wird es für Seeleute, Reeder und andere, die solche Informationen benötigen, um sicher ihrer Arbeit auf See nachgehen zu können, von Belang sein (BSH).
NAVTEX est un service automatique d'impression directe destiné à être utilisé dans le monde entier pour l'émission d'avertissements de navigation, d'avertissements météorologiques, de prévisions météorologiques et d'autres renseignements urgents à l'intention des navires. Le présent Manuel décrit la structure et le fonctionnement du service NAVTEX. Il a été établi essentiellement à l'intention des Administrations maritimes et autres parties s'occupant de la mise au point et de la diffusion de renseignements sur la sécurité maritime. Il s'adresse également aux gens de mer, aux propriétaires de navires et aux autres parties qui ont besoin de ces renseignements pour se livrer à leurs activités en mer en toute sécurité.
NAVTEX es un servicio internacional automatizado de impresión directa para la difusión de radioavisos náuticos y meteorológicos, pronósticos meteorológicos y otros mensajes de información urgente dirigida a los buques. En el presente Manual se describe la estructura y el funcionamiento del Servicio NAVTEX. Está destinado principalmente a las Administraciones marítimas y otras partes que participan en la preparación y transmisión de información sobre seguridad marítima. También es de interés para la gente de mar, los propietarios de buques y otras personas que necesitan recibir esta información para llevar a cabo sin riesgos sus actividades en el mar.
This manual provides a practical guide for anyone who is concerned with drafting navigational warnings or with the issuance of meteorological forecasts and warnings under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Also 2009 edition on JCOMM upload.
Le présent manuel constitue un guide pratique pour toute personne concernée par la rédaction des avertissements de navigation ou par la diffusion de prévisions et d'avertissements météorologiques dans le cadre du système mondial de détresse et de sécurité en mer (SMDSM).
El presente Manual es una guía práctica para todas las personas interesadas en elaborar radioavisos náuticos o en transmitir pronósticos y avisos meteorológicos en el marco del sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad marítima (SMSSM).
IAMSAR volume III: Mobile Facilities. The three-volume IAMSAR Manual provides guidelines for a common aviation and maritime approach to organizing and providing search and rescue (SAR) services. Volume III, Mobile Facilities, is intended to be carried aboard rescue units, aircraft and vessels to help with performance of a search, rescue or on-scene co-ordinator function, and with aspects of SAR that pertain to their own emergencies (Edition 2006). Also view online documents.
IAMSAR Volumen III: Medios móviles. Los tres volúmenes del manuel IAMSAR proporcionan orientación sobre un enfoque aeronáutico y marı́timo común para organizar y prestar servicios SAR. La finalidad del volumen III, titulado "Medios móviles" es ayudar a los buques y a las aeronaves en la realización de las operaciones de búsqueda y salvamento o la función de coordinador en el lugar del siniestro, así como en los aspectos de la búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) correspondientes a sus propias situaciones de emergencia. Está previsto que este volumen se lleve a bordo de las unidades, aeronaves y buques de salvamento (2016).
This page provides maritime or joint rescue coordination centres (MRCC or JRCC), solely for their operational purposes, with a minimum list of documents which are essential for such centres to have in their possession or to have rapid and reliable access to a digital version. The list only covers search and rescue and no other tasks which RCCs may require to perform.
Your part in recovery at sea. As a seafarer, you may have to recover people in distress at sea. This might be someone overboard from your own ship or your ship might be responding to someone else's emergency. You may have little warning, and lives may be in your hands. In many areas of the world, especially when out of range of shore-based search and rescue (SAR) facilities, your ship may be the first, or the only, rescue unit to arrive in time. This guide focuses on recovery and the work you may have to do to achieve it. It is intended to be used as a reference document. You should read it now and you should refer to it again while proceeding to the scene of the emergency, as part of your preparation for the recovery operation. It suggests practical recovery techniques which have been used successfully to recover people in distress at sea (IMO, MSC.1/Circ.1182/Rev.1, 2014).
Su papel en el rescate el el mar. Como navegante, es posible que usted tenga que rescatar a personas en peligro en el mar. Puede tratarse de alguien que haya caído por la borda de su propio buque o puede que su buque haya acudido al lugar en el que se ha producido un suceso. Es posible que le avisen con poco tiempo y que haya vidas que dependan de usted. En muchas zonas del mundo, particularmente en zonas que están fuera del alcance de los medios de búsqueda y salvamento (SAR) en tierra, puede que su buque sea la primera unidad de salvamento, o incluso la única, que llegue a tiempo. El proceso de rescate es a menudo difícil. La guía se centra en el rescate y en lo que usted puede tener que hacer para lograrlo. Está destinada a ser utilizada como documento de referencia. Debe usted leer la ahora y remitirse a ella mientras se dirija al lugar del suceso a fin de prepararse para las operaciones de rescate. En ella se sugieren técnicas de rescate prácticas que han sido utilizadas con éxito para rescatar a personas en peligro en el mar (OMI, MSC.1/Circ.1182/Rev.1, 2014).
Edition: 2001 (A 22/Res.918).
As navigational and safety communications from ship to shore and vice versa, ship to ship, and on board ships must be precise, simple and unambiguous, so as to avoid confusion and error,there is a need to standardize the language used.
These SMCP have been compiled:
- to assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the conduct of ship
- to standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in port-approaches, inwaterways, harbours and on board vessels and
- to assist maritime training institutions in meeting the objectives mentioned above
(Also PDF document from 2000).
Η μετάφραση του παρόντος εγχειριδίου έγινε από την αγγλική γλώσσα, με βάση την τελευταία έκδοση του βιβλίου με τίτλο “IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases” (SMCP, 2002) και βασικός στόχος του είναι να χρησιμοποιηθεί στη διδασκαλία της Αγγλικής γλώσσας. Παράλληλα φιλοδοξεί να αποτελέσει πολύτιμο σύμβουλο για όλους τους αξιωματικούς των πλοίων σε θέματα ναυτικών επικοινωνιώv (Eugenides Foundation).
Entré en vigueur le 1er juillet 2004, en vertu du chapitre XI-2 de la Convention SOLAS, le Code international pour la sûreté des navires et des installations portuaires (ISPS) a depuis constitué la base d'un régime de sûreté complet et obligatoire pour le secteur des transports maritimes internationaux. Le Code se compose de deux sections, une Partie A et une Partie B. D'un côté, la Partie A, à caractère obligatoire, présente des prescriptions détaillées relatives à la sûreté maritime et à la sûreté portuaire auxquelles les Gouvernements, les autorités portuaires et les compagnies maritimes contractants à la Convention SOLAS doivent impérativement adhérer afin d'être en conformité avec le Code. De l'autre, la Partie B du Code fournit un ensemble de recommandations sur les dispositions à prendre pour satisfaire aux prescriptions et obligations définies dans la Partie A (2003).
Here is a list of guidance documents adopted by IMO which are relevant to maritime security.
These Guidelines provide high-level recommendations for maritime cyber risk management. For the purpose of these Guidelines, maritime cyber risk refers to a measure of the extent to which a technology asset is threatened by a potential circumstance or event, which may result in shipping-related operational, safety or security failures as a consequence of information or systems being corrupted, lost or compromised. Supersedes MSC 1/Circ. 1526, 2016 (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3. 2017). More information about: Maritime Cyber Risk.
Here is a list of guidance documents adopted by IMO which are relevant to piracy. More information about: Piracy and armed robbery against ships.
