Online free nautical charts and publications
open data/open access - libre accès
Cartes marines gratuites et ouvrages nautiques en ligne
About Nautical Free
Nautical Free provides a list of free nautical charts and online publications.
There is a list by country from letter A to letter V, for each country the organizations and for each organization a list of free online documents (charts, nautical books, notice to mariners...). There is two special lists: one for the international organizations and one for the private companies. There is also a reverse list by type of documents: sailing directions, radio signals, tide tables, nautical charts... You can also find on Nautical Free wave forecast maps for tomorrow, space weather forecast for GPS, how to check your computer clock, as well as information about celestial navigation or about ice navigation...
Au sujet de Nautical Free
Nautical Free fournit une liste de cartes marines gratuites et d'ouvrages nautiques en ligne.
Il y a une liste par pays de la lettre A à la lettre V, pour chaque pays les organisations et pour chaque organisation une liste de documents libres en ligne (cartes marines, ouvrages nautiques, avis aux navigateurs...). Il existe deux listes spéciales : une pour les organisations internationales et une pour les sociétés privées. Il existe également une liste inverse par type de documents : instructions nautiques, ouvrages de radiosignaux, tables des marées, cartes marines... Vous trouverez également sur Nautical Free des cartes de prévision de la hauteur des vagues pour demain, des prévisions de la météo de l'espace pour les GPS, comment vérifier l'heure de son ordinateur, ainsi que des informations sur la navigation astronomique ou la navigation dans les glaces...
Advice / Conseils
For navigation use only updated regulatory documents /
Pour la navigation n'utiliser que des documents réglementaires à jour.
GPS is more accurate than nautical charts /
Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine
Web Servers / Serveurs Web
You can use the nearest or faster server / Vous pouvez utiliser le serveur le plus proche ou le plus rapide :
Caption / Légende
- The nautical books are in standard fonts / Les ouvrages sont en caractères droits
- In Italic the maps and the charts / Les cartes sont en italiques
- The last item for an organization is the Notices to Mariners. The first issue of each year is often a special publication /
La dernier item pour un service hydrographique est un lien vers les avis au navigateurs. Le premier numéro de chaque année est souvent un numéro spécial
Definitions / Définitions
- Raster Navigational Charts (RNC)
- Bitmap electronic images of paper charts that conform to IHO standard S-61 /
Carte marine matricielle, fac-similé numérique d'une carte papier (scan) conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-61
- Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
- Vector charts that conform to IHO standard S-57 /
Carte électronique de navigation, carte vectorielle conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-57
More information on ENCs /
En savoir plus sur les cartes matricielles ou vectorielles et sur les différents types de cartes numériques.
Cartes marines gratuites et ouvrages nautiques en ligne : Turquie
Turkey / Turquie
- Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue / Seyir Haritalari ve Notik Yayinlar Kataloğu
This PDF catalogue includes charts and nautical publications that are published and put on sale by the ONHO. Contents: General information - Paper charts - Leisure chart folios - Nautical and miscellaneous publications.
Bu katalog SHOD Başkanlığınca yayımlanan, satışa tabi harita ve notik yayınları içerir. Içindekiler: Genel bilgiler - Haritalar - Yat harita folyolari - Notik ve diğer yayinlar.
- Catalogues for charts and publications
- Denizcilik Terimleri
Denizcilik terimleri: A (abaşo), Z (zoka).
- Meteoroloji
Meteoroloji: Hava durumu tahmini - Rüzgar - Isı değişim formulü - Isı-rüzgar cetveli - Isı-rüzgar münasebeti - Hava durumu - Görüş - Denizin durumu.
- Görünür İşaretler
Görünür i̇şaretler: Mi̇lletler arasi kod sancaklari ve anlamlari - Rakam flamalari - Tekrar bayraklari - Mors kodlari - Rakamlar - Si̇maforlar - El flamalari ve kollarla mors i̇şaretleşmesi̇.
İlgi̇li̇ Yasalar ve Yönetmeli̇kler
İlgi̇li̇ Yasalar ve Yönetmeli̇kler: Kıyı Kanunu - Karasuları Kanunu - Seyir ve Hidrografi Hizmetleri Kanunu - Türk Boğazları Deniz Trafik Düzeni Yönetmeliği - Deniz ve Hava Araçları Kazalarında Arama Kurtarma Yönetmeliği - Harita ve Harita Bilgilerini Temin ve Kullanma Yönetmeliği...
- Seyir Duyuruları
- Navigational Warnings
- CAS DENIZ: Geographical Information System
A New Geographical Information System, CAS DENIZ, has been established by TN-ONHO in order to give the mariners easier access to the Navigational Warnings, Inoperative ATON's and Chart Catalogues. Using CAS DENIZ you can plot points, lines and areas on chart for planning purposes and download them to your computer.
Navigational Warnings for Istanbul area (August 2016) Sea of Marmara, Bosporus Strait, Black Sea (CAS DENIZ) |
- Denizcilere İlanlar Yıllığı 2021
Denizciler lanlar Y ll , bir önceki y la ait (01 Ocak-31 Aral k) Haftal k Denizcilere lanlar Bültenleri ile yay mlanm ilanlar seyir emniyeti aç s ndan önem arz eden bilgileri toplu olarak ihtiva eder.
- Annual Notice To Mariners 2018
Annual Notices to Mariners includes the Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletins of the previous year (January 01 - December 31) and the important information related to the safety of navigation collectively: Notice to mariners affecting nautical charts and publications - Exercise and firing areas - Diving prohibited areas - Underwater cables and pipelines...
- Denizcilere İlanlar
Haftalık Denizcilere İlanlar Bülteni yürürlükteki kâğıt seyir ve yat haritaları ve notik yayınlar ile seyir duyurularını (NAVTEX ve NAVAREA III) kapsar. Ayrıca: Kümülatif Liste.
- Notices to Mariners (Denizcilere İlanlar)
Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography's publications and charts could be kept uptodate with the information, which is reported by mariners and other sources. This is the aim of Hydrographic Memorandum in the weekly Notices to Mariners. Charts could be kept uptodate by applying all the received information, which is in the Notices to Mariners day by day.
L'urgence prime la forme - By Cr - 2012-2024
For updates, corrections, new charts or new documents please send an e-mail to
For my father and my mother / Pour mon père et ma mère