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Advice / Conseils
For navigation use only updated regulatory documents /
Pour la navigation n'utiliser que des documents réglementaires à jour.
GPS is more accurate than nautical charts /
Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine
Web Servers / Serveurs Web
You can use the nearest or faster server / Vous pouvez utiliser le serveur le plus proche ou le plus rapide :
Caption / Légende
航海用海図 ― 索引図 ― 特殊図 ― 水路書誌。
電子海図 ガイドブック。 このガイドブックは、公式電子海図と非公式電子海図の違いや、船舶が電子海図を使用する際の要件、注意事項などを “質疑応答” 形式で取りまとめ解説した参考書です。 日本水路協会 ― 国際水路機関。分割ダウンロード。
Tidal Data with TOPS (Tide Observation & Prediction System). TOPS provides you with the tide prediction heights for a day at a port around the coastal of Japan. The system has nearly 330 ports including 71 standard ports in the tide table published by Japan Coast Guard. The system provides also the tidal current prediction with hourly velocities at three areas in Japan, that is, Tokyo bay, Ise bay and Seto inland sea.
Actual tidal current prediction for the Setonaikai area, Japan (UTC+9) |
Sea ice condition chart, visual observation and photograph of the sea ice for Japan (Hokkaidō island) by the Ice Information Center (日本語 - English - По-русски). Also chart in the north-east Asian marginal seas by JMA.
各海上交通センターHP参照。東京湾海上交通センタ ー 伊勢湾海上交通センタ ー 名古屋港海上交通センタ ー 大阪湾海上交通センタ ー 備讃瀬戸海上交通センタ ー 来島海峡海上交通センタ ー 関門海峡海上交通センタ。
日本水路協会から日本沿岸を12冊の本に分け、発売されている。平成19年9月現在、以下9冊分のプレジャーボート・小型船用港湾案内がWebで閲覧できる(1995年から2000年の間に出版された本)。H-810 北海道南岸・東岸・東方(白神岬~択捉島)、H-811 北海道北岸・西岸(知床岬~松前港)、H-805 本州北西岸、H-806 本州北岸・東岸、H-807 南方諸島(伊豆諸島・小笠原諸島)、H-803 瀬戸内海東部(大阪湾・燧灘)、H-808 九州北西岸、H809 九州南西岸・東岸・南西諸島(与論島以北)、H-812 南西諸島(沖縄群島・先島群島・大東諸島)。
Based on the recent trends of the accidents on the sea and the changes of the environment of the maritime traffic including the dissemination of Automatic Identification System (AIS), the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Port Regulations and the Maritime Traffic Safety Act was promulgated on July 2009 to increase the safety of maritime traffic. The main items of this revision are following: Strengthening measures for assisting the safe navigation of vessels and establishment of new navigation rules according to the features of each sea area. This brochure aims to help all those concerned to fully understand the intention of this revision and observe the new rules. Also correction.
The Japan Coast Guard is promoting various measures based on the Act on Maritime Traffic Safety for ensuring maritime traffic safety in Tokyo Wan, Ise Wan and Seto Inland Sea. In addition, each Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters carries out detailed navigation safety guidance in accordance with the actual conditions in the sea area where it takes charge. This document contains detailed navigation safety guidance which is promoted in Nagoya-Ko and Kanmon Kaikyo as well as the above by the 3rd and 7th Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters.
The sea areas around Japan have been the places where marine casualties occur with great frequency. Approximately 2,600 vessels including foreign vessels meet with marine casualties as the average in the last 10 years, causing around 140 people found dead or missing.We wish anyone who undertakes a voyage around Japan will read this book and navigate safely. Table of contents: Weather and sea conditions in sea areas around japan - Navigation law and pilotage - Information for safe navigation - Guide to safe navigation.
This site provides information which was broadcasted for vessels by radio for: 1. Japan, 2. North Pacific,Sea of Okhotsk, 3. China,East China Sea,South China Sea, 4. Indian Ocean,Persian Gulf, 5. South Pacific.
Map with the location of Preliminary and Temporary Notices to Mariners, Local, NAVAREA and NAVTEX Navigational Warnings.
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The vessels be equipped with the "List of Aids to Navigation" based on the law, and also be equipped with the "Addition". The "Addition Vol.1" is published twice a month (on the 2nd and 4th Fridays every month). The "Addition Vol.2" is published every month (on the 4th Friday).
List of Contents: Information about maritime safety information, Notices to mariners, Navigational warnings (Japan), Miscellaneous information.
Printed copies of the Notices to Mariners and chartlets(blocks)on the JHOD Website may be used as an equivalent to the paper version of the Notices to Mariners and chartlets (blocks). It should be noted that the chartlets (blocks) printed from the website, may not have the same quality and accuracy as the paper version, depending on the quality and condition of the printer and ink used. The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy and/or reliability of the information as displayed or printed by the user's equipment.
To promote the safe and economical navigation of vessels at sea the Japn Meteorogical Agency (JMA) issues a variety of marine meteorogical information for shipping and fishing. JMA hopes that this brochure will promote understanding of the information issued by JMA and thus contribute to safer and more economical navigation.
全国各地における潮位の予測値(天文潮位)を掲載しています。s満潮・干潮 - 毎時潮位(グラフ)- 毎時潮位(表)(Tide for Japan).
Map with marine weather warnings for Japan: Typhoon (wind speed > 64kn), Storm (>48kn), Gale (>34kn), Near gale (>28kn), Sea swell, Ice accreation, Dense fog (visibility < 0.3NM) and Volcanic marine warning.
Page in Japanese. Graphical information, including surface weather maps and ocean wave charts, is broadcast through JMH by radiofacsimile for the western North Pacific. In the winter season, sea ice forecasts and bulletins are also issued for the Sea of Okhotsk. Analysis and prognosis charts for the western North Pacific on the radio facsimile (JMH station) are placed on this web site.
日本周辺海域の波の高さを1mごとの等高線で表示しています。4m未満の領域では0.5mごとの補助線(破線)も表示しています。波の高さは「有義波高」で示していますが、 実際の個々の波には、有義波高よりも高い波が含まれているので注意が必要です。
Wave analysis and forecast charts around Japan and for Western North Pacific. Significant Wave Height (SWH) the average height of the highest one-third of waves is shown in the chart. Generally, each wave may happen to be higher than SWH. Also PDF file with color or B&W charts for analysis or forecast.
Black and white sea ice concentration chart with bulletin for the North-East Asian marginal seas (sea of Okhotsk) every tuesday and friday during the freezing season.
Chart around Japan and Western North Pacific with tropical cyclone of tropical storm (TS) intensity or higher.
This bulletin aims to promote useful marine weather observations/reports from ships and familiarize readers with weather and marine information provided by JMA. The publication mainly covers topics of interest to mariners, marine weather observations, recent announcements about JMA’s marine weather services, and more. All articles appear both in English and in Japanese. The bulletin is issued twice a year.
Marine meteorological observation is indispensable to provide weather information for ships such as marine meteorological forecast or warnings, and is also used for monitoring and study of climate change such as global warming. It is highly appreciated that ships will cooperate on marine meteorological observations and reports as Voluntary Observing Ships (VOSs). The website "Ships' Weather Observations/Reports" is to provide information to support VOS activities.
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