This circular aims at bringing to the attention of shipowners, companies, ship operators masters and crews the precautions to be taken to reduce the risks of piracy on the high seas and armed robbery against ships at anchor, off ports or when underway through a coastal State’s territorial waters. It outlines steps that should be taken to reduce the risk of such attacks, possible responses to them and the vital need to report attacks,both successful and unsuccessful, to the authorities of the relevant coastal State and to the ships’ own maritime Administration. Such reports are to be made as soon as possible, to enable necessary action to be taken (MSC.1/Circ. 1334, 2009). More information about piracy.
The purpose of this guidance is to protect seafarers, the ship and cargo and, to facilitate threat and risk assessment and planning for voyages transiting areas where the threat of attack by pirates andarmed robbers exists. This guidance is complementary to other industry regional guidance and that issued by international regional organisations.
This document is intended to advise Best Management Practices (BMP) to assist companies and ships in avoiding piracy attacks, deterring attacks and delaying successful attacks in the Gulf of Aden (GoA) and off the Coast of Somalia (MSC.1/Circ.1339, 2011). Also: Update for HRA. Superced by BMP5 and MSC.1/Circ.1601.
Best Management Practices (BMP) to deter piracy and enhance maritime security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. The purpose of this publication is to help ships plan their voyage and to detect, avoid, deter, delay and report attacks. Experience has shown application of the recommendations in this publication makes a significant difference to the safety of seafarers. Also update for the limits of the the High Risk Area and a version of BMP5 with one file by section (MSCHOA, 2018).
The Maritime Safety Committee had recognized the importance of the Best Management Practices (BMP) and the need to comply with the provisions therein. Also this circulaire contain three BMP: Global Counter Piracy Guidance for Companies, Masters and Seafarers, as set out in annex 1; the revised Best Management Practices (BMP5), as set out in annex 2; and Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Masters for protection against piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Guinea region as set out in annex 3 (MSC.1/Circ.1601, 2018).
Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security off the Coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea. This publication aims to help ships plan their voyage and to detect, avoid, deter, delay and report attacks. Experience has shown application of the recommendations in this publication makes a significant difference to the safety of seafarers (ICS & alt, 2020).
The purpose of this guide is to assist those responsible for the operation of ships trading in Asia including companies, owners, masters, agents and seafarers in avoiding attacks, deterring attacks and delaying attacks, actions when attacked and evidence preservation (ReCAAP, ).
This guidance focuses on the incidents of abduction of crew from ships for ransom in the Sulu-Celebes Seas and waters off Eastern Sabah. It provides the guidance and analysis based on the information collected from past incidents in order to assist the shipping industry and ships to enhance their situation awareness and avoid such incidents. This guidance complements the general guidance contained in the “Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia” (ReCAAP, 2019).
El Comité de Seguridad Marítima es el más alto órgano técnico de la Organización. Está integrado por todos los miembros. Entre las funciones del Comité de seguridad marítima se incluye "examinar todas las cuestiones que sean competencia de la organización en relación con ayudas a la navegación, construcción y equipo de buques, dotación desde un punto de vista de seguridad, reglas destinadas a prevenir abordajes, manipulación de cargas peligrosas, procedimientos y prescripciones relativos a la seguridad marítima, información hidrográfica, diarios y registros de navegación, investigación de siniestros marítimos, salvamento de bienes y personas, y toda otra cuestión que afecte directamente a la seguridad marítima" (DIRECTEMAR).
El Comité de protección del medio marino, que se compone de todos los Estados Miembros, está facultado para examinar toda cuestión que sea competencia de la organización en relación con la prevención y contención de la contaminación del mar, ocasionada por los buques. Especialmente se ocupa de la aprobación y enmienda de convenios y otras reglas y medidas para garantizar su observancia (DIRECTEMAR).
Lo invitamos a conocer los principales convenios de la OMI (Organización Marítima Internacional) : Convenio Internacional sobre Búsqueda y Salvamento Marítimo de 1979 (SAR), Convenio Internacional sobre la Seguridad de la Vida Humana en el Mar (SOLAS)...
Documents : Guidelines for the Presentation of Navigation-related Symbols, Terms and Abbreviations (SN.1/Circ.243) - ECDIS: Guidance for good practice (MSC.1/Circ.1503) - Directives pour la présentation des symboles, termes et abréviations utilisés pour la navigation (F-SN.1/Circ.243) - ECDIS : Guide de bonnes pratiques (F-MSC.1/Circ.1503)...
Wenngleich überaus hilfreiche IMO-Richtlinien zu ECDIS auf diese stufenweise Art entwickelt wurden, war es erforderlich, dass die Informationen nach Möglichkeit zusammengefasst werden, um ECDIS-relevante Richtlinien in einem einzigen Rundschreiben zu haben, das ohne Wiederholungen oder ständige Bezugnahme leicht auf dem neusten Stand gehalten werden kann. Diese Informationszusammenfassung ermöglicht ein klares und eindeutiges Verständnis hinsichtlich der Pflichtausrüstung und der Verwendung eines ECDIS (IMO-Rundschreiben MSC.1/Circ.1503).
E-navigation is defined as “the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of marine information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.” Documents: Strategy for the development and implementation of e-navigation (MSC 85/26/Add.1 Annex 20) - E-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan (NCSR 1/28 Annex 7) - Guidelines on Software Quality Assurance and Human Centered Design for e-navigation (MSC.1/Circ.1512)...
The Organization has developed these Guidelines on fatigue to assist all stakeholders in better understanding their roles and responsibilities in mitigating and managing the risk of fatigue. The Guidelines provide information on the causes and consequences of fatigue, and the risks it poses to the safety and health of seafarers, operational safety, security and protection of the marine environment. It has been prepared to assist all stakeholders in contributing to the mitigation and management of fatigue. The Guidelines are composed of modules each devoted to an interested party. The modules are as follows: Fatigue - Fatigue and the company - Fatigue and the seafarer - Fatigue, awareness and training - Fatigue and ship design - Fatigue, the Administration and port State Authorities (MSC.1/Circ.1598, 2019).
Competent authorities at ports are responsible for managing events that pose a risk to public health. These events – which may be caused by biological, chemical or radiological agents – may vary greatly in terms of severity, requiring different degrees of response. This document from the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to provide technical advice to competent authorities at the port level for management of public health events on board ships.
Les autorités portuaires compétentes sont responsables de la gestion des évènements qui présentent un risque pour la santé publique. Ces évènements peuvent être dus à des agents biologiques, chimiques ou radiologiques. Ils peuvent varier considérablement en termes de gravité, nécessitant différents niveaux de réponse. Le présent document de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) vise à fournir des conseils techniques aux autorités portuaires compétentes pour la gestion des évènements de santé publique à bord des navires.
This guide shows designated first-aid providers how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the health problems of seafarers on board ship. It contains fully updated recommendations aimed to promote and protect the health of seafarers and is consistent with the latest revisions of both the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the International Health Regulations. Including the ship's medicine chest (ILO/IMO/WHO).
You can set up a trial to access our online subscription for these products: SOLAS, MARPOL and the IMO-Vega Database. The trials will be active for two working days from the date they are requested (Weekend are not included). Each trial can only be accessed once every year.
IMODOCS is the official document repository of the IMO. IMODOCS provides full text of documents and resolutions issued since the late 1990s by the principal organs and committees of the Organization. Selected content is available to the public. A free registration is required. Sales publications are not included here but IMO circulars are available: Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue (COMSAR), Circular relating to Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems — shorebased facilities (GMDSS Master Plan), Circular relating to Maritime Safety Committee on safety matters (MSC)...
Supplements for the pulications of the IMO. Please choose a language option for Supplements (English - French - Spanish - Arabic, Chinese and Russian) and download the relevant supplement (pdf files), print it and insert it into your publication.
ITU is pleased to present the English edition of its Publications Catalogue in PDF format. This edition is updated weekly to give an overview of all available ITU publications. With publications of the general secretariat, radiocommunication sector (ITU-R), telecommunication standardization sector (ITU-T) and telecommunication development sector (ITU-D). Also Online Catalogue.
Catalog of maritime publications: Manual for use by the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite services (Maritime manual) - List IV: List of coast stations and special service stations - List V: List of ship stations and maritime mobile service identity assignments. Also available on MyITU.
The ITU Radio Regulations facilitate equitable access to and rational use of the natural resources of the radio-frequency spectrum and geostationary satellite orbits. They also ensure the availability of the frequencies provided for distress and safety purposes and assist in the prevention and resolution of cases of harmful interference between the radio services of different administrations. The Radio Regulations, Edition of 2020, contains the complete texts as adopted by the World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 1995) (WRC-95) and subsequently revised and adopted by World Radiocommunication Conferences, including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommendations and ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference. The four volumes of the 2020 Radio Regulations are available in all six of ITU's official languages in zipped WORD and pdf formats. Contents: Vol. 1 - Articles, Vol. 2 - Appendices, Vol. 3 - Resolutions and Recommendations, Vol. 4 - ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference. Plus map for Appendix 27 Rev. WRC-19. Also available on MyITU.
The maritime manual, edition of 2011. This manual reflects the regulatory provisions and the latest decisions concerning the maritime services by ITU conferences (including relevant decisions pertaining to the introduction of new systems and techniques). The manual is required to be carried by stations on board ships (View online documents).
Compilation of amendments and extracts. List IV contains important information for the mariner in relation to radiocommunications, including the GMDSS (Global maritime distress and safety system) and CP (Public correspondence) services. Detailed information is provided in relation to the facilities available at each maritime coast radio station, which may provide watch-keeping using digital selective calling (DSC) techniques and radiotelephony (2017).
Compilation of amendments and extracts. This list shall be provided to all ship stations for which a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) installation is required by international agreement.
This page contains maritime related recommendations (Recommendations ITU-R M series). The ITU-R recommendations constitute a set of international technical standards developed by the Radiocommunication Sector (formerly CCIR) of the ITU.
ITU-R M series reports, related to maritime radiocommunications. A report is a technical, operational or procedural statement, prepared by a study group on a given subject related to a current question or the results of studies referred to in § 3.3 of resolution ITU-R 1.
GLAD is an online data retrieval-system and a central repository of ITU-R common information concerning administrations and geographical areas.
MARS is a free of charge, online access and retrieval system that allows users to consult the information currently registered in the ITU’s maritime database system.
L'UIT a le plaisir de présenter son Catalogue des publications, désormais mis à jour chaque semaine. Il est disponible en anglais, au format PDF, et donne un aperçu des publications UIT en vigueur. Avec les publications du secrétariat général, du secteur des radiocommunications (UIT-R), du secteur de la normalisation des télécommunications (UIT-T) et du secteur du développement des télécommunications (UIT-D). Catalogue en anglais avec certains ouvrages disponibles en français.
Catalogue des publications maritimes : Manuel à l'usage des services mobile maritime et mobile maritime par satellite (Manuel maritime) - Liste IV : Nomenclature des stations côtières et des stations effectuant des services spéciaux - Liste V : Nomenclature des stations de navire et des identités du Service Mobile Maritime assignées. Également disponible avec une recherche.
Le Règlement des radiocommunications, édition 2020, est composé de 4 volumes. Il contient le texte complet du Règlement des radiocommunications tel qu'il a été adopté par la conférence mondiale des radiocommunications y compris tous les appendices, résolutions, recommandations et les recommandations UIT-R incorporées par référence.
Le Réglement est disponible dans les six langues officielles de l'UIT aux formats WORD et PDF.
Les Recommandations UIT-R (anciennement CCIR) constituent un ensemble de normes techniques internationales développées par le Secteur des Radiocommunications de l'UIT. Page en anglais avec certaines recommandations disponibles en français.
Rapports de la série M de l'UIT-R liées aux communications radiomaritimes. Un rapport est un exposé technique, d'exploitation ou de procédure préparé par une commission d'études sur un sujet donné. Un rapport concerne une question dont l'étude est en cours ou bien les résultats des études, études dont il est question au § 3.3 de la résolution UIT-R 1. Page en anglais avec certaines recommandations disponibles en français.
NCAGS guide to owners, operators, masters and officers. ATP-02.1 is a publication which provides information to ship owners, operators, masters and officers regarding the interaction between naval forces and commercial shipping. In particular the publication serves as a handbook for the world-wide application of NCAGS principles and procedures that exist to enhance the safety of shipping in times of tension, crisis and conflict.
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the world’s busiest waterbodies. While the region offers safe transit to commercial traffic and entry to the Middle East and beyond via the Suez Canal, regional instability in areas such as Libya and Syria have the potential to spill over into the maritime domain and continues to pose a possible threat to commercial traffic. This Allied Maritime Command assessment provides an update on the threat posed to commercial shipping while transiting the Mediterranean in international waters. However, the risk to vessels when operating in territorial waters, i.e. close to the coast or within confined areas, is clearly elevated due to the opportunity it provides a would be attacker.
GPS interference and possible jamming with potentially dangerous consequences is reportedly occurring in the Eastern Mediterranean in vicinity of Cyprus and the entrance to the Suez Canal since the beginning of 2018.
Best Management Practices (BMP) to deter piracy and enhance maritime security off the Coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea (2020). The maritime security situation off the West Coast of Africa is complex and dynamic. BMP – West Africa (WA) has been produced to help ships and seafarers avoid becoming the victims of maritime security incidents in these waters. This publication aims to help ships plan their voyage and to detect, avoid, deter, delay and report attacks. Experience has shown that application of the recommendations in this publication makes a significant difference to the safety of seafarers. The BMP contained in this publication mitigate the risk from piracy and armed robbery.
Best management practices (BMP) to deter piracy and enhance maritime security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (2018). Seafarers have encountered different security threats when operating ships in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. The purpose of this publication is to help ships plan their voyage and to detect, avoid, deter, delay and report attacks. Experience has shown application of the recommendations in this publication makes a significant difference to the safety of seafarers. The BMP contained in this publication mitigates the risk from piracy and other maritime security threats. The fundamental requirements of BMP: Understand the threat - Conduct risk assessments -Implement ship protection measures - Report - Cooperate.
Reporting Guidance for vessels transiting the Arabian Gulf, Straits of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman. This guidance should be posted on the bridge for ease of access to watch officers and covered in watch hand overs.
Even though the statistics from the different reporting centres vary, the fact is that The Far East, including Malacca Strait, Indonesia and South China Sea, is the area where most of the reported incidents have taken place in 2015.Incidents reaching from theft and robbery in port to hijacking of vessels.
This document summarizes the current scientific knowledge of sea survival for mariners, aviators, search and rescue technicians and medical staff. The text discusses key issues such as drowning through cold shock and swimming failure induced by immersion in water particularly below 15 Celsius, survival prediction curves and non-freezing cold injuries. Practical advice is given on the causes and treatment of seasickness (NATO/STO/CSO, RTO-AG-HFM-152).
NATO Shipping Centre advises all mariners to use and comply with procedures contained in Maritime Security Charts produced by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.
NCAGS Guide to Owners, Operators, Masters and Officers - Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy.
In the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Services METAREAs or NAVAREAs are regions of the oceans for which specified nations have the responsibility for the co-ordination of the provision of meteorological and other marine safety information. Show national marine weather services sea area maps and satellite/Navtex/Facsimile broadcasts: Click on METAREAS then click on the Metarea list with roman numerals. Also legacy site.
Radio weather forecasts and warnings: frequencies and schedules. This Publication contains Marine meteorology and other related geophysical information necessary for safe and economic conduct of shipping operations, as well as for fishing and other marine activities, is made available to the user by the various Meteorological Services of maritime countries. Contents: Frequencies and schedules for satellite systems (GMDSS SafetyNET Services) and terrestrial systems (Radio Voice broadcasts - NAVTEX - HF NBDP - Radio-facsimile).
Also available: Amendments by countries.
The worlds' oceans have been divided into 21 areas, called METAREAS, for the provision of marine meteorological information and services to shipping.
Click on the book image on the left. This Manual is designed: (a) To specify obligations of Members in the implementation of Marine Meteorological Services (MMS); (b) To facilitate cooperation in respect of the international coordination of MMS, in particular the delivery of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)/WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS); (c) To facilitate cooperation between the World Weather Watch (WWW) and MMS; (d) To ensure adequate uniformity and standardization in the practices and procedures followed to achieve (a), (b) and (c) above. Also available on JCOMM.
Cliquez sur l'image du livre à gauche. Les buts du Manuel sont les suivants: a) Préciser les obligations des Membres quant à la mise en oeuvre de l’assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes; b) Faciliter la coopération en matière de coordination internationale de l’assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes, en particulier la prestation du Service mondial OMI/OMM d’information et d’alerte pour la météorologie maritime et l’océanographie; c) Faciliter la coopération entre la Veille météorologique mondiale et l’assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes; d) Assurer l’uniformité des pratiques et des procédures employées pour atteindre les buts a), b) et c) ci‑dessus. Également disponible sur JCOMM.
Haga clic en la imagen del libro a la izquierda. El presente Manual tiene por objeto: a) determinar las obligaciones de los Miembros en lo que respecta a la ejecución de los servicios meteorológicos marinos; b) facilitar la cooperación en materia de coordinación internacional de los servicios meteorológicos marinos, en concreto el suministro del Servicio mundial de información y avisos meteorológicos y oceanográficos de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) y la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM); c) facilitar la cooperación entre la Vigilancia Meteorológica Mundial y los servicios meteorológicos marinos; d) velar adecuadamente por la uniformidad y la normalización de las prácticas y los procedimientos empleados para conseguir los objetivos enunciados en a), b) y c). También disponible en JCOMM y DIRECTEMAR.
Нажмите на изображение книги слева. Настоящее Наставление предназначается: a) для определения обязанностей Членов в осуществлении морского метеорологического обслуживания (ММО); b) для облегчения сотрудничества в отношении международной координации ММО, в частности в осуществлении деятельности Всемирной службы Международной морской организации (ИМО)/ВМО метеорологической и океанографической информации и предупреждений (ВСМОИП); c) для облегчения сотрудничества между Всемирной службой погоды (ВСП) и ММО; d) для обеспечения надлежащей однородности и стандартизации практик и процедур, используемых для выполнения положений, упомянутых в подпунктах «a», «b» и «c» выше. Также доступно на JCOMM.
Internationally agreed methods of providing services to the marine community around the world are described in the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558). The purpose of this Guide is to complement the Manual by: (a) Describing the requirements for the various types of service; (b) Explaining the rationale for the agreed methods of providing services; (c) Giving guidance on how to set up and maintain marine meteorological services. It follows the same structure as the Manual on Marine Meteorological Services. Also available on JCOMM.
Cliquez sur l'image du livre à gauche. C'est dans le Manuel de l'assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes (OMM N° 558) que sont décrites les méthodes reconnues en la matière sur le plan international. Dans le présent guide, qui constitue le complément de ce manuel, on s'attache à: a) Décrire les besoins correspondant aux diverses formes d'assistance; b) Justifier l'emploi des méthodes d'assistance retenues; c) Indiquer comment mettre en oeuvre et perpétuer l'assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes. Le Guide suit le même plan que le Manuel. Également disponible sur JCOMM.
Haga clic en la imagen del libro a la izquierda. En el Manual de servicios meteorológicos marinos (OMM N° 558) se describen los métodos convenidos internacionalmente para la prestación de servicios a la comunidad marina en todo el mundo. Como complemento de dicho Manual, la presente Guía responde a los siguientes propósitos: a) describir las necesidades requeridas para los distintos tipos de servicios; b) explicar las razones a que responden los métodos convenidos para la prestación de servicios; c) orientar sobre la manera de constituir y mantener servicios meteorológicos marinos. Para ello, está estructurada a semejanza del Manual de servicios meteorológicos marinos. También disponible en JCOMM y DIRECTEMAR.
Нажмите на изображение книги слева. Согласованные на международном уровне методы предоставления обслуживания морскому сообществу по всему миру описаны в Наставлении по морскому метеорологическому обслуживанию (ВМО-№ 558). Целью настоящего Руководства является дополнить Наставление посредством: a) описания требований к различным видам обслуживания; b) разъяснения целесообразности согласованных методов предоставления обслуживания; c) предоставления руководящих указаний в отношении того, каким образом следует организовывать и поддерживать морское метеорологическое обслуживание. Руководство имеет ту же структуру, что и Наставление по морскому метеорологическому обслуживанию. Также доступно на JCOMM.
Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors. This on-line Atlas describes the classification system for clouds and meteorological phenomena used by all WMO Members. The classifications also describe meteorological meteors other than clouds – hydrometeors, lithometeors, photometeors, and electrometeors. The Atlas provides a common language to communicate cloud observations, and ensures consistency in reporting by observers around the world. It serves as a training tool for meteorologists, as well as for those working in aeronautical and maritime environments, and it has become popular with weather enthusiasts and cloud spotters.
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Manuel de l'observation des nuages et des autres météores. Cet Atlas en ligne décrit le système de classification des nuages et des phénomènes météorologiques utilisé par tous les Membres de l'OMM. Les classifications traitent également des météores autres que les nuages – les hydrométéores, les lithométéores, les photométéores et les électrométéores. L'Atlas fournit une langue commune qui permet d'échanger des observations de nuages et assure la cohérence des informations fournies par les observateurs du monde entier. Il sert d'outil de formation pour les météorologues et les personnes qui travaillent dans les secteurs aéronautiques et maritimes. Il jouit d'une grande popularité auprès des passionnés et des observateurs de nuages amateurs.
Manual de observación de nubes y otros meteoros. En este Atlas se describe el sistema de clasificación de las nubes y los fenómenos meteorológicos que utilizan todos los Miembros de la OMM. Este sistema también describe los meteoros meteorológicos distintos de las nubes, a saber, los hidrometeoros, los hidrometeoros, los litometeoros, los fotometeoros y los electrometeoros. El Atlas ofrece un lenguaje común para comunicar las observaciones de las nubes y garantiza la coherencia en los informes de los observadores de todo el mundo. Sirve como herramienta de formación importante para los meteorólogos, así como para los que trabajan en entornos aeronáuticos y marinos, y se ha popularizado entre los aficionados a la meteorología y los observadores de las nubes.
Volume II of the International Cloud Atlas contains 196 pages of photographs, 161 of which are in colour, accompanied by concise yet detailed captions.
Manual on the observation of clouds and other meteors. Volume I of the International Cloud Atlas contains a descriptive and explanatory text concerning the general classification of meteors, clouds and meteors other than clouds.
Volume I of the Manual on codes contains WMO international codes for meteorological data and other geophysical data relating to meteorology. It is issued in three volumes: Volume I.1 containing Part A (Alphanumeric Codes); Volume I.2 containing Part B (Binary Codes) and Part C (Common Features to Binary and Alphanumeric Codes); and Volume I.3 containing Part D (Representations derived from data models).
Le Volume I du Manuel des codes contient les codes internationaux de l’OMM pour l’échange des données météorologiques et d’autres données géophysiques se rapportant à la météorologie. Il est publié en trois volumes : le Volume I.1 contient la Partie A (Codes alphanumériques); le Volume I.2 contient la Partie B (Codes binaires) et la Partie C (Éléments communs aux codes binaires et alphanumérique); et le Volume I.3 contient la Partie D (Représentations dérivées de modèles de donnée).
GRIB is a file format for the storage and transport of gridded meteorological data, such as Numerical Weather Prediction model output. It is designed to be self-describing, compact and portable across computer architectures. The GRIB standard was designed and is maintained by the World Meteorological Organization. Also legacy site.
The Sea Ice Information Services in the World is intended to provide to mariners and other users information on best practices in sea ice services available world-wide. The publication consists of two parts: Part I - A general description of the nature of sea ice, methods of observation, and the basis of ice-information services; Part II - A listing of the sea-ice information services available from 20 nations, given regionally. These details are supported by annexes containing sample charts and illustrating a wide selection of the products mentioned in Part II.
This document provides snapshot of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature (WMO-No. 259, 2014) and includes 3 volumes: Volume I - Terminology and Codes (Linguistic equivalents in English, French, Russian and Spanish with 220 terms and definitions); Volume II - Illustrated Glossary (Contains 179 photos with ice terms arranged by subject) and Volume III - International System of Sea-Ice Symbols (Intended for use on synoptic and prognostic ice charts). Also:
This document (JCOMM-TR-024) describes two separate colour codes for use on ice charts: the first one based on total concentration (CT) intended for use when the stage of development is relatively uniform but concentration is highly variable (e.g. arctic summer navigation) and the second one based on stage of development (SoD) intended for use when the concentration is relatively uniform (high) but the stage of development is variable (e.g. arctic winter navigation). Document is an integral part and extension of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature (WMO-No. 259) currently in force. Also 2004 version.
The Ice Logistics Portal was created as a joint initiative of the International Ice Charting Working Group, the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice and Polar View for the International Polar Year. It is now maintained by the German Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie. It is intended to create a convenient point of access to operational sea ice information produced by the world's ice services. Access to products is provided via a series of pre-defined regions for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. Since the primary focus of the Ice Logistics Portal is on operational sea ice data (i.e. ice charts), only the most recent information is displayed for any given region.
This document (JCOMM-TR-023) describes Version 3.0 of SIGRID-3 (Sea Ice GeoReferenced Information and Data), an evolution of the SIGRID series of standards for coding, exchange and archiving of digital ice charts. Version 3.0 retains the essential structure of its predecessor and is backwards compatible with earlier versions of SIGRID-3. The important extension of Version 3 is to incorporate the features, attributes and encoding of the Ice Objects Catalogue for Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs). The purpose of this extension is to facilitate the automatic translation of digital ice charts into S-57 and S-10x ENC formats.
Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) and Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) are becoming widely available on ships navigating in icy waters and it is necessary to provide ice data in a form that can be used in these systems. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) established an on-line “registry” of ENC chart features. This registry contains several thematic “registers”, one of which is for ice objects. The information in the register derives directly from the ENC Ice Objects Catalogue. The Catlogue describes the ice objects and attributes equivalent to codes of SIGRID-3 transport format for the ice charts and defines what ice information can be used in IHO S-57 and S-411 formats.
The sea ice charts in S411 format are intended for the use in an ECDIS (or another GIS). The S-411 is fully based on the IHO S-100 framework specification, Geography Markup Language (GML), Encoding Standard and the ISO 19100 series of standards. It is a vector product specification that is primarily intended for encoding the extent and nature of Sea Ice for navigational purpose. Available actual ice charts are: Canadian East Coast - Canadian Eastern Arctic - Canadian Western Arctic - Hudson Bay - Great Lakes (From CIS). Alaska Waters (From US NWS). Greenland - NorthWest-Greenland - CentralWest-Greenland - CentralEast-Greenland - SouthEast-Greenland - Cape Farewell (From DMI). Northern North-Atlantic (From Met.no).
Document list contains acting versions of the WMO-IOC JCOMM regulatory material related to sea-ice terminology, ice navigation and safety services, products exchange and presentation including ENC/ECDIS.
Режимно-справочное пособие для целей плавания, организации и осуществления судоходства в антарктических водах и льдах. Изложены природные особенности формирования ледового режима Южного океана и условий судоходства. Дана характеристика морских антарктических льдов и айсбергов, сформулированы основные закономерности их пространственно-временной изменчивости. Оценено влияние ледяного покрова на движение судов во льдах. Рекомендованы оптимальные маршруты и сроки плавания экспедиционных судов к антарктическим станциям, описаны ледово-навигационные условия судоходства. Изложены приемы и методы учета ледовых условий при выполнении грузовых операций у антарктического побережья. Рассмотрена современ-ная практика ледово-информационного обеспечения судоходства. Рекомендуется как режимно-справочное пособие для целейплавания, организации и осуществления судоходства в антарктических водах и льдах.
Document list contains acting versions of the WMO-IOC JCOMM regulatory material related to sea-ice terminology, ice navigation and safety services, products exchange and presentation including ENC/ECDIS.
A centralized web site for severe weather around the world. This is a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) web site that provides a single and centralized source for tropical cyclones, heavy rain, gale, fog and thunderstorms. For example whenever a tropical cyclone develops, a tropical cyclone symbol will show up on the front page of this website with both position and strength indications. Furthermore, users can make use of the links provided in this website to find more information about these tropical cyclones such as forecast tracks and warnings issued.
View online charts / Cartes consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
This tool is for all those would display, modify and create at a mouse click, without any installation, a GPS Route, Track or Marker and share them with friends. Coverage is relative to USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, France and Italy.
View online ENC charts / Carte ENC consultable en ligne
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Worlwide coverage with C-MAP.
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View online ENC charts / Carte ENC consultable en ligne
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Worlwide coverage with C-MAP and OSM.
View online charts / Cartes consultables en ligne
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This product is a complete Marine Chart based on the most detailed and up to date paper Nautical charts and Electronic Nautical Charts (ENC) available. Full coverage of US, Europe (partial), and New Zealand marine areas. All WaterMaps are including Coastline, Depth Contours, Spot Soundings, Fishing Areas, Restriction Areas, Bottom Obstructions, Rocks, Wrecks, Lights, Buoys, Beacons, etc.
There is ENC with the option FLYTOMAP and raster charts with the option RASTER on the top right.
View online charts for iOS devices / Cartes consultables en ligne pour iOS
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Flytomap has done a free app on iOS devices with a world wide chart coverage: Marine GPS FlyToMap HD.
Imray charts, pilot books, inland waterway guides and maps almanacs and other nautical books. Imray chart coverage is divided into several series: Northwest Europe, Mediterranean, Atlantic and Eastern Caribbean (PDF file).
Use Chart Finder to select charts from Imray, Admiralty, SHOM and Kartverket on a map. Charts are categorised by chart publisher, scale and usage. The display of chart categories can be toggled on/off using the selection filters.
Symbols and abbreviations: IALA buoyage system region A, small craft symbols, seabed characteristics, abbreviations.
Explore with Imray offers the content from Imray’s world-renowned library of pilot books in a new digital, geolocated format. With a free account you will be able to access 10 pin locations of your choice before you are asked to join to access further data.
Every spring, we publish chartlets of East Coast rivers (Suffolk, UK) based on Trinity House surveys: Woodbridge Haven (River Deben entrance) and Orford Haven (River Ore entrance). Not to be used for navigation.
Explore with Imray - Imray Navigator tutorial videos - Imray Navigator FAQs - Tides Planner tutorial videos - Tides Planner FAQs
Corrections to the Cruising Almanac are published monthly to take into account Notices to Mariners, changes to buoyage and lights and other new developments which have taken place since the Almanac cut off date which is usually in mid-May. The latest corrections may be downloaded from this web site, and the inclusion of these corrections for the appropriate year makes your Cruising Almanac correct to the given cut off date.
Keeping Imray charts and books up to date. You can keep your charts up to date by downloading Imray Correction Notices. With a Printing History - a list of all chart edition and printing dates and the Norie's Bulletin of Corrections - a non-cumulative list of corrections for all Imray charts published each quarter. Imray pilot books are updated and corrected at frequent intervals via downloadble supplements.
The handbook has been produced to help users of the Inmarsat network understand how the Inmarsat system operates. Contents: Inmarsat and its network of satellites - Inmarsat's role within the GMDSS - Accounting, billing and settlement process - Inmarsat-C system and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) - Inmarsat's data services (Issue 4, edition 2002).
Short presentation of Inmarsat safety services.
This handbook is intended for mariners, to explain the operation of the International SafetyNET service as an element of the IMO Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). SafetyNET is the service for broadcasting and automatic reception of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) via Enhanced Group Call (EGC) system. This handbook deals mainly with the distribution of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) via satellite using the International SafetyNET services. This handbook also explains how mariners can use SafetyNET services to obtain vital MSI tailored to the needs of the vessel.
This document describes the SafetyNET II system, which is part of the Inmarsat Maritime Safety Services offering. This User Guide is intended for Maritime Safety Information Providers (MSIPs) and provides a high-level description of the features available and instructions on how to use the system.
EGC MSI Broadcast Systems Operational Information. This is the latest information about the transmission schedule (UTC) for NAVAREA with navigational information and METAREA with meteorological information. Broadcast times for MET information published in the table above are for routine Weather Messages. Storm Warnings are also broadcast on receipt. Routine broadcasts of Navigational Warnings and meteorological forecasts are made at scheduled times over a single nominated satellite for each NAVAREA/METAREA. Unscheduled broadcasts of SAR alert relays and severe weather warnings will be made over all satellites which serve the area concerned (UKHO NtM, Section VI).
This document describes the RescueNET system, which is part of the Inmarsat Maritime Safety Services offering. This Handbook is intended for Rescue Co-ordination Centres (RCCs) and provides a high-level description of the features available. The RescueNET service links across Inmarsat C, Mini C, and Inmarsat Fleet Safety for EGC broadcast service, as well as enable RCCs to communicate directly with Inmarsat Fleet Safety Ship Earth Stations (SES) for Distress Alert and direct SAR coordination.
Distress alerts and distress priority messages transmitted via the Inmarsat C system are routed through a land earth station to a Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC). Inmarsat C terminals can also receive broadcast messages from SafetyNET the international service for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information (MSI) and search and rescue (SAR) related information. Also satellite coverage for Inmarsat C.
Coverage maps for L-band satellites and K-band satellites.
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How you can get free Emergency Calls with Inmarsat. Free Emergency call codes with Fleet Xpress and FleetBroadband.
The “Design and Installation Guidelines” provide general information on the design and installation of Inmarsat equipment operating within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
Phone calls and data connections are routed by the international telecoms carriers based on the numbering formats described here. Calls from the terrestrial telephone network (PSTN) to an Inmarsat network are made using the Inmarsat +870 international dialling code.
Find the latest firmware for your FleetBroadband terminal here. Where available, the downloads include application notes and installation guidance.
Ships Directory: Calling shore to ship. Find contact numbers for vessels fitted with Inmarsat. Type at least three characters of the ship's name.
Distress alerts, calls and distress priority messages transmitted over the Inmarsat network are routed via its Land Earth Stations (LESs) or Shore Access Stations (SASs) to shore-based Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres (MRCCs) around the world.
Iridium GMDSS enhances your safety at sea, offering reliable coverage where no other options exist. Our unique constellation of 66 cross-linked satellites in Low-Earth Orbit provides reliable coverage, even in adverse weather, around the entire globe, including over the Arctic and Antarctic waters in Sea Area A4.
Iridium GMDSS enhances safety at sea, offering reliable coverage where no other options exist. Scroll below for the latest details on various product and service approvals from regulatory bodies around the world. With NAVAREAs/METAREAs sending information to Iridium SafetyCast. Content: Rescue Coordination Centers (RCC), GMDSS Equipment Type Approvals, Safetycast MSI Broadcast, METAREAS & NAVAREAS sending information to Iridium SafetyCast.
EGC MSI Broadcast Systems Operational Information. This is the latest information about the transmission schedule (UTC) for NAVAREA with navigational information and METAREA with meteorological information. Broadcast times for MET information published in the table above are for routine Weather Messages. Storm Warnings are also broadcast on receipt. Routine broadcasts of Navigational Warnings and meteorological forecasts are made at scheduled times over a single nominated satellite for each NAVAREA/METAREA. Unscheduled broadcasts of SAR alert relays and severe weather warnings will be made over all satellites which serve the area concerned (UKHO NtM, Section VI).
Effective from 19 dec 2022 the NAVAREA I and METAREA I co-ordinators will have full operational capability (FPC) for broadcasting navigational and meteorological warnings via the Iridium safetycast service. The Co-Ordinators will promulgate SafetyCast messages as part of a numbered series in accordance with the joint IMO/IHO/WMO maritime safety information manual (NtM 02/2023, Section VI, page 56, 6.1).
This note is intended to give awareness and advise UK flag vessels of a new recognised mobile satellite service in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). The IMO has recognised Iridium as meeting the necessary technical criteria of a GMDSS Satellite Service (UK MCA, MIN 636, 2021).
Iridium GMDSS FAQ: General Questions, Iridium GMDSS Services, Iridium GMDSS Equipment, Rescue Coordination Centres (RCCs), Maritime Safety Information (MSI) / Iridium SafetyCast.
The live map has been created out of curiosity and interest in Iridium satellites and their locations. When using satellite phones or other such devices, it can be useful to know where satellites are located to avoid ground obstacles. Map with the satellite ranges: click on the map to know the number of satellites usable in the area and the direction of the satellites (Live map by IridiumWhere.com).
Documents from Iridium about maritime solutions: Quick Start Guide, Installation Guide, User Manual, Fact Sheet...
View online ENC charts / Carte ENC consultable en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
The electronic chart is an aid to navigation designed to facilitate the use of authorized government charts, not to replace them. Only official government charts and notices to mariners contain all information needed for the safety of navigation, and as always, the captain is responsible for their prudent use.
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NV charts are especially designed with the requirements of the yachts-man in mind. Areas covered by NV charts: In Europe the Baltic Seas from Skagen bis Riga, the Norwegian south coast from Oslo to Haugesund, the German North Sea, the Dutch coast and inland waters, the English Channel, the French Atlantic coast and in the Mediterranean Sea to Naples, Croatia and Greece. The US East Coast, the Caribbean from the Bahamas to Cuba, the Virgin Islands and down to Grenada (2020).
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View online charts / Cartes marines consultables en ligne
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Your free online harbour guide for all of Europe with wonderful functions for planning the voyage of sail boats and motor boats. Share your experiences with other sailors and make your time on the water the best of the year with boatview.io and using the NV Charts App as a powerful intuitive boating app with free online nautical charts for planning.
Featured Regions: Northsea, Germany, Baltic Sea, Skagerak and Kattegat, Netherlands, Mediterranean, Atlantic Coast Europe, Atlantic Islands Europe.
View online charts / Cartes marines consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Enjoy the NV Charts App also as an online web viewer chart app simply in your browser free of charge for planning a cruise or exploring a new sea area and as an online harbour and marina guide. By registering with the free NV Charts Web App online nautical chart app, you can also easily synchronize all data to your mobile devices and start navigating on board directly. NV Charts Web App is the online version of the popular NV Charts App and is the ideal complement to use on your mobile devices online in your browser featuring the latest chart data and intuitive operation. All community layer information with ports, harbours, anchorages, navigation waring, photos, shops and places of interest are displayed directly online in the NV Charts App, and information can also be added by you or commented. You can share your favorite harbors and anchorages from the marine navigation app by simply clicking on a link and coordinate your trip planning with everyone on board. Together with the NV Charts community website Seame.com a detailed planning tool is available right here.
Featured Regions: Europe (Northsea, Germany, Baltic Sea, Skagerak and Kattegat, Netherlands, North Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Coast Europe, Atlantic Islands Europe), USA East coast, Bahamas, Caribbean Sea. Need a free login. Maximum 15 minutes per day.
Documents and software to download. Content: Chart Navigator Update, Chart Navigator Manual, NV Pocket Navigator Update, NV Pocket Navigator Manual, Digitale Waypoints Baltic, NV Islands Game, Chart Navigator Light.
Whether under sail or motor - for anyone on the water, you will find many important changes such as depth structure and buoyage and loads of additional information such as lock times and harbour information. Latest reports are published on our website and are displayed directly in the NV Charts App with daily updates. The latest reports displayed on this website are grouped by products.
OpenSeaMap is an open source, worldwide project to create a free nautical chart. There is a great need for freely accessible maps for navigation purposes, so in 2009, OpenSeaMap came into life. The goal of OpenSeaMap is to record interesting and useful nautical information for the sailor which is then incorporated into a free map of the world. This includes beacons, buoys and other navigation aids as well as port information, repair shops and chandlerys. OpenSeaMap is a subproject of OpenStreetMap and uses its database.
View online Navionics ENC charts / Cartes ENC Navionics consultables en ligne
Not for navigational use / Ne pas utilisez pour la navigation
Live Sea chart powered by Navionics (with port information, AIS or weather).
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II-1 - Main Nautical Publications / Ouvrages nautiques principaux
II-2 - Other Nautical Documents / Autres documents nautiques
![]() Hyères: Saint-Pierre Harbor / Port Saint-Pierre |
![]() Symbols and abbreviations for light characteristics |
The Sun continuously emits energy into space. That energy emission by the Sun is variable and hence shapes a variable space environment which also impacts the Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere. Here are some impacts of the sun:
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GNSS positional errors
The accuracy of positioning using GPS is degraded when there are Sun stroms. For exemple when charged particles ejected from the Sun arrive at the Earth, they can cause perturbations in the geomagnetic field. These disturbances will significantly modify the ionospheric propagation of radio waves used by GPS. The GPS accuracy depends on amplitude scintillations and variation of total electron contents (TEC). These phenomena are associated with geomagnetic stroms that create disturbances in the ionosphere. The total electron contents (TEC) of the ionosphere is the electron density (number of electrons in a given volume) and the can vary considerably, both in time and space. The time of GPS signal propagation increase with TEC. More information about Space Weather.
La précision du positionnement par GPS est dégradée lors de tempêtes solaires. Par exemple lorsque des particules chargées émises par le soleil atteignent la terre, elles peuvent perturber le champ géomagnétique terrestre. Ces perturbations vont modifier de manière importantes la propagation ionosphérique des ondes radioélectriques qui sont utilisées par le GPS.
La précison du GPS depend de la scintillation d’amplitude et de la variation du contenu électronique total (TEC). Ces phénomènes sont associés aux tempêtes géomagnétiques qui créent des perturbations dans l'ionosphère. Les scintillations d'amplitude sont des fluctuations de l'amplitude du signal GPS (comme pour la lumière des étoiles). Le contenu électronique total (TEC) de l'ionosphère est la densité d'électrons (nombre d'électrons dans une région donnée) et il peut varier considérablement, dans le temps et dans l'espace. Le temps de propagation du signal GPS augmente avec le TEC. Plus d'information sur la météo de l'espace.
The Sun is an active place and solar activity changes over time. Sunspots are dark, planet-sized regions that appear on the surface of the Sun. Because sunspots are associated with increased solar activity, space weather forecasters track these features to help predict solar storms that can impact Earth. Solar activity cycles between a minimum and a maximum about every 11 years. Studying how solar activity changes throughout the entire cycle improves our understanding of how Earth is affected and improves our space-weather forecasting abilities. When solar activity is at a maximum, strong magnetic fields cause numerous sunspots and more frequent solar storms. When solar activity is at a minimum, the Sun’s magnetic field weakens and there are few to no sunspots and fewer solar storms. Sunspots can cause geomagnetic storms in Earth’s magnetosphere. During a solar maximum, when sunspot numbers are at their peak, the Sun emits more electrons and protons than usual. These charged solar particles emitted from the Sun can enter the atmosphere and can disrupt infrastructure, such as satellites, navigation, communications, and the electric power grid. Through careful counting of sunspots, solar prediction scientists determined that a solar minimum (when there are the fewest number of sunspots) occurred in December 2019. This recent solar minimum marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 25 (the current 11-year sunspot cycle). Scientists predict that Solar Cycle 25 will peak in July 2025 (+/- eight months). As Solar Cycle 25 approaches its peak, and even for several years after, Earth will likely experience increased geomagnetic storms in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
![]() Daily and monthly sunspot number |
The ionosphere can be the largest source of error in GPS positioning and navigation. Furthermore, under certain conditions, amplitude fading and phase scintillation effects can cause loss of carrier lock and intermittent GPS receiver operation.
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For first aid see also / Pour les premiers soins voir aussi : Medical Guides for Ships
![]() Southeast Asia, Indonesia - Current Tropical Cyclones (TCWC/BMKG) |
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ENC Symbols
![]() Navire qui en rattrape un autre - Règles 13 et 16 |
![]() Navire non maître de sa manoeuvre - Règle 27a |
Mariners are warned to be extra cautious and to take necessary precautionary measures when transiting the following areas:
South East Asia and Indian Sub-Continent, Africa and Red Sea, South and Central America and the Caribbean Waters.
Vessels are encouraged to send regular position reports on these areas.
Always report all actual, attempted or suspicious piracy and armed robbery incidents occurring anywhere.
Security Charts / Cartes de sûreté
Mediterranean / Méditerranée
Gulf of Guinea / Golfe de Guinée
Indian Ocean / Océan Indien
Asia / Asie
Nautical Almanach for the Sun (More material) |
![]() ![]() Polar Code: Shipping in polar waters (IMO) |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Interpreting ice charts : colour code & egg code |
![]() ![]() Alaska: Sea Ice Analysis (NWS-NOAA/USA)Ice in Canadian waters (CIS/Canada) |
![]() Arctic: Ice Analysis from satellite imagery (AARI/Russia)Bering Sea: Ice cover chart-map (Planeta/Russia) |
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Norwegian Ice Service - U.S. National Ice Center - Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute ![]() ![]() ConcentrationWeekly Antarctic Ice ChartsStage of development |
White color: height < 3m (SHN) |
Color blanco: hielo (SMA) |
OpenCPN is free, open source software for marine navigation. It is available for Mac OSX, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, BSDs and Solaris. OpenCPN: A concise ChartPlotter/Navigator. A cross-platform ship-borne GUI application supporting: GPS/GPDS Postition Input, BSB Raster Chart Display, S57 Vector ENChart Display, AIS Input Decoding, Waypoint Autopilot Navigation (More information about Chart Formats).
qtVlm est un logiciel de navigation pour bateaux à voile. C’est également un lecteur de grib gratuit qui accepte la plupart des formats et sources. Il permet l’affichage de cartes d’un grand nombre de formats : vectorielles (S57 et S63), raster (kaps, geotiff, …), cartes de Visit My Harbour et mbtiles. qtVlm est certifié Iridium GO! et peut également accéder directement à vos abonnements de gribs Great Circle (squid). Il inclut un module AIS (avec la possibilité de récupérer des cibles via internet) et un Module Instruments qui peut se connecter à différentes sources NMEA ou à un GPS interne. Il peut envoyer des données performance (VMG, vitesse cible, …) à un système de navigation ou aux afficheurs extérieurs. qtVlm est gratuit sur Windows, MacOS, Linux et Raspberry.
OpenSeaMap is an open source, worldwide project to create a free nautical chart. There is a great need for freely accessible maps for navigation purposes, so in 2009, OpenSeaMap came into life. The goal of OpenSeaMap is to record interesting and useful nautical information for the sailor which is then incorporated into a free map of the world. This includes beacons, buoys and other navigation aids as well as port information, repair shops and chandlerys. OpenSeaMap is a subproject of OpenStreetMap and uses its database.
Links to free inland vector charts of Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, USA... By Dacust.
The free online Nautical Almanac. The world's most complete source of free celestial navigation information: Almanacs, Increments, Altitude & Q Corrections, Sight Reduction Tables, Stars...
Ths web site provides free real-time information to the public, about ship movements and ports, mainly across the coast-lines of many countries around the world. The project is currently hosted by the University of the Aegean, Greece. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS).
La FNPMM est une fédération régie par la loi du 1° juillet 1901, regroupant les associations de pensionnés de la Marine Marchande (commerce et pêche). La fédération a pour buts de resserrer et de développer les liens de solidarité entre tous les pensionnés ainsi que de défendre les intérêts des pensionnés et de leurs ayants droit. L'information aux adhérents se fait principalement par Le Demi-Soldier, organe trimestriel d'information de la fédération qui paraît quatre fois pas an.
Much of the world depends upon satellite systems for precise navigation and timing services. These are exceptionally accurate and dependable, yet GPS/GNSS jamming, spoofing, and other forms of interference appear to be growing in frequency and severity. Neither are space systems immune to severe space weather or cyber-attack. This has the potential for devastating effects on our lives and economic activity. Our goals of deterring jamming and spoofing while encouraging additional resilient services will protect critical infrastructure and make the world a safer place. Include a libray with some of the more important documents in the field.
Библиотека Судоводителя - Морское Видео - Морской Софт - Позиция судов в реальном времени - Морские навигационные карты онлайн - Каталог морских навигационных карт - Расчет расстояний - Расчет приливов - Погода NAVTEX и Погода METAREA - Мореходная Астрономия - Вычисления с помощью Морского Астрономического Альманаха - Каталог Морских Сайтов - Морское Чтиво - Гостевой книге.
The service provides tidal data for United Kingdom ports. Free predictions for the next 7 days with tidal curve.
Cette application permet de calculer la marée dans les principaux ports du monde et pour tous les ports, principaux et secondaires, de France métropolitaine. La référence de hauteur utilisée pour les prédictions de marée est le zéro des cartes qui, en général, correspond approximativement au niveau des plus basses mers (LAT : Lowest Astronomical Tide pour les Anglais). Il est possible d'insérez sur son propre site Internet les horaires de marée sous forme d'une vignette petite ou grande.
Coastal observations and forecasts for the coastlines of France & Overseas. MARC is a system aiming to provide a wide range of users, from private individuals to professionals, with daily observations and short-term forecasts about the coastal environment along the French coastlines bordering the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea: currents, waves... All information contained on or available through this Web Site is for general information purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice. It can not be discerned or used with absolute reliability by anybody for a personal or professional activity such as maritime navigation. MARC does not replace offical forecast, warning and alert services nor official tide table predictions. Forecasts use French legal time. Maximum waves may be up to twice the significant height.
Height in meters - French legal time (UTC+1/2) |
The Ice Logistics Portal was created as a joint initiative of the International Ice Charting Working Group, the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice and Polar View for the International Polar Year. It is now maintained by the German Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie. It is intended to create a convenient point of access to operational sea ice information produced by the world's ice services. Access to products is provided via a series of pre-defined regions for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. Since the primary focus of the Ice Logistics Portal is on operational sea ice data (i.e. ice charts), only the most recent information is displayed for any given region.
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Met Mar était une revue de vulgarisation de Météo-France dans le domaine de la météorologie maritime. Elle a été publiée de juillet 1953 à décembre 2007 (217 numéros). On y trouve des articles variés concernant la météorologie et le monde maritime : étude de situations météorologiques particulières - météorologie spatiale et tropicale - évolution des techniques pour l'étude et la prévision du temps - océanographie - actions d'assistance ou de promotion menées par Météo-France - grandes courses transocéaniques et jeux olympiques - récits...
A centralized web site for severe weather around the world. This is a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) web site that provides a single and centralized source for tropical cyclones, heavy rain,
This website displays the marine meteorological warnings and meteorological forecast information that are provided to mariners via International Enhanced Group Call (EGC) Service and NAVTEX, as part of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS), within the framework of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS). The worlds' oceans have been divided into 21 areas, called METAREAS, for the provision of marine meteorological information and services to shipping.
At the begin of the page the world static map (legacy) shows the limits of the 21 Operational NAVAREAs. Clicking on a NAVAREA title will take you to the NAVAREA Co-ordinators' website where Navigational Warnings are listed. At the end of the page click on the GIS map, the links to all NAVAREA Coordinators are also available. Note not all NAVAREA Co-ordinators publish warnings on the World Wide Web, some only provide Notice to Mariners.
Find Rescue Coordination Centres Worldwide. SAR contacts is a database of international search and rescue agencies and rescue coordination centres (MRCC: Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, MRSC: Maritime Rescue Sub Centre, JRCC: Joint Rescue Coordination Centre...). The worldwide Search and Rescue Contacts website is managed by the Canadian Coast Guard in JRCC Halifax location.
These manuals are written for non-doctors working on board a ship.They show how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the health problems of seafarers on board ship.